Cheetah helpless when Crocodile attack and steal its food, Wild Animals Attack (2)

  • last year
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 (dramatic music)
00:05 (rooster crowing)
00:25 - In a short race for animals,
00:32 the cheetah would certainly win the gold medal.
00:34 Cheetahs have a top speed of 70 miles per hour.
00:42 They deserve to be crowned
00:49 the world's fastest short distance runners.
00:51 (dramatic music)
00:56 (dramatic music)
00:59 Meanwhile, crocodiles are so powerful
01:08 that even some of the predators like lions,
01:10 cheetahs or tigers, when approach any pond or river
01:13 in a forest will act cautiously because of their fear.
01:16 (dramatic music)
01:20 (dramatic music)
01:22 (dramatic music)
01:25 (dramatic music)
01:55 Even the Nile crocodile can definitely be considered
01:58 as natural predator of the cheetah.
01:59 (dramatic music)
02:03 Antelope are extremely important prey animals
02:17 and are preyed upon by all major predators in an ecosystem,
02:20 including lions, cheetahs and humans.
02:23 (dramatic music)
02:26 They then kill their victim by breaking its neck
02:34 or suffocating it by clamping their jaws around its throat.
02:37 (dramatic music)
02:41 But sometimes there is no hiding or stalking involved.
02:51 They go for the big prey and then corner it strategically.
02:54 Lionesses do indeed do the majority of the hunting.
03:05 Lions, on the other hand, have the well-known reputation
03:16 of just lying around in the shade.
03:18 (dramatic music)
03:21 Lions are the protectors of the pride.
03:37 (dramatic music)
03:39 (dramatic music)
03:42 There are two distinctly different techniques.
03:56 (dramatic music)
03:59 (dramatic music)
04:02 The first is stalking.
04:12 This is the bread and butter of the lioness.
04:14 (dramatic music)
04:28 Generally speaking, it is similar to the method
04:30 used by cheetahs, just without the jet pack
04:33 that the cheetahs have at their disposal.
04:35 (dramatic music)
04:38 The lioness stays hidden as long as possible,
04:50 slinking along on her belly when necessary,
04:52 staying hidden in the grass in order to get
04:54 as close to the prey as possible.
04:56 (dramatic music)
04:59 When she and her fellow lionesses finally get noticed
05:14 and the jig is up, it's a mad sprint to the prey.
05:17 (dramatic music)
05:19 (dramatic music)
05:22 Inevitably, one of the lionesses gets some claws in
05:37 and trips or tackles the prey, and then if needed,
05:40 the others join in to keep the prey down
05:42 until the throat is crushed and the game is over.
05:44 (dramatic music)
05:47 (dramatic music)
05:49 This same stealth method is used even when a lioness
05:58 is hunting alone, which may on occasion happen.
06:01 (dramatic music)
06:03 In this scenario, the prey could be anything
06:16 from a wildebeest, a zebra, a young buffalo that got lost,
06:20 various antelope and other medium-sized prey,
06:23 which is the majority of the diet.
06:24 (dramatic music)
06:27 (dramatic music)
06:38 (dramatic music)
06:41 (dramatic music)
06:43 (dramatic music)
07:11 Warthogs are one of the lions' favorite prey species,
07:14 especially smaller ones.
07:16 (dramatic music)
07:19 Lions typically hunt animals between 50 kilograms
07:34 such as warthogs and 300 kilograms like wildebeest.
07:38 (dramatic music)
07:41 (dramatic music)
07:44 They rarely prey on fully grown healthy elephants,
07:55 but do on small or sickened ones or elephants ready to die.
07:58 (dramatic music)
08:01 (dramatic music)
08:04 (dramatic music)
08:16 (dramatic music)
08:19 Who typically distance themselves from the herd?
08:34 Zebra, giraffes, buffalo and antelopes
08:37 are part of the menu too.
08:38 (dramatic music)
08:41 (dramatic music)
08:44 They typically get priority over small animals like rodents.
08:58 (dramatic music)
09:01 (dramatic music)
09:04 Mongoose or rabbits because the energy expended
09:15 to catch the prey.
09:17 (dramatic music)
09:20 (dramatic music)
09:23 Will not be paid off by eating these small animals.
09:35 (dramatic music)
09:38 (dramatic music)
09:41 Please like this video and subscribe
09:57 to BV Animal Documentary
09:59 if you want more videos like this.
10:01 (gentle music)
10:04 Thanks for watching.
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10:12 (gentle music)
10:16 (gentle music)
10:19 (dramatic music)
