L'Empreinte de Frankenstein | movie | 1964 | Official Trailer

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C'est dans un laboratoire de campagne que le Baron Frankenstein (Peter Cushing), aidé par son assistant Hans (Sandor El | dG1fN0c4amhQeVBJYU0
00:00 [Générique]
00:28 [Explosion]
00:35 [Homme] You are interrupting my work.
00:37 [Homme] Your work, the work of the devil.
00:39 [Homme] Hans, please father, you can't...
00:41 [Homme] No!
00:42 [Générique]
00:47 [Homme] The evil of Frankenstein.
00:50 [Générique]
00:56 [Homme cri]
00:58 [Homme] The evil of a man who created a monster by crude surgery.
01:03 [Homme crie]
01:04 [Homme] And harnessed the tempestuous forces of nature to give it life.
01:11 [Homme] The evil of Frankenstein unleashed a monster that terrorized a whole community.
01:17 [Générique]
01:30 [Homme] Peter Cushing as the Baron.
01:33 [Homme] And Peter Woodthorpe as the ruthless Professor Zoltan.
01:37 [Homme] Who fought the Baron for control of the monster.
01:41 [Homme] Oh, he'll understand you alright.
01:43 [Homme] He just won't obey you.
01:46 [Homme] That's all.
01:47 [Homme] Duncan Lamont as the Chief of Police.
01:50 [Homme] Katie Wilde and Sandra Elles as two young people caught up in...
01:54 [Homme] The evil of Frankenstein.
01:58 [Générique]
02:20 [Homme] Get out of his way, you fool!
02:22 [Homme] Go back and kill him.
02:24 [Générique]
02:38 [Générique]
02:41 Merci à tous !
02:43 Merci à tous !