9 août 2023 en salle / 1h 37min
De Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson
Par Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson, Halldór Halldórsson
Avec Timothy Spall, Emun Elliott, Ella Rumpf
Titre original : Northern Comfort
Sarah est une femme d’affaire basée à Londres qui souffre d’une peur incontrôlable de l’avion. Pour sauver sa nouvelle relation amoureuse, elle doit surmonter sa phobie et apprendre à lâcher prise – quitte à endurer un vol inattendu et follement imprévisible vers l’Islande…
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De Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson
Par Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson, Halldór Halldórsson
Avec Timothy Spall, Emun Elliott, Ella Rumpf
Titre original : Northern Comfort
Sarah est une femme d’affaire basée à Londres qui souffre d’une peur incontrôlable de l’avion. Pour sauver sa nouvelle relation amoureuse, elle doit surmonter sa phobie et apprendre à lâcher prise – quitte à endurer un vol inattendu et follement imprévisible vers l’Islande…
Plus d'informations : https://www.leblogducinema.com/tag/zones-de-turbulence/
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Court métrageTranscription
00:00 [SILENCE]
00:03 [MUSIQUE]
00:07 - Say hello, fearless fliers!
00:10 - Good life.
00:11 [MUSIQUE]
00:12 - This is the most important exercise.
00:14 It's not the destination, but the flight that matters.
00:17 - I've booked us on a flight to Iceland.
00:19 Exotic, right?
00:20 - That lump of volcanic rock in the north Atlantic.
00:23 - David, come back! You're a fearless flier!
00:26 - Once we reach the destination, we'll wait there for a couple of hours,
00:29 and then we'll pop back in.
00:31 - I'm not afraid of flying.
00:32 - What are you doing here then?
00:33 - It's Alphonse. He was so afraid, he refused to sign up unless I came with him.
00:37 - Coco.
00:38 - What the fuck?
00:39 [MUSIQUE]
00:40 - Dear guests, it is now time for the safety demonstration.
00:43 - All it takes is one little bird to get sucked into the engine of an aircraft.
00:48 [CRISES]
00:54 - I just survived the most terrifying flight of my life.
00:58 - Our flight has been delayed nine hours.
01:01 - Apparently, there was a partial breakdown in one of the engines.
01:04 - They've arranged a wellness hotel for us to gather ourselves and prepare for this evening.
01:09 - To take that flight tonight would be nothing less than suicide.
01:12 - No matter what the others decide, okay, we're taking that flight tonight.
01:15 - If you want to fly, spread your wings.
01:18 [MUSIQUE]
01:24 - I have never felt so alive.
01:26 [CRISES]
01:29 - I want to go home!
01:30 [MUSIQUE]
01:31 - In the middle of fucking nowhere!
01:33 [MUSIQUE]
01:42 - It's a little bit foggy in London, so...
01:44 - Oh yes, there's definitely something foggy going on here.
01:46 [MUSIQUE]
01:51 [SILENCE]