• l’année dernière
00:01 Hi !
00:01 Mom ?
00:02 People are gonna think you're my boy toy!
00:04 Don't say that...
00:05 2,3% of the adult population have OCD
00:09 Sa'n gentil ♫
00:10 Forget it, I go!
00:11 Finally...
00:12 5% have ADHD
00:15 You leave he wins.
00:16 <i>Right, wut, I'm not go--</i>
00:17 And 54% are ACOD
00:20 Adults children of divorce
00:22 You have both turned a nine year marriage
00:24 into a hundred year war.
00:29 Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.
00:30 So, what brings you here ?
00:32 Well, my brother's getting married.
00:33 What's it been, three or four months ?
00:34 Oh my god ! Oh my god !
00:35 Wow !
00:36 Yeah, it has been.
00:37 Yeah !
00:38 It's been like four months !
00:39 My parents are, you know, being a nightmare.
00:42 Please tell me you are not your father's son !
00:44 If I ever see that woman, I'm gonna kick her in the balls.
00:47 Your dad has a new wife ?
00:48 Wife number three.
00:49 Bring me my babies !
00:50 Mommy !
00:52 I guess I'm just looking for someone to talk to.
00:54 I'm not a therapist.
00:55 But you are my therapist.
00:56 Oh, no, no, no.
00:57 I saw you as part of the study of the effects of divorce on children.
01:01 Oh.
01:01 I wrote a book about it.
01:03 Relax.
01:04 She didn't use your real name.
01:06 You were like Robert or something.
01:07 It's Rick.
01:08 Rick !
01:09 You're Rick.
01:09 You're totally right.
01:10 You know, according to this, Rick is a total disaster.
01:13 You do realize that Rick now owns a successful business
01:16 and has a beautiful girlfriend.
01:17 So you read it.
01:18 There's no current research about people like you.
01:21 People like me ?
01:22 ACODs.
01:23 Adults children of divorce.
01:24 Do you realize you are the least parented generation ever ?
01:27 So how do you two know each other ?
01:30 We're part of a...
01:31 Book club.
01:32 Book club.
01:32 We're in a...
01:34 Book club.
01:35 So you're afraid of making the same mistakes your parents made ?
01:41 No.
01:42 No.
01:42 I'm gonna call that echoing.
01:43 Echoing.
01:44 No, it's not echoing.
01:45 And I've just coined a new term and I think it's clever.
01:47 Do you know how many men I could have married ?
01:50 A lot of men.
01:51 And I married your father who had an adult son the same age as me.
01:54 Like a year younger than you.
01:55 You think ?
01:55 Yeah.
01:56 Congratulations.
01:57 It's irrelevant.
01:58 I know you think you know better.
02:00 That's a trait you get from your father.
02:02 I do know better.
02:03 I shielded you.
02:11 You were a last ditch effort to save this marriage.
02:15 That's a stupid lie.
02:16 Darling, you were an accident.
02:18 [Music]
02:24 [SILENCE]