Mother Wildebeest attacks Lion very hard to save her baby , Wild Animals Attack (2)

  • last year


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01:41 (leopard barking)
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01:48 - Leopards are basically opportunistic hunters,
01:58 meaning they'll devour almost anything with flesh on it.
02:04 Granted, they prefer medium-sized antelopes like impalas,
02:08 but they'll feast on fish, birds, wild pigs,
02:12 amphibians, reptiles, monkeys, and rodents.
02:16 When it sights its target,
02:20 the leopard slowly and stealthily stalks forward.
02:24 The animal's head is low and its legs are bent.
02:32 The leopard is a master at camouflage
02:34 and always tries to make clever use of cover.
02:37 The leopard can either stalk its prey over long distances,
02:41 or it can patiently wait in an ambush-type position
02:44 if it knows its prey is moving closer.
02:48 At about 32 feet, the cat attacks.
02:51 It dashes forward and uses its piercing and hooked claws
02:54 to render its prey almost useless.
03:00 The final deadly blow comes
03:02 from the cat's sharp and strong teeth.
03:04 These teeth bite directly at the nape
03:08 of the prey's neck or at the throat.
03:11 The final bite typically signals the end of the hunt.
03:17 Wildebeest is the most common animal
03:23 that can be encountered in Tanzania.
03:29 They are one of the most populated species
03:31 that take part in the Great Serengeti Migration.
03:35 These animals are having lean legs
03:40 and a lightweight body to escape
03:42 from the claws of predators.
03:43 But they have weak sighting sense
03:48 and better hearing and smelling sense.
03:50 Wildebeest can run at a speed of 40 miles per hour.
03:58 The fact about these species
04:00 is they can run faster than a lion.
04:02 They also known as ox-headed antelopes.
04:07 Their habitats are especially in the Serengeti Plains.
04:13 Wildebeests have many natural enemies.
04:17 It has many enemies such as lions,
04:22 leopards, hyenas, and wild dogs.
04:26 (upbeat music)
04:30 These animals weighing between 150 and 300 kilograms
04:35 are a delicious meal for predators.
04:37 These wildebeests who migrate once or twice a year
04:42 due to drought encounter many different dangers in nature.
04:45 These animals which travel in large flocks
04:51 in places such as Serengeti and Masai Mara
04:54 are also very successful in terms of defense.
04:57 It can repel opponents with its horns and strong feet.
05:04 It is a creature that does not give up easily
05:09 even in a lion attack.
05:11 (upbeat music)
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05:17 Zebras can run at 64 kilometer per hour.
05:39 Lions can run at 80 kilometer per hour,
05:42 but in short bursts.
05:44 Lions with relatively small hearts and lungs
05:48 don't have good stamina.
05:49 Zebra can't quite run forever,
05:53 but they can run at full speed for over a mile.
05:56 Their predators must pounce within the first kilometer.
06:01 None of the cats can sprint for longer than that.
06:08 Adult zebras have a very deadly kick.
06:10 In fact, zebras have the most powerful kick
06:15 of any animal on the planet.
06:17 Like giraffes, they've been known to kill lions
06:23 with a swift kick to the head.
06:24 The zebra is thought to deliver as much as 15,000 Newtons
06:30 in a kick or the force of one and a half metric tons.
06:36 Wildebeest are very strong
06:38 and can inflict landlord injury even to a lion.
06:41 The most important tactic of these animals
06:46 is this defensive tactic by herding,
06:49 where the young animals are protected by the older,
06:51 larger ones, while the herd runs as a group.
06:54 Lions hunt either collaboratively or by themselves.
07:04 Collaborative hunting usually involves the males
07:07 approaching the intended prey upwind
07:09 with the intention of driving it towards lionesses
07:12 hiding in the bush downwind.
07:14 Lions are not as fast as most of their prey,
07:20 so they rely heavily on the element of surprise when hunting.
07:24 They will attempt to get to within 30 meters
07:29 of their prey before charging.
07:34 They don't have the inclination for a long chase
07:36 and will not pursue their prey very far
07:39 if the first attack fails.
07:40 In a successful hunt, the prey is knocked off balance,
07:46 dragged down and then killed with a bite
07:48 to the back of the neck or the throat.
07:50 In some cases, a kill can be a bloody, drawn-out procedure.
07:57 Buffalo have been known to fend off lion attacks
08:03 for hours before succumbing to loss of blood and energy.
08:06 The strongest male lion will eat first,
08:11 followed by other members of the pride.
08:13 Lionesses will feed themselves first,
08:18 with cubs getting the scraps.
08:20 Lions sometimes become the victims of their intended prey.
08:25 There have been instances in which lions have been killed
08:30 by giraffe, buffalo, kudu, snakes and even porcupines.
08:35 Leopards are an opportunistic predators
08:40 and usually takes on any opportunity to kill a lion's cub
08:44 to decrease competition from lions,
08:46 and lions are also known to kill the cubs of leopards too
08:50 and cheetahs as well.
08:51 On one-on-one fights, the leopard isn't a match
08:58 for a male lion, nor even for a lioness.
09:01 A battle between a male lion and a male leopard
09:13 would end most certainly with the lion killing the leopard,
09:16 because although powerful, the leopard's hits and bites
09:20 all would be deflected and it finds itself killed
09:22 by the more powerful lion, which is so skillful in fighting
09:26 and so armored it will achieve nonetheless
09:28 than a total victory.
09:30 Leopards avoid lions in general
09:38 and stay in their own territories
09:40 and mind themselves away from their feline cousins,
09:43 because they're ever since the dawn of natural history
09:46 aware of a more powerful animal than themselves,
09:48 which is the lion.
09:49 (upbeat music)
09:52 A watering hole is one of the most common places
10:07 for one animal to attack another,
10:10 since most animals must go to a place to drink.
10:13 This is an ideal place for predators to wait
10:16 and just let the prey come to them when they are hungry.
10:20 Crocodiles and other large animals
10:22 that primarily live in the water
10:24 will grab the animals that lean down to drink.
10:27 Crocodile like a classic opportunistic predators.
10:31 They lurk patiently beneath the surface
10:33 near the water's edge,
10:34 waiting for potential prey to stop to take a sip.
10:39 They will eat anything their jaws can get.
10:41 Without warning, they burst out of the water
10:44 with a flick of their powerful tail,
10:47 grabbed their victim and dragged them back,
10:49 holding them down until the animal drowned.
10:53 They have the strongest bite of any animal.
10:55 Large crocodiles can bite down
10:57 with a force of over 5.000 pounds per square inch.
11:02 That's stronger than a Rottweiler and hyena
11:05 or even a great white shark.
11:07 Hyenas are often thought of as scavengers,
11:11 but are also traditional carnivores.
11:14 A lone hyena feeds mostly on dead animals.
11:17 Hyenas may consume an animal that has died of injuries
11:23 or it may steal meat from another carnivore.
11:27 A pack of hyenas, however,
11:29 will work together to hunt antelope and other creatures.
11:34 You may underestimate hyena as an animal
11:37 that only feeds on leftover by other animals.
11:41 The truth is, most time,
11:43 they find food themselves by hunting.
11:47 They have exceptionally powerful jaws.
11:51 Their bite force measured at 1.100 pounds per square inch,
11:55 sigh, which is more powerful than lions and tigers.
12:00 Please like this video and subscribe to BV Animal Documentary,
12:05 if you want more videos like this.
12:07 Thanks for watching.
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