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00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:19 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:25 - Lewis and Clark, the immortal heroes,
00:27 whose amazing expedition into the unknown
00:30 was inspired by the towering vision
00:32 of President Thomas Jefferson.
00:34 - The dream on which this nation was built
00:37 will never be secure until the United States stretches
00:40 from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
00:43 - In the annals of the West, they were the first.
00:45 All others followed.
00:47 And here in this mightiest of all frontier spectacles,
00:50 you'll share the thrill of discovery,
00:52 the beauty of the untamed wilderness
00:55 no white man saw before them,
00:57 the deadly dangers they were the first to face.
01:00 - Man the swivel gun!
01:01 (crowd cheering)
01:03 Prepare to fire!
01:05 - Fred McMurray as Captain Meriwether Lewis,
01:08 Charlton Heston as dashing, impetuous Captain William Clark.
01:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:14 (explosion)
01:20 - Donna Reed, Academy Award winner for her performance
01:23 in "From Here to Eternity"
01:24 as the Indian girl, Sakajawea,
01:27 who led the white strangers
01:28 but followed the primitive code of her own people.
01:31 - You have fought for me and you have won.
01:33 - What? - I belong to you now.
01:36 - Their immortal romance, a glowing chapter
01:38 in this imperishable saga,
01:40 written in the blood, sweat and glory
01:42 of these soldiers in buckskin
01:45 who blazed a 2,000-mile trail of stirring adventure
01:49 through a thousand moments of savage danger.
01:52 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:57 (explosion)
01:59 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:03 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:14 (explosion)
02:15 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada