8 July 2023 Today My Telenor App Questions and Answers | Today My Telenor Test Your Skills Quiz Ans

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8 July 2023 Today My Telenor App Questions and Answers | Today My Telenor Test Your Skills Quiz Ans
Today Telenor Quiz
Test Your Skills Quiz
Today Quiz
What was the name of the place where Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was instructed to sacrifice his son?
What is the Arabic term for the act sacrificing an animal during Eid Ul Azha?
How many equal portions are recommended for dividing the meat from the sacrificed animal?
What is the name of the Islamic month that follows Eid Ul Azha?
Which is the holiest mosque in Islam where Eid Ul Azha prayers are performed?
8 July 2023 Today My Telenor App Questions and Answers | Today My Telenor Test Your Skills Quiz Ans
General Knowledge With Waheed
Today My Telenor App Question Answer
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8 July 2023 Today My Telenor App Questions and Answers | Today My Telenor Test Your Skills Quiz Ans
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8 July 2023 Today My Telenor App Questions and Answers | Today My Telenor Test Your Skills Quiz Ans
