Hollyoaks 10th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 I need a favour.
00:01 How can I help you?
00:01 Well, I need to find a chaperone for the prom
00:04 and I wondered if you'd be interested.
00:06 You know I'm really going to miss you when you go, right?
00:08 You're the only one girl in the world I'd want to be by my side tomorrow night.
00:12 Would you do me the honour of being my date to prom?
00:14 Actually, there's no need to worry because I got the all clear.
00:17 You've never had an appointment in this hospital.
00:19 You never had a lump, did you?
00:21 I like you and you like me.
00:22 Nothing else matters, right?
00:24 Forget Shingling and just let this happen.
00:27 Yeah, okay.
00:27 [Music]
00:37 [Music]
00:47 [Music]
00:57 [Music]
01:07 [Music]
01:17 [Music]
01:27 Let me guess.
01:28 That's your prom date.
01:30 So does that make it Shingling or Ella?
01:34 [Music]
01:54 You actually managed to get some?
01:55 Of course.
01:57 Tonight's going to be epic.
01:58 [Music]
02:12 Are you sure it's a good idea to go to the prom with your ex?
02:15 [Music]
02:24 Are you nervous about playing with the band tonight?
02:28 Yeah, yeah, a bit.
02:29 Just remember that it's not just a performance, it's your prom too.
02:33 Gonna make memories that will stick with you for life.
02:36 I'll never forget mine.
02:37 I can't believe it was two years ago.
02:40 Me, him, Rand Jules.
02:43 Something's just changed since then.
02:46 Good night to Mr Dean.
02:48 I need to have a little chat with you about girls.
02:52 What are you wearing?
02:53 I don't care what I'm wearing.
02:54 I'm chaperoning at the prom and I think I look pretty fleek.
02:59 You look like a pimp.
03:00 Huh.
03:02 I'll be glad I'm not wearing the matching hat.
03:04 And anyway, don't change the subject, okay?
03:06 Did you or did you not cheat on Shingling with Ella?
03:10 Charlie, well it wasn't like that, was it?
03:12 What was it like then?
03:16 Well, you know, me and Ella, we kind of just happened.
03:25 Just happened?
03:25 Yeah, and with the, you know, difficulty last week.
03:31 Look, that's over now.
03:34 Me and Shingling, we're back on track.
03:36 In fact, we spent the night together last night.
03:41 Does Ella know that?
03:43 Because it sounds like you're leading her on.
03:45 Yeah, Brooke's right.
03:47 And Charlie, you need to sort this because someone's gonna get hurt, all right?
03:52 [MUSIC]
03:59 Hey, mate.
04:00 How's your mum doing?
04:01 Uh, yeah, she'll be all right.
04:02 She'll need to pump with an IV for London Loxone for the next few days
04:06 and then she'll need to see the in-house psychiatrist, but she'll be fine.
04:09 When it comes to my whole day, this isn't my favourite idea.
04:13 See?
04:14 No.
04:15 To be honest, I am more worried about Perrie.
04:19 The way she said your appointment wasn't in the system, it's like she was accusing you of lying.
04:23 Yeah, I just, I don't understand why she'd think I'd do something like that.
04:26 I mean, clearly it was an admin error or something.
04:28 Yeah, I guess.
04:29 Still, if there is no record of your appointment, we should probably chase it up.
04:32 Don't want you falling off the system or something, do we?
04:34 Look, I got the all clear, so I just want to pretend this whole scare thing never happened.
04:38 Can you say so?
04:39 We got lucky.
04:41 We both know how bad it could have been.
04:43 Still, why would Pez jump to such a bad conclusion?
04:47 I forget about Perrie.
04:49 I got some freebies from this wellness brand.
04:52 I was thinking maybe we can take it to your mum.
04:53 I'm sure she'd really appreciate a visit.
04:55 All this stress that's going on, and you still think of other people.
05:00 I just want you and I.
05:03 Who do you think's gonna get voted for prom, won't they?
05:08 There's gotta be a total couple of girls.
05:10 Ooh, I bet it's Shilin and Charlie.
05:13 Yeah, right.
05:14 I just, I just mean, well, they haven't been together.
05:18 They haven't been together for very long, have they?
05:20 I don't think they're serious.
05:21 Right, just before you head off, I wanted to give you this.
05:27 Open it.
05:29 I know it's cheesy, but it's just to say how proud I am of you.
05:35 It matches my dress.
05:37 Would you expect anything less?
05:39 Come here.
05:40 Nope, not too tight. I'll wrinkle.
05:44 Sorry.
05:45 Sorry.
05:46 [laughs]
05:48 Oh, I remember when the both of you were about this big.
05:51 And now look at you.
05:53 Get with the tissues again.
05:56 Can you believe my dad chose this?
06:01 Sorry, I didn't mean to rub it in or anything.
06:07 It's fine.
06:07 It's sweet.
06:09 Imagine if Warren actually was your real dad.
06:15 No one would ever mess with you again.
06:16 I just want to forget about all that stuff for now.
06:20 Just enjoy prom.
06:22 Besides, I might have someone else to focus on.
06:31 Stunning.
06:35 Shut up.
06:37 I mean it.
06:38 Hey, I never got the chance to go to my prom.
06:42 It's hard to believe, I know, but not all of my friends could see how fabulous I was.
06:47 So for me to see you looking like this, it's just...
06:50 Well, thank you for helping me get ready.
06:56 Of course.
06:59 I mean, who else was going to do your contouring as good as I can?
07:02 But listen, about going with DeMarcus, going with him to the prom,
07:08 are you sure you can handle it?
07:11 Look, he's moving to the other side of the world tomorrow,
07:14 so we've agreed to have one final amazing night.
07:18 I'll be fine.
07:20 Trust me.
07:21 Well, you look...
07:31 So, you ready?
07:36 Yeah.
07:42 No, this is not happening.
07:57 Is everything all right?
07:58 Sally's the one who played cover songs.
08:00 Yeah, she says your original stuff is too heavy for prom.
08:03 Well, in my defence, you were thinking of starting the entire set with a song called
08:07 "The Infinite Blackness of a Hopeless World."
08:11 Don't you know any James Blunt?
08:13 Let's just say yes, and then when it comes through, we can just play our stuff.
08:19 What can she do?
08:21 Fine.
08:21 Where's Ella?
08:22 I'm not sure what she's meant to be here.
08:24 No, it's fine.
08:26 Just start the soundtrack without her, and she can join in when she gets here.
08:33 Um, actually, just start without me. I need the toilet.
08:36 Talk about nerves.
08:39 You just realise it's the school prom and not the pyramid stage at Glastonbury, right?
08:44 Hey.
08:59 I thought we were meeting before practice.
09:02 Sorry, um, Leah had a corsage malfunction on the way here.
09:05 She's sorted now, but got delayed.
09:07 So, what do you think of the dress?
09:14 Oh, um, yeah, yeah, it's nice, um, but look,
09:21 I've been meaning to speak to you about me, you and Ching-Ling.
09:25 I get it.
09:27 Really?
09:29 Of course.
09:31 You don't want to hurt her, but
09:32 can't deny how we feel about each other, can we?
09:35 The other night was magical.
09:37 Look, I'm so sorry, but this is all wrong.
09:42 Ella, we've known each other since we were kids.
09:46 We've been through so much together, but we're, like, bonded for life.
09:51 That's why I don't want to leave you, Mum.
09:53 You're one of my best mates, but that's it.
10:00 What we did, it was a mistake.
10:02 What are you saying?
10:05 We should never have slept together, Ella.
10:08 You slept with Ella?
10:10 I can't believe you'd do this to me.
10:25 I thought we were getting back together.
10:27 I got cheated on by year 11.
10:29 I thought you loved me.
10:30 Well?
10:31 What is all the shouting about?
10:33 Ask Holly Oakes, High Lothario.
10:35 Oh, really?
10:38 I didn't do anything to you, did I?
10:39 You said two of my friends, right before prom,
10:42 could you just keep it in your trousers?
10:43 Ching-Ling, I'm so sorry.
10:49 I didn't mean to hurt you.
10:50 I'm really, I'm into you.
10:51 And so I was what?
10:54 Just someone to practice your technique on?
10:58 Oh my God.
11:00 Seriously?
11:00 If you really didn't care, then why did you buy me this dress?
11:03 You didn't.
11:05 I did.
11:07 I saw how left out you felt at the fashion parade
11:09 and I didn't want you to miss out on all the fun.
11:11 But I guess you were making your own, with my boyfriend.
11:16 I thought you actually cared.
11:21 I'm such an idiot.
11:24 Why do I always do this?
11:27 You are a complete loser.
11:29 Whoa, where's the fire at?
11:40 Band practice that bad, was it?
11:42 It's not about the stupid band practice,
11:44 it's about your stupid son.
11:45 It's a nutrient-rich face mask
11:54 which will help hydrate your skin on a macro level.
11:57 Hmm, great.
11:58 That is just what I need to help me with cold circuit.
12:00 Mum?
12:01 Sorry.
12:02 Sorry, I just...
12:04 I guess I'm just shocked you're even here.
12:07 I thought you'd hate me as much as I hate myself.
12:10 Yeah, well, like, it hurts seeing you in here
12:15 because of that crap you put in your body.
12:16 Especially when she always spent so much time in here.
12:20 When she didn't deserve to.
12:23 He's not saying you deserve it.
12:26 He's just upset.
12:28 He thought he'd lost you too.
12:31 But he knows addiction is a disease.
12:35 Why have you been so nice to me?
12:38 I just feel like there's a lot of blame going around recently.
12:43 And I think everyone needs to be a lot kinder to each other.
12:46 Especially now.
12:47 She's right.
12:50 I'm sorry.
12:51 I love you, Mum.
12:53 And I know you're strong enough to get through this relapse.
12:55 Oh, Paz, what are you doing here?
13:01 I just wanted to come see how you are.
13:02 And anyway, I was here for a meeting.
13:04 Trying to get my job back.
13:06 Oh, good for you, love.
13:08 I was with the Faces.
13:12 Perri is still convinced that Raine was lying about the lump.
13:18 I told you.
13:19 She never had a consultation.
13:21 There's nothing about it in her records.
13:22 I just...
13:25 I don't understand why you think I'd do something like that.
13:28 I don't know.
13:29 Maybe you weren't getting enough attention on the run-up to his sister's funeral.
13:34 Did you actually just say that?
13:36 Look, Paz...
13:40 Don't call me Paz.
13:40 You've been through a lot recently.
13:45 Losing Juliet.
13:47 I mean, clearly everyone's struggling.
13:52 I just think there's a lot of things you need to work through.
13:54 So maybe you should go and see someone.
13:57 Talk out your anger.
13:58 Use it as an outlet.
13:59 But trust me, making me the bad guy, it's...
14:02 It's not gonna help anyone.
14:04 It's just gonna cause more pain.
14:06 Paz, I'm not making this up.
14:08 She is. Please, you've gotta believe me.
14:10 I think you should leave.
14:14 [MUSIC]
14:28 Welcome to Hollyoaks High's Class of 2023 prom!
14:32 [MUSIC]
14:45 Hey, Freya.
14:46 You're back!
14:48 Yep, just in time for prom.
14:49 And I'll be doing A-levels here too.
14:51 You must be Dylan.
14:52 The girls have told me all about you.
14:54 Don't believe everything you hear.
14:56 Unless what a sick guitarist I am, then it's totally true.
15:01 Oh my days, talk about couple goals.
15:03 You made it. I love your hair.
15:06 Thanks, but I'm confused.
15:08 You told me you two had split up.
15:10 Oh no, yeah, we have.
15:11 It's just, um...
15:11 We're doing the whole friends thing, you know?
15:14 One big night before he goes off to the States.
15:17 Friends.
15:19 I believe you.
15:20 I know.
15:20 [MUSIC]
15:25 Hello!
15:26 Now, don't forget, everyone.
15:29 You have to vote for your prom royalty in that little box around the corner, all right?
15:35 [LAUGHTER]
15:35 Hello!
15:36 Are you okay?
15:39 Part of me thought that maybe Charlie and I would be up there, you know?
15:46 In our crowns, winning.
15:47 Why would he do this to me?
15:50 It's Charlie Dean. It's what he does.
15:51 And what about Ella?
15:52 She's supposed to be my friend.
15:54 Okay, what she did was bang out of order, and I'm not excusing that, but...
15:58 She's going through a lot. Her head's all over the place.
16:01 Then why wouldn't she talk to us?
16:03 I mean, where even is she anyways?
16:05 Shingling!
16:06 Hey.
16:15 How nice.
16:18 You guys are the bach heads.
16:19 We used to hang out with girls and hide from them.
16:21 I, uh...
16:23 Just bumped into Shingling.
16:27 Well, go on, then.
16:28 Tell me you told me so, and what a disappointment I am.
16:32 Charlie.
16:33 You should get a print on a t-shirt. I mess up that often.
16:37 Well...
16:40 I can't exactly talk, can I?
16:43 Eh?
16:43 I nearly destroyed our family leaving Nancy for Mandy.
16:47 Mate, you look like you're really struggling here.
16:52 No wonder all this triggered your anxiety.
16:56 No, I never meant to hurt any of them.
16:58 But I'm an awful person.
17:00 No, you're not.
17:01 You're young, and you're making mistakes, okay?
17:04 I mean, what's my excuse, eh?
17:07 Like you keep telling me I'm ancient.
17:09 I'm still doing it.
17:10 So why don't we go home, and get out of your monkey suit, get comfortable.
17:17 I mean, I need to get out of this.
17:18 It's hitching me in places I didn't know existed.
17:20 And then, um...
17:24 And then, um...
17:25 We can sit down and figure it all out, eh?
17:29 I can't.
17:30 I've got to play in the van.
17:32 Eh, Charlie, Charlie?
17:35 Do you really think that's a good idea?
17:38 Sitting down in front of everyone, flanked by the two girls who hate you right now.
17:42 It's not really gonna help, is it?
17:44 I can't let them all down, though, can I?
17:46 Like, I wanna show Shingling that I'll fight for her.
17:48 I'm not just gonna give up and run away.
17:50 [MUSIC]
18:00 [MUSIC]
18:10 Shout out to DJ Sweet Thing in the mix.
18:28 He'll be playing every Friday in the loft.
18:30 Those two should definitely be more than friends.
18:32 Nah, it's too late. He's leaving town tomorrow.
18:34 So, this is prom.
18:36 Every high school movie ever made just taught us that tonight's the perfect night for big romantic gestures.
18:40 We just need to give them a helping hand.
18:41 What are you doing?
18:44 Oh, come on, grab these, come on.
18:46 So where's the rest of the band?
18:52 Well, there's been a slight issue.
18:53 Creative differences or something, apparently.
18:55 Great.
18:56 So we've had no soundcheck and now the band consists of one guitarist?
19:01 Oh, well.
19:02 The show must go on, I suppose.
19:05 [MUSIC]
19:10 Oh, hello.
19:12 All right, everyone. All right, here we go.
19:16 Now it's the moment you've all been waiting for.
19:19 So I want you to put your hands together for...
19:21 What's the band's name again?
19:24 Death Riot of Misery.
19:26 [LAUGHTER]
19:27 Um, the Hollyoaks High Harmonizers!
19:30 [APPLAUSE]
19:35 Hey, you don't have to do this, you know.
19:37 I'm so sorry.
19:44 Just shut up and play.
19:45 Go on!
19:49 [MUSIC]
20:00 [CHEERING]
20:03 [MUSIC]
20:19 I think it's time we sorted things out once and for all, don't you?
20:23 [MUSIC]
20:35 You know, it's not quite the type of music I was asking for, but...
20:39 He's actually quite good, isn't he?
20:41 [LAUGHTER]
20:45 [MUSIC]
20:51 I can't do this.
20:52 [MUSIC]
21:00 Do it, do it now.
21:02 [MUSIC]
21:12 [MUSIC]
21:16 [MUSIC]
21:22 Oi!
21:23 Ella?
21:24 Are you okay?
21:26 Oh, cos no one cares about me, no one!
21:31 No, you're wasted.
21:33 Where's all your mates?
21:34 Where's Leah?
21:35 Everyone hates me.
21:37 Please tell me that you haven't drank all this.
21:41 Who's even bought this for you?
21:43 Come on.
21:44 You'll help me.
21:50 Of course you will.
21:52 We're the same.
21:54 We know what's really going on, don't we?
21:58 What are you talking about?
22:01 Oi, Ella!
22:04 Help!
22:06 Stay with me.
22:09 Stay with me, brother.
22:10 Ella, can you hear me?
22:11 [MUSIC]
22:16 And support information for the issues raised in Hollyoaks
22:19 can be found at channel4.com/support.
22:22 And you can follow some of the cast members
22:24 on their journey of self-discovery and representation
22:27 from What's Your Normal on the Hollyoaks TikTok now.
22:30 Next tonight is the Channel 4 News.
22:32 [MUSIC]
22:41 Are you sure this is a good idea?
22:43 Mrs. St. Clair's gonna go mad if she finds out.
22:45 Isn't this like election fraud or something?
22:47 Relax.
22:47 Vicky and DeMarcus deserve their big romantic moment.
22:50 And this is how we're going to give it to them.
22:52 [MUSIC]