The Most Fantastic Animals of the Ocean. You Haven't Seen Them Yet!!!

  • last year
00:00 The oceans cover most of our planet.
00:03 In the depths of the seas and oceans there's a mysterious, wonderful world completely unlike
00:08 the Earth.
00:11 Its beauty can amaze any imagination.
00:15 Man has studied the world ocean by only 5%, but has already made sure that one fact is
00:20 true - creatures of such a fantastic type live in its hiding places that you just want
00:25 to ask them - guys, what galaxy did you come from?
00:29 Well, let's not torment your curiosity and tickle your nerves, but we offer you to look
00:36 at the most unusual underwater creatures.
00:39 Plunge into the unknown thickness of the water world and see its beauty and greatness.
00:47 Drop all your earthly affairs, subscribe to the channel and see the amazing life that
00:52 exists underwater.
00:54 So, this is the banded moray eel.
01:09 Outwardly the fish resembles a long ribbon painted with rich, bright colors.
01:16 When moving it bends, forming a serpentine.
01:19 It looks very beautiful, live and in the photo.
01:24 The moray eel lives for about 20 years and during this period it manages to do a lot.
01:30 These creatures have an excellent sense of smell, which helps them hunt.
01:35 The main food of moray eel is medium-sized fish, mollusks and crustaceans.
01:51 A feature of this inhabitant of the sea is a constant change in color, but not only that.
01:57 The most intriguing thing is that the young moray eel is not a boy or a girl, but just
02:02 a teenager of indeterminate sex - a hermaphrodite.
02:07 But when they grow to almost a meter in length, they decide that in this life it is time to
02:12 self-determine and change their color to blue, which means they became males.
02:19 Having lived some part of its life in a male state and having matured to a length of more
02:24 than a meter, the moray eel decides to know life from the other side and turns into a
02:29 female, at the same time repainting in yellow.
02:34 An interesting fact - for a long time scientists believed that different colors are different
02:39 subspecies of moray eels.
02:41 And only in the 1970s the fact of hermaphroditeness of these fish was established.
02:52 Well the next amazing animal on our list is pyrosome.
02:55 Get acquainted.
02:57 Pyrosomes are one of the strangest inhabitants of the underwater world.
03:01 Meeting them underwater is like meeting a live unicorn, and it's hard to capture them
03:06 on camera.
03:09 Pyrosomes look like hollow tubes closed at one end.
03:13 This whole long tube is one pyrosome.
03:17 However it is made up of many small organisms that replicate exact copies of themselves
03:22 and weave together to form one large tube.
03:27 These organisms are called zoots.
03:30 These zoots themselves are very tiny and covered with a jelly-like shell.
03:35 Each such tube starts with just one zoot, which begins to create copies of itself and
03:40 becomes larger and larger.
03:43 The final size of the pyrosome depends on the species and age of the initial zoot.
03:49 It is strongly not recommended to swim inside the pyrosome.
03:53 Once some divers found a dead penguin inside such a tube.
03:59 To a greater extent, ocean currents are responsible for their movement.
04:04 Even science knows very little about pyrosomes, since large colonies are quite rare in the
04:09 ocean.
04:11 However, some believe that the ocean is actually teeming with these creatures.
04:22 And this is Batman of the underwater world.
04:25 Blanket octopus or flying squid.
04:28 All these names belong to one of the most exotic inhabitants of the deep sea.
04:33 Purple tremuctopus.
04:37 Like a ghost flying on the wings of the night, the tremuctopus soars in the water column,
04:42 spreading its mantle.
04:44 However, only the representatives of the weaker sex have a love for dramatic effects and a
04:50 mantle that appears out of nowhere.
04:53 Females growing up to 2 meters in length wear their unusual attire in a special bag near
04:59 their mouth, and in case of danger they straighten it, trying to appear larger and scarier than
05:05 they really are.
05:08 Males in the literal sense of the word have not matured to possess their own mantle.
05:14 Against the background of their huge partners, they look like real dwarfs.
05:18 The size of an average male rarely exceeds 2.5 cm.
05:24 And they weigh 40,000 times less than their girlfriends.
05:29 This is one of the largest variations in the size of females and males of a single animal
05:34 species.
05:35 But on the other hand, males become famous for their inventive hunting strategy.
05:41 They rip off the stinging tentacles of the jellyfish and use them as hunting weapons.
05:47 Well, it's quite an odd couple, isn't it?
05:50 5.
05:51 Sea Lilies
05:52 Sea Lilies.
06:04 What a nice name, isn't it?
06:08 Amazing creatures, sea lilies look like plants, although in fact they belong to the animal
06:13 world.
06:14 But it is not surprising, they look really unusual.
06:19 They really look like something alien.
06:23 In total, there are two large groups of sea lilies - stalked and unstalked.
06:30 Those with stems are tied to the bottom of the ocean.
06:33 Those who do not have a stem, swim freely in the ocean water.
06:38 Sea lilies can be found in any ocean and in any depth.
06:43 Some of their species live at a depth of 10,000 meters, but most of them live at a shallow
06:49 depth of 200 meters.
06:52 These amazing creatures feed by passing seawater through themselves and filtering out nutrients
06:58 from it.
07:00 Despite the apparent tenderness, the outside of the body of these creatures is covered
07:04 with an external skeleton.
07:07 Their fossilized remains are among the 10 most frequently discovered fossil animals.
07:14 But the most important fact is that the sea lily is a wonderful, magnificent and amazing
07:20 creation.
07:22 Those who manage to see these animals remember them forever.
07:27 Unfortunately the current deterioration of the ecological situation in the world ocean
07:32 is already endangering their survival.
07:41 And this is Venus girdle.
07:44 This animal is quite large and when unfolded it can be up to 2,5 meters long.
07:51 Its most notable feature is the transparent ribbon-like shape of the body.
07:58 Sometimes the animal curls up and becomes really like a belt.
08:04 But why Venus?
08:06 Because eight rows of plates shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow and a very beautiful
08:11 sight is obtained.
08:15 These creatures feed on planktonic crustaceans which are caught and passed to the mouth by
08:20 numerous antennae.
08:22 This animal moves due to serpentine body movements.
08:27 Can also glow in the dark.
08:38 This is a leafy sea dragon.
08:40 This fish is a real virtuoso of mimicry.
08:45 When it swims, the leaves sway as happens with trees in the wind.
08:51 The sea dragon moves slowly, so from a distance it looks very much like a torn twig of algae.
08:59 This inhabitant of the sea reaches 35 centimeters in length.
09:04 In structure it is similar to an ordinary seahorse.
09:07 The only difference is that its entire body is covered with plates with wavy edges.
09:14 The leaflets serve as camouflage to hide from predators.
09:20 Despite its size and harmless appearance, the leafy sea dragon is a predator.
09:26 Its diet includes shrimp and small fish, which the toothless dragon simply sucks inside.
09:33 What an impressive creature is the leafy sea dragon.
09:44 And this is the smallmouth macropina.
09:47 This fish has a very unusual appearance.
09:49 If you would like to know what is going on in the head of this creature, then it will
09:53 not be difficult for you to do this.
09:56 After all, this fish has a completely transparent head.
10:00 The size of this fish is small, about 15 centimeters in length and it feeds mainly on zoo plankton.
10:07 Since the smallmouth macropina has a tubular structure of the eye muscles, its cylindrical
10:12 eyes can be both in a vertical position and in a horizontal one.
10:18 Thus, the macropina can spot prey both when it is in front of it and when it swims above
10:23 it.
10:24 That is, the fish literally sees through the head.
10:30 And those brown dots on a transparent surface, which initially could be mistaken for sad
10:35 eyes, are actually olfactory receptors that help the smallmouth macropina when hunting.
10:43 Dear friends, this is where our video ends.
10:48 If you liked the topic "unusual animals of our planet" then write to us in the comments
10:52 and we will definitely make more videos under this heading.
10:59 See you soon!
10:59 Bye Bye!
11:09 [Music]
