Giant Dogs. Even Bears Are Scared of These Dogs.

  • last year
00:00 Cynologists divide all modern dog breeds into three categories - small, medium and large.
00:08 But there are those that do not fit into any standards.
00:12 And scientists single out giants taller than 55 cm and weighing more than 50 kg into a separate group.
00:21 Since ancient times they have served people.
00:25 They carry loads, guardhouses, herd herds and even nurse children.
00:30 So let's start the top 10 largest, strongest and hardiest dogs in the whole world. Let's go!
00:37 If you are a great fan of dogs, then subscribe to the channel and express your opinion in the comments.
00:45 So let's start with the biggest one right away.
00:59 The first place was taken by the English Mastiff.
01:03 This dog is the biggest and the kindest.
01:07 It is considered to be the largest dog in the world.
01:11 100 kg or more its average weight. Height about 1 meter.
01:17 The photo and name of this breed can be found in the Guinness Book of Records.
01:22 Mastiff Aikama Zorba became the largest dog on the planet.
01:26 It weighed 155 kg and was up to 94 cm tall.
01:32 The ancestors of the Mastiffs, the fighting dogs of the British Celts, were known as early as the 1st century BC.
01:41 The troops of the ancient Romans knew them too well.
01:44 The Roman historian Feliscus writes that the Britons surpassed all known dogs in strength and ferocity.
01:51 It was in ancient Rome that they began to be called Mastiffs.
01:55 According to one version, this is a distorted Latin "massivius" which means "big, massive" in translation.
02:02 Modern Mastiffs are peaceful animals, attached to the house and devoted to the owner.
02:07 So do not be afraid to take such a dog as a friend.
02:11 The second place is occupied by Saint Banner.
02:14 These dogs are sensitive and affectionate.
02:17 The weight of these dogs reaches up to 100 kg and the height is up to 90 cm.
02:24 The history of this large breed began in the Swiss Alps, on a dangerous mountain pass.
02:30 In the 11th century, dogs guarded the monastery of Saint Banner and helped the monks rescue wanderers lost in the snow and fog.
02:39 The breed got its name from the name of the monastery.
02:43 Large dogs with thick dense hair, strong paws and a unique sense of smell found people even under 2 m snowdrifts.
02:52 Acute hearing allows them to hear the approach of an avalanche.
02:57 In 1983, American scientists found that avalanche dogs distinguish sounds of a frequency of up to 46 kHz, and humans, by the way, only up to 20 kHz.
03:10 Today, alpine giants are rarely involved in rescue work.
03:15 But these calm and good-natured dogs became favorites in families with children, and their popularity increased dramatically in 1992, after the release of the movie "Beethoven".
03:27 So we are in the third place.
03:36 The third place was taken by the German Great Dane.
03:40 These dogs are very beautiful and photogenic.
03:43 The weight of this breed reaches up to 91 kg, and the height is up to 90 cm.
03:50 In medieval Europe, the name Great Dane united all large breeds of dogs.
03:55 And in the 19th century in Germany, on the basis of several varieties, a new breed was bred - powerful and graceful Great Danes.
04:05 The tallest of them surpass even Mastiffs in height.
04:09 Zeus, the Great Dane from the USA, reached 111 cm with a body weight of 70 kg.
04:16 Although they are unlikely to surpass Mastiffs in strength, despite their formidable appearance, they are obedient and affectionate creatures, excellent guards, companions, and even film actors.
04:30 One of the most famous roles is the Hound of the Baskervilles in the Soviet film, played by a dog named Cyclone.
04:38 These magnificent creatures live much less than other dogs, an average of 6.5 years.
04:44 Studies conducted in European dog clubs in the early 2000s showed that due to inbreeding and selection for external signs, they suffer from tumors, heart and stomach diseases.
04:57 In fourth place is the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
05:02 These dogs are very responsible and very loyal.
05:07 Their weight reaches up to 90 kg, and their height reaches up to 77 cm.
05:14 Huge shepherd dogs with powerful paws, thick hair occupy one of the top lines of the top 30 best guard dogs in the world.
05:23 This is a very ancient breed. They have been bred in the Caucasus for over 2000 years.
05:29 Shaggy giants guarded flocks of sheep from wolves and defended fortresses from enemies.
05:35 In the 18th century, they served as guards in the Turkish and Russian armies.
05:41 The body weight of the largest Caucasians reaches 100 kg, although their newborn puppies weigh only 600 grams.
05:50 They grow very quickly. In the first month of life, they add 200 grams daily.
05:56 In the next two months, 400 grams each.
06:00 The breed was formed in the mountains in conditions of changeable weather, so the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs adapt even to the most severe climate.
06:09 They dislike strangers and are truly attached to only one family member.
06:15 After all, once these dogs spent most of their lives only with their master, a shepherd.
06:25 And the fifth line in the ranking of the largest dog breeds in the world is occupied by New Foulans.
06:32 They are also called divers.
06:34 Friendly giants from the Caucasian island of New Foulan are loved all over the world.
06:40 They are not able to offend either an animal or a person.
06:44 The New Foulans do not have hunting instincts and aggression towards people.
06:49 Their weight reaches up to 70 kg and their height is up to 75 cm.
06:56 In the 18th century, dogs with water-repellent coats, webbed feet and innate swimming skills helped fishermen pull nets, carry loads and even navigate the sea.
07:10 Over the years of service, the New Foulans have learned to make independent decisions and act accurately in extreme situations.
07:19 These are sociable companions, faithful helpers and caring nannies, infinitely patient with children.
07:27 But the New Foulan is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the strongest dog in the world.
07:34 And why did it happen?
07:36 It's all because in 1979 Barbara Alice "Dark" Hans dragged a load weighing more than 2 tons on a wagon.
07:44 It is amazing!
07:46 Alibi took the sixth place.
07:49 This is an ancient and stern dog.
07:52 It weighs up to 80 kg and is up to 75 cm tall.
07:57 The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has served man since time immemorial.
08:03 In Turkmenistan, archaeologists have discovered terracotta figurines of the 2nd to 4th centuries depicting massive dogs with a powerful head and broad chest.
08:14 Alibi graced herds, guarded houses and protected the owner.
08:18 Despite external slowness, they have an excellent reaction and stern disposition.
08:24 Alibis are also called Turkmen wolfhounds.
08:29 And this large breed of dogs has become a living symbol of Turkmenistan.
08:33 In November 2020, a 15-meter gilded monument of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog was even installed in Ashgabat.
08:42 But the largest Alibi lives in Russia.
08:46 The dog bulldozer weighs 125 kg and eats 5 kg of meat and 10 liters of porridge every day.
08:56 7th place is occupied by the Moscow Watchdog.
09:02 The quality of these dogs is that they are very hardy and fearless.
09:08 Their weight reaches up to 65 kg and their height is up to 78 cm.
09:15 Moscow Watchdogs were bred relatively recently, in the middle of the 20th century, by crossing the Saint Barnard, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog and the Russian Pinto Hound.
09:26 Their descendants inherited the best features of the original breeds - the impressive appearance and strength of the alpine rescuers,
09:35 the unpretentiousness and ferocity of the Shepherd Dogs, the mobility and perseverance of the hounds.
09:42 At the same time, they are stronger, more muscular and more enduring than prototype dogs.
09:48 Balanced and fearless dogs perfectly cope with the duties of watchmen and bodyguards.
09:54 According to the Russian Cynological Federation, the Moscow Watchdog ranks second in terms of security qualities after the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
10:05 In 8th place is the Scottish Deerhound.
10:11 These dogs are fast-footed and easy to train.
10:14 Their weight reaches up to 50 kg and their height is up to 80 cm.
10:20 These tireless hunters were first mentioned in medieval chronicles and their ancestors were depicted on stone slabs as early as the 1st century.
10:30 The owner of the Scottish Deer Greyhounds hunted without weapons.
10:35 Fast, hardy, powerful dogs are able to catch up and kill a large wild deer.
10:41 First of all, they are distinguished by their amazing instinct and instant reaction.
10:46 And they also easily move over rough terrain.
10:50 Outside of hunting, Deer Greyhounds are affectionate, balanced, easily remember commands and love children.
10:57 But cats and other small animals are considered exclusively as prey.
11:03 This is one of the rarest dog breeds in the world.
11:06 Deerhounds are bred mainly in their homeland and in the USA.
11:10 The slender and graceful Deer Greyhound High Cory won twice at the most prestigious American show, the Westminster Show.
11:19 In 2007 it was recognized as the best puppy.
11:24 In 2011 – the best hunting dog.
11:28 On the back of a little girl, a big dog seems even bigger.
11:35 So in 9th place is the Commodore.
11:39 These dogs are very shaggy and cute.
11:41 Their weight reaches up to 60 kg and their height is up to 80 cm.
11:47 The Commodore or Hungarian Shepherd Dog is the most unusual among large breeds of dogs.
11:53 A real wolf in sheep's clothing.
11:55 Massive dogs with powerful jaws are covered with thick white hair twisted into long cords.
12:02 Such a fur coat helps shepherd dogs to disguise themselves among sheep and protect from hypothermia and overheating.
12:10 Cynologists suggest that the dogs inherited their unique coat from Shaggy Shepherd Dogs, the descendants of Tibetan Shepherd Dogs.
12:18 And the Hungarian legend says that the Commodore is the result of a marriage of a wolf and a sheep.
12:25 Thanks to their strong immunity, Hungarian Shepherds easily adapt to any conditions.
12:30 Their docile nature helps them get along with people.
12:34 Today they still herd sheep and serve as guard dogs.
12:39 And finally we come to the last 10th place.
12:45 A large rating is completed by refined and graceful creatures with long wavy hair, representatives of an old Russian breed.
12:54 Their ancestors are mentioned in documents of the 13th century and 500 years later they became favorites of Russian tsars and nobles.
13:05 Light, strong and agile dogs develop speeds of up to 90 km/h.
13:11 For you, simple Americans, this is 56 miles per hour.
13:15 And overtook prey in the blink of an eye.
13:18 "A dog runs with its heart, not with its feet," wrote the passionate hunter Lev Tolstoy about the Russian Greyhound.
13:26 By the way, today it is included in the top 15 best hunting breeds in the world.
13:32 Their weight reaches up to 60 kg and their height is up to 86 cm.
13:39 In ordinary life, Greyhounds behave calmly and delicately, rarely bark and are not imposed on the owner.
13:46 In return, they expect the same courtesy and painfully perceived punishment.
13:51 The Russian Canine Greyhound is the symbol of the Russian Cynological Federation.
13:56 Well, friends, we end our list with this breed. We hope you liked it.
14:03 I see you in the next video and looking forward to your comment.
14:07 Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and like the video.
