What's Wrong With Our Cows and Pigs !!!

  • last year
00:00 [wind]
00:03 [crow cawing]
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00:09 In this video we will find out what is wrong with our cows
00:13 and how the cows influenced our genes.
00:17 And also today we will tell you the whole truth about our domestic pigs,
00:21 why did we do it to them.
00:24 Watch and listen and we are starting right now.
00:28 [wind]
00:31 [wind]
00:37 The amazing is always near and especially there is a lot of it
00:41 where you would not even think to look.
00:43 For example, what new can be said about cows?
00:47 They have been saving us from hunger and cold for several thousand years.
00:51 They even managed to influence human genes.
00:54 We are the only living creatures in the world
00:56 that have adapted to digest lactose in adulthood.
01:00 What does it mean?
01:01 This means that our distant ancestors had a notable diarrhea from a glass of milk.
01:07 But in the modern world, dairy products are an integral part of a healthy diet.
01:12 It is interesting that some peoples are still not lactose susceptible.
01:17 Most often this feature is observed in those
01:19 in whose culture animal husbandry was not developed, for example the Chinese.
01:25 But back to the topic.
01:27 The sapiens got so much milk that they turned their ruminant friends
01:31 into grass-fed dairy plants.
01:34 Today's cows produce several times more milk than calves can drink.
01:39 And therein lies the big problem, the first cow fact.
01:43 Cows need to be milked for their own health.
01:47 Even if all the bins are full,
01:49 even if the milk is already splashing out of the household's ears,
01:54 you must go and milk the cow.
01:57 Stop milking for a couple of days
01:59 and the beast will develop utter inflammation
02:02 as it literally swells from milk.
02:05 And if you risk not milking further,
02:07 then the pet may even die in terrible agony.
02:11 It turns out that we took a living and free creature,
02:15 knocked it out of its usual life
02:17 and turned him into a kind of factory.
02:21 [cow mooing]
02:25 But if the females became our nurses,
02:29 then the males took on the role of toastmaster.
02:33 But they don't come up with contests.
02:35 Human has already done it for them.
02:38 Bullfighting is a spectacular show with a matador,
02:41 a bull and a red rag in the lead roles.
02:45 But why is the patch of cloth necessarily red?
02:49 To grab the attention of the audience, of course.
02:52 Cow fact number two tells us that an aggressive,
02:55 cloven-hoofed animal absolutely doesn't care what rags to attack.
03:00 The bull is annoyed not by the color of the rag,
03:03 but by the movements that are done with it.
03:06 Only the best matadors perform in the bullfight.
03:09 The bad ones simply do not survive.
03:12 Bulls for bullfighting are special.
03:15 They are deliberately taken out strong and evil.
03:18 Sometimes it is not realistic to cope with an angry animal,
03:21 even in a corral.
03:23 But cunning people have a wonderful old-fashioned way.
03:26 A nose ring.
03:28 The principle of operation is simple.
03:31 The nasal cartilage of a bull is very sensitive to physical influences.
03:35 It is worth pulling on the ring
03:37 and the bull will experience a whole range of emotions.
03:41 The unfortunate ungulate has no choice but to understand
03:44 that the best way to avoid pain is to obey humans.
03:48 It was such a sad cow fact number three.
03:51 Now let's move on to the pigs.
03:54 They have a reputation for being unclean animals
04:05 that sweat profusely while wallowing in the mud.
04:09 In reality, they have extraordinary abilities.
04:12 They say that "pigs pig and sleep in feces".
04:16 Pigs sweat like pigs.
04:18 Pigs are dirty animals.
04:21 A male pig can have an orgasm for half an hour.
04:25 Fact.
04:26 Most of these stereotypes are best attributed
04:28 to poor conditions of detention.
04:31 In the wild, wild boars do not sleep in feces
04:34 and do not pig them.
04:36 They roll in clay,
04:37 but only because it is a great way to cool the body during the heat.
04:41 Domestic pigs are often pink,
04:44 but we humans made them that way.
04:47 By the way, pigs do not have sweat glands,
04:49 so the expression "sweats like a pig" is meaningless.
04:54 I do not eat animals that lack cleanliness to this day
04:57 in their own feces.
04:59 So said Jules Winfield,
05:01 the Pulp Fiction bandit explaining why he doesn't eat pork.
05:05 If Jules had known a little more about pigs,
05:07 he probably would have not spoken so hasty and arrogantly about them.
05:12 Rabbits, for example,
05:13 willingly swallow their fecal pellets
05:16 to once again drive the poorly digestible herbal meal
05:19 through digestive system.
05:21 And after all,
05:22 it never occurs to anyone to speak rudely about eared and fluffy rodents.
05:27 On the contrary,
05:28 we think of them as cute creations.
05:31 Wild boars, the original distant cousins
05:33 from which we bred our domestic pigs.
05:36 Yes, wild boars are omnivorous,
05:39 not showing increased pickiness in food.
05:41 And yet, 90% of their diet is plant foods,
05:45 so they are unlikely to have any particular predilection
05:48 for their own excrement.
05:51 If the domestic pig chews excrement from time to time,
05:54 this is most likely due to the fact
05:56 that its dwelling littered with impurities
05:59 leaves it no other choice.
06:01 By the way,
06:02 the domestic pig sometimes chews on impurities,
06:05 but wild boars were once caught washing apples in a stream.
06:09 Now let's get down to hygiene.
06:12 Boars do roll in the clay,
06:23 but most likely they do it to escape the heat.
06:26 The fact is,
06:27 that pigs do not have functioning sweat glands.
06:30 This is something to keep in mind
06:31 whenever you hear someone say
06:33 that he or she sweats like a pig.
06:36 This physiological feature means
06:38 that pigs are at serious risk of overheating,
06:41 and muddy clay water evaporates much more slowly than clean water.
06:46 A pig, like any other animal,
06:48 tries to create comfortable conditions for itself.
06:52 If you have to roll out in the mud to feel the coolness,
06:55 then so be it.
06:57 Perhaps the pigs could have found another solution,
07:00 but the conditions for this have not been created,
07:03 since people keep them in rather cramped pigsties.
07:07 The clay layer can serve other purposes,
07:10 for example as a cream to protect the surface of the body from burns,
07:14 or as a repellent for insects,
07:17 such as mosquitoes or others.
07:20 Rubbing against something to peel off dried clay
07:22 can be an effective way to get rid of ticks and other parasites.
07:27 The paradox is that when they roll out in the mud,
07:31 they clean rather than dirty their skins.
07:34 It is also worth mentioning that the pink,
07:37 almost hairless animal that comes to mind at the word pig
07:41 is a relatively recent human innovation.
07:44 This is what a real pig boar looks like.
07:48 Genetic evidence suggests that humans have domesticated wild boars twice.
07:53 For this, two ancestral lines were used,
07:57 one in Asia and the other in Europe.
08:00 The division of the ancestors of modern boars began long before domestication.
08:06 Despite the long separate existence,
08:08 Asian and European wild boars have exactly the same camouflage color,
08:13 but the same cannot be said for domestic pig breeds.
08:17 The genetic code of their skins is very diverse,
08:20 and accordingly, they show a great variety of shades and patterns of outer covers.
08:26 We have achieved this diversity in less than 1,000 years.
08:30 Some scientists say that people selected rare mutations of wild boars
08:34 that would be doomed to rapid extinction in the wild and created domestic pigs.
08:40 Finally, we should turn to another popular myth,
08:43 that a male pig can have an orgasm for 30 minutes.
08:47 The first thing to say is that no one knows how males and females feel when they copulate,
08:53 so any talk about orgasm is speculative.
08:57 A 2012 report on the highest performing boars
09:01 noted that they averaged 6 minutes to ejaculate.
09:05 Such is the truth.
09:15 What does this story teach us?
09:17 One of the most rewarding qualities in life is to be interested in the most common things.
09:23 Each of them is fraught with something unexpected and unique,
09:28 something that can affect your worldview or completely turn it around.
09:33 And that's where we end this video.
09:35 We hope you enjoyed it.
09:37 Take care of yourself and believe in God.
09:39 See you soon!
09:41 [Music]
09:51 [Sound of water]
09:59 [Music]
