Hindi Title: Beyblade The Movie: Ek Bhayankar Yudh (2002)
Org. Title: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade The Movie: Gekitou!! Takao vs Daichi (2002)
Story: The Bladebreakers are on a well deserved vacation. But, a hyperactive kid named Daichi Sumeragi continues to pursue Tyson for a rematch after his defeat in the Beyblade World Championships. The Bladebreakers' vacation eventually takes a turn for the worst once they encounter mysterious Beybladers who claim to be the Dark Spirits sealed inside a strange temple. With Daichi under their control, the Shadow Bladers seek to destroy the world with their Dark Bit-Beasts. Together, Tyson, Max, Ray, and Kai must save not only Daichi... but the world as well.
Org. Title: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade The Movie: Gekitou!! Takao vs Daichi (2002)
Story: The Bladebreakers are on a well deserved vacation. But, a hyperactive kid named Daichi Sumeragi continues to pursue Tyson for a rematch after his defeat in the Beyblade World Championships. The Bladebreakers' vacation eventually takes a turn for the worst once they encounter mysterious Beybladers who claim to be the Dark Spirits sealed inside a strange temple. With Daichi under their control, the Shadow Bladers seek to destroy the world with their Dark Bit-Beasts. Together, Tyson, Max, Ray, and Kai must save not only Daichi... but the world as well.
Short film