"If you're a Ken, or Ken-curious, or just Ken-fused like I was, here are my top ten Ken-sentials to help you tap into your Kenergy." From a lightning headband and his roller blades to a surfboard and the watch he wears in Barbie Land, Ryan Gosling shares his KEN essentials.
Director: Graham Corrigan
Director of Photography: Matt Krueger
Editor: Robby Massey
Guest: Ryan Gosling
Producer: Kristen DeVore
Coordinating Producer: Sam Dennis
Line Producer: Jen Santos
Production Manager: Andressa Pelachi; Kevin Balash
Production Coordinator: Kariesha Kidd
Talent Booker: Dana Mathews; Lauren Mendoza
Camera Operator: Lucas Vilicich
Sound Mixer: Kari Barber
Production Assistant: Phil Arliss
Post Production Supervisor: Rachael Knight
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Rob Lombardi
Assistant Editor: Courtney Karwal
Special Thanks: Billy Frankie
Director: Graham Corrigan
Director of Photography: Matt Krueger
Editor: Robby Massey
Guest: Ryan Gosling
Producer: Kristen DeVore
Coordinating Producer: Sam Dennis
Line Producer: Jen Santos
Production Manager: Andressa Pelachi; Kevin Balash
Production Coordinator: Kariesha Kidd
Talent Booker: Dana Mathews; Lauren Mendoza
Camera Operator: Lucas Vilicich
Sound Mixer: Kari Barber
Production Assistant: Phil Arliss
Post Production Supervisor: Rachael Knight
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Rob Lombardi
Assistant Editor: Courtney Karwal
Special Thanks: Billy Frankie