"I use my period blood to water my plants to give back to the earth – your menstrual cycle can be magic"

  • 11 months ago
A woman uses her period blood to water her plants, "give back to the Earth" and says her time of the month is “magical”.

Jessica Mckasson, 37, used to struggle with painful and heavy periods that meant she would have to take time off work.

She started looking into shamanism - a religious practice - and reconnected with her body after reading about the ancient traditions and importance of the womb.

Now she aligns her body to her cycle - to follow the stages of menstruation - and no longer experiences any pain when menstruating.

Jessica practices an ancient tradition by collecting her menstrual blood each month and uses it to water her plants - saying it's "good" for them.

Jessica, a menstrual cycle syncing coach, from Eastern Caribbean, Costa Rica, said: “I used to experience the most painful, heavy periods.

“Now I have zero pain.

“I hear my own womb and I have experiences of ecstasy and magic.

“It can be magical.

“I collect my blood in my menstrual cup and empty it into a bottle and dilute it with water.

“I go outside and express my gratitude for Mother Nature.

“It’s sacred and something celebrated.

“It’s truly the most beautiful gift.”

Jessica used to “cry” herself to sleep before she improved her relationship with her body by looking into shamanism.

She said: “It led me on a deep journey.

“Sharman’s believe a woman’s womb is the most important and powerful thing.

“Before, I had never understood what it means to be a woman.

“I grew up never talking about periods and thinking it was a disadvantage.

“But women’s blood is a symbol of abundance and health.

“My body is creating something – creating life.

“It’s truly mind blowing.”

Jessica’s discovery “shifted” her relationship with her body, and she now aligns herself to the four phases of the menstrual cycle – menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation and the luteal phase.

Menstruation commonly known as a period. The follicular phase is from the first day of your period and lasts for 13 to 14 days.

The ovulation phase is when a mature egg is released from an ovary. The luteal phase is when the lining of the uterus thickens in preparation for pregnancy.

She said: “I know that in the luteal phase I’ll experience brain fog.

“Now I know what to expect.”

Jessica also practices an ancient tradition to give her blood back to the Earth.

She said: “Women used to free bleed.

“They would walk through the crops with the blood running down their legs into the earth.

“They saw what it did to the land.”

Now Jessica does this in her own way as a “symbolic practice”.

She collects her blood, dilutes it with water and pours it into the plants.

She said: “It has incredible properties.

“It’s good for the plants.”

Jessica wants to stop the shame surrounding periods.

She said: “It’s seen as gross and disgusting.

“It’s associated with so much shame.

“But it’s the same way that we get pregnant.”

Jessica now “honours” her body and said she is now able to live a “vibrant life”.

Since aligning her body with her cycle, she has “zero pain” from her periods.
