Sharks attack humans when they mistake swimmers for seals, footage shows

  • last year
Sharks attack humans when they mistake swimmers for seals, footage showsSource: Why Shark Attack, BBC
00:00 applying a filter to mimic their vision.
00:02 She compared it to a similar viewpoint
00:09 of a surfer and a swimmer.
00:11 The results were surprising.
00:14 - It kind of didn't matter too much
00:17 whether the human was on a surfboard or just swimming.
00:20 They were still very similar to the seal.
00:23 The mistaken identity theory kind of started
00:29 maybe around surfing and I guess the thoughts
00:31 were the surfboard was something that made us more similar.
00:35 I was quite surprised that there was a lot of similarity
00:39 still with the swimmer.
00:40 (water gurgling)
