Mother Impala Cannot Save Her Baby From Baboon Hands

  • last year
00:00 This female impala is relatively far from the herd and the reason is that she is about
00:11 to give birth to new offspring.
00:14 It takes only minutes for this baby impala to be able to stand on its feet and a few
00:20 hours to be able to run.
00:23 The baboons came to join the herd.
00:26 There is nothing unusual about it.
00:30 Their dexterous hands are adept at stripping seeds and roots.
00:36 But grass is a poor quality food for them.
00:40 Perhaps she is unaware of the danger looming around her.
00:46 Baboons are notorious opportunists when an opportunity comes to eat meat, especially
00:53 at this time of the year when opportunities are common.
00:59 The baboon tries to fool the prey by giving an air of indifference.
01:05 The mother is too preoccupied with feeding and does not seem to notice the danger.
01:12 Failing to get a signal from its mother, the newborn must rely only on its instincts.
01:19 This newborn baby has an inner fear of anything unfamiliar getting too close.
01:26 This baby impala is doing his best to try to escape.
01:31 He has instinct but he lacks experience.
01:48 He couldn't get far.
01:50 The baboon grabbed him brutally and the mother arrives too late and tries to defend him.
01:56 But to no avail.
01:59 What a harsh scene.
02:01 No doubt this mother has learned a lesson by losing her baby.
02:06 In the wilds of Africa, danger is always nearer than expected.
