RHOC's Tamra Judge Dishes on Dubrow Drama, D-k Pic Madness & More _ E! News

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RHOC's Tamra Judge Dishes on Dubrow Drama, D-k Pic Madness & More _ E! News
00:00 - Did Heather make this?
00:01 (screams)
00:02 - I knew it was gonna happen.
00:03 - And Tamra's crouched.
00:04 - Why every time we get in a goddamn phone,
00:06 a drink falls on my lap.
00:08 Every time.
00:09 (gasps)
00:10 - Oh (beep)
00:11 - It's in your hoo-ha.
00:12 - It's in my hoo-ha.
00:13 - You need a sippy Coke.
00:14 - I didn't do it.
00:15 You did it.
00:16 - I did not do it.
00:18 - Who did it then?
00:19 - Did Heather make this?
00:20 (screams)
00:21 - I knew.
00:22 (laughs)
00:24 - She may have been put on pause,
00:26 but now she is ready to play.
00:27 - From the Real Housewives of Orange County,
00:29 say hello to Tamra Judge.
00:32 - Hey.
00:32 - Hi.
00:33 - I'm so excited to chat with you.
00:35 - I am excited to be here.
00:36 - Okay, let's get to it
00:37 because we have a lot to talk about.
00:39 - Oh really?
00:39 - First of all, the tagline.
00:41 I know you and Dorenda were going at it
00:43 about this tagline.
00:44 Have you guys talked about it?
00:46 Have you guys made up?
00:47 - Well, the day that it came out,
00:48 I was in New York and I got a text message from Dorenda.
00:52 And it was a video of her saying
00:54 the almost exact tagline on Nick Cannon's talk show.
00:58 And I had not seen that or heard that.
01:01 I knew that her thing was pause, pause, pause.
01:03 - Yes.
01:04 - And so when we do our taglines,
01:05 we get a handful of them.
01:07 And that was one of them.
01:09 I'm like, I feel like that's very Dorenda.
01:11 And that's the one.
01:13 - That they chose.
01:13 - Yeah.
01:14 - 'Cause people don't know that.
01:15 That Bravo chooses it for you.
01:17 - Yeah, I mean it has to pertain to like your story
01:20 or what's going on in your life or whatever.
01:23 But I kind of wanted,
01:24 I'm the judge, the jury and the truth teller.
01:27 - You know that?
01:28 - Next season.
01:28 - I know.
01:29 - We should have that one.
01:30 - But did you talk to her about it?
01:32 - Well, I told her, I said, you know, you know how it goes.
01:33 And she was nice at first.
01:35 I think she wasn't very happy about it,
01:37 but she was very kind.
01:38 She's like, I know, I know.
01:39 I'm just giving you a hard time.
01:40 - Okay.
01:41 All right.
01:42 Well, we're only a few episodes into this new season
01:45 and you have already managed to make up with Shannon
01:48 and upset Heather.
01:49 So what do you make of the whole thing
01:51 and where do you stand with Heather today?
01:53 - Okay, so Heather and I ended the show in a very bad place.
01:57 A place that I never thought that we...
01:59 - Oh, wow.
02:00 - You saw us together once filming and we're fine.
02:04 It was really good.
02:05 Throughout the season,
02:06 we have some little bumps here and there,
02:08 but overall we've always been really good friends.
02:10 And then the end of the season,
02:13 I caught her in a little bit of a lie.
02:15 - Are you ready for that reunion moment
02:18 when you guys finally face off?
02:19 - Part of me kind of misses her.
02:23 - Really?
02:23 - Yeah, I do.
02:24 I think Heather is a good person.
02:26 She's a good person.
02:27 She's a great mom.
02:28 I just think that maybe she was going through a lot
02:32 in her life at that moment
02:34 and she was acting up a little bit.
02:37 - Well, speaking of acting up,
02:39 I don't know if you know this,
02:40 but there is a rogue dick pick
02:42 on "Real Housewives of Orange County"
02:44 and you called someone out about it.
02:46 - I did.
02:47 - Are you buying the story
02:48 that Jen and Ryan are selling right now
02:51 about the dick pic?
02:52 - What are they saying?
02:53 - Well, their story has changed a couple of times.
02:56 First, she said, "Oh, he sent it on accident."
02:59 Then the story changed again and said,
03:01 "He said himself, he sent it to everyone on Snapchat."
03:05 Well, that's not an option on Snapchat.
03:07 You can't just press all.
03:09 You have to go through and press people
03:11 unless you have them in a group.
03:13 And I don't think he would have his kids in a,
03:15 'cause he said his kids got it.
03:17 Ha ha, it was fun.
03:18 No, not funny.
03:19 My kids would die.
03:20 - A lot of people online are talking about,
03:23 "Oh, he's Connis, maybe a Brooks, Ayers."
03:26 Are you thinking that he and Brooks
03:29 are two of the same people?
03:31 Maybe not as--
03:32 - You know, I would like to think
03:34 once a cheater, not always a cheater.
03:36 You can change and maybe it takes
03:38 a certain person in your life to change you.
03:40 So I'm really hoping that that's the situation.
03:43 But Eddie said, he goes,
03:44 "Eh, a serial cheater's a serial cheater."
03:46 - So no one is believing this.
03:47 - No one believing it.
03:48 - Yeah.
03:49 I hope so for her sake.
03:51 - I hope so.
03:53 - But it's your face, bud.
03:55 But it's not looking good.
03:56 It's not looking good.
03:58 - Okay, well Shannon was actually here last month
03:59 when we asked about the cast.
04:01 I wasn't here, but you and Carolina were here.
04:03 And this is actually what she had to say about you.
04:06 - Oh, bring it.
04:07 - Who gets the award for the most improved housewife?
04:10 - Gosh, I would say Tamra.
04:14 - Oh, okay.
04:16 - Who drank too much on camera this season?
04:19 - Tamra.
04:20 - Oof.
04:21 - I'm so disrespectful.
04:22 - Is she right?
04:23 - Well, improved housewife?
04:24 I was never bad, baby.
04:26 - You were just on pause.
04:27 - I was just on pause.
04:29 The drinking too much?
04:30 Absolutely.
04:31 So I'm not a big drinker.
04:34 So going back, I didn't know who was my friend,
04:36 who wasn't my friend, where I stood with these girls.
04:39 I was nervous.
04:40 My dog just died.
04:41 We closed her gym down.
04:42 You know, the dog ate my schoolwork.
04:44 I don't know.
04:45 I'm giving all the excuses.
04:46 But I'm just saying like, I definitely was not
04:48 a seasoned drinker at that time.
04:50 So every little shot went.
04:53 - Well, we hope you had a drink.
04:55 - I feel that 'cause you know me.
04:56 - I know.
04:57 - I'm a lightweight over here too.
04:58 I totally get it.
05:00 We're little girls.
05:01 Like we drink too much and it's not good.
05:03 - But we hope you had a cocktail here
05:05 because we want you to spill the orange juice.
05:08 Just like Shannon Medora.
05:09 So we're gonna give you something
05:11 and you have to tell us immediately
05:12 who comes to mind first.
05:14 - Okay, so just a name.
05:15 Go for it.
05:17 - Which one of your cast mates
05:18 gives the best confessionals?
05:20 - Emily.
05:21 - Which OC housewife is always late for filming?
05:24 - Shannon.
05:25 - Which OC housewife do you tune out the most
05:28 when they're talking to you?
05:29 - Gina.
05:33 - Which OC housewife is the most different
05:35 on camera versus off camera?
05:37 - Heather.
05:38 - Which OC housewife has the most
05:40 to answer to at the reunion?
05:42 - Ryan.
05:46 (laughing)
05:47 - Which OC wife were you most excited to film with
05:50 when you rejoined the show?
05:52 - Actually, Taylor.
05:55 I was excited for Taylor.
05:56 - Oh nice.
05:57 Which OC housewife were you least excited to film with?
06:00 - Shannon.
06:01 - Well, we are glad you're back.
06:04 Tamera, we loved chatting with you tonight.
06:06 The Real Housewives of Orange County
06:07 airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on our sister network, Bravo,
06:11 and streams the next day on Peacock.
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