Coronation Street 19th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:03 Stephen?
00:27 Oh, uh, I'm in here.
00:29 I didn't hear you get up.
00:34 Yeah, I just had some work to do.
00:36 And I-- yeah, I wanted to finish it before--
00:38 before you saw.
00:39 Hm, right.
00:41 Yeah, listen, I promise--
00:43 that's the last of it.
00:44 This trip's about you and me.
00:46 No more distractions.
00:48 I mean it.
00:49 I know you've been feeling underappreciated lately.
00:51 And well, maybe I do find it difficult,
00:54 after what I went through with Gabrielle, to really
00:57 let my guard down.
00:58 But it is exactly what I want.
01:00 Just-- just you and me.
01:03 So when we get back, I'll--
01:05 I'll talk to Carla about winding down.
01:07 In a year?
01:11 Well, I-- I couldn't leave her in the lurch.
01:13 And she'll need my help with the sail.
01:15 But this time next year, that'll be it.
01:18 I'll have retired.
01:19 And then I can find that cottage by the sea with you.
01:23 Seagulls swooping over the waves.
01:27 Hey, like I say, let's--
01:28 let's give it a test drive while we're away.
01:30 See what our future could be like.
01:33 I'm not sure Matlock has seagulls, but--
01:38 hey, I see you've been-- you've been reading poetry.
01:40 Oh, yes, it's a bit silly.
01:42 But I always take poems on holiday
01:44 when I've got time to read.
01:47 Probably seems a bit pretentious.
01:48 Not at all.
01:51 It was Roy who suggested Anne Bronte.
01:54 I really like that bit.
01:55 "But he that dares not grasp the thorn
02:01 should never crave the rose."
02:04 I like that.
02:05 Basically, you have to take the rough with the smooth.
02:07 Very true.
02:08 "Arm, arm thee for the fight.
02:13 Cast useless loads away."
02:15 "Cast useless loads away."
02:21 What's that?
02:22 Just this-- this next line.
02:24 "Watch through the darkest hours of night.
02:27 Toil through the hottest day."
02:28 And people have a go at me for hogging the bathroom.
02:39 There's not going to be a drop of hot water left.
02:41 All right.
02:42 Glad to have a shower.
02:43 Yeah, you need to get up earlier, Gail.
02:45 That tank's got about three hot showers in it, tops.
02:48 Well, why is she getting up so earlier anyway?
02:50 She said she wasn't going to her dad's sentencing.
02:55 Yeah, she's not.
02:57 Which is good, isn't it?
02:58 You know, it shows that she's, like,
03:02 breaking the hold he has over her.
03:04 I mean, he is her dad.
03:05 Well, I don't want you hanging around the house all day.
03:08 I've got Sarah coming over.
03:10 Great.
03:11 So now you're kicking us out the house as well.
03:13 I mean, I'm meant to be trying to take her mind off things.
03:16 Yes, well, go out somewhere.
03:18 To the pictures.
03:19 All with both skin.
03:21 Can't even afford a coffee.
03:24 Right, Roy's not in today.
03:25 So why don't you pop over at lunch this afternoon?
03:28 I'll see if there's any leftovers.
03:30 Thanks, Jonah.
03:31 I've finished in the shower.
03:33 Finally.
03:34 I'll warn you, it got a bit cold at the end, though.
03:36 [LAUGHTER]
03:40 Addy's sorting me a few shifts in here a week.
03:42 Extra cash, you know.
03:44 Does Dad give you danger money when
03:45 you're on ship with Evelyn?
03:46 Oh, it's not that bad a ship, me.
03:50 Oh, look at you, a dapper Dan.
03:52 Oh, all suited and booted.
03:54 I approve.
03:55 All right, all right.
03:56 First day on the job, innit?
03:58 Gollum part.
03:59 You look like someone's put your dad on a hot wash.
04:01 Eileen.
04:02 He does.
04:03 Is that actually one of his suits?
04:04 No, I own a suit.
04:06 Dad insists I wear it.
04:08 Reckons if Darren takes me more seriously,
04:10 he's more likely to let him invest in this fresh clothing.
04:13 Well, I think you're going to do great.
04:14 Just don't forget us when you become a big business tycoon
04:17 sailing on your mega yacht.
04:18 You can totally have a go at my mega yacht.
04:20 Before then, though, I was wondering if you
04:23 wanted to grab a drink later.
04:25 I can fill you in on how it went.
04:27 I'm really sorry, but I can't.
04:28 I've got that charity gala thing, you know,
04:30 for the shoulder volunteers.
04:31 Oh, no, yeah, no props.
04:33 I mean, come along, if you fancied it.
04:36 Think they want as many people there as poss?
04:37 Pretty sure it's going to be canapes.
04:39 Yeah, sure, sounds good.
04:41 Two secs.
04:43 Uh, it was the suit that nailed it.
04:46 Us girls can't resist a man in a suit.
04:49 Hey, you meant to that, haddy?
04:51 Hello.
04:55 Ah.
04:55 Hello.
04:56 Hey, Lane.
04:57 Thought you guys were off to the peaks.
04:59 Yeah, we're just on our way.
05:00 But I was wondering if you still have that picnic basket?
05:04 Yeah, yeah, it's in the annex.
05:07 Planning a romantic picnic en route?
05:09 Something like that, yeah.
05:11 Oh, you're going through old photos.
05:13 Yeah, Harry's got a project at school, my family.
05:16 Any excuse to get the photo box out?
05:19 Oh, look at Sally.
05:21 Yes, her Rosie and my David were born just one day apart.
05:27 We always thought they were fated to be together.
05:29 Ha, what a nightmare.
05:33 And here's a picture of Sally on her wedding,
05:37 second wedding to Kevin.
05:39 Oh, didn't know they were married twice.
05:41 Oh, well, it's a long story.
05:43 But we can fill you in.
05:44 Yeah.
05:45 Right, I'd better get this filled up.
05:47 Oh, we've got tea in the pot if you want one.
05:49 Oh, if that's OK.
05:51 Sure, as long as you promise not to show
05:53 any awful photos of me.
05:54 Oh, you are so vain, Sarah, making me a cup of tea.
05:58 Oh, don't worry, I can get it.
05:59 Oh, no, no, it's fine.
06:00 However, I do expect to be weighted
06:02 on a hand of the ones who answer.
06:03 I bet you do.
06:04 Oh, yes, congratulations.
06:06 When are you due?
06:07 End of January.
06:08 Oh, is that my Tim?
06:09 Aquarius.
06:10 [GASPS]
06:11 Now that he's gone, have you got any old photos of Stephen?
06:16 Uh, well, I just was looking at a few of us in Canada.
06:22 Really?
06:23 Yeah, look, Stephen was never one for photos.
06:27 But I think I managed.
06:29 Here's one of him with his ex, Gabrielle.
06:32 Oh.
06:33 I don't know why she was so awful to him.
06:36 She was nothing but nice to me.
06:39 That's her.
06:41 That's Gabrielle.
06:42 Yeah, that's right.
06:43 Hey.
06:49 Hey, sit down.
06:50 Let me do that.
06:52 No, it's fine.
06:52 I'm nearly done.
06:53 But I'm supposed to be looking after you.
06:55 I can make a cup of coffee.
06:56 After what you've been through?
06:57 I can still make a cup of coffee.
07:00 Sorry, sorry.
07:01 I'm just trying to be nice, anyway.
07:02 I'm shouting at you.
07:03 No, it's good. It's normal.
07:05 Oh, thanks.
07:06 No, normal's good.
07:08 So have you heard from him?
07:11 No, nothing.
07:13 What's he going to say?
07:14 That he's made a huge mistake and he's
07:16 going to give it all up for me?
07:17 I'm tired.
07:18 It's stupid, but I just keep thinking,
07:20 like, after all these years, that maybe that's
07:24 the last conversation I'll ever have with him.
07:26 Oh, I'm so sorry.
07:28 Yeah, look, don't be.
07:29 Don't be nice to me.
07:30 I'll start crying again.
07:31 OK, well, shall I shout at you about coffee, then?
07:33 Yeah, sounds like a plan.
07:35 Oh, come here.
07:36 Well, have a lovely time.
07:44 And remember to send the Black Chat a picture
07:47 of you on the cable, girl.
07:48 We will.
07:49 Shall we?
07:50 Everything OK?
07:53 Get-- I just remembered.
07:57 I need to pop to the co-op for something.
08:00 I'll drive you around.
08:00 No, no, no, no.
08:02 I could do with a bit of fresh air before the drive.
08:04 I'll only be a couple of minutes.
08:05 OK.
08:06 Perhaps we should get a move on.
08:14 It's your fault. You wanted us to get lunch from this cafe,
08:18 and therefore I have to order something I like.
08:21 We could go somewhere else.
08:22 No, please don't.
08:24 Anything but that.
08:25 It's just I'm supposed to be leaving Rita.
08:28 Oh, hi, Rita.
08:29 Oh, Rita, I'm so sorry.
08:30 I don't want to hear Brian Packham.
08:32 Three weeks I've been working in that shop
08:35 while you went gallivanting off all over the place with that
08:37 one. - That one?
08:39 Yes, you.
08:40 And just because you're back, don't
08:41 think you can leave me in the lurch again,
08:43 because you've got another thing coming.
08:45 I'm so sorry.
08:46 We're just--
08:47 Go all this fuss about running a little shop.
08:50 It's not like you have any customers.
08:52 I'll do it.
08:54 Order whatever you like.
08:55 It all tastes the same.
08:59 She is horrible.
09:00 Oh, I'm saying nothing.
09:02 I know, I know.
09:03 She's going soon, I think.
09:05 Don't you think you should keep an eye on her?
09:07 She's got the keys, and she says that she's
09:10 going to cover the shop.
09:12 Oh, my goodness.
09:13 Two of whatever sandwiches you can make the quickest,
09:15 please show her.
09:30 Mum?
09:32 Mum?
09:33 Are you all right?
09:35 Tim, no.
09:36 No, it's not. It's not.
09:38 It's happening again.
09:39 Will you calm down?
09:39 What is? - I can't.
09:40 I can't.
09:41 He might see us talking.
09:43 It's OK.
09:44 No.
09:45 No.
09:46 Stephen's been lying to me, and I can't do this again.
09:49 Not after your father.
09:50 Right. You're coming home with me.
09:52 No.
09:53 No, he's waiting for me outside Gale's.
09:55 We're supposed to be--
09:56 we're supposed to be going away together,
09:57 and I can't trust him.
09:59 I can't.
10:00 Hello, your call cannot be taken at the moment.
10:06 Please leave a message after the tone.
10:08 Hi, Elaine, it's me.
10:14 I'm still waiting in the car.
10:16 And I'm just calling to check if everything's OK.
10:21 Give me a buzz.
10:22 Bye.
10:23 [BEEPING]
10:25 [SIGHS]
10:28 [DOOR OPENS]
10:29 [GASPS]
10:30 You're absolutely sure it was her?
10:32 Oh, don't.
10:33 Don't doubt me.
10:34 I just want to check.
10:35 Yes, it was her.
10:37 Gabrielle was the person he was talking to on the video call.
10:42 He said she was a business associate.
10:45 He-- he said she worked for a consultancy, Siegel.
10:49 Oh, my god.
10:50 Siegel.
10:51 He's always going on about this house by the sea with Siegels.
10:54 All right, slow down.
10:55 No, no, no, no.
10:56 I'm right about this.
10:57 I promise you.
10:58 And he's always-- he's always so shifty.
11:02 Yeah, he's always squirreling things away when
11:05 he thinks I don't notice.
11:06 Where?
11:07 What?
11:08 Where is he always squirreling things away?
11:10 Oh, in-- in this big red box.
11:12 In there.
11:14 In there.
11:15 Oh, Timmy keeps it locked.
11:19 He's told me all this stuff about Gabrielle,
11:22 how she bullied him, how she coercively controlled him.
11:26 I mean, we've-- we've talked about recovering
11:28 from a toxic relationship.
11:32 If he was lying about that, what else has he been lying about?
11:36 Well, there's only one way to find out, isn't there?
11:38 Oh.
11:40 Tim, what did you do that for?
11:41 To get some answers.
11:42 What's that?
11:48 Joint life insurance.
11:49 We don't have joint life insurance.
11:51 I didn't sign this.
12:01 Enough.
12:12 I can't do this.
12:13 Get your own.
12:17 Excuse me?
12:18 Well--
12:19 [DOOR OPENS]
12:21 I think she just called me a cabbage.
12:23 What did you do?
12:24 I merely asked for 100 grams of pear
12:26 drops instead of my usual quarter in deference
12:29 to a nation's adherence to the metric system.
12:31 I meant no cultural appropriation.
12:34 Brian.
12:35 I know.
12:36 I know.
12:37 Mary, I'm-- I'm so sorry.
12:38 This-- this is the last thing I wanted you--
12:40 look, I've got-- I've got your little gift from my travels.
12:42 I'm sorry, too, Brian.
12:44 And I'm sure whatever souvenir or holiday
12:46 knickknack that you've picked out for me will be lovely.
12:48 But I'll be honest.
12:50 If there's anything you can do for me--
12:52 Anything--
12:53 You can allow me to buy my pear drops
12:55 without being harangued and compared to a brassica.
12:57 Good day.
12:58 Mary, wait. Don't go.
13:00 Let me at least get you your pear drops.
13:03 You have feelings for her, don't you?
13:05 Isabella?
13:06 No, you daft paper.
13:08 Mary.
13:09 Oh.
13:11 I mean, no, no.
13:13 Please don't tell anyone.
13:14 I, uh-- I can't get it out of my head.
13:18 I've known her for years.
13:19 I-- I-- I don't know what happened.
13:21 It was like a thunderbolt. Like a big, thunderous,
13:25 dew bonnie, pear drop scented--
13:29 Thunderbolt.
13:42 Why would he do this?
13:44 Why would he forge my signature?
13:47 Well, why do you think?
13:49 Do you need me to spell it out to your mum?
13:50 He's after your money. - No.
13:51 Well, of course he is.
13:52 Why else would he do this behind your back?
13:54 Oh, this can't be happening again.
13:55 That's right.
13:56 You need to check all your bank statements
13:57 and all your savings and stuff.
13:59 He says he's coming back.
14:02 Well, he can't do anything whilst I'm here.
14:04 Just-- just go and get some stuff together.
14:07 I'll take you back to ours.
14:08 I can't face him.
14:09 I have to get out of here now.
14:10 Well, you go, and I'll pack you back.
14:12 No, he'll see me.
14:13 Well, then wait with me.
14:16 I'll tell him to wait in the car,
14:18 and-- and-- and I'll go around the back way to yours,
14:22 through the conservatory.
14:23 You'll be quick, won't you?
14:25 You won't wait for him.
14:27 No chance.
14:27 We're going straight to the coppers with this.
14:29 [DOOR SLAMS]
14:32 All right, I'll see you later.
14:33 Yeah, see ya.
14:34 Thanks for this morning, Amy.
14:35 Yeah.
14:37 Wow, check that out.
14:39 Is that Addy driving?
14:42 Well, you let him drive that.
14:43 Better not let on to his boss that he crashed his last one.
14:46 Yeah, yeah.
14:52 Hey, Darren!
14:55 Yeah, I can see what you're saying.
14:56 I just don't see how that concerns me.
14:58 Get us a table, will you, mate?
14:59 Of course.
15:00 So long for tonight?
15:01 Of course.
15:02 Can I wear my suit?
15:03 Uh, perhaps not.
15:05 Fair dues.
15:06 See ya.
15:09 Let's get it done.
15:10 Well, boring.
15:11 Literally just been taxiing around and making coffee.
15:14 Tell a lie.
15:15 Did some photocopying.
15:16 That was fun.
15:17 Yeah, well, listen, we've got to start somewhere, haven't we?
15:19 So?
15:20 I briefly mentioned the fresco deal,
15:22 but he said he didn't want to talk about it, so--
15:25 You ever talk about it to a word then,
15:26 or talk about it at all?
15:27 I don't know.
15:28 I don't reckon either if I stand around chatting
15:30 rather than doing my job.
15:31 Of course, of course.
15:32 Hey, listen, Addy.
15:33 You listen to me.
15:34 No, you listen to me.
15:35 Listen, as soon as you get the opportunity--
15:36 Yes, yes, yes.
15:37 I'll keep trying.
15:37 OK?
15:48 Your Italian is embarrassing.
15:51 Offending me.
15:55 It's not happening, all right?
15:57 I'm not cheap.
15:59 I'm not going to listen to anything out of my mouth
16:00 from you.
16:02 You need to listen to that, and you need to go back to work.
16:05 You need to speak to--
16:06 --back to me with a higher price, all right?
16:07 Yeah?
16:09 Why are you asking my builder when he will finish?
16:11 Well, I just--
16:13 Are you trying to get rid of me?
16:14 You understand that?
16:15 Get back to me.
16:16 I thought the days of clandestine meetings
16:25 around here were over.
16:26 Yeah, well, you thought wrong.
16:28 To be honest with you, when I got your message,
16:30 I thought it might be--
16:31 What, a trap to get you to talk to Taya?
16:34 Something like that.
16:35 Yeah, well, we don't all think like coppers, you know.
16:37 No.
16:40 Look, she doesn't even know I'm here.
16:42 If she did, she'd kill me.
16:43 Sorry, bad choice of word.
16:45 I'm so sorry.
16:48 Yeah, I know you are.
16:51 I'm just glad that she's safe and Maggie's behind bars.
16:56 Do you really have to leave?
16:58 I don't want to.
16:59 Well, look, Taya doesn't want you to either.
17:01 I thought maybe we could make it work down south together, but--
17:05 Well, you could quit.
17:06 But you can't, can you?
17:10 Because you and Taya are the same.
17:11 You always have been, ever since you were little more than kids.
17:15 Whenever there was a cause, you'd never back down.
17:17 It's important.
17:18 It's annoying.
17:19 A bit.
17:20 Look, if you are going to leave, just talk to her.
17:26 Leave it positive.
17:27 Positive?
17:29 Yeah, positive.
17:30 Look, I spent the last year helping her get over him, man.
17:33 I don't want to spend the next year watching her get over you.
17:35 Yeah, I know.
17:40 Well, how about we go over the finer details at the club?
17:43 Yeah.
17:44 Sorry, can we have these to go?
17:46 Thank you.
17:47 You know me too well.
17:48 Well, I'll see you there, yeah?
17:49 OK, bye.
17:51 Sorry, Ardy, mate.
17:53 Complete nightmare.
17:54 I've been neglecting you.
17:55 This was meant to be us getting to know each other.
17:57 Oh, it's fine.
17:57 Actually, I just wanted to talk to you about the fresco units.
18:00 Let's put something in the diary.
18:01 But before that, can I ask you a massive favour?
18:03 It'd be an absolute lifesaver.
18:05 Of course.
18:05 Any chance you could be around to give my wife a lift?
18:07 She's got this thing on.
18:08 Honestly, it'd be a huge help.
18:11 I'd really appreciate it.
18:12 And then what say we pencil in that chap for the next couple of days?
18:14 OK, yeah, sounds good.
18:17 Mate, thank you so much.
18:18 Like I said, really appreciate it.
18:20 Oh, I should get this.
18:21 Matthew, did you hear the news?
18:22 I know.
18:23 I know.
18:25 Why?
18:28 Why would you call them behind my back?
18:29 Oh, he wasn't behind your back.
18:31 It was just a quick call.
18:32 In front or behind, you still call them because you want to know when you can get rid of me.
18:36 That's not true.
18:37 It is true.
18:38 It is true.
18:39 No, it is not true.
18:40 I was trying to phone your builder.
18:42 Absolutely not.
18:43 You two will stay put.
18:44 You are not leaving me with them.
18:46 I just feel like we're eavesdropping.
18:47 Eavesdropping?
18:48 There's no three counties down Canary, where are the eavesdropping?
18:51 Just tell me the truth.
18:52 I am telling you the truth.
18:54 Do you want me to go?
18:56 Perhaps it's best, yes.
18:59 No.
18:59 Oh, are you?
19:02 No, don't cry.
19:03 It's OK.
19:05 You can come back again soon.
19:08 Maybe in a year or so.
19:10 A year?
19:10 No, eight, nine months.
19:12 Easter-ish.
19:13 I can't leave it that long.
19:14 Why not?
19:15 Because...
19:15 Because I'm just so lonely, Brian.
19:22 You're the only friend I have.
19:24 [SOBBING]
19:27 Elaine?
19:37 What are you-- what is going on?
19:42 I'll tell you what's going on.
19:43 We're onto you, me and me mum.
19:45 We know everything.
19:47 What?
19:48 You heard.
19:49 Hey, Elaine!
19:50 She's not here.
19:51 You'll never get close to her or lay eyes on her ever again.
19:55 Where is she?
19:55 Right now, she's probably at home on the phone to the police.
19:58 Or maybe she's at the station, telling her everything.
20:00 You hang on!
20:01 Just you stay back.
20:02 OK, I'm not doing anything.
20:06 Just please tell me what is going on.
20:08 Are you not listening?
20:08 We're onto you.
20:10 Hey, what the hell have you done?
20:12 We found the insurance letter with the signature that you forged.
20:16 And mum saw a picture of Gabrielle, your ex-wife, that you're supposed to hate.
20:19 You're pretending that you work with.
20:21 So come on.
20:22 What else?
20:22 What other lies have you said?
20:24 Are we laughing at her?
20:25 I am laughing at you.
20:27 At you, Tim.
20:28 You pathetic, small, small man.
20:32 Well, you're onto me.
20:33 Oh, come on.
20:34 You have no idea what I am capable of.
20:36 Now get back.
20:37 Oh, come on.
20:38 You know nothing about me.
20:41 How could you?
20:42 Look at you.
20:43 You're just a small, small, basic man with mummy issues who has no idea what you are missing with.
20:48 You.
20:51 You are nothing.
20:53 Nothing.
20:54 Just get off.
20:56 Just stay away from me.
20:57 Get off, Tim.
20:58 Get out.
21:03 Just stay away from my mum.
21:04 Get out.
21:06 Well, I hate to see good food go to waste.
21:13 Cheers, Janet.
21:15 Yeah, the bun were well nice.
21:16 All made by my fair hand.
21:18 Really?
21:19 No, you dozy mare.
21:20 A company drops them off.
21:23 You all right, Maxwell?
21:23 It's about my dad, isn't it?
21:29 How long?
21:35 18 years.
21:40 Wait!
21:51 Wait!
21:51 No.
21:55 No.
21:57 No.
21:59 Hey.
22:20 Stephen?
22:21 Stephen?
22:27 Hi, could I have an ambulance, please?
22:31 I can't understand why you want to get rid of me.
22:35 Threw me away like an old tissue.
22:37 It's not true.
22:38 But you have to accept he had been here for quite a while.
22:41 A blink of the eye, he goes behind my back.
22:46 I think he wants to bribe my builders to hurry up
22:49 so he can pack me off and banish me forever.
22:53 No, you got it all wrong.
22:54 Oh, no, no, no, no, not me.
22:55 No, no, I don't take sides.
22:57 No, strictly neutral.
22:58 I'm like Switzerland me.
22:59 Grazie.
23:01 I really think we should go.
23:04 I'm going nowhere.
23:05 I find my family.
23:07 I believe I have a true friend
23:10 and he stabs me in the back like a snake.
23:13 Please don't say that.
23:14 The truth is he hates me, despises me.
23:17 I'm surprised he hasn't tried to strangle me in the night.
23:20 No.
23:20 You're a friend.
23:24 You are my family.
23:25 I don't want you to leave.
23:27 But that's not wholly true, is it?
23:29 What?
23:30 I'm sorry.
23:31 This is a difficult situation for Brian.
23:34 But the truth is he does want you to leave.
23:37 This has nothing to do with you, per drop.
23:41 I'm afraid it does, actually.
23:44 I know that Brian likes you
23:47 and that he's enjoyed spending time with you.
23:49 But the truth is we are in love
23:55 and he's asked me to move in with him.
23:58 Well, you kept that quiet.
23:59 I'll say.
24:00 We didn't want to upset you.
24:01 Is this true?
24:04 Our love may have grown in secret
24:07 but now it is in full bloom
24:10 and that is why we need you to move out.
24:13 Please.
24:14 So, what did he say?
24:21 He wasn't very civil.
24:23 You told him it's over?
24:25 That I can't be with a man I can't trust?
24:28 Yeah, yeah, I told him.
24:29 How did he take it?
24:30 Well, he was pretty angry.
24:32 Do you think I should call or text him, maybe?
24:37 No.
24:38 No, no, there's no need.
24:39 You're safe here now, love.
24:40 You sure?
24:42 Yeah, you won't be causing any more trouble.
24:44 Good.
24:46 Are you okay?
24:48 Me?
24:50 Yeah, I'm fine.
24:52 Of course, it isn't really over, is it?
24:56 Well, I think he got the message loud and clear.
24:58 I've still got so many things at the flat.
25:02 There's always so much stuff to untangle.
25:06 Well, we'll sort it.
25:08 Where's Lauren?
25:11 She's gone to the toilet.
25:13 Yeah, that were ages ago.
25:14 Yeah, well, she's upset about her dad's sentencing, isn't she?
25:18 Oh, and aren't you, Mr. Sensitive, sitting here checking your socials?
25:21 Well, what can I do?
25:22 He deserved to go down.
25:24 Yes, that may be true, but it's still her dad.
25:26 Yeah, I know that.
25:29 How long's she been in there?
25:32 I don't know.
25:33 Maybe I should check on her.
25:35 Oh, hiya, love.
25:37 Are you all right?
25:38 Yeah.
25:40 (door creaks)
25:42 We were worried about you.
25:46 Not worried enough to make a statement.
25:49 If you'd have looked out for him, he wouldn't be getting done for 18 years.
25:53 Lauren, you were asking me to lie.
25:54 Right, hang on, is this true?
25:56 He stopped me from going to court.
25:57 No, I didn't.
25:58 That is not fair.
25:59 What's not fair is that my dad's in prison.
26:01 Lauren.
26:04 I think it's time.
26:08 (footsteps)
26:10 I can see now why you called my builders with your bad Italian.
26:16 Yeah, I'm sorry, but we want to be together.
26:20 To live together like a proper couple.
26:24 But my apartment is not ready.
26:27 Oh, it's nearly ready.
26:28 There are plenty of flights available tomorrow, I checked.
26:32 But I wouldn't just kick you out.
26:34 You could stay at mine for one more night.
26:37 You've got it all worked out.
26:38 Is this really what you want?
26:41 My heart is broken.
26:44 Yes, sorry about that.
26:47 I feel like I'm losing you.
26:48 Not lost, just putting him back where you found him.
26:51 When do you want to move in?
26:53 As soon as possible.
26:54 So, what's wrong with a surprise party?
27:00 Oh, I love a surprise party.
27:02 What's wrong is they always go wrong.
27:03 Why don't we just take it to the bistro, have a nice lunch?
27:07 Because I want to make a fuss.
27:09 Well, does she want a fuss? Have you asked her?
27:11 No, because if I ask her, she'll just say, "No, I don't want a fuss."
27:15 Well, there you go.
27:17 Because if you ask anyone, they always say, "No, I don't want a fuss."
27:22 Even if what they really want is a great big fuss.
27:26 I just think she would be more than happy
27:28 with a nice lunch and a cake and some candles.
27:31 Well, I wouldn't.
27:33 I'd be completely underwhelmed.
27:36 So, what you're saying is for your birthday you want a fuss?
27:38 You want a big mountain of fuss?
27:40 No, I don't want you to go into any trouble.
27:42 Or do I?
27:45 She does.
27:46 Oh, David's right, you're getting worse.
27:48 Hello, David.
27:52 Oh, look how young and beautiful we look in that picture.
27:56 What?
27:56 Well, what's he doing in hospital?
28:00 Hey.
28:05 Hey.
28:06 How are you feeling?
28:07 Pretty much the same as the last time you asked me.
28:10 OK.
28:11 So, um, have you heard from...
28:16 Who?
28:17 Him.
28:18 Him?
28:19 Taya, you know who?
28:21 No. Why would I hear anything from him?
28:23 I don't know, but he's still got some stuff here,
28:26 so I imagine he'd want it back at some point.
28:28 Yeah, I suppose.
28:29 Well, we could just bag it up and take it round to the charity shop.
28:32 Recycle, move on.
28:34 Oh, well, that's interesting.
28:36 What's that?
28:36 Spider.
28:38 Seeing if he can come round and pick up his stuff.
28:40 Do you know anything about this?
28:42 No.
28:43 You are so suspicious, you should be a cop.
28:47 Oh, actually, that's not a bad idea.
28:49 You could solve all your problems, fight crime together.
28:51 Don't joke.
28:52 Now, look, all right, if you don't want to see him,
28:56 I'll sort it, you can go out.
28:57 No, I'm not hiding him.
29:00 I'm just going to go and see him.
29:01 You can go out.
29:02 No, I'm not hiding.
29:04 OK.
29:06 Hi, Amy, it's Addy.
29:17 Still at work.
29:19 Don't know how long I'm going to be stuck here, sorry,
29:21 but I'll keep you posted.
29:22 Hey, what do you think you're doing?
29:25 You're Addy?
29:25 Yeah.
29:27 Courtney, Darren's wife.
29:28 You've been waiting for me?
29:31 Look, sorry I took so long, but you know how it is.
29:34 You get talking and you lose track of time.
29:36 You OK?
29:39 Yeah.
29:40 So, you're new?
29:42 Yeah.
29:43 And how long have you been waiting for?
29:45 Not long.
29:46 Honestly?
29:47 About 15 minutes.
29:49 Try again.
29:50 Close to about half an hour.
29:52 Any advance on half an hour?
29:53 47 minutes, exactly.
29:57 Look, every boss prefers honesty over politeness.
30:00 Although good manners can get you a very long way.
30:02 Good advice.
30:04 So, I'll drive you home?
30:06 Actually, if you're not in a rush, I could murder a kebab.
30:10 A kebab?
30:11 Yeah.
30:11 Darren hates junk food, but I love it.
30:13 So, do you know where we can get a good kebab from?
30:16 Tim!
30:19 Tim!
30:20 Oh, you're here.
30:23 Yes, I'm here.
30:24 Well, I've just been at Gail's.
30:25 She's been trying to call you.
30:26 Stephen's in hospital.
30:28 Hospital?
30:30 According to David, he was attacked.
30:32 He found him in the street.
30:33 He was unconscious with his head bleeding.
30:34 Well, he was fine when you saw him.
30:38 Yeah, yeah, he was, well, not exactly fine.
30:40 Could somebody tell me what is going on?
30:43 Well, look, I found that Stephen has been lying to me and I panicked.
30:48 It feels like Jeff all over again.
30:51 So, I came here and Tim dealt with Stephen.
30:54 Dealt with him how?
30:58 I just told him to stay away from me, Mum.
31:00 That's all.
31:00 So, how did he end up collapsing the street?
31:03 It was an accident.
31:07 Oh, what sort of an accident?
31:10 Well, he was mouthing off and he was calling me a little man,
31:14 so I just gave him a little shove.
31:15 Pushed him up against the wall.
31:18 You pushed him?
31:19 Yeah, just a little shove, that's all.
31:20 But he banged his head and he fell down and shouted at me, so I left.
31:26 Oh, Tim.
31:28 What have you done?
31:30 Where's Stephen?
31:46 He's in surgery.
31:47 Doctor was just here.
31:49 Surgery?
31:50 Yeah.
31:50 What have they said?
31:51 They said they think he might have a bleed on the brain.
31:54 Could that mean brain damage?
31:55 I don't know.
31:56 Well, he was fine earlier.
31:58 He was going off to Matlock with Elaina.
32:00 Did he end up here?
32:03 Well, I can't be sure about me.
32:04 If you ask me, it looks like somebody's whacked him over the head.
32:07 Maybe he was mugged.
32:08 Well, if he hasn't, he didn't take anything.
32:10 I mean, he still had his wallet on him, his watch.
32:12 Who you calling?
32:14 Elaine.
32:15 She's his fiancée.
32:16 She needs to know what's happened.
32:18 Why would anyone want to attack Stephen?
32:26 It's Gail.
32:27 Maybe you should answer it.
32:28 I can't.
32:30 I imagine she's at the hospital by now.
32:32 What do you keep looking at me for?
32:36 Are you sure he was okay when you left him?
32:38 Yeah.
32:40 Yeah, he was just shouting.
32:41 Gail's texting.
32:44 She wants me to call her.
32:45 Well, maybe you should.
32:46 Then say what?
32:47 You know, I've just dumped Stephen and then my son battered him.
32:52 But he was okay when I left him.
32:54 He was just a chump, that's all.
32:55 He was fine.
32:56 He clearly wasn't fine.
32:57 He wasn't exactly singing and dancing, but he was breathing.
33:00 He told me to get out and I just told him to stay away from me mum.
33:04 I don't know what to do.
33:05 Gail again.
33:07 Stephen's in surgery.
33:10 He's got a serious head injury.
33:13 I swear to you, it was just a shove, okay?
33:15 He fell over and he lost his balance.
33:17 That's all he did.
33:18 Well, look, if you want to go to the hospital...
33:20 No, no, no, no.
33:21 I can't do that.
33:22 Not now.
33:22 Right now, Tim's my priority.
33:25 (SIGHS)
33:31 One cheese doner and chips with extra chilli sauce.
33:34 Oh, that smells so good, doesn't it, yeah?
33:36 Oh, oh.
33:37 (SNIFFS)
33:39 Doner'd die if he could see me eating this.
33:41 He's got a thing for healthy food.
33:43 Low carbs, low taste.
33:45 He thinks you are what you eat.
33:47 What do you think?
33:48 What's wrong with a treat every now and then?
33:51 Exactly.
33:52 You know what it is.
33:53 Mmm.
33:54 Mmm.
33:55 This tastes so good.
33:58 Do you come here often?
34:00 Don't lie, you love a doner, don't you?
34:02 I know the owner.
34:04 Ooh, look at you.
34:06 A little mover and a shaker.
34:08 (LAUGHS)
34:10 Look.
34:10 I know this isn't the most healthiest option in the world,
34:14 but I had a prawn salad for me lunch,
34:16 with sparkle and water.
34:17 I never even had a chardonnay.
34:19 Oh, well, I'm not going to lie.
34:22 (SNIFFS)
34:23 What, what?
34:23 I'm fine.
34:24 Don't be worrying about getting your greasy fingers
34:26 all over Darren's precious steering wheel.
34:28 I've got wet wipes in my bag.
34:30 Maybe a couple of chips.
34:32 (LAUGHS)
34:34 (DOOR OPENS)
34:36 Well, I can't say I expected to see you today.
34:39 Nice surprise.
34:41 (DOOR SLAMS)
34:42 I don't know.
34:43 In truth, I nearly came back last night.
34:46 But you didn't.
34:48 No.
34:50 (SIGHS)
34:52 Well, I think this is all of your stuff, and, um...
34:54 You'd better take this.
34:58 OK.
34:59 If we find anything else,
35:02 Leanne said she can send it on to you,
35:03 if you're leaving an address.
35:04 If you're allowed to leave an address.
35:07 Yeah.
35:08 Speaking of Leanne, has she, um...
35:11 Has she spoken to you?
35:13 Has she said anything?
35:14 Uh...
35:14 Oh, I knew it!
35:15 What did she say?
35:17 Did she tell you to come round here?
35:18 She's worried about you.
35:20 I'm worried about you.
35:21 She just can't resist sticking her nose in, can she?
35:23 Why would she do that?
35:25 She loves you.
35:25 Like I do.
35:27 Boy, you've both got a funny way of showing it.
35:30 Yeah.
35:31 18 years.
35:40 Yeah.
35:41 I know.
35:43 I've lost my dad forever.
35:47 I'm sorry, Lauren. I just couldn't lie.
35:50 I mean...
35:52 What he and Griff did...
35:56 People could've died, you know?
36:00 And they knew that.
36:01 What am I gonna do, Max?
36:07 What am I gonna do?
36:09 It's just that I...
36:10 I don't know. I just feel like I'm never gonna see him again.
36:14 And I know what he did.
36:16 But I'm on my own now.
36:21 No.
36:21 No, you are not...
36:23 on your own. I am here.
36:26 Okay? We were... We were so close to something so bad.
36:31 And now...
36:32 And now...
36:33 You're not here.
36:35 I'm not here.
36:36 We were so close to something so bad.
36:38 And no one else understands.
36:40 Do you mean that?
36:46 Yeah.
36:47 Yeah, of course I do.
36:49 Gran's on her way.
36:58 She didn't text you while she was driving.
37:01 No, she's just set off.
37:04 *Door closes*
37:05 Oh.
37:09 Nice suit.
37:11 I'm here about the assault.
37:13 Oh, right.
37:16 About time.
37:17 Have you, um, given a statement?
37:20 No.
37:22 And are you not the victim?
37:24 No, that's...
37:26 Steven, who's currently in surgery.
37:29 Okay, well, I can take a witness statement off you,
37:32 and then I will speak to Steven when he's well enough.
37:33 Right, yeah.
37:35 I'll get your note pad out, then.
37:38 I'm worried about Elaine.
37:42 I mean, I've texted her and I've phoned her,
37:44 but she hasn't replied.
37:45 I mean, you don't think she's been hurt as well, do you?
37:48 We can check that out for you.
37:50 Right, so did you see the assault?
37:53 No, it must have happened, um, while I was in the barbers.
37:57 Okay, so tell me, what did you see?
38:01 Oh, the worker returns.
38:04 So, long date?
38:06 Yeah, you could say that.
38:07 Yeah?
38:08 And are we getting any closer to the bus?
38:10 I've been chauffeuring Darren's wife around for the past two hours.
38:12 We've all got to start somewhere, son.
38:14 Only a matter of time before you start climbing that ladder of success.
38:17 Do you know what she had me do?
38:18 Well, not unless you tell me something, though.
38:21 Fetch her a kebab.
38:21 Fetch her a kebab?
38:24 Yeah.
38:25 But don't tell Darren.
38:26 She loves him.
38:27 He doesn't approve.
38:29 Question.
38:29 From where did you fetch her the kebab?
38:32 From the shop, of course.
38:33 Yes, yes, you see, Ardy, you've got brains for business here.
38:37 Right, never miss an opportunity.
38:39 Oh, you're back.
38:41 Yeah, just this minute.
38:42 Hard at work.
38:43 Shame you missed the charity event.
38:44 It was good.
38:45 Amy loved the band.
38:47 Yeah, sorry.
38:48 He's been a busy guy, making his way in the world.
38:50 Yeah, well, from what I've heard, he's pretty much just a jumped up errand boy.
38:54 Listen, come on, don't make fun here.
38:57 Don't make fun.
38:58 We've all been there, you know, fetching kebabs for the boss's wife.
39:01 It's, uh...
39:01 It's our secret.
39:03 So I guess this is it.
39:12 Yeah, I guess so.
39:15 You will be careful, won't you?
39:18 Yeah.
39:19 I wish I could be the person you want me to be.
39:24 Yeah, me too.
39:27 I won't have this job forever.
39:28 Maybe another five years, then I could retire.
39:31 Are you asking me to wait for you?
39:34 No, I would never do that.
39:37 It's just tearing me apart.
39:41 Then don't do it.
39:44 I have to.
39:45 I do understand.
39:48 It hurts, but...
39:51 I do.
39:53 I got you.
39:56 I got you something.
39:57 To remember me.
40:02 Yeah.
40:02 Like I could ever forget you.
40:05 Same.
40:07 Do me a favour.
40:10 Yeah?
40:12 Next time you decide to hijack a bin lorry, call me.
40:16 I'm really gonna miss you.
40:20 I love you.
40:23 I miss you too.
40:23 [SIGHS]
40:25 The next train to Eddings-Coventry station will be arriving shortly.
40:37 For your safety, please stand behind the yellow line.
40:41 Only us.
40:48 Oh, the lovebirds!
40:51 Has Isabella left the building, then?
40:53 Yeah, tomorrow.
40:54 We're giving her one more night to sort herself out.
40:57 But she's packing her suitcases.
40:59 Oh, that is good news.
41:00 Hey, we've got some good news as well.
41:01 Oh, really?
41:02 Yeah, we're going to turn your room into a multifunction storage facility.
41:05 A what?
41:07 A kind of walk-in wardrobe, stroke home office, stroke gym slash games room.
41:11 And why would you do that?
41:14 Because you're going to be living with Brian.
41:15 Ah.
41:17 Oh, I am so sorry.
41:19 We didn't mean to mislead you.
41:21 I'm afraid our relationship was a ruse to, um--
41:24 to persuade Isabella to move on.
41:26 A ruse?
41:28 So you're not moving out?
41:30 Well, no, sorry.
41:32 I-- I didn't think you'd be so chuffed to see the back of me.
41:35 You lied to us?
41:38 Oh, I was trying to help.
41:39 I-- I thought if I got the ball rolling, everybody else would join in.
41:43 Well, I must say, you were very convincing.
41:46 You almost had me believing you were madly in love with me.
41:48 I mean, how ridiculous is that?
41:51 So once you've got rid of your Italian cousin, it's all back to normal then?
41:55 Yeah, I'm afraid so.
41:56 You seem disappointed.
41:58 [SIGHS]
42:01 We'll manage.
42:02 Look, I did it to help Brian.
42:05 I could see he was being suffocated by that woman.
42:08 Because he didn't have the guts to tell her how he felt himself.
42:11 Always pays to tell the truth, Brian.
42:12 George is right.
42:14 I-- I hope you've learnt your lesson.
42:16 I-- I won't always be there to, um-- to help you out.
42:20 That's a shame.
42:21 I think this chamomile tea is helping.
42:26 I do feel a bit calmer now.
42:29 Yeah, always helped me too.
42:30 Oh, this is such a mess.
42:33 I hope Stephen's OK.
42:35 Yeah, me and all.
42:37 Maybe something happened after you left?
42:40 Because David found him outside the flat.
42:44 Yeah, maybe he fell down the stairs or somebody else bashed him.
42:46 Don't know how likely that is.
42:48 [KNOCKING]
42:50 Oh, I hope this isn't one of the plats.
42:52 Do you want me to tell them you're not here?
42:55 No, no, no.
42:56 Better face the music.
42:57 All right, mate?
43:10 Have you-- have you heard all about Stephen?
43:13 Apparently he's in hospital.
43:14 Stephen is in hospital.
43:16 And he has a serious head injury.
43:19 And we have got CCTV of you leaving his flat
43:23 just before he came out and collapsed on the pavement.
43:26 All right, listen, I swear to you, it was-- it was just a shove.
43:30 He fell over. He was fine when I left.
43:31 It might be best not to say anything.
43:33 I was just looking out for him and Mum, that's all.
43:34 You've got no idea what that bloke's like.
43:36 I'm afraid I have to arrest you under suspicion of GBH.
43:39 Please, come on, don't do that.
43:40 You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense
43:43 if you do not mention when questioned,
43:45 some of which you later rely on in court.
43:47 Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
43:49 For some terrifying real-life tales,
43:52 find out what happens when a victim and a perpetrator are family.
43:56 New crime documentary series Murder in the Family
43:59 is on ITV1 tomorrow at 9.
44:01 Next, sniffing out vanilla in Madagascar,
44:04 it's new Joanna Lumley's Spice Trail adventure.
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