Mariah & Tessa leaving Young and Restless

  • last year
Mariah & Tessa leaving Young and Restless
00:00 The fans of The Young and the Restless are not happy at all.
00:03 It's been quite some time since we last saw Mariah and Tessa on screen, and I can't help
00:07 but wonder if they are even on the show.
00:09 So what happened to the Tariah couple?
00:11 Does this mean they are leaving the show soon?
00:13 To find out, let's get into the video right away.
00:17 Hey everyone, welcome to Trend Street.
00:21 Mariah and Tessa are the first LGBTQ couple in the history of The Young and the Restless.
00:26 Mariah Copeland and Tessa Porter's history go way back to the early days when Mariah
00:30 was dating Devin and Tessa was with Noah.
00:33 While they were on a double date trip to the San Francisco Music Festival, Mariah started
00:37 having mixed feelings for Tessa, and so, she kissed her.
00:40 From then onwards, these two haven't been shy to express their love for each other,
00:44 especially on Halloween when they dressed up as Sunny and Cher.
00:48 In the beginning, fans were not sure if the couple was a good idea since Tessa used to
00:52 date Mariah's brother, Noah.
00:54 There were many times when everybody thought they were about to end, like when Mariah cheated
00:58 on Tessa with Lindsay when she was away for tour, or when Mariah and Tessa were having
01:02 trouble in their relationship during Mariah's attachment issues with Dominic, her surrogate
01:06 baby.
01:07 But as usual, they pulled through all their hard times and got married in a retro 70s
01:12 theme suggested by Noah himself.
01:14 Mariah and Tessa always dreamt of being parents, and after many disappointments, they were
01:18 finally able to become one.
01:20 A woman named Delphine chose them to be their adoptive parents of her newborn baby.
01:24 Soon, after a false labor scare, both Mariah and Tessa took off to Delphine's city to
01:29 welcome their first child, Aria, together in March, and that's the last time we saw
01:33 them properly on screen.
01:34 I mean, we didn't even get to see baby Aria until about a month later.
01:38 The whole birth and adoption process took place off-screen.
01:42 Then on April 14th, they brought baby Aria to introduce her to her grandma, Sharon.
01:47 In fact, Faith's dead cat, Borg-9, may his soul rest in peace, has had more screen time
01:52 recently than them.
01:53 It's been more than a month since we saw Mariah and Tessa on screen, which is very disappointing.
01:58 And guess what?
01:59 The new moms had a date night on May 19th, which was like exactly a year after they got
02:03 married.
02:04 And let me tell you, ever since then, they've been all about bottles and diapers.
02:08 It's been non-stop baby duty for them.
02:11 But hey, at least Mariah got a little break and went out on her own even though she has
02:15 been playing therapist for her bestie, Kyle, who is heartbroken by Summer's lies about
02:19 Phyllis.
02:20 So, where's her own storyline?
02:22 Isn't it about time both Tessa and Mariah get their own plots and twists?
02:26 They are such a potential character, but once again the producers have kept them on the
02:30 sidelines.
02:31 Just look at how Sharon and Nick were worried that Cameron would come after Faith.
02:35 Like, isn't Mariah your daughter too?
02:37 Will she not be in danger too?
02:39 Maybe then, she would get her own screen time.
02:41 What's even more surprising is that it's Pride Month, you know, the celebration of LGBTQ+
02:46 community.
02:47 We all thought maybe they would finally get a storyline and shine on the screen this time.
02:52 But nope, disappointment once again.
02:54 Instead of paying homage to this queer couple, they are not even on air.
02:58 Naturally, people would think they left the show.
03:00 But that is not the case.
03:01 They are still on the show, but just on screen, while Taraya fans are desperately waiting
03:06 for them to return.
03:07 With some drama, there are other people who are mad for the wrong reasons.
03:11 Turns out there are many people who are totally against this couple, just because they're
03:15 the same sex couple.
03:16 A viewer on Twitter wrote, "I see no purpose for Tessa and Mariah in that disgusting storyline.
03:21 We wonder which storyline they are talking about, since we haven't been getting any of
03:25 those."
03:26 Another viewer also wrote, "I'd rather see Mariah and Tessa be mothers but why and are
03:30 it's just outwardly homophobic claiming we care about representation while also subversively
03:35 saying same sex parents are disgusting."
03:37 We also did a community post to see what your thoughts are on Mariah and Tessa.
03:42 30% of you guys said it was a snoozefest, whereas the 16% said that they needed more
03:46 screen time.
03:47 But the majority, by which we mean, 53% said that they would rather see Mariah with a man.
03:53 While some say they want to see more Tessa and less of Mariah, others think it would
03:57 be better if she was with a man, but who?
03:59 Do you feel like there is any man that could be a better match with her?
04:02 Or maybe the writers just need to make the existing Taraya storyline more spicy and
04:06 dramatic?
04:07 What do you guys think?
04:08 Let us know in the comments below.
04:26 Thanks for watching.
04:27 Be sure to subscribe for more videos.
04:28 And check out our other videos over here.
04:29 Thanks for watching.
04:29 Bye!
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