Bakhabar Savera with Ashfaq Satti and Sadaf Abdul Jabbar | 20th July 2023

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Bakhabar Savera with Ashfaq Satti and Sadaf Abdul Jabbar | 20th July 2023
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00:00:33, as you know.
00:01:02 That's how media people--
00:01:04 Media people work.
00:01:07 It is important.
00:01:09 Capacity building, to be honest, is very important.
00:01:14 Software.
00:01:21 Actually, I'm software update.
00:01:25 Welcome back to "Bakhabar Savera."
00:01:29 Maybe you heard some kind of nightmare.
00:02:25 No, I don't want to. I will tell you tomorrow.
00:02:28 Alright, so let's hope you guys are fine and without wasting any further time, let's move towards the top stories.
00:02:45 The FIA has issued a charge sheet against the German PTI.
00:03:00 The IMF has said that the government has taken steps to control corruption in Pakistan.
00:03:09 The investigation of the FIA and the officers is also a part of the IMF agreement.
00:03:15 The Pakistan-Sri Lanka goal test is on the last day.
00:03:27 83 runs are required to win the game.
00:03:29 Whether it rains or not, the result of the match is certain.
00:03:38 Tomorrow, sir.
00:03:40 I just remembered something.
00:03:42 You remember something? I forgot my place.
00:03:45 When I got here and got a cup of tea, I got confused.
00:03:50 You were sitting here.
00:03:52 Yes, I was sitting in the center.
00:03:54 No problem, the cameras are here.
00:03:57 I forgot my camera.
00:03:59 I will request the PCR to remind me again and again.
00:04:03 The cameraman started picking me up with his first genasi.
00:04:07 Thank you very much.
00:04:09 What happened yesterday, Shoaib?
00:04:11 There was an issue that was suppressed, but it was revived.
00:04:15 How did that happen?
00:04:17 The former Prime Minister's principal secretary, Azam Khan, who was missing for a month,
00:04:22 yesterday he came up with a plan.
00:04:24 He has made a lot of revelations about Saif-ur-Rehman.
00:04:30 And this has been told by Azam Khan's statement.
00:04:37 He has found out that the cipher was with the former Prime Minister and he has lost it.
00:04:41 And this also came up in Surat-e-Hal that the former Prime Minister's principal secretary's testimony
00:04:45 was further told by the Minister of Internal Affairs,
00:04:47 which proved who the real Mir Jafar was.
00:04:50 Azam Khan's statement is a charge sheet against the Chairman PTI.
00:04:54 Hiding the cipher is against the secret act.
00:04:57 And the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, is equally involved in this crime.
00:05:01 And the news is that he has been acquitted.
00:05:04 That is, Insadat Rashid Ghardi has been acquitted of FIA.
00:05:07 On July 25, the former Prime Minister was instructed to appear at the FIA headquarters.
00:05:12 And it will be in the context of Azam Khan's statement.
00:05:15 Okay, there is another issue.
00:05:17 He says that I told you that this is a very sensitive matter.
00:05:22 So it is not appropriate to wave the cipher in any convention or any place.
00:05:26 But it was not heard from the side of the PTI chairman.
00:05:29 Then it is obvious that it was described in its own way.
00:05:32 That is, politics was played on it.
00:05:34 Yes, yes.
00:05:35 And then the copy of the cipher that he had, it disappeared.
00:05:38 In MOFA, that is, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there was an original copy,
00:05:42 there was an original version of it.
00:05:43 So it was brought back and discussed.
00:05:45 Okay, because he gave an interview to the Maria program the other day.
00:05:48 So I think it's about last year.
00:05:50 He himself said that I had one, I don't know where it went.
00:05:54 And as Ashfaq said, one copy was here, one copy was here.
00:05:57 But at that time, the question was raised that the cipher is there, so everyone said that the cipher is there.
00:06:02 But does this prove that the conspiracy was committed?
00:06:04 So this was a big issue that whether the conspiracy was committed or not.
00:06:08 Now we have to see how the matter progresses.
00:06:10 Anyway, today, the former Prime Minister tweeted another tweet last night.
00:06:13 He says, sir, I will tell you today, I will tell you more.
00:06:16 May God have mercy, what will that Zaid tell?
00:06:18 Yes, okay.
00:06:19 Let's see what happens.
00:06:20 And he said that it was very, anyway.
00:06:22 I guess what Mr. Sinhaullah says about this, about paying the fine and about the goat's mother's well-being, he will show you a little.
00:06:29 And along with that, let me tell you one more thing that the investigation of the Wafaaq-e-Kabina and the investigation of the officers' assets is also part of the IEMF agreement.
00:06:38 From yesterday, we know that there are big revelations about the standards of the stand-by agreement in front of us.
00:06:45 The 17th to 22nd grade officers will not be able to hide their illegal assets, including the bank.
00:06:52 The law enforcement agencies will have access to information.
00:06:54 The IEMF says that the FBI will have access to the Wafaaq-e-Kabina's assets so that corruption can be controlled.
00:07:01 Good governance can be made sure.
00:07:04 It is preferable to improve the work of the NAB and anti-corruption.
00:07:08 Okay, so let's talk about this situation.
00:07:11 Bureau Chief Sina Abad, Khawar Ghumman Sahib al-Assoob is with us. Thank you so much Khawar Ghumman for being with us.
00:07:17 Please tell us, there is a sentence in this that now the 17th to 22nd grade officers will not be able to hide their assets.
00:07:25 So what will happen if they cannot hide their assets?
00:07:27 And what used to happen before that they were able to hide their assets?
00:07:30 There are many means that have to be hidden.
00:07:33 This is a very old issue.
00:07:39 Especially that the civil servants make their properties and hide them somewhere.
00:07:47 Obviously, the IEMF has given an old condition that whatever assets they have made, they should show them on some level.
00:07:55 I remember very well that on the basis of annual basis, you have to show your properties and assets on some level.
00:08:11 You have to show your taxes on some level.
00:08:16 Now, it is being told from the IEMF that there is a special condition for them. You are right that there are more than one way, you can hide your property on some level.
00:08:31 Now, what action does the government take on this?
00:08:37 Will a directory be printed?
00:08:39 What level is there a bureaucracy?
00:08:42 A task force will be formed in which the free experts of the International Civil Society will be part of it.
00:08:47 These are the details that have come to us.
00:08:50 The problem is not that you have to keep an eye on the property of the civil servants.
00:09:00 The problem is the same in Pakistan.
00:09:02 The fundamental thing that has been there since the beginning, believe me, I have been in journalism for the past 25 years,
00:09:11 the thing I am seeing is that the IEMF says that you should do the fundamental structural reforms in your country.
00:09:18 If the structural reforms are done, this problem will be solved by itself.
00:09:23 And what are those reforms? Most of our corporations in the country, which are government institutions, should have been privatized long ago.
00:09:36 In which there is a disco, a steel mill, a PIA, a rail.
00:09:42 You go to any developed country in the world, you will find out. If you go to London, you will find out how its rail is running, how your dakhana is running,
00:09:52 how the different companies are running, how the electricity distribution companies are running.
00:09:57 The order of Lahore High Court, the order of Islamabad High Court, is not acceptable.
00:10:02 The second thing is that if you want to do a free and fair investigation on all these matters, then you should make a high-powered commission.
00:10:15 I hear this again, this is a very sensitive issue and I think politics should not be involved in this issue.
00:10:23 You are very right, Khawar sahib, but one more thing, you live in Pakistan, we live in Pakistan.
00:10:27 But if any group of sitting judges does not get a decision in their favour, then they express their opinion in a way that everyone knows.
00:10:38 You are saying that a retired judge should be made and then a commission should be made, then the report should be acceptable for everyone.
00:10:43 The commission should find the facts.
00:10:45 So, how will you decipher the facts or what will be their way of looking at it? Will anyone agree?
00:10:51 Any opposition party? Yes, Khawar sahib.
00:10:55 Look, I think there are many people in Pakistan who have a background and there are people who do not have a finger raised on them.
00:11:06 I am saying that if you ask both sides, if there is a retired officer, a civil bureaucrat, I am not saying that he is a civil judge.
00:11:16 All parties will be satisfied that this officer will investigate him. You will remember that when there was an issue in the past,
00:11:26 when the former Prime Minister was in the opposition, after the 2013 election, he said that he should investigate in some circles.
00:11:34 Then a commission was set up. Four circles.
00:11:37 Exactly, when the commission's findings came, it was accepted. I don't think there is such a thing.
00:11:45 But again, I am saying that obviously, it is an issue. Both sides have their own claims on it.
00:11:53 If there is such a high-powered investigation, then the question will come up. Thank you so much, Khawar Ghumman sahib.
00:12:01 Thank you very much.
00:12:03 My question is that do you remember that the former Prime Minister was also talking about making a commission?
00:12:11 The problem is that Pakistan has a polarized society, in which you don't like what I say, I don't like what you say,
00:12:18 no matter how good you are, we will blame you, we will look for things.
00:12:21 So why would anyone try to taint their reputation for the sake of that? Because whatever happens, the other party will say bad things about me.
00:12:29 They will decide that this should happen or not. Let's see how things go ahead.
00:12:34 After the political climate, we were talking about the climate of the world, the climate of your country,
00:12:41 did you face any rains?
00:12:44 Yes, in Islamabad, then my village, which is about 60-65 km away from Kotli Satya etc.
00:12:51 Everywhere, in Rahulpindi, it rained so much that the drain was flooded.
00:12:55 You were reporting.
00:12:57 Being in the media, we often see that the whole city is flooded.
00:13:03 Obviously, cities are very big and it doesn't happen like that, but when it rains so much, it has a negative effect.
00:13:09 But what difference did you feel when it rains so much there and so much here?
00:13:15 The difference is that there is more rain, more water comes, then more water goes away immediately.
00:13:19 Here, more water becomes our guest for many days, plus the road system becomes a problem.
00:13:27 One thing is that the weather becomes very pleasant after the rain, here the drought increases.
00:13:34 We are worried that the electricity supply will be cut off, if electricity is also going there, then these issues do not occur.
00:13:40 In villages, it is constantly raining, it is stormy rain and the light is there.
00:13:47 We immediately go to charge the phone, if the phone is not charged, then when will the light come?
00:13:51 There is no such issue there because they are used to it.
00:13:53 It is better to walk hand in hand, if precautions are being taken, because we do not have such a system.
00:14:01 The monsoon season is in Joban throughout the country.
00:14:05 In Punjab, the rain clouds have caused destruction.
00:14:08 And like Jorwan cities, Ashfaq also shared his experience.
00:14:11 In Rawalpindi, Samabad, we saw that there was a lot of rain and 12 workers were also killed when the wall of the underpass fell.
00:14:19 In Rawalpindi, the level of the drain was raised to a dangerous level and there was a 200 mm rain in the city, which created a terrible situation.
00:14:27 When the level of the drain was raised, the sirens of danger were also sounded.
00:14:31 While talking about Lahore, the rain is still going on in Lahore.
00:14:34 And in three different incidents, two children have been told about the current.
00:14:41 Four people including two children have died.
00:14:43 Similarly, there are other areas where this is the case.
00:14:45 Okay, most of the damage, may Allah have mercy, is there where your infrastructure is weak.
00:14:51 Obviously, there will be raw houses, if it rains, how will the poor people have a roof to hide their heads?
00:15:01 Now let's talk about this.
00:15:04 We have Babur Malik and Almas Ahmed Khan from Lahore with us.
00:15:09 Let's start with Rawalpindi.
00:15:11 Babur, tell us what was the situation?
00:15:14 Yesterday, I witnessed that too.
00:15:16 The situation was that it was raining heavily, but then I saw that after noon, the rain stopped and then I think it resumed again.
00:15:24 What was the situation?
00:15:26 Thank you very much, Mr. Satish.
00:15:29 In Rawalpindi and Islamabad, the spell of monsoon was heavy.
00:15:35 It rained for about 200 mm in total.
00:15:39 Because of which I am standing on the bridge of Gwalmandi.
00:15:42 The level of this bridge rose to 19 feet.
00:15:44 If it had been 2 feet higher, then it would have covered about 3-4 colonies.
00:15:49 Along with this, the bridge of Wadai is on both sides of the bridge and it is in the area of Rattamraal and Gwalmandi.
00:15:58 People have put construction materials there, and have made proper transport gates.
00:16:05 It happened right in front of the police in the back of the Gajmandi police station.
00:16:08 From there, water entered some areas, but the situation in Gwalmandi remained normal.
00:16:13 Because it was raining heavily, the water level rose from the inside of the city.
00:16:19 The administration of the Nakaasi Aap claimed that the water level was better, but the water level rose from that flow.
00:16:23 Commissioner Rawalpindi Liaquat Ali Chatha, DC Rawalpindi Hassan Waqar Cheema and MD Wasa, Tanveer Ahmed, and his team,
00:16:33 were there and controlled the situation. The operation of the Nakaasi Aap with heavy machinery and the waste management team were also on the roads.
00:16:45 The emergency services, which I am wearing, have been on high alert since the time this spell has been going on.
00:16:55 The rain emergency wasa team has been released and their operation has been stopped.
00:16:58 Overall, there were unfortunate incidents in the state of Darul Ukumat Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
00:17:04 The workers who were killed by falling off the wall in Gorla Mor,
00:17:08 in total, 14 people have been killed, including a girl, in Rawalpindi and Islamabad.
00:17:14 According to the information collected by the Maikma Mosmeat, this situation is likely to continue for another 3 to 4 days.
00:17:22 Today, in the daytime or in the evening, there is a possibility of light rain, but on Fridays and Saturdays, there is a prediction of heavy rain.
00:17:32 But if we talk about the administration or the commissioner, then the situation is that there are security meetings of Muharram-ul-Haram,
00:17:40 but the RPO and the commissioner are also watching there and they must also be keeping an eye on this situation.
00:17:46 Babar was telling us about the situation from Rawalpindi, we will now go to Lahore and Almas, our representative is with us.
00:17:53 Almas, tell us, I can see a lot of traffic behind you, the weather is pleasant, so what are the predictions?
00:18:00 Because we are seeing this situation in Lahore, after 2 days, then it starts raining, then there is a delay, then we get some time, then it rains.
00:18:09 What are the predictions and what is the overall situation there?
00:18:12 Yes, this prediction was told only on the 22nd, but we say that 12th is mercy,
00:18:22 because of some institutions of ours, it becomes 12th trouble for the people.
00:18:28 This happened yesterday too, yesterday, because of Lesco, I cannot blame anyone now,
00:18:34 because they have immediately killed one of their SDOs so that all Lesco do not talk.
00:18:40 3 people, 4 people died due to the rain, the current that spreads, 4 people died.
00:18:50 Two children were playing, the current was coming from the pole, they died at the same time.
00:18:59 Another incident, this happened with the defense, Charar Pind, there.
00:19:03 There is a newspaper columnist, it is called Harbanspora area, there, a person's switch,
00:19:11 there was a current from there, and he died from there.
00:19:15 Another area of Nyasbek Thokar, a very famous area, Lahore starts from there, people enter Lahore by motorway.
00:19:23 There, a 30-year-old man died due to the current from the pole.
00:19:31 And where I am standing right now, this is a post-reign area of Gulberg,
00:19:36 on my right is Liberty Market and on my left is the road to the Kazafi Stadium.
00:19:43 On this road, yesterday, water was standing 2 feet.
00:19:47 Everyone knows, every institution knows, PDMA, NDMA has issued full prediction and high alert,
00:19:56 but still, our institutions make it a problem.
00:20:01 Obviously, this situation is...
00:20:03 If water is standing for a while, they remove it, in 2 hours there was no water here.
00:20:08 But during those 2 hours, believe me, Ishfaq, so much petrol is wasted,
00:20:17 means, cars are running at the speed of an ant, and lakhs of fuel is wasted.
00:20:25 We understand, we get it.
00:20:26 This is very scientific, that after rain, the water that is collected,
00:20:30 we are doing a comparison as well, what happens in Karachi and what happens there, so the situation is very worse.
00:20:36 Okay, Sardar... Thank you very much, Babar and Almas.
00:20:40 Sardar Sarfaraz, we are with you, and obviously, what will the weather show in the future, what is going to happen?
00:20:47 So, what will be the situation, let's talk to him.
00:20:50 Sardar Sarfaraz, Assalam-o-Alaikum, good morning.
00:20:53 Tell us, overall, we are seeing the situation in Rawalpindi, Jorwan, Lahore, and similarly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
00:21:00 Tell us about the country overall, what are the predictions, will more rains continue, how long will the monsoon spell continue?
00:21:08 Yes, Assalam-o-Alaikum, thank you very much.
00:21:11 See, this spell was a prediction till 23rd, but it seems that it will go beyond 23rd as well.
00:21:17 That is, the northern areas, Punjab, KB, and Gilgit-Baltistan, etc., will prevail till 24th or 25th at least.
00:21:27 And then towards Sindh, which has started from last night, there are rains in Sindh, so this will also extend till 25th or 26th.
00:21:34 And in this, there are light and moderate rains in Sindh, especially in the eastern Sindh, Umarpur district, and towards Sakharwadgarh,
00:21:43 heavy rains have also happened at a few places. And moving forward, especially on 23rd and 24th, heavy spells are expected.
00:21:50 In most areas of Sindh, especially Jamshor, Udad, Kambar, Shaddad, Utlarkana, Jaipur, these districts which are adjacent to Balochistan,
00:21:57 heavy rains are expected, and similarly, at times, heavy rains can happen in Karachi on 23rd and 24th.
00:22:03 So, how many chances are there of rain in the whole Sindh?
00:22:07 Sardar sir, Faraz Khan, how many chances are there of rain in Karachi?
00:22:13 He is telling us, even the app is telling us.
00:22:15 80%.
00:22:16 80%?
00:22:17 Yes.
00:22:18 So, you know, Sardar sir, it is very interesting that you say that the temperature is 30 and feels like 43.
00:22:28 So, what you said 80%, this is the reality now.
00:22:31 Feels like 50.
00:22:33 Karachi people consider themselves very different.
00:22:35 Yes, I am telling you, as of current conditions, as of today's conditions, as of current conditions,
00:22:42 if we talk about the fundamentals, then according to that, there is a 80% chance of good rain.
00:22:47 Sardar sir, do you know what happened last time?
00:22:49 Sardar sir, sorry, I am cutting your line.
00:22:51 Because of your predictions, I have started making a bet with Ashfaq that he will feed me pizza.
00:22:58 Okay, when it rains?
00:22:59 Yes, when it rains.
00:23:00 If it rains, I will feed you, and if it doesn't rain, you will feed me.
00:23:03 No, I didn't say that.
00:23:05 One-sided bet is not done.
00:23:06 Okay, tell me one thing, Sardar sir, last time when the storm was coming, that Beeper Joy,
00:23:10 I heard the name for the first time in my life, I didn't understand it.
00:23:13 At that time, the predictions of rain, we said, may God save us, but by bringing extra gram flour,
00:23:18 we will make pakoras of Lawazmat, it will rain a little.
00:23:21 It didn't even pass a touch.
00:23:22 What happened to gram flour?
00:23:23 What?
00:23:24 What happened to gram flour?
00:23:25 Nothing happened.
00:23:26 In the case of Beeper Joy, there was no rain protection for Karachi.
00:23:33 If you follow me, it was conditional that if it was targeting Karachi or near Karachi,
00:23:41 then it would have rained heavily, but if it was to pass close by, then it would have rained.
00:23:48 If you look again, all the advisories, there was no rain protection for Karachi.
00:23:53 It was that if it passes near our South East Sindh, then it will rain heavily.
00:23:59 Yes, it rained heavily there.
00:24:00 Yes, and you saw that it rained 376 mm in Nagar Park.
00:24:05 Of course, we also say that our infrastructure, Sadaf is taking out her gadgets and seeing what is the chance today.
00:24:11 I am checking on my mobile app, on the weather.
00:24:14 Sardar sir is sitting with us and you are trusting these apps.
00:24:17 I am seeing that on Sunday, there is a 40% chance, on Monday, there is a 50% chance and tomorrow, there is a 30% chance for Friday.
00:24:23 Thank you very much Sadaf Abdul Jabbar for the weather prediction.
00:24:27 Sardar sir, thank you very much for being with us and giving us the information.
00:24:31 Obviously, the thing is that people living in Karachi cannot afford more rain or zero rain.
00:24:37 So, we need a light, homeopathic type of spell.
00:24:40 Light, homeopathic type of spell.
00:24:42 You know what I mean.
00:24:43 We all need rain, good weather, good karma, we need all these things.
00:24:48 But, if you sing a song in a good weather, it turns into a painful voice, seeing the condition of the roads.
00:24:57 So, this should not happen.
00:24:58 Don't sing, listen to the song.
00:25:01 My voice is good.
00:25:02 Let's take a break.
00:25:11 Yesterday, there was a trophy ceremony and obviously, coordination is very important.
00:25:17 But, what happened is, you all know that Jai Shah of BCCI, he tweeted first.
00:25:24 He tweeted first and announced the schedule.
00:25:27 He told that this team will play the match on this date and he congratulated the Asian Cricket Council.
00:25:34 Now, the question is that everyone was sitting here and waiting.
00:25:37 Now, it is a virtual time, so everyone can see the trophy together.
00:25:43 But, Jai Shah is Jai Shah and India is India.
00:25:47 So, there is a lot of arrogance.
00:25:48 India has influence.
00:25:49 You see this.
00:25:50 India has influence but they behave like no one is going to ask them.
00:25:54 Is there anyone to ask?
00:25:55 How much revenue does BCCI want?
00:25:58 You should show some sense of humor.
00:26:03 No, no. Everything in the world is decided on the basis of money.
00:26:07 It is on finances, relations of countries, cricket and whatsoever.
00:26:09 Tauseef Ahmed is with us.
00:26:11 Obviously, he is in need of introduction.
00:26:13 Tauseef, the situation is, first of all, let's talk about the cheek test.
00:26:20 For that matter.
00:26:22 Babur Azam is out.
00:26:24 I was talking about this.
00:26:26 You are an off spinner, but without criticizing, it is a bit of a shame that he struggled against the world.
00:26:32 He struggled against the slow left armers.
00:26:34 Did this happen today as well?
00:26:36 Yes, you are right.
00:26:40 I am saying that if you are not here, you can go to the commentary.
00:26:48 You analyze well.
00:26:50 Wow, such a compliment.
00:26:52 You are nothing like that.
00:26:55 Tell the airwaves that I can go to the commentary.
00:26:58 This problem is not only with Babur.
00:27:03 It is more with Babur.
00:27:05 But this problem has been with our entire team for a long time.
00:27:10 The team that used to be a master of playing spinners, sometimes comes in trouble.
00:27:16 So these are the difficulties for us.
00:27:18 But I think in 130 runs, you and I sit and say what is going to happen now.
00:27:24 Let it happen now.
00:27:26 I think we have played cricket very well.
00:27:30 We have played cricket very well in the 20th test as well.
00:27:32 So instead of being worried, we are dominating in both the tests.
00:27:43 But we are so worried about Jaisurya that we don't know what is the problem.
00:27:48 We have seen two great youngsters who have brought Pakistan in this position.
00:27:56 If it was 200-250 runs, it would have been very difficult for us.
00:28:00 I think you are playing very well.
00:28:04 So Tauseef, you are South Shaqeel.
00:28:06 South Shaqeel scored 200 runs, double century score.
00:28:10 They got a lot of credit for doing what no one else did in Sri Lanka.
00:28:14 They will be under pressure. What are your expectations from them?
00:28:19 We have been playing Babar Babar Babar for a long time.
00:28:25 Now we are going to play South Shaqeel or Agha Kalman.
00:28:30 It's been only two days for him to play South Shaqeel.
00:28:33 I think we have to give combined effort to everyone.
00:28:37 We were having difficulties in the middle order.
00:28:41 We will make him admit his mistakes.
00:28:45 One more thing, the match is going on.
00:28:47 Our mindset is obvious.
00:28:50 If we are praying now, we know how fragile our batting line can be.
00:28:55 Let's pray for that.
00:28:56 We were discussing about the Asia Cup.
00:29:00 I see that the relations of the countries are not like friends.
00:29:06 How much benefit do you get from it?
00:29:11 BCCI is heard to generate revenue and they get more revenue.
00:29:14 Is it the same here?
00:29:19 Do you agree, sir?
00:29:21 You are right.
00:29:23 You keep saying that you will make us do this and that.
00:29:28 But you are not able to do anything.
00:29:30 The Asian countries are not doing anything for you.
00:29:37 They are dominating you.
00:29:40 They have tweeted about the match.
00:29:44 We have seen what happened.
00:29:46 But the ICC's role is very bad.
00:29:53 I am sorry to say that it is a bad role.
00:29:56 You have thrown us behind in cricket.
00:30:00 But you should see what we have done.
00:30:03 We have the Asia Cup.
00:30:06 We should dominate it.
00:30:10 They are dominating us.
00:30:13 It was a bullying role.
00:30:16 They have tweeted before the ACC.
00:30:19 We have presented a hybrid model.
00:30:24 The match is being played.
00:30:26 India will not play in Pakistan.
00:30:28 The situation has come out of the schedule.
00:30:30 The first match is from Nepal.
00:30:32 The match will be played from 30th August.
00:30:35 What are the strong teams for the Asian Cricket World Cup?
00:30:42 We should not be involved in these things.
00:30:47 We should play and answer them.
00:30:55 We should go to India.
00:30:59 I tell them to play with us.
00:31:02 We should play and give a performance.
00:31:10 They are afraid of us.
00:31:12 They do not want to play with us.
00:31:19 As far as cricket is concerned,
00:31:21 the Asian team should dominate.
00:31:27 But I think we have focused on something else.
00:31:34 The foreigners are dominating.
00:31:45 I will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:31:49 But I will also talk about Australia.
00:31:52 England has changed cricket a lot.
00:32:01 We will see what kind of cricket they will play.
00:32:06 Thank you so much for being with us.
00:32:09 We hope you will keep up with us.
00:32:12 We should not be involved in petty issues.
00:32:15 We should focus on the game.
00:32:17 We should do our performance better.
00:32:19 We are doing it.
00:32:21 But we should point out where we are doing wrong.
00:32:24 We should protest.
00:32:26 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:32:33 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:32:39 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:32:44 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:32:49 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:32:57 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:33:02 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:33:07 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:33:12 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:33:17 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:33:23 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:33:29 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:33:35 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:33:41 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:33:49 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:33:57 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:34:05 We will talk about Pakistan and India.
00:34:13 Thank you so much.
00:34:16 Thank you so much.
00:34:21 Thank you so much.
00:34:26 Thank you so much.
00:34:36 Thank you so much.
00:34:46 Thank you so much.
00:34:56 Thank you so much.
00:35:06 Thank you so much.
00:35:16 Thank you so much.
00:35:26 Thank you so much.
00:35:36 Thank you so much.
00:35:46 Thank you so much.
00:35:56 Thank you so much.
00:36:06 Thank you so much.
00:36:16 Thank you so much.
00:36:26 Thank you so much.
00:36:36 Thank you so much.
00:36:46 Thank you so much.
00:36:56 Thank you so much.
00:37:06 Thank you so much.
00:37:16 Thank you so much.
00:37:26 Thank you so much.
00:37:36 Thank you so much.
00:37:46 Thank you so much.
00:37:56 Thank you so much.
00:38:06 Thank you so much.
00:38:16 Thank you so much.
00:38:26 Thank you so much.
00:38:36 Thank you so much.
00:38:46 Thank you so much.
00:38:56 Thank you so much.
00:39:06 Thank you so much.
00:39:16 Thank you so much.
00:39:26 Thank you so much.
00:39:36 Thank you so much.
00:39:46 Thank you so much.
00:39:56 Thank you so much.
00:40:06 Thank you so much.
00:40:16 Thank you so much.
00:40:26 Thank you so much.
00:40:36 Thank you so much.
00:40:46 Thank you so much.
00:40:56 Thank you so much.
00:41:06 Thank you so much.
00:41:16 Thank you so much.
00:41:26 Thank you so much.
00:41:36 Thank you so much.
00:41:46 Thank you so much.
00:41:56 Thank you so much.
00:42:06 Thank you so much.
00:42:16 Thank you so much.
00:42:26 Thank you so much.
00:42:36 Thank you so much.
00:42:46 Thank you so much.
00:42:56 Thank you so much.
00:43:06 Thank you so much.
00:43:16 Thank you so much.
00:43:26 Thank you so much.
00:43:36 Thank you so much.
00:43:46 Thank you so much.
00:43:56 Thank you so much.
00:44:06 Thank you so much.
00:44:16 Thank you so much.
00:44:26 Thank you so much.
00:44:36 Thank you so much.
00:44:46 Thank you so much.
00:44:56 Thank you so much.
00:45:06 Thank you so much.
00:45:16 Thank you so much.
00:45:26 Thank you so much.
00:45:36 Thank you so much.
00:45:46 Thank you so much.
00:45:56 Thank you so much.
00:46:06 Thank you so much.
00:46:16 Thank you so much.
00:46:26 Thank you so much.
00:46:36 Thank you so much.
00:46:46 Thank you so much.
00:46:56 Thank you so much.
00:47:06 Thank you so much.
00:47:16 Thank you so much.
00:47:26 Thank you so much.
00:47:36 Thank you so much.
00:47:46 Thank you so much.
00:47:56 Thank you so much.
00:48:06 Thank you so much.
00:48:16 Thank you so much.
00:48:26 Thank you so much.
00:48:36 Thank you so much.
00:48:46 Thank you so much.
00:48:56 Thank you so much.
00:49:06 Thank you so much.
00:49:16 Thank you so much.
00:49:26 Thank you so much.
00:49:36 Thank you so much.
00:49:46 Thank you so much.
00:49:56 Thank you so much.
00:50:06 Thank you so much.
00:50:16 Thank you so much.
00:50:26 Thank you so much.
00:50:36 Thank you so much.
00:50:46 Thank you so much.
00:50:56 Thank you so much.
00:51:06 Thank you so much.
00:51:16 Thank you so much.
00:51:26 Thank you so much.
00:51:36 Thank you so much.
00:51:46 Thank you so much.
00:51:56 Thank you so much.
00:52:06 Thank you so much.
00:52:16 Thank you so much.
00:52:26 Thank you so much.
00:52:36 Thank you so much.
00:52:46 Thank you so much.
00:52:56 Thank you so much.
00:53:06 Thank you so much.
00:53:16 Thank you so much.
00:53:26 Thank you so much.
00:53:36 Thank you so much.
00:53:46 Thank you so much.
00:53:56 Thank you so much.
00:54:06 Thank you so much.
00:54:16 Thank you so much.
00:54:26 Thank you so much.
00:54:36 Thank you so much.
00:54:46 Thank you so much.
00:54:56 Thank you so much.
00:55:06 Thank you so much.
00:55:16 Thank you so much.
00:55:26 Thank you so much.
00:55:36 Thank you so much.
00:55:46 Thank you so much.
00:55:56 Thank you so much.
00:56:06 Thank you so much.
00:56:16 Thank you so much.
00:56:26 Thank you so much.
00:56:36 Thank you so much.
00:56:46 Thank you so much.
00:56:56 Thank you so much.
00:57:06 Thank you so much.
00:57:16 Thank you so much.
00:57:26 Thank you so much.
00:57:36 Thank you so much.
00:57:46 Thank you so much.
00:57:56 Thank you so much.
00:58:06 Thank you so much.
00:58:16 Thank you so much.
00:58:26 Thank you so much.
00:58:36 Thank you so much.
00:58:46 Thank you so much.
00:59:06 Thank you so much.
00:59:26 Thank you so much.
00:59:36 Thank you so much.
00:59:46 Thank you so much.
00:59:56 Thank you so much.
01:00:06 Thank you so much.
01:00:16 Thank you so much.
01:00:26 Thank you so much.
01:00:36 Thank you so much.
01:00:46 Thank you so much.
01:00:56 Thank you so much.
01:01:06 Thank you so much.
01:01:16 Thank you so much.
01:01:26 Thank you so much.
01:01:36 Thank you so much.
01:01:46 Thank you so much.
01:01:56 Thank you so much.
01:02:06 Thank you so much.
01:02:16 Thank you so much.
01:02:26 Thank you so much.
01:02:36 Thank you so much.
01:02:46 Thank you so much.
01:02:56 Thank you so much.
01:03:06 Thank you so much.
01:03:16 Thank you so much.
01:03:26 Thank you so much.
01:03:36 Thank you so much.
01:03:46 Thank you so much.
01:03:56 Thank you so much.
01:04:06 Thank you so much.
01:04:16 Thank you so much.
01:04:26 Thank you so much.
01:04:36 Thank you so much.
01:04:46 Thank you so much.
01:04:56 Thank you so much.
01:05:06 Thank you so much.
01:05:16 Thank you so much.
01:05:26 Thank you so much.
01:05:36 Thank you so much.
01:05:46 Thank you so much.
01:05:56 Thank you so much.
01:06:06 Thank you so much.
01:06:16 Thank you so much.
01:06:26 Thank you so much.
01:06:36 Thank you so much.
01:06:46 Thank you so much.
01:06:56 Thank you so much.
01:07:06 Thank you so much.
01:07:16 Thank you so much.
01:07:26 Thank you so much.
01:07:36 Thank you so much.
01:07:46 Thank you so much.
01:07:56 Thank you so much.
01:08:06 Thank you so much.
01:08:16 Thank you so much.
01:08:26 Thank you so much.
01:08:36 Thank you so much.
01:08:46 Thank you so much.
01:08:56 Thank you so much.
01:09:06 Thank you so much.
01:09:16 Thank you so much.
01:09:26 Thank you so much.
01:09:36 Thank you so much.
01:09:46 Thank you so much.
01:09:56 Thank you so much.
01:10:06 Thank you so much.
01:10:16 Thank you so much.
01:10:26 Thank you so much.
01:10:36 Thank you so much.
01:10:46 Thank you so much.
01:10:56 Thank you so much.
01:11:06 Thank you so much.
01:11:16 Thank you so much.
01:11:26 Thank you so much.
01:11:36 Thank you so much.
01:11:46 Thank you so much.
01:11:56 Thank you so much.
01:12:06 Thank you so much.
01:12:16 Thank you so much.
01:12:26 Thank you so much.
01:12:36 Thank you so much.
01:12:46 Thank you so much.
01:12:56 Thank you so much.
01:13:06 Thank you so much.
01:13:16 Thank you so much.
01:13:26 Thank you so much.
01:13:36 Thank you so much.
01:13:46 Thank you so much.
