• il y a 2 ans
Qui aimeriez-vous voir rejoindre le panel de Drag Race France le temps d’un épisode de la saison 2 ? y’a des choix plus populaires que d’autres


00:00 - Do you watch Drag Race France? - Yes.
00:02 Do you have an idea of a French celebrity who could guest judge Drag Race France in season 2?
00:06 I have to admit that in season 1 they put the bar pretty high.
00:09 - Lena Maffuff, really Lena Maffuff. - A good idea.
00:12 - I would watch Lena's situation. - I think it could be very funny to see Ayana Kamoura as a Jazz God.
00:17 - Crazy! - Gaëlle Garcia.
00:19 It could be pretty cool to have her look on drag.
00:23 - Dimon for Jack Mesh. - Ayana Kamoura please.
00:25 - Echay. - I thought of Millenne Farmer.
00:28 - Millenne Farmer of course. - Aiel.
00:31 - I would love to see Aiel. - And also Calica.
00:34 - Lena's situation, Millenne Farmer. - Millenne Farmer.
00:37 - Everyone says that. - Yes, of course.
00:39 Honestly, I would say my two favorites, either Kaena or Paloma.
00:44 - As a guest judge? - Yes.
00:46 Ariel Dombal.
00:48 I would watch Fishback.
00:50 Honestly, we would love to see Juliette Armanet.
00:52 I wish she would be there for season 2.
00:54 - Thank you very much. - Thank you darling.
00:56 Bonne soirée!