15. Vision des quatre animaux de I‘Apocalypse et de l’Antichrist. | Prophéties de Jésus-Christ révélées à Maria Valtorta

  • l’année dernière
Jésus dit : « Vois maintenant comment, dans les quatre bêtes décrites par Daniel, sont préfigurés les signes des agents diaboliques de l’Apocalypse. Les commentateurs se sont fatigués à donner une explication humano-historique à ces quatre monstres. Mais il faut porter son regard beaucoup plus loin et beaucoup plus haut. Quand vous méditez les Livres saints, élevez-vous de la terre, détachez-vous du moment présent, portez votre regard sur l’avenir et sur le surnaturel. C’est là que se trouve la clé du mystère.

Les quatre bêtes : les quatre erreurs qui précéderont la fin. Les quatre erreurs, qui seront quatre horreurs pour l’humanité, engendreront l’Horreur finale. [...] »

⟹ Les Cahiers de 1944 : Maria Valtorta | Le 25 janvier 1944
⟹ Pour en lire + : https://www.lesentierdelacroixglorieuse.fr/propheties-de-jesus-christ-revelees-a-maria-valtorta-15-vision-des-quatre-animaux-de-iapocalypse-et-de-l-antichrist/

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♪ Musique du générique : Cinematic Epic Choir Trailer par Blaze-up-Music


00:00 [Music]
00:28 The time of the Antichrist. Vision of the four animals of the apocalypse.
00:33 The notebooks of Maria Valtorta, January 25, 1944. Jesus, dictates.
00:41 Daniel is the one who has the same characteristic as John.
00:45 And John is the one who collects and amplifies Daniel's initial characteristic.
00:51 This is why, little John, you like him so much. Like a fish in a clear tank, you are happy when you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of your Christ,
01:02 who will know his supreme triumph when Satan with his son and his courtiers will be made powerless forever.
01:11 And in Daniel, there is this atmosphere. If Isaiah is the pre-evangelist who speaks of my coming into the world for the salvation of the world,
01:21 Daniel is the pre-apostle, the pre-John, who announces the glories of my eternal triumph as king of the imperishable Jerusalem.
01:31 See now how, in the four animals described by Daniel, the signs of the diabolical agents of the apocalypse are prefigured.
01:40 The commentators got tired of giving a humanohistorical explanation to these four monsters.
01:48 But you have to look at it much further and much higher.
01:53 When you meditate the Holy Books, rise from the earth, detach yourself from the present moment,
02:00 look at the future and the supernatural. This is where the key to the mystery is.
02:08 The four beasts, the four errors that precede the end, the four errors that will be four horrors for humanity, will engender the final horror.
02:20 Man was a demi-god, by grace and by faith. Like an eagle and a lion, he knew how to face and overcome the dangers of the senses.
02:30 He knew how to rise and glide in the atmosphere of God, where the soul unites in a supernatural host to its Lord, in a continuous and rapid union of ardor.
02:41 Hence, it descends to earth, renewed each time in the strength, in the joy, in the charity it spreads to its brothers.
02:49 Then it rises again, even more impetuously, towards God.
02:55 Since each union is an increase in perfection that is fully accomplished when the union becomes eternal in my paradise.
03:05 Atheism has torn off his eagle wings and his heart of a demi-god to man, and made him a walking animal in the mud and carrying in this mud his heavy heart, which is only flesh and blood.
03:21 A weight heavier than lead, drags towards his private self spiritual feathers of the mind, a weight that tilts him, stretches him, plunges him into the mud.
03:32 Man was a demi-god, by the charity that lived in him.
03:37 Loving God and his law, which is a law of charity, he possessed God, and with God, peace, which is one of the main attributes of God, and with peace, many universal and particular goods.
03:52 Man has repelled the law of God to follow many other doctrines, but none were born of God, and therefore in none there is true charity.
04:03 This is why man, who had embraced atheism, thus becoming the eagle and lion that he was, simple man, by a hellish spell, engendered himself, becoming a bear, ferocious devourer of his fellow men.
04:19 But horror calls for horror, and the scale climbs higher and higher, because in his cursed union with Satan, man, to whom Christ had given his nature of demi-god, engenders more and more monsters.
04:35 And it is the sons of these hermits who sell themselves to Satan to have their earthly help.
04:41 From the demi-god man came man, from man, the bear, from the bear, the new ferocious monster, and false as the leopard, endowed by Satan with multiple wings, in order to be faster to harm.
04:56 I told you that Satan is the monkey imitator of God.
05:00 He therefore also wanted to give to his creature, now his creature and humanity without faith and without God, wings.
05:08 I, mystical pelican, have opened my heart to give you my blood.
05:14 Satan makes man, to whom I gave my blood, the vampire who sucks himself and gives himself death in torment.
05:22 Doesn't that seem like a nightmare legend?
05:25 On the contrary, it is your reality.
05:29 The willed power, pushed, imposed to the crime, is the third beast.
05:36 Since it is a human power, or rather sold to Satan to be ever more powerful, against all divine and moral law, it engenders its monster which is named Revolution,
05:48 and which, as it is of its nature, carries in the protuberances of its monstrosity the worst horrors of revolutions, social suffrage of good and faith.
05:59 Honesty, respect, morality, religion, freedom, goodness, die when this monster blows on a nation its breath of hell,
06:14 and, as a pestilent emanation, spreads beyond borders, contaminating many peoples,
06:21 until it contaminates the whole world, putting its victims in the shadows, killed by it, then devoured,
06:29 on the rubble of nations reduced to ruins and which will constitute the cradle for the final monster, the Antichrist.
06:37 I told you that he will be the son of the lust of man, born of his union with Satan. I told you.
06:45 I do not change what I say, because what I say is true. I know it without having to read it.
06:52 I remember it without having to read it. I remember it without having to reread it.
07:00 It is written in my spirit of God, before which one is constantly unfolding and one above the other,
07:07 without one preventing the vision of the other, all the events of man in time.
07:11 This Antichrist, perfection in horror, like me I am perfection of perfection,
07:17 with his infinite weapons, symbolized by the unicorns, the teethed iron jaws, the ferocious feet and finally the little horn,
07:25 symbol of the extreme malignancy that Satan will expect from his son to intoxicate humanity,
07:31 while with his lying mouth he will seduce her by making himself worshiped as God.
07:37 This Antichrist will torment those who, little faithful flock, will continue to follow me without measure.
07:44 From hour to hour, the little horn will develop to harm, and the satanic intelligence will also develop,
07:52 to make his mouth say the most disturbing lies.
07:55 It will grow in power, like me I grew, in wisdom and grace,
08:00 arm God to read the thoughts of holy men and kill them for this thought.
08:05 O my saints of the last times, if the life of the first saints was heroic in the midst of the persecutions of paganism,
08:13 three times, seven times more heroic will be the life of my last saints,
08:18 only those who will be fed with the calf of faith will be able to have a lion's heart, to face his torments,
08:26 and eyes and eagle feathers to fix me, me, sun, and fly to me, the truth,
08:33 while the darkness will overflow them from all sides and the lie will seek to persuade them to worship him and believe in him.
08:41 After the precursors of the Antichrist, the Antichrist himself will come.
08:46 The era of the Antichrist, symbolized by the beast armed with ten horns, the so-called servants of Satan,
08:52 who will believe themselves kings, and in three, note well, will be torn and thrown into nothingness.
08:59 It is in the gulf where God is not, and where consequently is nothingness, the opposite of God who is everything,
09:05 that he will culminate with birth and growth, until his maximum development, of the eleventh horn,
09:13 reason for the fall of the three precursors and the seat of the true Antichrist.
09:18 This one will blaspheme God as no son of man has ever done.
09:23 He will trample the saints of God and torture the Church of Christ.
09:28 He will believe, since he is the son of the union of demonic pride with human lust,
09:33 to be able to do great things, to change times and laws.
09:38 And for three and a half years, it will be the horror reigning over the world.
09:44 Then the Father will say, "This is enough," before the Great Heart which,
09:49 by the rumor of the great words of the saints, will go to heaven.
09:53 And the evil beast will be killed and thrown into the abyss,
09:57 and with it all the minor beasts, to stay there with Satan, their father, for eternity.
10:04 I will then be called by the Father to judge the living and the dead,
10:10 according to what is said in the symbol of faith.
10:13 And the living, those who have kept life in them to have kept grace and faith,
10:19 will inherit the reign, the power and the magnificence of God.
10:25 Those whose spirit is dead will receive eternal death, which they have deliberately chosen.
10:32 And there will be no more earth or fleshly men.
10:35 There will be only children of God, creatures overcome by all pain.
10:40 And there will be no more sin, no more darkness, no more fear, but only joy.
10:46 Immense, eternal joy, inconceivable for men.
10:51 Joy to see God, to possess Him, to understand His thought and love.
10:57 "Come, O men, to the fountain of life; I open it to you, and draw therein.
11:05 Be strengthened in it, that you may be unyielding in the trials,
11:09 and that you may be able to plunge completely into it, into Me,
11:14 Source of Beatitude, in the beautiful paradise which My Father has created for you,
11:19 and where the triple love of the One God and the purity of Our Mother await you,
11:24 and with them those who, having been faithful, have already obtained life."
11:30 Daniel, chapter 7.
11:33 In the first year of Belshazzar, king of Babylon,
11:37 Daniel had a dream and visions appeared to his mind while he was on his bed.
11:43 Then he wrote the dream and told the main things.
11:48 Daniel began and said,
11:50 "I was looking during my night vision, and behold,
11:54 the four winds of heaven made an eruption on the great sea,
11:58 and four great animals came out of the sea, different from each other.
12:03 The first was like a lion, and had eagle wings.
12:07 I was looking until his wings were torn off.
12:11 He was lifted up from the ground and put up on his feet like a man,
12:15 and a heart of man was given to him.
12:18 And behold, a second animal was like a bear, and stood on one side.
12:24 It had three ribs in the mouth between the teeth,
12:27 and it was said to him, 'Get up, eat a lot of flesh.'
12:31 After that I was looking, and behold, another was like a leopard,
12:37 and had on his back four wings like a bird.
12:40 This animal had four heads, and domination was given to him.
12:44 After that I was looking during my night vision,
12:48 and behold, there was a fourth animal, terrible,
12:52 terrible and extraordinarily strong.
12:55 It had large teeth of iron, it ate, broke,
12:59 and it struck at the foot what was left.
13:02 It was different from all the previous animals, and it had ten horns.
13:06 I considered the horns, and behold,
13:09 another little horn came out of the middle of it,
13:12 and three of the first horns were torn off in front of this horn.
13:16 And behold, it had eyes like men's eyes,
13:19 and a mouth that spoke with arrogance.
13:22 I was looking while they were placing thrones,
13:26 and the Elder of the Days sat down.
13:28 His clothes were white as snow,
13:30 and the hair of his head was like pure wool.
13:33 His throne was like flames of fire, and the wheels like a burning fire.
13:38 A river of fire was flowing and coming out of him.
13:41 Thousands and thousands were serving him,
13:43 and ten thousand millions were holding in his presence.
13:46 The judges sat down, and the books were opened.
13:50 I was looking then, because of the arrogant words that the horn was pronouncing.
13:55 And while I was looking, the animal was killed,
13:59 and his body was anointed, delivered to the fire to be burned.
14:04 The other animals were stripped of their power,
14:07 but a life extension was granted to them until a certain time.
14:11 I was looking during my night visions, and behold,
14:15 upon the clouds of the heavens came someone like a son of man.
14:19 He was moving towards the Elder of the Days, and he was brought near to him.
14:23 He was given domination, glory, and reign.
14:27 And all the peoples, nations, and men of all languages served him.
14:32 His domination is an eternal domination that will not pass,
14:36 and his reign will never be destroyed.
14:39 I, Daniel, saw the troubled spirit within me,
14:43 and the visions of my head frightened me.
14:46 I approached one of those who were there,
14:48 and I asked him what was true in all these things.
14:52 He told me, and gave me the explanation.
14:56 These four great animals, these are four kings who will rise from the earth.
15:01 But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom,
15:04 and they will possess the kingdom eternally, from eternity to eternity.
15:09 Then I desired to know the truth about the fourth animal,
15:13 which was different from all the others, extremely terrible,
15:16 which had iron teeth and deer antlers,
15:19 which ate, broke, and threw at the feet what was left.
15:24 And on the ten horns that he had on his head,
15:26 and on the other that had come out and in front of which three had fallen,
15:30 on this horn which had eyes, a mouth speaking with arrogance,
15:35 and a greater appearance than the others.
15:38 I saw this horn make war on the saints, and take it away from them,
15:42 until the Old Testament came to give right to the saints of the Most High,
15:46 and the time came when the saints were in possession of the kingdom.
15:49 He told me thus,
15:51 "The fourth animal is a fourth kingdom that will exist on earth,
15:56 different from all the kingdoms, and will devour all the earth,
16:00 will swallow it, and will break it.
16:03 The ten horns are ten kings who will rise from this kingdom.
16:07 Another will rise after them, he will be different from the first,
16:11 and he will lower three kings.
16:13 He will speak against the Most High, he will oppress the saints of the Most High,
16:18 and he will hope to change the times and the law.
16:21 And the saints will be delivered between his hands for a time,
16:24 and the half of a time.
16:27 Then the judgment will come, and his domination will be granted to him,
16:31 which will be destroyed and annihilated forever.
16:34 The kingdom, the domination, and the greatness of all the kingdoms which are under the heavens
16:40 will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High.
16:43 His kingdom is an eternal kingdom,
16:45 and all the dominators will serve him and obey him.
16:48 Here end the words.
16:50 I, Daniel, was extremely troubled by my thoughts.
16:55 I changed colors, and I kept these words in my heart.
16:59 (music)
17:09 (music)
17:14 (music)
