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Winning Time Season 2 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: From Adam McKay, director of 'The Big Short' and 'Vice' comes a story about the rise of basketball Hall Of Famer Magic Johnson (Quincy Isaiah) and the lengths one man (John C. Reilly) will go in pursuit of securing a basketball dynasty.

starring John C. Reilly, Jason Clarke, Quincy Isaiah, Solomon Hughes, Gaby Hoffmann, Hadley Robinson, Adrien Brody, Jason Segel, Michael Chiklis

release date August 6, 2023 (on HBO and MAX)


00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, your Los Angeles Lakers!
00:04 Hey, Matt, do you think the Lakers can win another title?
00:08 You bet.
00:09 Any advice for your opponents?
00:11 Better watch out.
00:13 Magic back, baby.
00:16 Basketball's the sport of the decade.
00:26 We got the kids on the team now. The bus empire's taking off.
00:31 We brought home the gold.
00:33 But one ring ain't gonna keep us in that room.
00:36 You gotta keep winning.
00:38 Look, Irma, you know why nobody repeats?
00:45 'Cause the guys that you beat along the way, they spent all that time figuring out new ways to break you down.
00:55 Fucking girls.
00:56 They're sissy fans.
00:59 Beat LA.
01:02 We built this team to win.
01:05 But things change.
01:08 I am in charge, not Magic.
01:11 A real coach doesn't need to prove it, Paul.
01:15 Any comment on Magic's new contract?
01:19 A basketball team is like a family. You pick out any one member,
01:23 others will wonder whether or not they belong.
01:25 Would you say you're head coach, interim coach, or...
01:28 You look good in that chair.
01:31 Probably something, huh?
01:32 A woman owner.
01:34 We could bring him home a hundred trophies, you're never gonna be his favorite son.
01:39 They're the dynasty.
01:43 We're the flash in the pan.
01:45 And that's all we're ever gonna beat.
01:50 Until we beat the goddamn Celtics.
01:53 Fuck Boston!
01:55 Everybody's a fucking hero in their driveway.
02:14 Put them under the bright lights.
02:18 Most of them are praying that the ball don't come to them.
02:20 One guy's praying that it does.
02:24 [Music]
02:34 [Music]
02:39 [Music]
