Mackenzie's Raiders - S1E05: Deadly Mirror

  • last year


00:00 ♪ [music] ♪
00:08 From the archives of the United States Cavalry, the true stories of Colonel
00:12 Randall McKenzie and the cavalrymen he led, McKenzie's Raiders.
00:17 His secret orders from the President of the United States, "Clean up the Southwest.
00:22 Make it a fit place for Americans to live. Wipe out the renegades, outlaws,
00:26 and murderers. If necessary, cross the Rio Grande. Knowing capture means hanging
00:31 by the enemy. Discovery, court-martialed by the United States Army."
00:36 ♪ [music] ♪
00:52 The year 1873 and the introduction of a new army instrument of communication,
00:58 the heliograph, flashing messages across the vastness of the Texas frontier.
01:04 It would help to tame a new land, aid in bringing security and safety to pioneer
01:09 settlers. And to the men in Colonel McKenzie's command, isolated by sand and
01:14 space, short on supplies, badgered by Indians and renegade marauders,
01:20 the heliograph could become a lifeline to the outside world.
01:24 October 13th, 1873, a convoy of munitions and a small detachment of cavalry moved
01:31 south toward the Rio Grande, their lives dependent on a mirror and a flash of
01:35 sunlight. The message spelled, "Danger. Hostile Comanches waiting in ambush ahead."
01:42 ♪ [music] ♪
01:47 So the lieutenant turned his convoy away from the main trail.
01:54 Yes, to Colonel Randall McKenzie in command of Fort Clark, the heliograph could
01:58 well become a lifeline.
02:00 ♪ [music] ♪
02:08 But instead, on this occasion, it became a death line.
02:12 [gunfire]
02:24 [footsteps]
02:32 - All right, let's shake it.
02:34 [footsteps]
02:43 All right, let's get started for Brackettville.
02:46 [footsteps]
02:50 ♪ [music] ♪
03:00 - That's Thompson, sir. We've been together ever since Gettysburg.
03:04 - Why were they off the main trail?
03:05 - I don't know, sir.
03:06 - The orders were specific, follow the main trail all the way to Fort Clark.
03:10 - Somebody must have wanted those guns all mighty bad.
03:12 - Well, they wanted to keep them from the Mexican government.
03:15 They're going to have something to say about this too.
03:16 - Well, maybe the convoy saw Indians and had to leave the main trail.
03:22 - Query the heliograph station. They probably can't see the canyon from up
03:25 there, but query them anyway.
03:26 - I'll get the field unit, sir.
03:28 - Corporal.
03:29 - Yes, Colonel.
03:31 - Take a man and follow those wagon tracks.
03:34 I'll join you later.
03:35 - Right, sir.
03:36 - Royce.
03:38 - All right, you men keep on with what you're doing.
03:43 ♪ [music] ♪
04:02 ♪ [music] ♪
04:10 ♪ [music] ♪
04:33 - Right here, Sergeant.
04:37 - You realize this is the second shipment in a week we've lost?
04:40 - Yes, sir.
04:41 - I don't see why we got to rot here between jobs, Cort.
04:54 I'm getting kind of sick of it.
04:55 - You can afford to get sick.
04:56 The kind of money we'll be taking.
04:59 - I'm sighted on the station now, sir.
05:01 - All right.
05:06 You know what to ask them.
05:07 - Yes, sir.
05:09 - Hold on.
05:10 Somebody's flashing.
05:11 It's McKenzie.
05:16 It appears he's real curious what happened to his convoy.
05:19 - You going to tell him?
05:20 - I figure we ought to keep it a secret.
05:22 [laughter]
05:24 ♪ [music] ♪
05:29 - T, I, V, E negative.
05:35 - Just as I thought, Sergeant.
05:38 They saw those wagons turn into the canyon.
05:40 They have no idea why.
05:42 Sergeant, how long have Foster and Jenkins been up at that station?
05:48 - Oh, they went up last week, sir.
05:51 - Well, next week when they come down, put them on report.
05:53 Carelessness.
05:54 They forgot to acknowledge our word count.
05:56 - Yes, sir. They'll hear about it.
05:57 - Come on.
05:58 Let's take out after the corporal, see if he's found the remains of those wagons.
06:02 ♪ [music] ♪
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07:30 - Pick bone dry.
07:35 - Yep, this one too, sir.
07:36 - Well, it looks like the end of the line for today.
07:39 Rocky country up ahead, almost impossible for trailing.
07:42 Find the horses, get these wagons back to the fort.
07:44 - Yes, sir.
07:45 - Move, move.
07:47 Half a day of scouting and trailing, we're still up against a stone wall half the size of the state of Texas.
07:52 ♪ [music] ♪
07:55 - You have had no word of the guns, amigo?
08:05 - I'm doing everything I can for you, Ramon.
08:07 I've got three patrols out scouring the desert trying to recover those guns for you.
08:12 - This friendship between your country and mine, it is very new.
08:17 - Yes.
08:19 The friendship between you and me is very old.
08:23 - True.
08:24 We have campaigned together more than once.
08:28 All the same, your president tells us we will have guns and munitions to fight the insurrectors.
08:34 - And the guns do not come.
08:36 - My president doesn't break his word.
08:38 - We must have those guns.
08:39 - And have them you will, if they haven't already fallen into the hands of the insurrectors.
08:44 - Here in your country...
08:45 - I'm not saying it's happened.
08:47 I'm saying it can.
08:49 Look, north of the Rio Grande, who would steal those guns except for money?
08:54 South of the Rio Grande, who would have the money to buy them in such large quantities except the insurrectors?
09:01 - I tell you this, Colonel McKenzie, we have had incidents along the border, your people and mine,
09:07 and we have settled them peacefully.
09:09 But if those guns fall into the wrong hands, there will be more incidents, uglier ones.
09:15 - No one's broken faith with you, Colonel Bernal.
09:17 You know that as well as I do.
09:19 In the past, you've asked us for supplies.
09:21 We've given you supplies.
09:22 Now you ask us for guns and munitions.
09:24 We'll give you guns and munitions.
09:26 - Your words have a good sound, but they do not speak as loudly as guns.
09:30 Nine of my men don't speak at all anymore because of those guns.
09:32 They died trying to protect them.
09:34 If you think we've given you empty promises, why don't you talk to the wives and families of those men?
09:41 - You're right, my friend.
09:44 I was hasty in my anger, but only because of disappointment.
09:48 Only because my soldiers need those guns and munitions so urgently.
09:55 I know, I know.
09:57 - There's a third shipment coming down from the north tomorrow.
10:00 I've instructed my heliograph stations to keep a watch for them.
10:04 I'm riding out at dawn to join the convoy.
10:06 Will you ride with me?
10:09 - Does the coyote not howl?
10:11 Does the eagle not fly?
10:14 Does Ramon Bernal not ride with his friend, Mackenzie?
10:19 - Let's go into town.
10:21 - Gracias, argent.
10:24 - It seems that Mackenzie is waiting for the heliograph.
10:28 It's nice of him to keep sending us information.
10:31 - It is.
10:32 His last message says that we have to be extra careful.
10:35 Watch out for those nasty outlaws who steal our guns.
10:40 - When is the third shipment coming?
10:43 - Tomorrow. Mackenzie will be with him.
10:46 - Mackenzie? Why?
10:49 - To keep an eye on things, I suppose.
10:52 - What's the matter, Cola? Are you scared?
10:55 - No. But, well, killing him.
10:59 What I mean is, with them others, it didn't matter much.
11:02 But if we kill Mackenzie, the whole army will be on our necks.
11:07 - You want out of this one, Cola?
11:11 - Well, uh...
11:12 - Why are you listening to me, brave man?
11:16 You know, you just got one way out. You want to try that way?
11:19 You want to try that way?
11:21 - No, of course not, Drago. I was just funnin' with ya.
11:27 - You know, you've been getting all the gravy as it is.
11:30 Me and Cort set this thing up.
11:33 Me and Cort learned that code.
11:35 Five years in the signal corps. Bustin' our backs for Mackenzie.
11:39 And you don't want to see him dead?
11:41 Well, I do.
11:43 That's the part that's going to pleasure me most.
11:45 - Oh, cut it out, Drago.
11:48 - "Desertion in time of danger." That's how he said it.
11:52 And we're going to have us a little old possum hunt.
11:55 And that possum's going to be Drago.
11:58 Well, they never caught that possum, mister.
12:00 'Cause that possum just run and run and run.
12:04 'Til he got just plain sick of runnin'.
12:07 And now that possum's got herself a gun.
12:10 And he's going to use it.
12:14 What about tomorrow? Same way as before?
12:18 Same way. But we'd better change the place.
12:24 There's kind of a spot further south along the main trail.
12:29 Instead of steering them into the canyon, let them come straight on.
12:34 Me and the boys will be waitin'.
12:36 - Well, won't they suspect something hittin' again so soon?
12:40 - Well, chance it. I want to hear them guns firin'.
12:44 At McKenzie.
12:46 All right, let's move it. Be sent up soon.
12:50 We want to get good seats to the show.
12:53 - Oh, good.
12:55 - Any sign of the convoy?
13:04 - Not yet. Maybe it ain't comin'.
13:06 - Oh, it'll come.
13:08 - You think Drago will be ready for 'em?
13:10 - If I know Drago, he'll be ready.
13:12 - A lot ready to McKenzie.
13:14 - I couldn't have picked a better spot if I tried.
13:36 - When McKenzie gets here, he won't know what hit him.
13:40 (gun cocks)
13:42 (gun cocks)
13:44 (footsteps)
14:12 - All right.
14:14 - Happy to see you, Lieutenant. - Thank you, sir.
14:19 - Any signs of trouble? - None at all.
14:21 - We'll keep our eyes peeled. This shipment's gonna get through.
14:24 - Yes, sir.
14:25 - Forward, hold!
14:28 (men grunting)
14:30 (dramatic music)
14:39 (dramatic music)
14:42 (dramatic music)
14:48 - Morning and the main trail south to Fort Clark.
14:57 Dangerous country for a convoy of arms and munitions
15:00 vitally needed by the Mexican government.
15:03 Guarding that shipment, Colonel Randall McKenzie,
15:06 aware that he protected more than guns.
15:09 For on the convoy's success depended the growing friendship
15:13 between his own country and Mexico.
15:16 (men grunting)
15:18 - Cut that out. - I'm trying to listen.
15:34 (birds chirping)
15:37 - At a walk, hold!
15:47 (goats bleating)
15:50 (goats bleating)
15:53 - Wagons.
16:11 Where sound carries in these parts,
16:13 I put a move, say, three, four mile, maybe less.
16:19 - Wait'll come easier now.
16:22 - Hey, will McKenzie see it?
16:41 - Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
16:48 - Yep, court says they're inside.
16:50 Better get set for 'em.
16:52 - All aboard!
16:56 - Something wrong, sir?
16:59 - Splashing up there. - A message to us, sir?
17:01 - Get out the heliograph equipment.
17:03 If it is a message, request a repeat.
17:05 - Yes, sir.
17:07 - Lieutenant. - Yes, sir?
17:09 - Have those wheels examined while we're waiting.
17:11 Find the one that's dry and see that it's greased.
17:13 - Right away, sir.
17:14 - Is it wise to delay, amigo?
17:17 - Wiser to delay now, Ramon,
17:19 than risk a breakdown further on.
17:22 (dramatic music)
17:25 - Hey, Gordon.
17:52 - Yeah?
17:53 - Here, you read code, I don't.
17:55 - Ah, it's ending?
17:56 - It's starting to.
17:58 - Trouble, court?
18:04 - Nothing I can't wiggle out of.
18:08 - I guess that explains the flash you saw, sir.
18:18 He says he was polishing his mirror.
18:20 - Mm-hmm.
18:21 Acknowledge his word, Conn.
18:23 Get a report on the trail ahead.
18:24 - Yes, sir.
18:25 - This heliograph is a very good thing, amigo.
18:28 If there is any danger, your man will warn us.
18:31 - That's the theory.
18:33 - He reports the trail all clear, sir.
18:40 - That's what he reports, huh?
18:42 - The dry axle's greased, sir.
18:44 - Good.
18:46 Have the rest of them greased.
18:47 I should be back by the time you get back.
18:49 I should be back by the time you're ready to roll.
18:51 If I'm not, wait for me.
18:52 - Yes, sir.
18:54 With the colonel's permission, sir.
18:56 Back from where?
18:58 - Twice in two days, these broken regulations.
19:00 Failed to acknowledge my messages with a word count.
19:02 - I'd be glad to take a trooper up there and chew him out, sir.
19:05 - I'd rather handle this myself, alone.
19:07 I want to look the situation over without being observed.
19:11 [dramatic music]
19:14 - Lieutenant. - Yes, sir.
19:24 - What did he mean by word count?
19:26 - To acknowledge the number of words in a message.
19:28 Normal procedure, colonel.
19:30 - Oh.
19:31 Because a heliograph operator did not follow regulations,
19:34 this is cause to delay the guns for my troops?
19:38 - In Colonel McKenzie's outfit, sir,
19:40 you don't make the same mistake twice.
19:43 Not unless there's a good reason.
19:45 - That's funny.
20:03 No sound of him now.
20:06 [dramatic music]
20:09 - What's the matter, boy? Getting itchy?
20:21 - As far as Drago is, he's flashing down there.
20:23 - Oh.
20:24 - I better tell him to wagon a stop for repairs.
20:26 Keep him from getting his quills up.
20:28 [hammering]
20:34 [dramatic music]
20:37 [man screams]
20:49 - See him!
20:51 - Get him!
20:53 - Where are my men?
21:03 Where are the men who operated this station?
21:05 - You killed them, didn't you?
21:07 - So you could ambush my convoys.
21:09 - It was Drago's idea.
21:10 - Who's Drago?
21:11 - He's down at the bend waiting for your wagons.
21:14 [dramatic music]
21:20 [dramatic music]
21:23 - Court says McKenzie must have found out.
21:38 He's got a whole company coming up from the fort after us.
21:40 Let's get out of here!
21:48 [dramatic music]
21:51 [glass shattering]
22:04 [helicopter whirring]
22:16 [helicopter whirring]
22:19 - Listen.
22:21 [helicopter whirring]
22:24 - Do you hear that, Lieutenant?
22:27 - Yeah, hoofbeats.
22:29 A lot of them.
22:30 - And very rapid.
22:32 - Mount up and ride!
22:36 Hermans and sidearms at the ready!
22:38 Come on, south, deploy!
22:43 Corporal, I'll take your horse.
22:44 You stay here with the wagons.
22:46 All right, you sons of billy goats, let's ride!
22:51 [helicopter whirring]
22:56 [birds chirping]
22:59 [gunshots]
23:18 [gunshots]
23:21 [horse whinnies]
23:33 [gunshots]
23:36 [helicopter whirring]
23:45 [gunshots]
23:48 [gun cocks]
23:57 [gunshots]
24:01 - Now, Mr. Drago, I want to know where the rest of those guns are.
24:10 Right now, Mr. Drago.
24:13 [helicopter whirring]
24:16 - For my country and for myself, I thank you, mi amigo.
24:22 Those guns will save many lives.
24:24 - Good.
24:25 By the way, I'm packing with them a set of heliograph instruments.
24:28 They may come in handy.
24:29 - It is good to have such a friend.
24:31 Oh, uh, could you ride with me as far as Brackettville?
24:36 - Does not the coyote howl? Does not the eagle fly?
24:39 Does not Mackenzie ride with his good friend Bernal?
24:42 [laughter]
24:44 [music]
24:47 [music]
24:54 - Mackenzie's Raiders did ride again and again,
24:58 carrying out the secret orders of the President of the United States.
25:02 Do whatever necessary to clean up the Southwest.
25:05 Make it a decent place for people to live.
25:09 Ride with Mackenzie's Raiders as they relive the blazing pages of history in the making.
25:14 [music]
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