MICKEY ROURKE : de la Gloire au Néant

  • l’année dernière
Rusty James, 9 Semaines ½, Angel Heart, Man on Fire, Sin City, The Wrestler, Iron Man 2... Mickey Rourke a une carrière aussi passionnante et étrange que sa vie. Dans cette vidéo, je vais mettre les deux en corrélation afin de résoudre l'énigme d'un des acteurs les plus controversés d'Hollywood.

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Musiques (dans l'ordre de diffusion) :

- where stars fall inspirational cinematic orchestral - scott buckley
- i walk with ghosts meditative neoclassical - scott buckley
- solace calm piano strings - scott buckley
- Nightfall Dark Dramatic Hybrid - Scott Buckley
- Light in Dark Places Epic Orchestral - Scott Buckley

Sources :


#MickeyRourke #Portrait #Hollywood #VanDamme #Stallone #Cinema
00:00 I wonder why somebody hasn't taken a rifle and blown your head off.
00:07 Well, even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.
00:12 Poetic, mysterious, talented, dangerous, Mickey Rourke is an enigma who over the decades has worn different masks.
00:24 From the young prodigy to the rebel boxer to the wise old man.
00:28 He is a unique actor in his own kind, who said no to the conventional star system before throwing himself at it,
00:34 leaving behind his money, his family and his soul.
00:52 But how? How could the one we considered as the future icon of Hollywood have fallen into such abyss
00:58 before having to deal with the almost divine intervention that allowed him to come back?
01:02 Let me try to understand this labyrinth that is Mickey Rourke's life and career.
01:08 [Music]
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01:43 Philippe-André Rourke Jr. was born in 1952 in New York.
01:47 He lives with his parents, his brother Joey and his sister Patricia.
01:50 All of them call him Mickey, emphasizing his resemblance to a little mouse.
01:54 At 6 years old, his father decides to leave.
01:56 The young Mickey leaves New York for Miami, his mother having met a cop in Florida, with whom they will settle.
02:02 He now lives in a ghetto with 7 other children and with this new father, Eugène Haddis.
02:07 They mistreat him, hit him, humiliate him and probably more.
02:12 Mickey talks about it in the media but never goes into detail.
02:16 Describe to me your upbringing. How would you describe it?
02:19 My upbringing? Well, you know, I don't want to beat a dead horse but let's say if I had a choice of living where I grew up
02:28 and having to do it all over again, I'd prefer not to have been born at all.
02:31 Really? How does that sound to you?
02:33 That sounds quite dramatic.
02:34 Yeah, well, there's a lot of stuff, a lot of things that went on that I'm not even comfortable talking about.
02:42 It was just unusual, it was very violent, it was crazy.
02:48 He can't defend himself against such a strong man. His hatred grows and he has to exteriorize it.
02:55 He starts boxing at 12. It will be a revelation. Boxing will become his cursed passion.
03:01 His other passion is theater.
03:03 He discovers the boards for the first time in 1969 at the Miami Beach Senior High School,
03:08 which he graduates from two years later and is ready to face the world.
03:12 At 19, he goes to live in New York. He does a lot of small jobs to pay for his drama classes.
03:17 He could sometimes not eat for several days to have enough to finance his classes.
03:21 His ultimate goal being the studio actor that he will integrate for four years.
03:26 I had to do a scene where I'm talking to my father.
03:31 And I couldn't relate to a father because I didn't see mine since I was six, but I missed him, you know,
03:39 and always had stuff in my head about him.
03:42 So, Sandra said to me, she says, "How badly do you want to get into the actor's studio?"
03:47 She knew I really wanted to get in there.
03:50 She says, "You're going to have to go find your father."
03:52 Fuck, you know.
03:55 So, I actually went to find him and found him the day before I did the test.
04:01 And then I was able to relate to somebody other than some kind of beast.
04:07 And how was the first moment of the reunion?
04:10 I followed him out on the street and I walked up next to him and I just stepped down on the curb.
04:15 And I said, "Are you so-and-so?" And he said, "Yeah."
04:19 And I said, "I'm so-and-so."
04:22 And he said, "Oh."
04:24 I always knew you'd come by one day.
04:27 It was already set.
04:28 Yeah, and then we went to this bar and he bought me a dinner.
04:33 And he gave me 50 bucks and I left and did my test the next day.
04:38 Did you ever see him again?
04:40 No, he died about a year later. He drank himself to death.
04:43 Besides that, he fights as an amateur boxer.
04:52 He's a good boxer.
04:53 He wins a lot of fights, but two brain commotions forced him to take off his gloves in 1974,
04:58 replacing the fights on the ring with castings,
05:01 and then doing his little roles on TV before making his debut in 1941's Steven Spielberg,
05:06 where he made an appearance,
05:08 and then in Michael Cimino's "The Gates of Heaven" a year later, in 1980.
05:12 His presence in "Body Heat" in 1981 doesn't leave anything undone.
05:16 Young Mickey has an undeniable charisma,
05:19 a beautiful face that we don't forget and that will be noticed for good a year later in "Diner" by Barry Levinson,
05:25 where he gives the line to as young as Kevin Bacon and will win the NSFC Award for Best Actor in a Second Role.
05:32 After that, he gets several big opportunities, but only one will be accepted.
05:36 He refuses Jack Kade's role in "The Body Movie" in 1948,
05:39 and Axel Follet's role in "Beverly Hills Cop".
05:42 He leaves the big Hollywood machines aside,
05:44 the comedies where he doesn't feel comfortable,
05:46 and accepts a more risky but also more ambitious role in "Rusty James" by Francis Ford Coppola.
05:51 In this film, which deals with lost youth, boredom,
05:54 Mickey Rourke plays a methodical big brother, in a permanent reflection,
05:58 carried in esteem by the KD that he sees in him everything he wants to be.
06:02 Rourke's interpretation is one of his most beautiful.
06:04 He has a fascinating sobriety.
06:06 His voice pierces every dialogue.
06:08 His presence offers the film all its melancholy.
06:10 Because that's Mickey Rourke in the 80's.
06:13 An envying actor, a face that can't be ignored.
06:16 An extraordinary presence, which he offers to productions that feel him just as much.
06:20 After "Rusty James", he continues.
06:22 The Pope of Greenwich Village in 1984,
06:25 and "The Year of the Dragon" the same year,
06:27 his first main role and his second collaboration with Michael Cimino,
06:31 who he always considered as a mentor, a friend, and a great artist.
06:35 He will play for him a third time in 1990 in "The Hostage House".
06:39 The long-awaited consecration arrives in 1985, with "Nine and a Half Weeks".
06:44 The film is about a tumultuous and somewhat sadistic relationship
06:47 between two lovers drawn to each other by the fugue and self-destruction.
06:51 The success is immense, especially internationally.
06:54 Mickey Rourke becomes a planetary star and a sex symbol.
06:57 But while he feels like he's growing wings,
06:59 his bad choices will deprive him of them much earlier than he had expected.
07:02 At this time, he's on everyone's lips.
07:05 Everyone wants him, but Rourke wants no one.
07:08 He will refuse Highlander, Top Gun, The Unbreakable, and Platoon.
07:13 He feels untouchable, thinks that everything is due to him,
07:16 and we can't blame him for that.
07:18 At this time, he has everything for himself, and he proves it in "Angel Hurt" in 1987,
07:22 where he shares the screen with a Denis Rowe unrecognizable
07:25 in this kind of fantastic, hyper-clock and very captivating thriller,
07:29 where Rourke gives everything and offers a performance to the height of his immense talent.
07:33 He reaches his peak of career at this time,
07:35 an artistic peak that he will never touch again.
07:38 The director of "9 and a Half Weeks" will even say that if Rourke died after this film,
07:42 we would have remembered him as a James Dean or a Marlon Brando.
07:46 In this same year, 1987, his talent continues to dazzle spectators around the world,
07:56 since in "Barfly", he still surprises by the accuracy of his play,
07:59 by playing the writer Henry Chinaski.
08:02 Rourke is never where we expect him.
08:04 He is the opposite of the stars of his level,
08:06 who go towards comedy, brain action or Oscar dramas.
08:10 Mickey Rourke, he experiments, goes where no one wants to go,
08:14 sometimes by vanity, for profit or simply for the love of the character.
08:18 He has the merit of being whole, of being true, of saying what he thinks,
08:22 but Hollywood will see it as arrogance,
08:24 contempt for an industry that gave birth to him.
08:27 The same year will be released "The Irishman", and Rourke will not find the successful film.
08:31 He will make the big mistake of taking it publicly to Samuel Goldwyn Jr.
08:35 during a press conference in Cannes,
08:37 accusing the producer of having lied about the intentions of the film.
08:40 The problem is that he is a very powerful man in the industry at the time.
08:44 He can make and undo careers, and Rourke will do the same.
08:48 Mickey, everyone loved him, he was the bad boy, he was outspoken,
08:52 but then he picked a fight with Hollywood royalty in the form of Sam Goldwyn Jr.
08:57 and that was it, he was out, you can't do that.
08:59 The general rule is if you don't like the movie, then you just shut up.
09:03 And unfortunately Mickey didn't.
09:05 He will also make the mistake of publicly supporting the IRA,
09:08 which all the United Kingdom agencies will not be able to accept.
09:11 From there, these films will be banned from the territory.
09:14 The controversy will swell and the popularity of the actor will take a hell of a hit.
09:18 He takes less and less pleasure in playing.
09:21 He has the reputation of not being the most professional on a set and in the world of cinema.
09:26 For example, he avoided reading the script of Rain Man,
09:29 sent by Dustin Hoffman himself because he was too busy preparing a futile boxing fight.
09:34 That's Mickey Rourke, a waste, a raw diamond who never knew where to stand.
09:39 An actor born who never wanted to be.
09:42 Maybe that's the real common point with Brando.
09:45 Homeboy, in 1988, is his first film as a screenwriter and producer.
09:51 He deals with different themes and links them to his passion for boxing.
09:55 The film is based on his life.
09:57 His crush in the film is played by his wife at the time, Deborah Furr,
10:00 with whom he will divorce a year later.
10:02 His best friend, Wesley, is played by one of his best friends, Christopher Walken.
10:06 And his boxer character is him, of course.
10:09 He is forced to quit because of bad costs,
10:12 by making friends with people from a rare background.
10:15 Homeboy will be a critical and commercial failure.
10:17 Without a doubt, the grace for Rourke, who was full of hope.
10:20 From there, his career will never be the same.
10:23 He continues to make more or less good films, most of them being live or video.
10:27 Wild Orchid, in 1989, a kind of failed remake of Nine and a Half Weeks,
10:32 Johnny Beautiful Face, the same year,
10:34 tells the story of a man who can't stand his face and will use surgery to change it.
10:39 Strangely prophetic.
10:41 Then comes, in 1991, Harley Davidson and the Man in the Santiago,
10:45 who will literally disgust him for good, on the set.
10:49 He only agrees to make this film for the money.
10:51 He describes himself as a "sold out" who took his 4 million for a film he didn't want to make.
10:56 Disgust is total. The break is announced.
10:59 The same year, he leaves the world of cinema to start a professional boxer career.
11:04 In 4 years, he participates in 8 fights, will win 6 and will not lose any.
11:08 But, whatever, these fights will be enough to break his face forever.
11:13 His face is gone.
11:15 He must try to find it and continue the surgery to change the aesthetic.
11:19 Nothing is done. The sex symbol is defeated by chaos.
11:23 At this time, however, he is still offered roles.
11:26 Tombstone in 1993, Pulp Fiction in 1994.
11:30 He refuses everything. He doesn't want to have anything to do with Hollywood anymore.
11:34 His statements are the most explosive.
11:36 He is aggressive, arrogant, wants to be the whole world without questioning himself once.
11:41 He lives the night between drugs, sex and alcohol and has no clear ideas.
11:45 His frequentings are limited to the rapper 2Pac, to the French escrow Christophe Rocancourt,
11:50 to the chief of the Los Angeles, to John Gotti of the mafia and so on.
11:54 His wife, Carreotis, whom he met on the set of Wild Orchid,
11:58 asks for a divorce in 1994 and accuses him of marital violence, which he will categorically deny.
12:04 Knowing that he is asking for a marriage, he will do it 2 years earlier by threatening her to commit suicide in case of refusal.
12:10 A relationship all off-scene, far too passionate,
12:13 between two tortured souls who will spend their time showing up in magazines for sordid stories.
12:18 But Mickey was madly in love with her and still admits today not to have ever fallen in love since.
12:23 He will live this breakup very badly, to the point that he will be interned for some time in a specialized center,
12:29 the latter being subject to major suicidal impulses.
12:32 The hardest thing for me is, it's like when my ex-wife said to me, you know, you have to change, you know.
12:38 And then I realized, man, I gotta change or I might as well just blow my fucking brains out.
12:44 Did you ever think of blowing your brains out?
12:46 Sure.
12:48 You actually had moments when you thought, I'm gonna kill myself?
12:52 Well, let's just say, you know, it crosses your mind.
12:55 How would you have done it?
12:57 I have no idea. But you see, because my kid brother was sick with cancer his whole life, trying to live.
13:04 There was a big part of me, I wouldn't do it because of, only mainly because of him.
13:10 You know, because he would fight so much to beat his illness and want to be alive,
13:15 and I'm gonna sit there and blow my fucking brains out?
13:18 No, I wouldn't, there's no fucking way I'd do it. Mainly because of him.
13:23 Was Joey the one person you were closest to in your life?
13:27 Yeah.
13:28 And was his death the most difficult thing you've ever had to deal with?
13:32 Yeah. Yeah.
13:36 In the mid-90s, his film career is over.
13:49 His boxing career is no longer glorious. His family, his friends, his money, all that has disappeared.
13:55 Ruined, he's losing all his possessions little by little.
13:58 He who used to boast about having a mansion, 10 motorcycles and cars to no longer know what to do with,
14:03 he now has nothing.
14:05 Rourke is at the bottom, and there's only cinema that can help him climb the hill.
14:09 In Europe, people go wild for you, but in the American media, you've been having some problems lately?
14:15 Lately? For about 10 years.
14:19 Why is that? I mean, why is that such a big deal?
14:21 Probably because I've got a lot of talent, and I speak the truth, and they're always afraid of that.
14:28 It's the directors that come to my rescue because of my ability. I know this.
14:32 But my ability doesn't mean shit if I don't take responsibility and be a professional.
14:38 And I realize right now that being responsible and being not so unpredictable is part of me being consistent.
14:48 In 1997, the world is stunned to see Mickey Rourke as buffy in Double Team with Jean-Claude Van Damme.
14:55 His features have disappeared. Boxing was right about his face.
14:58 And his dependence on aesthetic surgery won't go away, since he still can't stand himself and spends a lot of time in different offices.
15:05 Most of them are held by unscrupulous charlatans who take money from a man who is physically complex.
15:11 In 1997, he's back in business. Probably not for fun, but boxing destroys his health while bank accounts are empty.
15:19 He owes millions to creditors. He has to go back to the set, but the ambition is no longer there.
15:25 The actor's career becomes as confusing as his private life.
15:28 From 1997 to 2004, he's in the middle of a series of futile productions, cash-tones at their maximum,
15:34 even leaving a set because the director doesn't want him to make his dog run in the film.
15:39 A whim he can't take responsibility for.
15:42 However, in this pile of crap, some films stand out and allow Mickey Rourke to keep being in the shot through small roles.
15:50 "The Idealist" in 1997, where he plays a greedy lawyer under the direction of his great friend Francis Ford Coppola.
15:57 "Gate Carter" in 2001, a film that's not extra, but allows him to get his head out of the water, thanks to Stallone,
16:02 who will insist on making his friend play in the film.
16:05 "Animal Factory" the same year, under the direction of Steve Bucemi.
16:08 And "Man on Fire" by Tony Scott in 2004.
16:11 Films that will allow him to be noticed by a certain Robert Rodriguez, who will make him play in "Desperado 2".
16:17 Then in the very ambitious "Sin City", where he finds one of the roles of his life through the character of Marv.
16:22 He finds himself a lot in him, this broken face, this guy rejected by his peers and in search of redemption.
16:33 The success of the film will mark the beginning of a return to force for the actor,
16:36 which will be confirmed the same year with "Domino" by Tony Scott,
16:39 which after "Man on Fire" offers him a much more important role here.
16:43 The true story of Domino Harvey can be confused with that of Rourke.
16:47 The story of a person destined for great things, but who will decide to turn his back on his environment to fulfill himself in a devouring passion.
16:54 Model become bounty hunter, actor become boxer.
16:58 And yet it is the ring that will give his second chance to Mickey Rourke.
17:02 Not a boxing ring, but a wrestling ring.
17:09 The real rebirth will take place in 2008 thanks to a certain Darren Aronofsky and his film "The Wrestler".
17:15 Mickey Rourke is an actor who lives through his characters.
17:18 But it is in the one of Randy "The Belly" Robinson that we find the most.
17:22 The story of a broken star, of a man who has lost everything, but who will do everything to find his glory of old and those at the risk of his life.
17:29 The two are confused, their fates cross and the time of a film Mickey Rourke shines again.
17:35 He offers us everything he has, finally finds the role of his life.
18:04 He is now at peace with himself, aware of his past mistakes.
18:08 And his rebirth will be realized with the obtaining of a Golden Globe and a BAFTA of the best actor in a dramatic role, as well as a nomination for the Oscars in 2009.
18:17 Again bankable, Hollywood makes the eyes of Rourke again, and the latter does not make the same mistakes twice.
18:23 He takes shelter by respectively following the three blockbusters that are "Iron Man 2" and "The Expendable" in 2010,
18:29 "The Immortals" in 2011, then signs for the sequel to "Sin City" in 2014.
18:34 Like a phoenix, he is reborn.
18:37 This rebirth, he dedicated it to his dogs during his speech at the Golden Globes.
18:41 He claims that they saved his life, that they were there when no one else was.
18:45 He raises the slope and this unexpected return is proof that anything is possible when talent is there.
18:50 Now it is true that for almost 10 years he has only been chaining the broken comics,
18:54 and I can't personally prevent myself from seeing a waste of time as his talent and his presence are unique.
19:00 He deserves better than that.
19:02 Roles to his measure, artistic proposals that would position him for good as one of the best of his generation.
19:08 No doubt he already is.
19:10 No doubt he had nothing more to prove after his artistic rebirth.
19:13 So much so that it was inconceivable, unexpected.
19:17 No doubt he only wanted to prove that he was still in the game, that he was one of the greats,
19:22 that his talent was not exaggerated.
19:24 And he succeeded.
19:25 So from there on, he must have thought that the rest didn't matter anymore.
19:29 Today, aged 70, the mystery surrounding this man is complete.
19:34 His suffering results from a traumatic childhood that will prevent him from seeing clearly,
19:39 from making the right choices.
19:41 Everything comes from childhood, and Mickey Rourke's life is proof of it.
19:45 He is without a doubt at peace with himself.
19:47 He has nothing more to prove.
19:49 We all hope that he will express his talent one last time through a role as powerful and tormented as his life.
19:55 So people say to me, "What's your best movie you make?"
19:59 And I say, "I haven't made it yet. I'm gonna fucking make it."
20:02 And I know I'm going to.
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