L’enrôlement à la Couverture Maladie Universelle, communément appelée (CMU) dans du département de sinématiali relève du parcours du combattant. Rendue obligatoire à la rentrée scolaire 2023- 2024 pour tous les élèves du secondaire, ceux-ci rencontrent des difficultés à se faire enrôler pour obtenir le récépissé, donnant droit au précieux sésame.
Ils quittent, pour certains, leur domicile à 2 heures du matin dans l’espoir d’être parmi les premiers arrivants au seul centre d'enrôlement, logé à la sous-préfecture de Sinématiali.
Si la plupart des élèves pétitionnaires présents très tôt sont du département de Sinématiali, on note aussi la présence de certains venus de Korhogo, où il est encore plus difficile de se faire enrôler.
Ils quittent, pour certains, leur domicile à 2 heures du matin dans l’espoir d’être parmi les premiers arrivants au seul centre d'enrôlement, logé à la sous-préfecture de Sinématiali.
Si la plupart des élèves pétitionnaires présents très tôt sont du département de Sinématiali, on note aussi la présence de certains venus de Korhogo, où il est encore plus difficile de se faire enrôler.
00:00 The enrollment at the Universal Disease Coverage Center in the Cinémathéalie department
00:05 is part of the combatant's journey.
00:07 Due to the mandatory school return in 2023-2024 for all secondary school students,
00:12 they face difficulties in being enrolled to obtain the scholarship,
00:17 giving way to precious sesame seeds.
00:19 They leave their home at 2 a.m. for some,
00:22 in the hope of being among the first to arrive at the only enrollment center
00:26 located in the Cinémathéalie sub-prefecture.
00:28 I came to accompany my sisters to come and do the 4th semester.
00:31 They left yesterday.
00:33 They told us that there wasn't enough room.
00:36 So they slept, that's why we came in the morning.
00:40 We woke up at 4 a.m.
00:44 Before it wasn't hard, but now it's become difficult.
00:49 I've been here for three weeks at the sub-prefecture
00:53 because of the 4th semester for the children.
00:56 God has blessed me today.
00:58 My children were called to do the 4th semester.
01:02 I'm happy, but it's not easy.
01:05 Every day, I have to wake up at 4 a.m. to take the rank.
01:10 Only one agent of the CEMU is committed to the enrollment of all the petitioners
01:14 of the four sub-prefectures of the department.
01:17 So, the first 30 who came this morning,
01:20 we're going to take the first 30 who came this morning,
01:23 because I take 50 a day.
01:26 And the other two, we're going to take them in the old bus to take them.
01:29 That's what we can do.
01:31 At 8 a.m., the petitioners are called to register for the day,
01:36 from the pre-registrations initiated by the students.
01:39 All in a hurry, hoping for new work arrangements
01:42 to take into account a large number of applicants.
01:45 Next year, we'll take the bus from here.
01:48 This one is for me, it takes me 4-5 minutes.
01:50 They took the first 50, I hope they take the first 50.
01:54 Tomorrow, I'll go to see.
01:57 When he came, he listed the lists I had before.
02:00 He took 30 people today, since he was here this morning.
02:05 So, I'm one of the first 30.
02:08 And what are your impressions?
02:10 I'm happy, I'm happy.
02:13 Very, very happy.
02:15 We also note the presence of some from Corugo,
02:18 who are even more difficult to get enrolled.
02:21 Given the influx, the Mayor of Cinematiali, Valicou Libali,
02:24 has launched a call for the multiplication of enrollment places.
02:28 The enrollment center is regularly filled.
02:32 We therefore ask your authority to strengthen the enrollment machines,
02:40 by allowing us to have nearly three machines at Cinematiali,
02:46 to facilitate the enrollment of students,
02:50 so that on next school year,
02:52 these children can have the documents for their enrollment.
02:56 While waiting for a saving solution,
02:58 students from Cinematiali continue to get up very early,
03:02 at the risk of their lives, to be enrolled.