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Jeux vidéoTranscription
00:00 Oh, I had an emerald without a fault! Hi, the slow ones! Be careful, I'm going to take my momentum! Ah no, I missed it! You took too much momentum compared to the slow ones! That's it! Hey, hi Gary! One second Gary!
00:27 I wonder if the ice is a good idea for him.
00:37 I do a lot of damage to him.
00:41 He's fast!
01:09 I like how he does that!
01:17 I'm going to take a curtain and throw it at your face!
01:31 It hurts!
01:39 Go ahead, throw a curtain!
01:43 He threw a potato at me!
01:49 Fire! Fire!
01:53 There's lag!
02:01 But he's jumping!
02:03 At the same time, every time he does a big attack, the bosses have lag.
02:15 That's a very strong pick!
02:23 I don't know what you did to him to get a curtain!
02:31 Cold! Cold! Cold!
02:35 A signature? No thanks, it's ok.
02:43 There are too many picks in this country!
02:47 No! We didn't tell you that...
02:51 He's going to spit!
02:59 I'm sick of being frozen! I'm not an ice!
03:17 Stay here, it's ok.
03:21 Look at his legs!
03:31 Jewel!
03:41 We can do the Arctic Jump!
03:51 They built the benches really fast!
03:53 They built the nines faster too!
03:59 That's yours!
04:01 I can't take it anymore, I'm full!
04:03 He's putting a charmer in there!
04:09 You have to give them to him, he's putting a shield on them!
04:17 In case of doubt, they'll kill him!
04:19 That hits and explodes!
04:39 Everytime I aim at him...
05:07 We have to destroy those things, I think it gives him health.
05:17 He's going to get those things!
05:45 I'm going to get those things!
05:53 I'm going to get those things!
06:19 GG!
06:26 Stop talking!
06:29 He's ramming!
06:31 Everytime I want to see what's in his inventory, you pick it up faster than your shadow!
06:45 In his what?
06:47 When you get close to it, it explodes!
06:51 I'm going to go before I get hit in the head!
07:01 When they're exploding, if you kill them before they explode!
07:27 If he's going to explode, you have to run away!
07:31 I'm running away, I'm trying not to get killed!
07:35 It's true, it explodes!
07:47 It's not working!
08:09 I thought he was going to explode!
08:19 He's going really far!
08:21 I think he's going to get you, you have to transform!
08:24 I think the whole area is going to explode!
08:46 There are going to be a lot of explosive mosquitos!
08:50 They're almost dead!
08:54 They're slower than me!
08:58 This is the last moment!
09:00 I'm going to get you!
09:02 I'm going to get you!
09:31 We're going to release mosquitos everywhere!
09:52 I was so close!
10:15 I'm not sure I want to bomb his head!
10:22 I don't want to see his head!
10:24 He gave me two jewels!
10:32 I was going to say, he's not dead yet, he's still standing!
10:36 I'm trying to understand his face!
10:59 It was complicated!
11:25 He gave me the stone from above!
11:31 All of this just to get one!
11:38 What a disappointment!
11:42 I got one!
11:45 Are you ready?
12:05 I'm moving, he hit me!
12:08 He lied to me!
12:22 I can't see anything!
12:44 He's on you!
12:52 He bugged!
12:54 He's so bad!
13:16 He can kill me!
13:24 I don't like your ears!
13:31 He's on you!
13:57 He's TP'ed!
14:02 I didn't hit anyone!
14:07 I'm not sure it's a good tool for me!
14:14 I'm not sure it's the best tool for me!
14:22 My tool was useless!
14:29 Asshole!
14:35 He's playing it!
14:36 That's right, asshole!
14:58 I'm sorry, I'm doing the mobs that are...
15:08 Give me health!
15:13 I can't stand this assholes!
15:23 He put more!
15:44 Move, we're moving!
15:47 It's the waves!
16:04 He's alone!
16:09 Die, die, die!
16:10 Enough now!
16:11 We said enough!
16:14 The bats pushed me!
16:17 I'm going!
16:27 I thought you could take his sword, I was going to do a cool one!
16:30 Not at all!
16:34 So?
16:37 What did he give you?
16:43 Two hits!
16:49 I put it here?
16:53 Look here!
16:55 There's the...
16:57 Lotus!
17:00 I don't believe it!
17:05 Marcus is closing the door!
17:10 Asshole, if you don't want to go to the marmite...
17:14 He's a bit old to go to the marmite!
17:18 He'll make a potion, it'll get rid of the bad herbs!
17:22 We're going to die!
17:27 Yes!
17:29 He's not even trying to hide it!
17:31 No, because...
17:35 I'm going to transform and he's going to make a day!
17:38 I'm going to scream!
17:41 I don't want to transform into the bats!
17:46 I'm going to take this one's sword and take a good one!
17:51 I'm going to die!
17:53 Help!
17:55 Faster!
17:57 Faster!
18:01 No, I don't want to scream!
18:04 No, you won't love me! I'm going to do the cool one with the sun!
18:08 I'm starting to scream!
18:12 There are things waiting for me down there!
18:17 I can't come here, I'm going to die.
18:21 You're not making any effort!
18:24 No, I'm not.
18:27 I'm coming with you to get shot on the BMO if you don't make any effort!
18:33 Are you ready?
18:36 I hope...
18:41 Oh, he managed to know where I was going to go!
18:45 Everything's fine!
18:48 I'm fine!
18:57 He's going to do something about it.
18:59 What am I going to do? Turn into a hero?
19:03 You think it's working?
19:20 Oh, bastard!
19:42 How do I tell him that I'm not?
19:45 I want a kiss, but stop pissing me off!
19:49 You sure you want a kiss?
19:53 I think he eats you whole when he kisses you.
20:04 No maidens!
20:07 I'm sure it's the big love between you two.
20:09 He took me for a clown.
20:11 You know, love...
20:15 Everyone sees it as they want.
20:19 Oh, fuck.
20:21 They like clowns.
20:24 I don't know, maybe it's your head!
20:27 It's round.
20:30 Next time, you'll think twice before making a character like that.
20:46 He's really anticipating, that bastard.
20:48 Yes, I TP'd twice.
20:50 Look at that, he's trying...
20:54 Oh, yeah, that's true.
20:55 What do you have to do? Kill stuff?
21:00 Yes.
21:03 No, I TP'd twice and he sent me back to TP.
21:10 I mean, it's not nothing.
21:16 Oh, someone died. Hello, sir!
21:27 Hello, sir!
21:29 I was...
21:33 I don't know how, but...
21:42 Oh, no, I don't have enough TP. You're going to die.
21:51 You're going to die, yes.
21:58 Oh, he's going to get me.
21:59 Oh, no!
22:02 He knew where I was going, so he...
22:07 He pushed me, as a result.
22:10 I'm sure there's an IA in there.
22:12 I'm sure there's a GPT.
22:15 Or GPT...
22:17 Oh, again?
22:33 They're doing weird things.
22:36 When he takes me for a nail, I get a bit mad.
22:40 Oh, well, he came to put one on me.
22:42 Yeah.
22:52 I'm glad he left.
22:55 He's coming back.
22:57 Oh, no!
23:11 Except for him, who died.
23:15 I'm going to die soon too.
23:23 We can't do better.
23:27 I want to tell you, he's hitting faster than me.
23:32 See?
23:33 Yeah.
23:38 Oh, he's going to get me when he does that.
23:41 Animals are always going to hurt.
23:45 We should have been nicer to them.
23:57 Ouch, I'm dead.
23:59 Well, we were pretty dead.
24:05 The wolf was chasing me and I didn't see him coming behind me.