A Family Struggles For Survival in The Face of a Cataclysmic Natural Disaster

  • last year
A Family Struggles For Survival in The Face of a Cataclysmic Natural Disaster
00:00 Welcome back to Movie Recaps. Today I will show you a disaster movie from 2020, titled Greenland.
00:05 Spoilers ahead. Watch out and take care.
00:08 We see construction work being done on top of a massive building.
00:12 Two men are talking about some delays, the one that's frustrated with the situation is the boss,
00:17 John. Moments later, he's driving his car, listening to the radio about an interstellar
00:22 comet that will fly by close to Earth. He arrives at a suburban neighborhood and walks up to a house,
00:27 reluctant to go in. He enters a room where a woman is seen on a treadmill. That's Ally, his wife.
00:34 They have an awkward conversation surrounding their child, Nathan, and his upcoming birthday
00:38 party. The son arrives and is excited to see him. They go to his room and talk about a drawing he
00:44 made of the coming comet, named Clark. As they're laying on the bed, it's revealed that the boy is
00:49 a diabetic. They talk about John's separation from his mom. Later, the three of them are in
00:54 a living room listening to the news about the comet. The interstellar body is moving fast
00:59 toward Earth and is made up of many pieces of ice trailing behind it. That night, he's seen moving
01:04 back in the house, taking a guest room. The next morning, a dad is listening to the news about the
01:09 comet again. They're saying that pieces of the comet will fall on Earth, but that there's no
01:13 reason to worry. While he's cleaning the grill for the upcoming party, Ally walks in and tells
01:18 him that he needs to go to the store to pick up a few things. He takes his son with him and while
01:23 still at the parking lot, everyone is looking up at the sky. They see the comet approaching.
01:28 Inside the store, as they are shopping, John gets a presidential alert on his phone and then an
01:32 automated call. No one else in the store is getting the same alert. He is informed that him,
01:37 along with his wife and his son are chosen for emergency shelter relocation. The same alert is
01:42 shown in the house TV, but Ally doesn't see it. John quickly leaves the store with his son.
01:47 As they're driving home, he sees military vehicles and planes going the other way.
01:53 When they arrive home, the people have already gathered for the party.
01:57 John goes to talk to Ally in the kitchen and asks her if she got the same alert. She dismisses him,
02:02 thinking it's just a test, but he tells her about the military he saw on the way,
02:06 suspicious about what's happening with the comet. Both of them come back to the living room,
02:10 where everyone is watching the news, expecting to see a part of the comet hitting the Atlantic
02:14 Ocean. No one is worried as an image of the fragment is shown on the TV screen, and the
02:19 kids start counting down. When they reach to one, waiting to see the splash in the ocean,
02:24 nothing happens for a moment. There's a little earthquake and John walks out of the house.
02:28 He sees a flock of birds flying away, when suddenly a massive shockwave hits him over,
02:33 felt inside the house as well. He comes back in and everyone is scared, still listening to the
02:38 news. The newscaster announces that the piece has impacted a city in Florida with a shockwave that
02:43 was felt for thousands of miles. The city was completely destroyed. As an orbital shot of the
02:49 comet hitting is being shown on the news, the people wonder if more pieces will hit the planet.
02:53 John gets another presidential alert. The call plays on both his phone and the TV,
02:58 so everyone can see what the message says. None of the others are getting the same message,
03:03 which states that John can't take anyone else to the shelter, except his family. He gets a
03:07 security code to enter the plane on his phone. The others leave in a panic. John and Ally are
03:13 packing worried if they'll have enough insulin for the boy. The child asks about his grandpa.
03:18 Ally is preparing food and listening to the terrifying news, as John goes to get Nathan,
03:23 who says that the sky is on fire. Pulling out of the driveway, they see that none of their friends
03:27 got the same call. One of them tells the family that the news is reporting that a huge piece of
03:32 the comet, called Planet Killer, will hit the Earth in two days. As they are leaving, another
03:37 neighbor runs to them, begging to take their daughter. John refuses and they drive off,
03:41 arguing in the car that even if they did take her, she might have been turned away at the airbase.
03:46 Later, as they are driving, people are seen already looting the stores. Suddenly,
03:51 they drive up to a massive traffic jam on the highway and John goes the other way,
03:55 taking a side road. They're listening to the news on the radio, saying that there have been more
03:59 impacts and others are expected, which might take out entire cities or even cause an extinction
04:04 level event. They arrive at the airbase, being guarded by the military. People are gathered
04:09 around the doors because they're not being allowed in. The family pushes trough the crowd and is
04:14 allowed entrance with the barcode they received. Once inside, they are given wristbands for
04:19 personal identification and are told to move all their things into one smaller bag. Suddenly,
04:24 they realize the insulin for Nathan is gone and John goes to take it from the car.
04:28 Ally goes to tell the soldiers about her husband, but tells them about the boy's diabetes and causes
04:33 a problem. She's taken to a superior officer that informs her that someone with a chronic condition
04:38 can't be on the plane. Ally tries to reason with her, but she gets turned down. She and her son
04:44 get escorted out of the base. Meanwhile, John comes back and is headed toward the planes looking
04:49 for them, unaware of what is happening. John boards one of the planes that's about to take off
04:53 and tries to reach Ally, but can't. One of the passengers there sees the insulin and tells him
04:58 about the rules regarding chronic illnesses. John panics and asks to leave the plane. Suddenly,
05:04 the base gets breached and the people start shooting toward the military.
05:07 The plane that John was existing has a fuel leak, so he tells everyone to get out and runs away.
05:12 The plane explodes and causes a chain reaction. John finds out about his family being rejected,
05:18 as the two of them are already back at the car. Nathan is already low on insulin. The chaos in
05:23 front of the base continues, so John takes a while to get back at the car too. Once there,
05:28 he finds a message from Ally that she's taking Nathan to her dad's place, so John goes after
05:33 them. On the road there, Ally and the boy get to a pharmacy. She checks his blood sugar and they go
05:39 to find insulin for him. Suddenly a gang walks inside and starts shooting, killing people all
05:44 around. They manage to escape and get into a car with some people that will take them part of the
05:49 way to her dad's. The couple Ally is riding with start acting strangely very fast. Eventually,
05:55 they throw her out the car, take her wristband and drive off with her son, leaving her stranded
05:59 on the highway. Meanwhile, John is lucky enough to find a ride up north as well. Inside the truck,
06:05 John sparks a conversation with one of the men Colin, who tells him that they are headed to
06:09 Canada where the driver knows someone that has a plane and can take people to the shelters.
06:13 Apparently, the military has set up the shelters on Greenland. The man tells him to find his family
06:19 and meet him in Canada, so they can take one of the planes too. Another one of the people in the
06:24 truck eyes John's wristband and demands that John gives it to him, but when he refuses,
06:28 a huge fight unfolds. The fighting causes the truck to swirl and crash,
06:32 throwing the people from the back out. The fight continues regardless and John ends up killing the
06:37 guy. Colin dies in the crash. In the meantime, Ally gets another ride toward the base where the
06:43 people that took Nathan are headed. He is still seen riding with them when they get to the airport
06:47 base. At the first stop, as they are showing the wristbands, the boy tells the soldier that
06:52 those people are not his parents and the soldier gets them escorted away, taking him inside.
06:57 Later, Ally gets there too and tries to find him, from one stop to another, from one medical unit
07:02 to another. She finally finds him and she's informed that he's been given insulin. The nurse
07:07 says she'll help Ally find a military transport to her father's city and that she will stock her
07:12 with medicine for Nathan. John breaks into a house for some water and food. He checks the
07:17 news immediately, only to see that the main impact is expected in just under 24 hours.
07:22 He finds keys to the family's car and takes it, getting to Ally's dad fast. He finds him playing
07:27 cards with his buddies, asking about his daughter. They decide to put their differences aside and
07:32 work together to find her and Nathan. Meanwhile, the two of them arrive at a gas station and call
07:37 the house. John and her father go to pick them up and the family is finally back together.
07:42 All of them get back to the house and see that the information John got about the shelters was true.
07:46 He convinces Ally that they should go to Canada and try their luck, so they prepare for the
07:51 journey there. Unfortunately, they can't convince Ally's father to join them. Suddenly, a giant
07:57 piece of the comet falls nearby, prompting them to go immediately. Ally's father gives John a
08:02 gun and says his goodbyes, staying behind as they drive away. John and Ally reconnect during the
08:07 drive, promising to stay together. They stop for a blockade along the road, when debris from the
08:13 comet starts falling all around them. John drives out from the line of cars, but the fragments are
08:18 falling everywhere. Ally gets in the back to cover Nathan, while John tries to find shelter.
08:23 They stop near a bridge, where others hide as well, but John runs off to help a man out of
08:28 a burning car. Later that night, they continue their journey and pass into Canada. While searching
08:33 for the airport, they listen to the radio and discover that they don't have much more time until
08:37 the biggest part of the comet hits earth and destroys more than 75% of all living things.
08:43 As they drive, they see one plane getting air and another almost taking off, so they chase after the
08:48 second one. John stops the plane by driving right in front of it. The pilot is reluctant to take
08:53 them in, since he is already at full capacity, but they succeed in convincing him. John has a dream
08:59 about better times and when he wakes up they are approaching Greenland. The place seems unaffected
09:04 by the comet, until a moment later a fragment impacts the water and creates a shockwave that
09:08 hits the plane. Both engines are failing as the pilot tries to keep the plane in the air.
09:13 They glide trough the air, landing smoothly, but hit the glacier. The pilots are pinned on impact,
09:19 but John isn't able to help them. He sees a military plane land a mile away, so he shows
09:24 the people from the plane there and when they arrive, a military truck takes them in and gets
09:28 them to the shelter. As they are going inside, the planet killer hits. The impact will reach them in
09:33 a matter of minutes and the people are still getting deeper inside the shelter. Once inside,
09:38 they brace for impact and a flashback is seen of their previous life, when they were happy together.
09:43 Nine months later, the planet is desolated. Cities ruined completely. A radio signal is
09:49 searching for survivors and establishes a connection, informing the receiving end that
09:53 the dust has settled and there is no radiation. The hatches of the shelter open and reveal that
09:58 the family is still alive, facing the ruin of the planet. As a symbol of hope, they see a
10:03 bird flying outside and start coming out of the shelter. As the earth is seen from space,
10:08 radio signals communicate from all around the globe. There are people still alive everywhere
10:12 on the planet. Make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you can watch more videos like
10:17 this. Thanks for watching.
