World Fastpitch Championship - 16U (2023) Fri, Jul 21, 2023 5:37 PM to 7:21 PM

  • last year
00:00:00 football.
00:00:00 Welcome to our coverage of the 16 you championship here. The
00:00:06 World Fast Pitch Championships Ryder car with you alongside our
00:00:09 you triple is a crew.
00:00:11 She is rung up for strike three Haley Bailey is retired first
00:00:16 strike out of the game for Alexis Jansen.
00:00:18 Jansen earlier today was absolutely electric
00:00:27 against this same Mojo team chance in a double digit strike
00:00:32 out day did not allow a run in Eden to work.
00:00:36 Which is at it and Audrey Kathy the third baseman
00:00:43 takes
00:00:45 a look. Jensen's pitch is a rise ball upstairs.
00:01:14 Wonders outside for a ball.
00:01:35 The first strike. Down the rest of the Mojo order.
00:02:04 It is Audrey Kathy the third baseman every stock well.
00:02:08 Is next on deck.
00:02:11 Humped in for strike three back to back strikeouts for Jansen.
00:02:16 Two up and two down for Mojo.
00:02:21 Boy this is deja vu of the first game Jansen earlier today struck
00:02:27 out the side in the first and it has been the same here through
00:02:31 two of this game.
00:02:33 A couple of backwards caves and it brings in the aforementioned
00:02:38 stock well.
00:02:38 It takes inside for ball one.
00:02:41 Kelly Pittman is the first baseman batting fourth.
00:02:47 Erringdale plays second at Betts fifth with Norvell the right
00:02:50 fielder batting sixth.
00:02:52 Ruby Collins is in left batting seventh.
00:02:54 Caitlin Russell's the DP batting eighth.
00:02:57 Chloe Carroll's in center batting ninth with Sophia
00:02:59 Slater the pitcher in the flex spot.
00:03:02 There was a very similar line until we saw in the first game
00:03:05 today that went to eight innings in a pitcher's duel so in for a
00:03:08 treat a matchup of a similar caliber between the two aces.
00:03:11 And a pop up straight back for foul.
00:03:18 Stockwell in this game earlier today struck out in the first
00:03:26 but then turned it on over her next three appearances.
00:03:29 A ground rule double a single on a four pitch walk.
00:03:32 Off the end step for a foul.
00:03:40 Already two gone.
00:03:55 Here's the one one pitch.
00:03:58 Oh deja vu in the second meeting of the day.
00:04:04 Alexis Jansen comes out and once again strikes out the side in
00:04:08 the first frame of the game.
00:04:10 Three up three down three more on the ledger for Jansen.
00:04:15 She's got 13 across two meetings with the Mojo today.
00:04:19 We'll see in the home half Nebraska gold to the plate when
00:04:22 we return.
00:04:22 Peaceful day spent kayaking is really an adventure exploring
00:04:37 nature.
00:04:38 Look at this could be anything from a cannonball in the pool to
00:04:43 a rocket in the sky.
00:04:44 So what are you waiting for.
00:04:46 Discovery awaits on the only beach that doubles as a launch
00:04:50 pad.
00:04:51 Florida's Space Coast only here.
00:04:53 Here.
00:04:54 Here.
00:04:54 Here.
00:04:55 Here.
00:04:55 Here.
00:04:56 Here.
00:04:56 Here.
00:04:57 Here.
00:04:57 Here.
00:04:58 Here.
00:04:58 Here.
00:04:59 Here.
00:05:09 Here.
00:05:14 Here.
00:05:17 Here.
00:05:20 Here.
00:05:23 Here.
00:05:27 Here.
00:05:27 Back here in Kansas City the 16 you championship between the
00:05:33 Mojo and Nebraska gold in the circle.
00:05:36 It is Sophia Schlatter who was phenomenal in the first game
00:05:39 today when eight innings did allow the game winning run in
00:05:42 the eighth but overall was a stellar performance as Nebraska
00:05:48 gold looks to win a championship in this first meeting.
00:05:51 If Nebraska gold wins it would end the day.
00:05:54 They would be champions of the 16 you bracket.
00:05:57 If it were to come up in favor of the Mojo we would play a
00:06:00 second game immediately following this one in this double
00:06:03 elimination format.
00:06:05 Well they get down the order and around the diamond as we go
00:06:09 starting with the lineup for the home team that is Nebraska
00:06:12 gold leading off the left handed center fielder.
00:06:17 This is Anderson Trevorrow likes this chance in the pitcher is
00:06:21 batting second.
00:06:23 First pitch is flown up into foul territory.
00:06:26 Can't get there in time.
00:06:27 Carly Malbach is the catcher batting third.
00:06:30 CJ Morgan does the cleanup duties place first.
00:06:33 Antoine Braun or Autumn Brine excuse me is third baseman who's
00:06:37 batting fifth.
00:06:38 As Rayna Waller is batting sixth and playing right field.
00:06:41 Briley Hurd is the left fielder batting seventh with Emerson
00:06:50 Palmer in the eighth spot as the AP and in the second baseman is
00:06:54 Matt Carrington batting not with Megan Marshall rounding things
00:06:57 out of the shortstop spot.
00:06:58 Matt intent that'll move it one and two one to pitch.
00:07:28 He is clobbered foul.
00:07:32 Let's take you around the diamond defensively for Mojo Lewis
00:07:37 in his second meeting.
00:07:44 Obviously Slater is the pitcher Avery Stockwell does the
00:07:48 catching third to first.
00:07:50 It is Kathy Bailey Arringdale and Bailey in the outfield Collins
00:07:56 is in left Carol and center in Norvell and right to to Trevorrow
00:08:19 and the first to pitch.
00:08:24 I chopper back up the middle patrolling in from short the
00:08:27 throw not in time.
00:08:29 Trevorrow beats it out an infield single to start the day
00:08:32 for the Nebraska gold lineup.
00:08:41 Great job just a slap hit out to short.
00:08:43 This is what slappers can do when you have that ability to get
00:08:47 the ball in the air.
00:08:49 You can get it in the air.
00:08:50 You can get it in the air.
00:08:52 You can get it in the air.
00:08:53 You can get it in the air.
00:08:54 You can get it in the air.
00:08:56 You can get it in the air.
00:08:57 You can get it in the air.
00:08:58 You can get it in the air.
00:08:59 You can get it in the air.
00:09:00 You can get it in the air.
00:09:01 You can get it in the air.
00:09:02 You can get it in the air.
00:09:03 You can get it in the air.
00:09:04 You can get it in the air.
00:09:05 You can get it in the air.
00:09:06 You can get it in the air.
00:09:07 You can get it in the air.
00:09:08 You can get it in the air.
00:09:09 You can get it in the air.
00:09:10 You can get it in the air.
00:09:11 You can get it in the air.
00:09:12 You can get it in the air.
00:09:18 >> That brings in Carly
00:09:22 >> That brings in Carly
00:09:22 >> That brings in Carly mahlbach.
00:09:37 >> That brings in Carly mahlbach.
00:09:47 >> C.J. Morgan waiting on deck.
00:09:50 Only one out in the inning.
00:09:59 Slater is 0-2.
00:10:02 Stay nothing in two.
00:10:24 2 on the way.
00:10:26 Flares that back foul.
00:10:28 Staying alive here.
00:10:32 Early opportunity for Nebraska
00:10:33 goal.
00:10:34 That game earlier today, there
00:10:35 was plenty of hits.
00:10:37 Through that first game, the
00:10:38 biggest difference was that
00:10:39 situational hitting did not come
00:10:41 through for either lineup until
00:10:42 the very end.
00:10:44 There was a runner automatically
00:10:45 at second base.
00:10:51 >> Two strike pitch on the way.
00:11:15 >> That is a great effort.
00:11:21 On the run, can't get to it.
00:11:23 Stockwell made a great effort.
00:11:33 That is the athleticism you see
00:11:34 out of catchers.
00:11:37 It is never easy to make those
00:11:39 kind of grabs behind the dish.
00:11:42 >> The right side, try to get
00:11:45 beneath it.
00:12:00 >> This is turned on and a foul
00:12:02 ball just outside of third.
00:12:08 >> The ball is in the net.
00:12:12 >> The team retreats back to
00:12:13 their stations.
00:12:16 Malbach really got into this one
00:12:18 and just barely foul outside of
00:12:19 third.
00:12:32 >> That will be strike three.
00:12:34 Malbach retired on strikes.
00:12:37 >> The strikeouts are opposing
00:12:38 pitcher in the first game.
00:12:40 This was a pretty one here to
00:12:41 get the second out of the
00:12:42 getting.
00:12:44 Add one to her tally.
00:12:47 Still just a runner at first for
00:12:48 Nebraska gold.
00:12:55 CJ Morgan cuts through it.
00:12:57 The runner takes off.
00:12:58 The throw in time.
00:13:00 Avery Stockwell, guns are down,
00:13:02 going to second.
00:13:04 Travar retired and that retires
00:13:06 the side.
00:13:11 Pinpoint accuracy from the
00:13:12 catcher sends us to the second
00:13:14 in Kansas City.
00:13:16 >> The first time we've seen
00:13:17 this.
00:13:18 >> The first time we've seen
00:13:43 this.
00:13:49 >> The first time we've seen
00:13:50 this.
00:13:51 >> The first time we've seen
00:13:52 this.
00:13:53 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:13:54 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:13:55 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:13:56 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:13:57 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:13:58 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:13:59 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:00 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:01 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:02 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:03 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:04 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:05 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:06 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:07 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:08 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:09 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:10 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:17 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:18 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:19 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:20 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:21 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:22 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:23 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:24 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:25 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:26 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:27 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:28 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:29 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:30 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:31 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:32 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:33 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:34 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:35 >> The first time we've seen this.
00:14:37 >> First time up to the plate today.
00:14:39 Middle of the order for the Mojo.
00:14:41 Top of the order was struck out to start the same way as they did in the first meeting.
00:14:47 Three up, three down, all via K's.
00:14:51 This is Kenley Pittman leading off.
00:15:00 Pittman in that first meeting today.
00:15:02 In the clear up spot, did pick up a single.
00:15:06 That was in the sixth.
00:15:10 Pittman underneath one and out into the bird.
00:15:14 Misses upstairs, two and two.
00:15:35 In defeat and the count is full.
00:15:51 Pittman in the second.
00:16:06 Struck out the side in the first.
00:16:08 Did not allow a hit until it was the ninth or hitter in the third.
00:16:11 So a leadoff base runner for Kenzie Arringdale, the second baseman.
00:16:35 Arringdale squares a bunt in between the feet for a foul.
00:16:39 Nobody got on the leadoff runner on.
00:16:41 You can afford to play a little bit of small ball.
00:16:44 Maubach's a little slow to arise.
00:16:46 Think she got caught on a hand.
00:16:53 Got hit on the leg it looks like.
00:16:58 She'll try to walk it off.
00:17:27 A little bit of a catch.
00:17:40 A cool moment of picking each other up there between pitcher and catcher.
00:17:45 An excuse to have a word as well.
00:17:50 Carly Maubach is okay.
00:18:17 And right on the heels of the bounce back.
00:18:32 It is Maubach who comes in for the first out.
00:18:37 Got shaken up and clearly she's back to it.
00:18:44 And a foul pop up to the catcher.
00:18:47 Retires one.
00:18:49 Brings in Kylie Norvell.
00:18:52 Left on left a matchup.
00:18:57 First pitch opposite way fly ball.
00:18:59 Nobody can get to it.
00:19:19 Way high and away ball one.
00:19:37 High and outside for ball two.
00:19:40 Kylie Norvell in her last game hit in the eighth spot is scooted up to six.
00:19:46 Had a single to finish the prior game against the Aces.
00:19:52 Also had a single in the first meeting.
00:19:55 Slow dribbler and that's wide at first.
00:19:57 She'll come back for a two-two.
00:20:07 She's shown the ability to get ahead and has earned that sixth spot.
00:20:18 Two-two on the way.
00:20:21 And that's three and two now.
00:20:31 It was a lead off walk to get the runner aboard.
00:20:35 Mojo trying to take advantage.
00:20:38 Two-two is screened up foul and this is not playable either.
00:20:43 Bounce up to the top of the facility.
00:21:00 Ground ball left side of the infield.
00:21:02 No chance to turn two.
00:21:07 Good job of the middle infielders to get the out and the lead runner.
00:21:22 So Pittman retired on the fielder's choice, 64.
00:21:27 Norvell snugly safe at first.
00:21:30 Offering dribbles in and the runner will take off because of it.
00:21:36 So, wow, pitch puts the runner at second.
00:21:44 This is one that just left it way too short.
00:21:48 That's tough to recover if you're a catcher.
00:21:54 Skims home plate for a ball.
00:21:55 Two and 0.
00:22:00 Ruby Collins looking for some two-out magic.
00:22:04 Mojo got off to a red hot start against the Aces in their last game.
00:22:09 Cranks this one in the air.
00:22:28 Out.
00:22:42 And swings through it.
00:23:00 Ground ball to short.
00:23:02 And the overhand toss in time to retire the side.
00:23:05 In that frame, no runs, no hits, no errors.
00:23:09 And one left.
00:23:12 Norvell stranded in scoring position at second.
00:23:15 We're in the middle of two scoreless between Nebraska gold and Mojo in the 16-U championship game.
00:23:21 One thing that I always look for is the grip and how good it is.
00:23:25 Another thing, too, is how big the sweet spot is.
00:23:28 Just knowing, like, even if I do get jammed, if I have a big enough sweet spot, I could still possibly get away with something.
00:23:34 A big sweet spot will give people that extra oomph that they need in the ball.
00:23:41 Nothing sounds better than a mantra when you make solid contact with it.
00:23:46 [ Music ]
00:23:51 [ Music ]
00:24:21 [ Background noise ]
00:24:29 Back here in Kansas City in the 16-U championship.
00:24:33 Between Mojo and Nebraska gold, C.J. Morgan will lead off after facing just three in the first.
00:24:40 A foul with Tyron, a caught stealing.
00:24:42 So C.J. Morgan will get a do-over here to lead things off.
00:24:47 On the right, a waller also scheduled to appear as well.
00:24:50 [ Background noise ]
00:25:00 In the basement for a ball.
00:25:02 [ Background noise ]
00:25:14 Rocking the toss.
00:25:17 And that will move it 0-2.
00:25:19 [ Background noise ]
00:25:36 All right, 2-2.
00:25:38 [ Background noise ]
00:25:55 Did she go?
00:25:57 She did not.
00:26:00 C.J. Morgan stays alive.
00:26:01 It's 3-2.
00:26:03 [ Background noise ]
00:26:14 Elevated and blooped.
00:26:16 In to left center field for a base hit.
00:26:19 C.J. Morgan wins the battle.
00:26:21 It's a leadoff base knock for the cleanup hitter.
00:26:23 [ Background noise ]
00:26:27 And she just gets underneath this one just enough past Bailey to shortstop.
00:26:33 And it is the second hit of the game for Nebraska gold.
00:26:36 Both have been leadoff singles.
00:26:38 [ Background noise ]
00:26:46 So that brings in on a Bryant with an incredible grab earlier today.
00:26:50 [ Background noise ]
00:26:52 First pitch opposite way foul territory will fall for a foul in strike one.
00:26:57 [ Background noise ]
00:27:12 Autumn Bryant.
00:27:14 [ Background noise ]
00:27:16 Their last game earlier today had a single in her first half.
00:27:21 That and the second.
00:27:23 And sends this one straight to Collins in left.
00:27:26 Will keep the runner at first and put one away.
00:27:28 [ Background noise ]
00:27:32 Raina Waller will come up to the plate.
00:27:34 [ Background noise ]
00:27:38 It's a thrilling game earlier today.
00:27:40 A pitcher's duel all the way to the eighth.
00:27:43 And Nebraska gold walked it off on an RBI single from Waller.
00:27:49 And it scored Harrington.
00:27:51 [ Background noise ]
00:27:55 First toss to Waller.
00:27:57 [ Background noise ]
00:27:59 And he misses outside for ball one.
00:28:01 [ Background noise ]
00:28:20 Two now.
00:28:21 [ Background noise ]
00:28:36 Waves through for a strike.
00:28:38 [ Background noise ]
00:28:55 There's that back for a foul.
00:28:58 It'll be a two strike pitch upcoming.
00:29:00 [ Background noise ]
00:29:22 Just misses outside for a ball.
00:29:25 [ Background noise ]
00:29:36 Raina Waller trying to find a way to be productive.
00:29:40 Two-two is golfed out to short on a few hops.
00:29:43 They'll get the lead runner.
00:29:44 Turn to first.
00:29:45 Not in time.
00:29:47 Nearly a six-four-three double play.
00:29:49 But instead they'll settle to just retire C.J. Morgan.
00:29:53 Well, this is how you do it.
00:29:55 Tough hop to field with a short step spot.
00:29:57 That throws a hair faster from six to four.
00:30:01 That's definitely a double play.
00:30:05 And that's all the learning opportunity of playing on this stage against this
00:30:09 caliber of team.
00:30:11 Plenty of speed on the field as well, or on the diamond.
00:30:15 As Bailey Hurd comes up.
00:30:17 Raina Waller using some of that speed to keep that from being a double play.
00:30:23 [ Background noise ]
00:30:37 Screams it foul.
00:30:39 [ Background noise ]
00:30:59 That's throw it.
00:31:00 Strike two.
00:31:02 So, Schlater and the Mojo close to escaping this inning unscathed.
00:31:10 Still only a runner at first with two gone.
00:31:12 [ Background noise ]
00:31:20 Outside corner.
00:31:21 Locked her up for strike three.
00:31:23 The second strikeout for Sophia Schlater.
00:31:26 [ Background noise ]
00:31:30 Dots the corner.
00:31:31 Retires the side.
00:31:33 Nebraska Golds strands one, and we will see you in the third.
00:31:37 [ Background noise ]
00:31:42 [ Music ]
00:32:11 [ Music ]
00:32:21 [ Music ]
00:32:50 First offering is a ball.
00:32:52 [ Background noise ]
00:33:00 This is the eighth spot hitter leading off for the Mojo.
00:33:03 [ Background noise ]
00:33:14 Kaitlin Russell the DP.
00:33:16 [ Background noise ]
00:33:36 Pop fly into foul territory.
00:33:38 Nobody can get to it.
00:33:39 And hits the chair backs.
00:33:41 [ Background noise ]
00:33:56 Jensen's pitch.
00:33:58 She's sent down the left field line for a base hit.
00:34:03 Second leadoff single in this game for the Mojo.
00:34:09 Should say second leadoff runner.
00:34:11 A walk back of the second, but enough to get elevated over Brian at third.
00:34:18 Those leadoff base hits, they can really help fire up your team.
00:34:22 That's exactly what the Mojo have here in the third.
00:34:25 Chloe Carroll came in as a pinch runner in the prior game.
00:34:28 Will step in.
00:34:29 [ Background noise ]
00:34:35 First pitch wonders low for ball one.
00:34:39 [ Background noise ]
00:34:51 Rifles in a strike, evens the count.
00:34:54 [ Background noise ]
00:35:02 Time is called.
00:35:05 [ Background noise ]
00:35:13 We see our first pitching change between these two.
00:35:19 Pinch runner should say.
00:35:21 [ Background noise ]
00:35:24 So this will be Hannah Smith in the pinch runner first rather.
00:35:30 As it was the Tennessee Mojo wanted a word.
00:35:35 [ Background noise ]
00:35:42 Carroll flies one out of play, one and two.
00:35:45 [ Background noise ]
00:36:02 Carroll cuts through it and Jansen has her fourth strikeout.
00:36:06 [ Background noise ]
00:36:12 Delivery pulls the string, catches around in front of it.
00:36:16 It's a big strikeout against the nine spot.
00:36:19 It's down to the board as you scoot to the top of the order.
00:36:23 Smith still at first for the Tennessee Mojo.
00:36:26 [ Background noise ]
00:36:32 It's Hallie Bailey.
00:36:34 [ Background noise ]
00:36:43 Hallie Bailey swings through it for a strike.
00:36:46 [ Background noise ]
00:36:53 Jansen has struck out four of the first nine.
00:36:56 She's only allowing a hit.
00:36:58 Lead off single in this inning.
00:37:00 [ Background noise ]
00:37:04 This is after she had a ten strikeout game earlier today.
00:37:08 This is part of the workload of any tournament.
00:37:11 As a team you have to think about it, you have to handle.
00:37:15 You have to be ready to go back out there and throw after firing
00:37:19 eight innings earlier today.
00:37:21 And a slapper trampolines one to the backstop.
00:37:24 [ Background noise ]
00:37:44 O2 pitch is parachuted to the circle.
00:37:47 Back to first for two.
00:37:49 The pitcher with a twin killing.
00:37:52 Alexis Jansen, is there anything she can't do?
00:37:57 Just a flare shot to the originator.
00:38:00 And she flips it back to first.
00:38:02 A one-three DP sends us to the middle of three.
00:38:05 [ Background noise ]
00:38:24 [ Cheering ]
00:38:34 [ Background noise ]
00:38:44 [ Cheering ]
00:38:49 [ Music ]
00:38:57 [ Music ]
00:39:08 The best of both worlds looks a little like this.
00:39:12 A morning of sunbathing transforms into an afternoon of flying.
00:39:16 And a peaceful day spent kayaking is really an adventure exploring nature's theme park.
00:39:23 Look at this.
00:39:24 Could be anything from a cannonball in the pool.
00:39:29 Back underway in Kansas City.
00:39:31 Nebraska will back up to hit.
00:39:34 After an incredible double play to retire this side.
00:39:38 Nebraska goal with a win in this first game.
00:39:41 And to win it all, the Mojo trying to force a second game.
00:39:44 [ Background noise ]
00:40:01 This is Emerson Ira.
00:40:04 [ Background noise ]
00:40:22 In Hamees for strike three.
00:40:25 Rather strike two.
00:40:27 [ Background noise ]
00:40:32 And now it's two and two.
00:40:34 [ Background noise ]
00:40:45 Curls one up and out of play.
00:40:47 [ Background noise ]
00:41:02 Slater's two-two pitch.
00:41:06 His trampoline down by third.
00:41:08 Bit of a bobble from Kathy.
00:41:10 The throw is late.
00:41:12 And Ira's aboard with a leadoff single.
00:41:19 They would rule this as an E-5.
00:41:22 [ Background noise ]
00:41:28 So a runner aboard for Nebraska gold off the air.
00:41:32 [ Background noise ]
00:41:44 And brings in Matt Carrington.
00:41:46 [ Background noise ]
00:42:15 That is tagged and foul.
00:42:17 [ Background noise ]
00:42:39 [ Background noise ]
00:43:08 So Matt Carrington retired on the strikeout.
00:43:11 Megan Marshall batting ten steps up.
00:43:14 [ Background noise ]
00:43:43 [ Background noise ]
00:44:00 Pitch.
00:44:02 And that's outside for a ball.
00:44:05 [ Background noise ]
00:44:22 That's in and she rung her up.
00:44:25 [ Background noise ]
00:44:27 Two down, both off the page.
00:44:29 One front-facing, one backwards-facing for Slater.
00:44:33 Locked her up, just clipped that outer edge.
00:44:37 [ Background noise ]
00:44:57 And a single for Faro comes through to make time.
00:45:01 Two out single for the top of the order.
00:45:04 That moves Eimber in a second.
00:45:07 [ Background noise ]
00:45:25 [ Background noise ]
00:45:46 Whips one on the ground, her second.
00:45:49 A routine throw to first.
00:45:51 Well retired, she died.
00:45:52 No frame, no runs, one hit, one error and two left.
00:45:56 We will see you in the fourth.
00:45:58 It's the Mojo Nothing and Nebraska Gold Nothing.
00:46:01 [ Background noise ]
00:46:30 [ Music ]
00:46:59 [ Background noise ]
00:47:08 Back here in the top of the fourth inning between the Mojo and Nebraska Gold.
00:47:13 It has been a repeat of what we saw in the first game earlier today.
00:47:17 A scoreless affair.
00:47:19 [ Background noise ]
00:47:22 Swipes through that for a strike.
00:47:24 It is Audrey Caffey who leads off.
00:47:26 She went down on strikes in the first.
00:47:28 It will be two, three, and four Stockwell and Pittman also to appear for the Mojo.
00:47:34 [ Background noise ]
00:47:41 And that will strike her out the second time today.
00:47:44 Caffey has gone down on strikes.
00:47:46 [ Background noise ]
00:47:49 Alexis Jansen has been a key machine so far across two games.
00:47:53 Fifteen strikeouts got her with the rise ball for the first down of the inning.
00:47:58 And when you can throw that rise ball effectively, it reminds you of the elite pitchers to ever do it,
00:48:04 the Kelly Barnhills of the world.
00:48:06 [ Background noise ]
00:48:10 And are able to build their career on a good rise ball.
00:48:14 Jansen lists this foul from Stockwell.
00:48:19 And it's nothing and one.
00:48:22 Stockwell also struck out in the first.
00:48:24 It was part of a trio that struck out just like they did in the first game.
00:48:28 [ Background noise ]
00:48:31 Tips it off foul.
00:48:33 Nothing and two.
00:48:35 [ Background noise ]
00:49:00 Alexis Jansen across two games.
00:49:04 Eleven and a third innings pitched.
00:49:08 Still has yet to allow a run.
00:49:10 [ Background noise ]
00:49:12 Kicks it outside and another strikeout on the ledger.
00:49:16 Make it six for Alexis Jansen.
00:49:21 She's just been dominant today.
00:49:24 Kicking outside, hit response effectively.
00:49:28 And it's now five strikeouts against the top three of the Mojo order.
00:49:33 [ Background noise ]
00:49:37 Kicks, six at bats amongst those.
00:49:40 Total six k's.
00:49:42 They're going to come against the ninth spot of the order.
00:49:44 Henley Pittman walked in the second.
00:49:46 Only three to count.
00:49:48 And works ahead here, one at oh.
00:49:50 [ Background noise ]
00:49:55 Strikes against the count.
00:50:00 Mojo trying to force game two.
00:50:03 Braska Gold win it all.
00:50:06 [ Background noise ]
00:50:10 One-one pitch is picked up foul down the right field line.
00:50:14 Off the pundit, it's got it.
00:50:17 [ Background noise ]
00:50:19 Down two more strikeouts for Alexis Jansen.
00:50:22 She is on another level today.
00:50:24 16 k's across two games.
00:50:26 Middle of four, still no score.
00:50:28 [ Background noise ]
00:50:33 [ Music ]
00:51:02 [ Music ]
00:51:31 [ Background noise ]
00:51:36 Both of these teams trying to be champions as we go to the bottom of fourth in Kansas City.
00:51:41 It is Schlater back in the circle.
00:51:44 She's got a handful of strikeouts in her own right.
00:51:47 Four to this point, she'll face three, four, and five of the order, starting with Carly Malbach.
00:51:52 She was one of those k victims in the first.
00:51:55 [ Background noise ]
00:51:57 Carly Malbach is on the run off foul, looking at the bottom of the fourth.
00:52:02 Either team has mustered a run yet.
00:52:04 It has been deja vu of the first game.
00:52:06 High strikeout totals from both pitchers.
00:52:08 It has been functionally the same lineups and pitchers, minus a few changes.
00:52:14 [ Background noise ]
00:52:17 So far, the same result.
00:52:19 Took eight innings in a walk-off to end the prior game.
00:52:22 Braska Gold walked it off the eighth.
00:52:26 They're looking to win the 16-U title if they can win it again here.
00:52:29 [ Background noise ]
00:52:31 This has been an even matchup.
00:52:33 [ Background noise ]
00:52:39 Way high and away from Schlater.
00:52:41 [ Background noise ]
00:52:54 [ Crowd noise ]
00:52:57 High pop up.
00:52:59 No shot to grab it.
00:53:01 [ Background noise ]
00:53:23 Two and two.
00:53:25 [ Crowd noise ]
00:53:34 Schlater's pitch.
00:53:36 [ Crowd noise ]
00:53:38 Uppercut.
00:53:40 Into the Kansas City sky and into the dugout.
00:53:44 Nebraska Gold, third base side.
00:53:46 [ Crowd noise ]
00:54:13 And you walked her.
00:54:14 They all pitch walk small, but I start things in fourth.
00:54:17 [ Crowd noise ]
00:54:21 Brings in CJ Morgan.
00:54:23 [ Crowd noise ]
00:54:27 As a pitcher, you just know when you give up those leadoff pucks,
00:54:31 they seem to always come back to bite you.
00:54:34 That's now something that you have to manage, you know, sir.
00:54:37 [ Crowd noise ]
00:54:39 [ Inaudible ]
00:54:43 Em Johnson will come and run.
00:54:45 [ Crowd noise ]
00:54:51 [ Crowd noise ]
00:54:53 First pitch, interlaced, got the lead for CJ.
00:54:56 [ Crowd noise ]
00:54:58 CJ working deep for the standoff.
00:55:00 [ Crowd noise ]
00:55:16 CJ Morgan finds a pitch on the inside corner, opposite bay.
00:55:20 Long roll through it, turns it, opportunity for a dump.
00:55:24 That extra throw home.
00:55:26 [ Crowd noise ]
00:55:30 Now out of the line.
00:55:32 [ Crowd noise ]
00:55:34 To put Nebraska Gold in front.
00:55:36 [ Crowd noise ]
00:55:42 Now puts Nebraska.
00:55:44 [ Crowd noise ]
00:55:58 Tied in the air foul ground.
00:56:01 [ Inaudible ]
00:56:03 Moves out of play.
00:56:05 [ Crowd noise ]
00:56:08 Runner, second and third, nobody out.
00:56:11 Ground out to the right side.
00:56:14 [ Crowd noise ]
00:56:21 Down to butt.
00:56:23 Looks at home, goes for the out at first, back to third.
00:56:26 And the runner stays put.
00:56:28 [ Inaudible ]
00:56:32 Waller, hero from the first game.
00:56:34 [ Crowd noise ]
00:56:37 Another RBI in.
00:56:39 [ Crowd noise ]
00:56:49 CJ Morgan to deck it, Johnson is picked up.
00:56:52 [ Crowd noise ]
00:56:58 Waller takes a lie, it's one and out.
00:57:00 [ Crowd noise ]
00:57:03 Riley Hurd is on deck.
00:57:05 [ Crowd noise ]
00:57:07 He's the sixth spot right fielder in the order.
00:57:10 [ Crowd noise ]
00:57:12 Winning --
00:57:13 [ Crowd noise ]
00:57:16 Last time.
00:57:17 [ Crowd noise ]
00:57:22 May not take --
00:57:23 [ Crowd noise ]
00:57:26 One run could be enough.
00:57:28 You can get something into the out.
00:57:31 Think about it from Mojo Lewis' perspective.
00:57:34 [ Crowd noise ]
00:57:36 He's unproductive out.
00:57:38 He'll call for a meeting in the circle,
00:57:40 maybe to discuss exactly that of how you are approaching this at bat.
00:57:45 Already behind 2-0 as a pitcher.
00:57:48 You have to find a way to get an unproductive out,
00:57:51 whether that's by a strikeout,
00:57:53 something on the ground that prevents the runner from coming home.
00:57:56 [ Crowd noise ]
00:57:59 And you don't have to overthink it to an extent.
00:58:03 Because right now you do have a place to put the batter,
00:58:05 but you'd like to avoid a bases loaded one-out situation.
00:58:08 [ Crowd noise ]
00:58:20 Right now, find a way to throw strikes.
00:58:23 [ Crowd noise ]
00:58:32 And he does that here, 2-1 now.
00:58:34 [ Crowd noise ]
00:58:37 You can give any kind of cushion to Jensen on the other side.
00:58:41 You've got to be feeling pretty good if you're Nebraska gold.
00:58:44 [ Crowd noise ]
00:58:47 These are the opportunities that neither team can take advantage of.
00:58:51 [ Crowd noise ]
00:58:58 2-1 to Clarksville's outside.
00:59:04 It's not that pitch you want to hit.
00:59:06 [ Crowd noise ]
00:59:16 3-1.
00:59:18 Cut through to strike two.
00:59:22 [ Crowd noise ]
00:59:33 Critical point at this game.
00:59:36 Foul pitched.
00:59:38 Fisted in the air, foul ground, throw baseline, she got it.
00:59:42 And everybody stays put.
00:59:44 Slater finds a way to manufacture an unproductive out.
00:59:50 None bigger to this point than that pop-up to the third baseman.
00:59:53 [ Crowd noise ]
00:59:56 Completely changes the approach of the hitters here.
01:00:01 But once a second and third situation,
01:00:03 he's opening out his transfer.
01:00:06 Two outs at heart.
01:00:08 [ Crowd noise ]
01:00:13 Brings in a pinch hitter.
01:00:15 Janus Juarez.
01:00:20 [ Crowd noise ]
01:00:28 Juarez rolls one foul.
01:00:31 [ Crowd noise ]
01:00:53 First take.
01:00:55 [ Crowd noise ]
01:00:59 We have some two out magic.
01:01:02 [ Crowd noise ]
01:01:10 Slater's pitch.
01:01:12 [ Crowd noise ]
01:01:41 Count is two and two.
01:01:45 Two gone here in the fourth.
01:01:47 [ Crowd noise ]
01:01:54 Juarez sends one down the line and foul.
01:01:57 [ Crowd noise ]
01:02:00 It was a walk to start off the inning.
01:02:03 A double followed it up.
01:02:05 The two unproductive outs have ground out to Slater.
01:02:09 And a pop-up to third baseman Katherine.
01:02:13 [ Crowd noise ]
01:02:18 This has been a long A.V. for the pinch hitter Juarez.
01:02:21 [ Crowd noise ]
01:02:25 Comes home on two-two.
01:02:27 [ Crowd noise ]
01:02:29 It wanders in at the shins.
01:02:30 Now it's a full count.
01:02:32 [ Crowd noise ]
01:02:37 I thought of Salberts and she'll go on board.
01:02:39 [ Crowd noise ]
01:02:42 Juarez has issued a free pass.
01:02:44 [ Crowd noise ]
01:02:53 And it brings in Ibert.
01:02:54 [ Crowd noise ]
01:03:03 Post-pitch into left center field.
01:03:07 One run is in.
01:03:08 Here comes two.
01:03:10 [ Crowd noise ]
01:03:11 The post-pitch to the eighth spot hitter produces two for the bus to go.
01:03:16 [ Crowd noise ]
01:03:22 Wastes no time.
01:03:24 Sees something on the inner half.
01:03:26 She runs to hit and just drops it into left fielder Collin.
01:03:29 Not much to do with it.
01:03:31 Malbach, Rather-Johnson, and Ibert both into scoring.
01:03:36 You can't ask for much from a right-of-way spot hitter.
01:03:39 Second time to the pinch hitter.
01:03:41 Two runs in.
01:03:43 [ Crowd noise ]
01:03:44 Class 15 up top.
01:03:46 [ Crowd noise ]
01:04:08 [ Crowd noise ]
01:04:16 With the two.
01:04:17 [ Crowd noise ]
01:04:39 Side corner strike two.
01:04:41 [ Crowd noise ]
01:04:53 Hitters two.
01:04:55 [ Crowd noise ]
01:04:57 And that twists for a ball three to one.
01:04:59 [ Crowd noise ]
01:05:13 Matt Carrington struck out earlier in this game.
01:05:16 [ Crowd noise ]
01:05:39 Three-one on the way.
01:05:41 And Harrington takes ball four and he goes up again.
01:05:44 [ Crowd noise ]
01:05:52 And Megan Marshall will get a turn.
01:05:55 This could get away from the Mojo in a hurry.
01:05:59 Unless they can find a way to produce an out.
01:06:01 With two gone in the inning, anything routine would do it.
01:06:04 [ Crowd noise ]
01:06:09 They have to find a way.
01:06:11 [ Crowd noise ]
01:06:34 Slow roller to short.
01:06:36 [ Crowd noise ]
01:06:51 One thing that I always look for is the grip and how good it is.
01:06:55 Another thing, too, is how big the sweet spot is.
01:06:58 Just knowing, like, even if I do get jammed, if I have a big enough sweet spot,
01:07:01 I could still possibly get away with something.
01:07:04 A sweet spot will give people that extra oomph that they need in the ball.
01:07:10 Nothing sounds better than a mantra when you make solid contact with it.
01:07:14 You just hear the "pah."
01:07:16 [ Music ]
01:07:45 [ Music ]
01:07:56 Here in the top of the fifth, 2-0 Nebraska Gold Mojo trying to respond.
01:08:00 Erringdale will lead off 5, 6, and 7.
01:08:03 The order against Alexis Jansen, who has been locked down,
01:08:06 has faced the minimum in three of the four innings so far.
01:08:10 Has collected six Ks on the ledger.
01:08:13 Has not faced more than four batters in an inning to this point.
01:08:16 [ Crowd noise ]
01:08:23 Jansen is trying to level it when it wanted.
01:08:28 If Nebraska Golds can hold on to this, they will be 16-year champions.
01:08:33 Mojo trying to force a second game in this double elimination
01:08:37 World Fast Pace Championship.
01:08:42 [ Crack ]
01:08:43 [ Crowd noise ]
01:08:53 Twist and a toss.
01:08:56 Ground ball to second.
01:08:58 Routine way for the first down of the inning.
01:09:03 And Kylie Norvell.
01:09:07 One of the things that Alexis Jansen has done so well today is just eliciting her defense.
01:09:12 To go make plays, has collected the necessary strikeout sure,
01:09:15 but also has put her defense in positions and just make plays.
01:09:18 That's what they've done all day.
01:09:22 First pitch to Norvell.
01:09:25 Snipes in a strike.
01:09:27 0-1.
01:09:33 [ Crowd noise ]
01:09:56 One hops home.
01:09:59 2-1.
01:10:01 [ Crowd noise ]
01:10:16 Slow roller to short.
01:10:18 Tough one.
01:10:20 [ Crowd noise ]
01:10:22 Partial to four and two away.
01:10:26 That's what we were just talking about.
01:10:28 Alexis Jansen inducing a couple of ground outs.
01:10:31 This one kind of into a tough spot for a shortstop, but she's positioned well.
01:10:35 Shallow in the infield against a slap hitter.
01:10:38 Is able to get to her spot and turn it to first and time.
01:10:42 Brings in Ruby Collins.
01:10:46 Puts down a butt.
01:10:47 Jansen.
01:10:49 Smooth as butter.
01:10:51 The pirouette into the final out of the inning.
01:10:55 Through the fifth, it's the same story for Jansen and company.
01:10:58 A twirl and a toss to retire the side.
01:11:01 Three up, three down.
01:11:02 Middle rather through five.
01:11:04 It's still two out.
01:11:06 [ Crowd noise ]
01:11:20 [ Music ]
01:11:49 [ Music ]
01:12:17 [ Crowd noise ]
01:12:22 New pitcher into the circle for the Mojo.
01:12:24 It is a familiar face from the second game of the day.
01:12:27 Wilson will check in in place of Schlater.
01:12:30 So Schlater will exit the game.
01:12:32 Having pitched four complete innings, racked up four strikeouts,
01:12:35 allowed two runs on five hits.
01:12:39 All of them earned.
01:12:41 So Schlater out and into the game.
01:12:44 It is Wilson who earlier came in relief against the Aces.
01:12:50 Wilson, free strike.
01:12:51 Nope.
01:12:52 Came in relief in the sixth after committing a single,
01:12:54 shut everything down for them.
01:12:58 She will face the top of this Nebraska Gold Order.
01:13:05 Makes sense for a pitching change, give a new look.
01:13:08 Your season on the line at this spot.
01:13:26 Oh, two is bashed out to left.
01:13:28 Two steps in and away.
01:13:55 Every Wilson's first chance, Jansen is fouled off.
01:14:13 Jansen for her first hit of the game.
01:14:18 Jansen struck out offensively.
01:14:23 Not as much pop.
01:14:27 But she's trotted a two in this order because of her ability to swing the bat.
01:14:34 The oh two.
01:14:37 Jansen.
01:14:55 Oh, two.
01:15:09 Now it's full of three and two.
01:15:32 In the basement, ball four.
01:15:33 A one out walk for Jansen.
01:15:35 First time she's reached to the plate today.
01:15:56 Jansen for 99.
01:16:09 Jansen back and eight pitch run.
01:16:23 New batter, Carly Baalbach is close.
01:16:39 Low pitch is inside and high.
01:16:54 Two ball on the way.
01:16:59 Spurked ahead.
01:17:00 Oh, you know.
01:17:02 Baalbach, opportunity here.
01:17:05 Red light.
01:17:11 She decides to do.
01:17:14 Wilson's pitch.
01:17:17 It's in the basement.
01:17:18 A four pitch walk.
01:17:19 The second walk of the inning.
01:17:22 That's now two on with one out for Nebraska.
01:17:30 The first word from the infield to their pitcher.
01:17:36 Shake that between the ears.
01:17:41 Obviously a lot of trust from staff and Wilson.
01:17:54 Now the second pitch is CJ Morgan.
01:18:00 Morgan today is tearing it up a single and a second.
01:18:03 Strike two.
01:18:24 Strike pitch.
01:18:26 Strike two.
01:18:33 Strike three.
01:18:34 Thought so.
01:18:37 Everybody.
01:18:40 Morgan thought she had another strike.
01:18:43 Strike up.
01:18:58 One hops home.
01:18:59 It gets to the backstop.
01:19:00 Runners will advance.
01:19:04 Only goes for the strike at a wild pitch.
01:19:06 It's move two in scoring position.
01:19:09 Swing.
01:19:11 Johnson on the doorstep.
01:19:13 Baalbach at second.
01:19:17 Baalbach, virtue.
01:19:21 What swing did they command?
01:19:25 I think they had a couple of misses earlier.
01:19:45 Excited.
01:20:11 Two run single.
01:20:12 Nebraska goal has a four nothing lead.
01:20:19 Two out, two run swing.
01:20:20 Raynell Waller.
01:20:22 This one scoots by.
01:20:24 They will allow Bryant to go to second.
01:20:52 Two out, two RBI swing for on the fly.
01:20:55 First hit of the game.
01:20:56 Makes it four nothing.
01:20:58 Go to the six.
01:21:24 It's --
01:21:53 [Cheering]
01:21:54 [Music]
01:21:56 [Cheering]
01:21:59 [Music]
01:22:03 [Cheering]
01:22:06 [Music]
01:22:09 [Music]
01:22:12 [Music]
01:22:15 [Music]
01:22:18 [Music]
01:22:21 [Music]
01:22:24 [Cheering]
01:22:27 In the top of the six, four nothing.
01:22:29 And it's all gold over the Mojo.
01:22:32 Here in the 16 U championship game.
01:22:35 It has been all gold so far.
01:22:38 It is back in the circle.
01:22:40 It's Alexis Jansen.
01:22:41 Faces eight, nine and one in the Mojo order.
01:22:45 Leading off it is Kaitlin Russell.
01:22:47 Had a single.
01:22:48 Was retired going to second and a third when Smith-Pinch ran for her.
01:22:52 Was thrown out.
01:22:54 On a double play.
01:22:58 Quarter swing and foul tip into the glove anyway.
01:23:04 Six more outs to work with for the Mojo to try and find some offense.
01:23:07 To this point, they've only mustered up the one single that Russell had in the third.
01:23:14 Since that single, Jansen has retired eight straight back-to-back one, two, three innings in the fourth and the fifth.
01:23:22 Six strikeouts in his second game today.
01:23:25 Make it seven.
01:23:28 Russell retired via the K.
01:23:30 Jansen in a groove today.
01:23:35 Jansen has looked really, really good.
01:23:38 Has hit her spots consistently.
01:23:42 See here, just clips that outer edge.
01:23:45 Locks up Russell, the only one to have a hit on her.
01:23:48 Carroll in the first pitch fouls it back.
01:24:06 Carroll cuts through it on O-one.
01:24:21 The one-one pitch.
01:24:23 Chased it in the dirt.
01:24:24 It is strike three.
01:24:25 They throw to first.
01:24:27 In time to complete K number eight for Alexis Jansen.
01:24:35 Jansen has looked phenomenal today.
01:24:37 Second time she's striked out the nine-hole hitter.
01:24:41 Now I see you strike out the side for the third time today, maybe the second this game.
01:24:48 You know you're good when the pitch in the dirt can still bait that swing and miss.
01:24:52 And one eight.
01:24:53 Carroll's got a big one back.
01:25:11 Back to the circle.
01:25:12 A diving grab for the final out of the game.
01:25:16 Who says pitchers can't be athletes?
01:25:18 Alexis Jansen, another dazzling web champion.
01:25:22 She missed her entire this side.
01:25:24 It is her third straight.
01:25:26 One, two, three inning.
01:25:28 And that third out couldn't come to the spot.
01:25:32 Head to the next.
01:25:33 Still four nothing.
01:25:34 Braska gold.
01:25:37 >> The best of both worlds looks a little like this.
01:25:41 Here a morning of sunbathing transforms into an afternoon of flying.
01:25:46 A peaceful day spent kayaking is really an adventure exploring nature's theme park.
01:25:52 Look at this.
01:25:53 Could be anything from a cannonball in the pool to a rocket in the sky.
01:25:57 So what are you waiting for?
01:26:00 Discovery awaits on the only beach that doubles as a launch pad.
01:26:04 Florida's Space Coast.
01:26:05 Only here.
01:26:07 ♪♪
01:26:36 >> It is Ellie Cox into the game for the Mojo.
01:26:40 A different look here in the seventh -- or bottom of the sixth, rather.
01:26:43 Excuse me.
01:26:45 It will be the bottom of the Nebraska gold order as well.
01:26:48 Herdheimer and Harrington all scheduled to lead all.
01:26:52 Or to appear, she'd say.
01:27:01 Of course, if this result holds and Nebraska gold hangs on for the win, that would be the day.
01:27:07 And Nebraska gold would go home a 16-year championship to the world fast pitch.
01:27:24 So for Wilson, only goes one inning.
01:27:27 Allows two runs, only one hit.
01:27:32 A pair of earned runs to her credit.
01:27:36 But now an opportunity for Cox to keep this a 4-0 game.
01:27:41 For the top of the seventh, when the Mojo will have 2, 3, and 4 to the plate.
01:28:01 First toss.
01:28:22 And over the head of Cox.
01:28:51 Herdheimer.
01:28:53 Two-run single to get Nebraska gold in front.
01:28:57 And the Tigers one and 0.
01:29:01 Back down to work, kids.
01:29:13 [Cheering]
01:29:34 And that's the backstop, one and two.
01:29:57 Right away, two and two.
01:30:15 Cox unloads a two-strike lead.
01:30:21 Cox has a strikeout.
01:30:25 Two up, two down against Ellie Cox.
01:30:33 That was a good pitch.
01:30:35 Off speed, pulls the string enough to get her out in front.
01:30:39 That's a good second out here in the sixth.
01:30:58 One and a --
01:31:08 Way high on the rise.
01:31:10 Good job by Stockville to stop it.
01:31:32 And a ground ball outside of third.
01:31:56 And that caught a piece of her.
01:31:58 So a hit by pitch.
01:32:00 And an old hitter aboard goes down to tenth of the order with
01:32:02 Megan Marshall.
01:32:10 You can see it clipped her on the foot.
01:32:13 A little bit of a limp to first.
01:32:35 [Cheering]
01:32:48 That carves in for a strike on the first offering to Megan Marshall.
01:32:51 [Cheering]
01:33:09 [Cheering]
01:33:29 [Cheering]
01:33:41 One and two.
01:33:56 Another strikeout for Ellie Cox off the bench.
01:33:59 And two strikeouts in the inning.
01:34:01 Faces one above the minimum.
01:34:03 And it still remains the classical four.
01:34:06 The Mojo nothing.
01:34:08 They can send two, three, and four to try and extend their bid.
01:34:11 [Ball hitting bat]
01:34:40 [Cheering]
01:34:48 [Music]
01:35:16 [Ball hitting bat]
01:35:18 Last chance to dance for the Mojo.
01:35:21 And they'll have to face Alexis Jansen.
01:35:23 Who today, across 14 innings, including an eight-inning marathon earlier
01:35:27 today, has racked up a whopping total of 18 strikeouts.
01:35:34 And she faces Audrey Cather to lead off the seventh.
01:35:40 This group closing in on a 16-year championship.
01:35:45 A thriller one nothing earlier today over the same Mojo team.
01:35:48 [Ball hitting bat]
01:36:02 Cuts on one-one.
01:36:08 And you just got the sense that when Alexis Jansen got a cushion in the
01:36:12 fourth, it was going to be hard for any team to climb back against that.
01:36:17 [Ball hitting bat]
01:36:20 Fly ball to the left.
01:36:22 And Herb has got it.
01:36:23 [Clapping]
01:36:27 Who's down to Avery Stockwell.
01:36:29 [Ball hitting bat]
01:36:47 Lost to Stockwell.
01:36:48 He's flown out foul.
01:36:50 [Ball hitting bat]
01:37:19 Stockwell today just two strikeouts, both swinging.
01:37:24 Fly ball into left field.
01:37:26 All the way back to the foul.
01:37:28 [Ball hitting bat]
01:37:31 Mojo are not so good.
01:37:33 They've got some of that Mojo here in the seventh.
01:37:36 That can give them both a close extra base hit.
01:37:39 [Ball hitting bat]
01:37:47 This is a towering shot.
01:37:50 And Herb is not going to get to it.
01:37:55 So a runner at second.
01:37:59 As Pittman will step up, a pinch runner into the game.
01:38:04 This is Torres coming in.
01:38:05 [Ball hitting bat]
01:38:19 First pitch of the final slide.
01:38:20 This is the best center field for another base hit.
01:38:23 [Ball hitting bat]
01:38:40 The same spot out at left field.
01:38:42 Not as deep, but still a gapper.
01:38:44 [Ball hitting bat]
01:39:12 Mojo.
01:39:15 Good call.
01:39:18 [Ball hitting bat]
01:39:29 [Ball hitting bat]
01:39:46 [Ball hitting bat]
01:40:05 Mojo trying to find some seventh inning magic.
01:40:08 [Ball hitting bat]
01:40:10 Towering fly ball down the line.
01:40:13 He's got it.
01:40:15 A double tag at the bench for first.
01:40:18 And Mojo recounts the score.
01:40:20 [Ball hitting bat]
01:40:26 So it is productive at least.
01:40:29 It all comes down to Pavel here in the seventh.
01:40:31 A trick point.
01:40:33 Mojo still down by three.
01:40:37 All you have to think about here is trying to pass that bat to the next person.
01:40:41 [Ball hitting bat]
01:41:07 That bat goes down to their final strike.
01:41:11 [Ball hitting bat]
01:41:33 On a rise, one and two.
01:41:37 Already eight strikeouts for Jansen.
01:41:46 She has been elected today.
01:41:49 The one, two.
01:41:51 Up in the air.
01:41:53 And that is the same count.
01:42:09 One, two.
01:42:11 And that is tapped outside at first.
01:42:31 Lexis Jansen.
01:42:33 Sentenced on one, two.
01:42:36 It's upstairs and evened out.
01:42:48 The two, two pitch.
01:42:51 She rubbed her up.
01:42:53 Strike three.
01:42:55 15 masterful innings for Lexis Jansen.
01:42:59 19 strikeouts in two games.
01:43:02 And Nebraska Gold wins the 16th U title.
01:43:08 A fitting end to the day for Nebraska Gold's ace.
01:43:12 Lexis Jansen was simply sensational.
01:43:17 A two-hitter in the championship game.
01:43:20 And Nebraska Gold takes it 4-1 over the Mojo.
01:43:26 Give credit to both teams for their hard work in Kansas City.
01:43:30 An excellent job by both groups.
01:43:33 But this one comes up in favor of Nebraska Gold.
01:43:36 A big thank you to our crew on-site and remote today
01:43:39 making this broadcast possible.
01:43:41 This is for a presentation of U Triple-A Live.
01:43:44 Head to our website for more replays of today's game and more.
01:43:47 I'm Ryan Urquhart saying so long from Kansas City.
01:43:50 Enjoy the rest of your Friday evening.
01:43:52 Nebraska Gold, champions of 16 U.
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