Stealing Mary: Last of the Red Indians | movie | 2006 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Stealing Mary: The Last Red Indians. Two human skulls in a Scottish museum spark a forensic investigation into the tragi | dG1fRnQ2cFQteEs1RkE
00:00 A team of forensic experts investigate a 200-year-old mystery.
00:10 Two skulls preserved in a museum.
00:13 Evidence of a violent encounter with the last of the Red Indians.
00:18 The Biothoque of Newfoundland.
00:23 Experts say they were a race of giants, warriors who painted themselves red.
00:30 Who were they?
00:32 And why did they vanish?
00:39 Can modern science help solve a 200-year-old mystery and explain the last days of a lost
00:45 tribe?
00:46 [MUSIC]
00:56 In 1827, native guides lead British explorer William Cormack deep into the interior of
01:25 Newfoundland.
01:28 Cormack hopes to become the first European to study the Biothoque.
01:35 When Cormack went into the country, there still was not a lot known about the Biothoque.
01:42 And he certainly reckoned with hostile reception.
01:48 There was all kinds of apocryphal stories and folklore about them being a race of giants.
01:52 And there had been all kinds of evidence that given the right conditions they could be violent.
01:59 [MUSIC]
02:01 [FOREIGN]
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02:14 [FOREIGN]
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02:30 [MUSIC]
02:32 Cormack had expected to run into Biothoque in the interior, and he was very disappointed
02:39 that he did not do that.
02:42 He was very surprised that there was a huge camp that was obviously very deserted and
02:49 had not been recently used.
02:51 This area, which he had been told was a village, was now a cemetery.
02:57 And while he was searching around, he came to this absolutely extraordinary burial hut.
03:10 [MUSIC]
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03:22 [MUSIC]
03:24 My God.
03:26 He was totally astonished to see that there was a pine coffin.
03:35 Inside the coffin are the remains of a woman dressed in English clothes.
03:40 Beside her, the remains of a man and an infant child.
03:45 Who were they?
03:47 Why was an English coffin inside a Biothoque burial hut?
03:52 And it was one of his guides who told him that he knew who they were, and the story
03:59 started eight years earlier, right on the spot.
04:03 [MUSIC]
04:12 It began as a peace mission.
04:14 [MUSIC]
04:17 Ten men head into the interior of Newfoundland.
04:20 [MUSIC]
04:25 Their leader is 26-year-old John Payton, Jr.
04:28 [MUSIC]
04:31 He is the local justice of the peace.
04:33 [MUSIC]
04:37 The British governor has sent him to capture a Biothoque.
04:40 [MUSIC]
04:43 There was a notion all through the history of European settlement in Newfoundland of
04:48 capturing a Biothoque as a way of making peace with the group.
04:53 The notion was they'd bring them in, show them that they meant well, send them off with
04:56 gifts, and then everything would be fine.
04:59 For 300 years, since the British first landed in Newfoundland, the Biothoque have refused
05:05 to make contact.
05:09 They are a mystery, known only for their strange custom of painting themselves red.
05:17 The name red skin that's been used in movies down through the years originated with the
05:24 Biothoques of Newfoundland because they were the first Natos that white men encountered,
05:28 and they had red skin, so the white men thought.
05:31 And at some point they decided they wanted nothing to do with the Europeans.
05:35 And their way of dealing with their arrival was to leave the areas where the Europeans
05:40 were setting up.
05:42 The Biothoque once used almost the entire coastline of Newfoundland, and they just started
05:47 disappearing from areas where the Europeans were coming in.
05:51 After three centuries of European settlement, the Biothoque are on the verge of extinction.
05:59 Only one band remains, their village hidden deep in the island's interior, a place called
06:07 Red Indian Lake.
06:09 [music]
06:11 [silence]
