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00:00 Welcome to The Extreme Underground, the show where I take a look at some of the most disturbing
00:03 and controversial films in the world of cinema.
00:05 Today I'll be reviewing August Underground Penance.
00:13 Directed by Fred Vogel, starring Fred Vogel and Christy Wiles, this is the final and third
00:18 installment of the August Underground franchise.
00:21 Peter and his girlfriend Krusty are up to the same old antics, going around the town
00:25 and killing random people.
00:27 Although this time, Peter's girlfriend does have some kind of emotion.
00:32 She's not just a brutal killer, she starts to have regret and she feels guilty for some
00:36 of the shit that she's doing throughout the course of the film.
00:39 Which is actually a new aspect because up until this point, nobody showed any remorse
00:43 for anything that they've done and they just brutally killed and tortured everybody.
00:48 And this is the first time that we see something else.
00:51 Some kind of story, even as small, paper thin as it is, it's different for the franchise.
00:56 While the prior films were shot on video and more distorted, this is actually the first
01:00 one that is high definition and it's less grainy, it's still handheld, but you can see
01:06 kind of everything.
01:08 So they tried to really put more focus into the gore so that you can actually see it and
01:12 they didn't have to hide some of the shittier practical effects that they may have had in
01:16 the previous films that they were able to hide with shaky cam and grain.
01:20 This one they were able to showcase some absolutely disgusting stuff.
01:24 Yes, once again, this review is probably going to be filled with a lot of gross and disgusting
01:30 and words like that.
01:31 Actually probably just those two words.
01:33 Fred Vogel definitely showcases his practical effects very well.
01:36 The budget of this film is significantly higher than the previous two entries combined and
01:41 it shows because things are disgusting.
01:43 There are definitely some shock moments, specifically when a pregnant woman has her baby ripped
01:49 out of her stomach or another person is disemboweled with their realistic guts.
01:54 They look like they're legit.
01:55 I don't think they're practical effects.
01:56 I think they're actual meat.
01:58 And they have like an air pump going through it so that they're kind of fluttering like
02:01 as if gases were coming out and it's super realistic and disgusting.
02:07 It's even gross to talk about to be honest.
02:09 The big thing about August Underground is trying to get across that faux snuff feel.
02:14 They want the audience to think that this could have actually happened.
02:18 At this point, obviously there's three in the franchise.
02:20 It's a little hard to think that this is just a random snuff tape when it's named the
02:23 same thing.
02:24 However, the camera work was done well.
02:27 It's still a handy cam.
02:28 You know, there's still shaky cam.
02:30 Not as much.
02:31 It was actually a lot more fluid.
02:32 You can see a lot more things.
02:33 But the same like focus issues and graininess due to like being in low light situations.
02:40 They're very evident.
02:41 It seems authentic.
02:42 Because it probably is.
02:43 It's probably just like shot on like a Sony handy cam or something.
02:46 But to add to the authenticity, I think they're cutting like a deer and they feed it to a
02:51 lion.
02:52 I know I could eat bacon and pork every day of the week.
02:54 I don't want to see slaughtered animals just hanging there.
02:57 Chopping up an animal and feeding it to a lion, well that's very cool.
03:01 It's like, it's actually real.
03:03 So it adds to the nature of the movie because you're seeing real things getting killed and
03:08 eaten.
03:09 Even if it is just animals.
03:10 And I know saying "just animals" is going to trigger some people these days, but you're
03:15 watching a review of August Underground 3.
03:17 You know, like, fuck off.
03:19 This movie was probably the most sexually charged one of the series as well.
03:24 Because there's a lot more rape.
03:25 Like Fred rapes more people.
03:27 And it just seems a little bit more vulgar than the prior entries.
03:31 I mean, number 2 did have some of this kind of stuff.
03:33 But this was like closer.
03:35 Maybe it was because you can actually see it.
03:37 It'll make people a little bit uneasy, especially if you're watching this with your parents.
03:41 There's not a lot to say.
03:42 I mean this movie just has like a bunch of fucked up situations including killing a family
03:46 on Christmas and like having a child involved.
03:49 And I wasn't sure if it was like a child actor or not or if it was like a woman who was just
03:53 smaller that could have been acting like a child.
03:56 But I felt like they were getting like abused for real.
03:58 And I was like, like, what the hell's going on here?
04:01 And hey, that helped sell the movie.
04:03 That being said, once again, my number 1 complaint has to be Fred Vogel's acting.
04:08 It takes me out of the movie from something that's supposed to be an authentic portrayal
04:12 of like a snuff tape.
04:13 And while I like Krusty at times because she was like putting on like more emotions and
04:19 I think like adding emotions to the character is fine.
04:22 I just don't think that they were done well because I don't think she's a great actor
04:25 either.
04:26 You sloppy ugly motherfucker.
04:27 You're an ugly, ugly, ugly piece of fucking slime shit.
04:34 She doesn't know what she's talking about.
04:36 So you have like a forced storyline in all of a sudden in the third entry to a trilogy
04:43 where she's like really upset at the shit that she's done even though she continues
04:46 to torture and kill people.
04:49 She's feeling super bad about it.
04:51 But I don't think she really got that across very well.
04:54 Like you can see her sulking and hating herself, but it just seems so phoned in.
04:58 It took me out of the movie.
05:00 And I do think that this movie is probably the weakest in the franchise despite having
05:03 a decent amount of gore.
05:04 All in all, if you've seen the first two August Undergrounds, you may as well watch this.
05:09 It does have some better practical effects than we've seen from the series, mainly because
05:13 we can actually see them now.
05:15 You can tell that a lot of went into making things just gross and shocking and disgusting.
05:21 So they definitely nailed that.
05:23 But unfortunately, again, like the lack of a story and even this little bit of like emotional
05:29 character development for Krusty seemed very unnatural.
05:32 And I felt like the rest of the acting was just very fake.
05:39 You either nail it or you don't.
05:41 And I don't think they did in this one.
05:42 I think this is the weakest entry in the franchise.
05:45 So I'm giving this one I love you ketchup tag out of five.
05:49 As always, thank you for watching.
05:50 Like this video and comment below with your thoughts on the film if you've seen it.
05:53 If you haven't and you do want to check it out, there are links in the description where
05:55 you can find it.
05:56 If this is your first time here, make sure you subscribe to the channel to stay updated
05:59 with everything Bloodbath and beyond.
06:01 And I'll see you next time.
06:06 (upbeat music)