Lors de la première conférence de presse du PSG au Japon, Luis Enrique est revenu sur ses premières semaines au sein du club parisien et les objectifs de cette tournée estivale. Il a du coup évoqué brièvement le mercato parisien.
00:00 After two weeks of training, the impression is unbeatable.
00:07 Very good, not only because of the size of the club
00:13 and all the facilities we have to develop our work,
00:18 but also because of the quality of the players.
00:19 The squad is still to be strengthened and to make more discounts.
00:28 We will try to take advantage of these games on the tour
00:32 to continue finding the sensations and the objectives
00:37 we are looking for in the field of play.
00:40 The goal for PSG is the same as for the other high-level teams in Europe.
00:47 Use these games to give minutes to the players,
00:51 to improve their physical level and from there to know
00:58 what we want to happen on the pitch.
01:02 Take advantage of these 10 or 12 days to play these games
01:10 and get to know each other better.