Shield Your Building from Fire Hazards: Must-Know Safety Requirements to Ensure Maximum Protection

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00:00 Hi, good afternoon and thank you for joining us once again on this show, The Pyramid Show,
00:06 here live on JOY News Television.
00:09 This program is brought to you by the kind sponsorship of Republic Bank and Zypress Waterproofing.
00:16 Now in modern times with an increase with construction activity in Ghana, particularly
00:21 with edifice of houses and apartment, the number of fire outbreaks reported is believed
00:25 to be on the increase.
00:27 Fire occurs in a building when there is a breach of the National Building Code and building
00:32 norms or through accidents.
00:34 This can account for loss of life and property.
00:37 The goal of architects or engineers through building design is to make sure, among all
00:42 other things, the National Building Code is adhered to their letter.
00:46 This when done will ensure safety of building occupants even in the event of fire outbreaks.
00:51 Buildings are of different types, namely residential, institutional, industrial and warehouses,
00:56 and TTC.
00:57 In all these types of buildings, fire safety and protection cuts across.
01:03 Fire alarm, fire sprinklers are some of the measures put in place to fight fire when there
01:08 is an outbreak.
01:10 So today we'll be focusing on the fire safety requirement that you need in your home.
01:16 But before we begin the discussion, it's very important if you're an architect, an
01:20 engineer or probably a project manager, even a mason, going forward I recommend Zypress
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01:28 Now with Zypress waterproofing admixture, once you add it to your concrete, be it your
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01:39 of water.
01:40 We all do see the effect that this water creates on our building with rising dams, sometimes
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01:47 Our solution is Zypress waterproofing concrete product.
01:51 So call us on this number, that is 0208 1103 28.
02:00 And now for your perfect haven right here in Accra, you wouldn't have to look further
02:04 than the Lakeside Community 8.
02:07 This community is actually gated.
02:09 It has a 24/7 security surveillance.
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02:21 and even boating on the water.
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02:27 So call us for your two, three, four bedroom houses within this thriving community and
02:32 be part of this society.
02:33 So call us on this number 050 127 92 84.
02:41 But before we take a short break, my question for you is this.
02:44 I would want to know what has been your experience with your house when you don't have these
02:49 fire equipment in your house.
02:51 And also tell me, have you ever had a visit from the Ghana National Service?
02:55 Have they ever come to your house to inspect your building, whether you've conformed to
03:00 the fire safety requirements that you are supposed to be having in your home.
03:06 So send me your response on 0500 186 97 0500 186 97.
03:14 We take a break.
03:15 The show returns shortly.
03:21 Thank you for staying with us.
03:23 Once again, this is the pyramid show.
03:25 You're number one tele construction guy.
03:26 So my name is Emmanuel Owusu-Ansan.
03:29 Now look at our topic today.
03:31 We are talking about fire safety requirements that you need in your home.
03:36 And with me in studio for this insightful discussion, I have two venerable officers
03:41 coming from the Ghana National Fire Service.
03:43 We have that is a divisional officer grade one.
03:48 His name is Desmond Aka.
03:50 He's currently the deputy public relations officer and divisional officer grade three,
03:56 Michael Atokosa.
03:58 He's currently the deputy director fire safety.
04:01 Gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this discussion.
04:05 Now for to start without one, we ask the importance of fire safety in our home.
04:12 Why is it important in the first place?
04:14 I'll start with you.
04:15 Thank you very much for having us.
04:18 But first of all, let me admit that you've exchanged our ranks and that is punishable
04:24 by.
04:25 Oh, sorry about that.
04:27 I'm rather new three.
04:29 Oh, OK, sorry.
04:30 And my boss here is the one.
04:32 OK, thank you for the correction.
04:34 Yes, the fire service has come of age.
04:37 I mean, we have been in existence since 1963 and we have been educating the general populace
04:46 on fire safety.
04:47 Fire safety is important in our current disposition because without it, a lot of businesses would
04:57 go down the drain and that will not go well for our nation.
05:02 Fire safety is simply the practices or measures put in place to minimize the impact of fires
05:09 in a structure or in a building.
05:12 So from right from the planning stage through the design stage, through the construction
05:18 stage, safety is very paramount and for which we must ensure that it is done right and is
05:25 done well.
05:26 OK.
05:27 So that we don't experience fires.
05:28 But it is also important to also let the public also know that it can never happen that we
05:36 will have a society where fires were not OK.
05:38 That is why we require that developers put in adequate safety measures in their structures
05:46 so that even if the fires occur, the impact will be minimized and their lives and property
05:52 will be saved.
05:53 Now, you said developers need to put in adequate structures during the construction stage.
06:00 I would want to understand this.
06:01 When does it start?
06:02 Is it even with the designing of the drawing or is it when you are about beginning the
06:07 construction itself?
06:08 Yes, it begins right from the word go.
06:12 Once you have the idea to put up a structure, you need to be able to go to the appropriate
06:18 quarters to submit an application or to submit your drawings.
06:23 So let's say when you want to put up a building in Ghana, the first place or the first point
06:28 of call is the assemblies where you have to submit your drawings for them to give you
06:33 a building permit.
06:34 So whilst it goes through that stage, you are also required to also come to fire service
06:40 with your drawings where we will also do our review.
06:43 By our review, we are supposed to know the exposures of where you are going to put up
06:49 that particular structure as to whether that structure can, the soil that is available,
06:55 where you are going to put your structure is in the capacity to even contain the load
07:01 depending on the size of building that you are going to put up there.
07:05 So there is a need for soil testing and all the other considerations to be done.
07:10 I mean, we don't work in isolation.
07:12 We work in tandem with other stakeholders.
07:15 So they also do their bit.
07:16 So once those things are done and you submit your drawings to us, it is our responsibility
07:21 to check the exits with the direction of opening of the doors and what have you so that in
07:28 case there is fire, there will be easy, there will be, how do you call it, easy way for
07:36 people to escape.
07:37 So technically, we give advice on building plans and structural layouts to facilitate
07:44 easy escape when there is fire.
07:48 Easy escape.
07:49 It's not about the installation of maybe probably detectors or smoke detectors, let's say sprinklers.
07:56 With that, you don't advise on that.
07:58 Mr Kosa.
07:59 Thank you very much.
08:00 Let me situate this conversation on the Section 4 of our Act 537.
08:07 I always talk about it and say that we discuss safety without and safety within.
08:13 He talked about providing technical advice to buildings or for building planning respect
08:20 of machinery and structural layouts.
08:24 Then the basic idea is that before you would situate or put up the building, you make mention
08:32 of exposures, all right, know whether you are safe, all right.
08:38 We have an institution mandated by law to manage the land take, all right, manage the
08:45 land take and by the scheme of plan, they would tell you that lands are categorized
08:54 either industrial area, mixed zone or residential zone, all right.
08:59 So you must understand this before you go into that so that you don't find yourself
09:04 putting a residential facility in an industrial zone.
09:08 That could be suicidal, all right.
09:10 So that is basic safety.
09:11 And he talked about structural layout.
09:14 We have seen time and again where communities are choked.
09:18 You call incident responders and they are unable to get accessibility.
09:22 And as a result, we experience a multiple of casualties and deaths.
09:27 That is also a problem.
09:29 And you see, every space is no good for building.
09:34 Even as much as it is good for building, it is also important to know that we must leave
09:39 spaces for safe havens.
09:42 We must leave spaces for incident responders to use for maneuvering in an event of fire
09:49 outbreak.
09:50 All these things contribute to the safety of the occupancy of people, all right.
09:56 So that is the basic safety.
09:58 That is why he talked about layout and all that.
10:03 So safety without would require that you create an environment which is very suitable and
10:12 safe for the occupants, people around the place to live in peace.
10:17 Going forward, when you talk about safety within, then you are talking about the protocols
10:22 that is prescribed in the LA, that is fire precaution regulation that was passed in 2003
10:31 that talks about warning devices, fire equipment and exit signs.
10:36 And before you are able to prescribe or recommend this equipment to be installed on a facility,
10:43 then you must consider the prevailing hazards.
10:46 What are hazards?
10:47 Hazards are anything that has the potency of causing harm, all right.
10:52 And the risk, the things that can cause harm, all right.
10:55 So knowing your hazards, then you must be able to recommend the right equipment that
11:02 will commensurate with the prevailing hazards.
11:06 You don't have to over recommend or under recommend.
11:09 Make sure they are apart so that the people in there, when something happens, either the
11:15 alarm will trigger or the people would pick the extinguisher to use it in fighting it
11:22 or they would escape, all right.
11:25 But that notwithstanding, I always say that in as much as we recommend that protocols
11:32 are put for people to help people, aid them out and all that, it's important that safety
11:38 becomes an inhibition, a lifestyle, a lifestyle.
11:42 So that when you are, that is why I say that safety is a piece of practices, all right,
11:51 with an intention to reduce destruction caused by fire.
11:56 So that thing must be a lifestyle so that when you are there, you don't commit that
12:05 basic violations.
12:07 For example, in the houses, the major hazards that we experience is short circuiting, all
12:14 right, overloading and all that.
12:16 Most of the outbreaks that occur in the houses are as a result of electrical fires.
12:22 All are human induced.
12:24 So it is important that in as much as we talk about safety, having protocols, alarm system,
12:30 extinguishers and exit, all right, it is important that we check our lifestyle.
12:35 Okay, so if you join us, this is the Pre-Army Show here live on JOYNEWS Television.
12:40 Now my question to you, I would want you to be very honest and I need your response to
12:45 this.
12:46 Be very honest, like I said before.
12:48 Do you have fire warning or equipments within your home?
12:52 Do you have them installed or probably even at the workplace, do you have them installed?
12:57 If not, I would want to know why and also tell me why things are looking the way they
13:02 are looking.
13:03 So send me a WhatsApp or send me an SMS.
13:06 Vardis number 0500 180 697.
13:09 And also, if you find yourself within a public facility, be it a warehouse, be it an office
13:14 space, have you ever seen these officers from the Ghana National Fire Service pay a visit
13:20 to conduct an inspection?
13:22 We would want to know the truth on the ground.
13:23 Do the officers come around to do these inspections?
13:27 Let me know if they've ever visited you.
13:29 If not too, let me also know.
13:31 Vardis same number 0500 180 697.
13:36 Now coming on to you Desmond, I would want to understand this.
13:40 You mentioned proper layout.
13:41 You look at the safety first.
13:43 Now considering safety, what has safety got to do?
13:46 Is it with the installation of the warning signs or you are looking at the number of
13:50 space, the size of ventilation, the exits that are supposed to be within the building?
13:55 Yes, what we talk about layout is the alleys, the escape routes that will facilitate easy
14:04 escape when there is a fire emergency.
14:07 So if you submit your drawings, what we look at is the width of your escape route, if it
14:14 satisfies regulations.
14:17 If it doesn't, we will ask you to do likewise.
14:20 And what we have realized is that many communities even develop ahead of, let's say, regulatory
14:27 bodies.
14:28 Before we go to the scene to ensure that the writing is done, the necessary permits and
14:32 the paperwork is done, the community is even up and running.
14:37 And most of the times it becomes very difficult to go and pull structures down because of
14:43 the human face that we work with.
14:46 And so therefore, it has happened that when there has been some fire outbreaks where we
14:53 have been called to tax and we find it very difficult to get access to these places all
14:59 because of these layout challenges.
15:02 So we would want the various stakeholders, such as the planners, to also be up and doing
15:08 in such a way that when we are demarcating the lands and then the layout for other purposes,
15:15 we would ensure that the necessary exits and the necessary routes, the roads and what have
15:22 you, are put in place so as to curtail these challenges.
15:26 But notwithstanding, even in our own homes, when you submit your drawings, we are expected
15:32 to go through and ensure that the width, like I said already, is in tandem with our regulation.
15:38 On the minimum, the width is supposed to be?
15:40 It depends on the use of the structure and then the occupancy.
15:44 How many people are going to be there and all that, their age and then their sex and
15:48 all that, the distribution of the demographics.
15:50 We have to look at all those considerations to be able to determine the appreciable width.
15:55 If it is going to be for a commercial place, let's say a market, an open market, then it
16:00 means that the width has to be more than what we normally admit for residential premises.
16:07 And therefore, we ensure that those things are done.
16:10 But you would realize even for open market, we will do all those considerations, but you
16:15 will go there for your inspection and you realize that most of the alleys have been
16:18 blocked by people's words and what have you.
16:21 And we have had costs to enforce the laws and to get people out of the places.
16:27 And most of the times, when you even go to do your enforcement, by the time you go, they
16:32 are back to the place.
16:34 So structural layout is very important to us.
16:37 When you go to the factories, those layouts are really maintained and we have less issues
16:43 with the factories than our domestic and even our commercial centers.
16:47 What about the office spaces?
16:49 Yes, we don't have much issues with the office space because those places, the stringent
16:56 safety measures and regulations are well kept there.
16:59 And therefore, we have minimized or we have less amount of fires occurring in such places.
17:03 But when you come to our domestic and our commercial enclaves, we have a lot of fires
17:08 due to non-compliance with these layouts that we expect people to go accordingly.
17:14 So when you come to our homes, by our statistics, a lot of fire damages occur in our homes.
17:20 And year in, year out, we record not less than 40% of fire damages in our residential
17:26 and premises alone, mostly followed by these commercial entities.
17:32 It is where we have ecological imbalance that we have a lot of bushfires and all that come
17:37 into.
17:38 But on the whole, we have a lot of these structural fires in our residential properties.
17:44 What is the issue?
17:46 The issue is that people have developed a penchant of blocking their exit routes or
17:53 their escape routes with other ways, such that when there is fire, it becomes very difficult
17:58 for them to escape and escape easily.
18:00 At this time too, people are considering their security at the expense of their safety.
18:07 You can be secured but not safe.
18:10 That is why we are there and we have been educating people to come to the consciousness
18:14 that safety is paramount.
18:16 And therefore, at any given time, we are to ensure that all our escape routes within our
18:22 jurisdiction, whether in our domestic space or our commercial enclaves, they are made
18:27 easily accessible and all that.
18:29 You go to a community, we have demarcated places for roads and what have you, and people
18:34 are building in the roads.
18:35 People are building in the lanes.
18:36 What do you expect the fire engine, which is quite robust, to have access to even extinguish
18:42 these fires?
18:43 Bear in mind, we are saying that safety, they are just measures or practices to minimize
18:47 the impact.
18:48 So if impediments are put in the way of the fire officers, how can they even work?
18:54 The same thing applies to the layout.
19:00 Sometimes we have had causes where certain roads and certain routes are blocked without
19:07 our notice.
19:08 When it happens like that, it affects our response time.
19:12 During the response time of the fire, emergency responders are also affected.
19:17 I mean, a lot of lives are put at risk and property is also destroyed in that case.
19:23 So there used to be that collaboration between us and the various MMDAs, that is the Metropolitan
19:29 Municipal Industrial Assemblies, in that light.
19:32 But of late, for the past five years or so, we've not had that collaboration.
19:37 And therefore, these roads are blocked for social events without even informing fire
19:42 service.
19:43 And I think it is very bad.
19:44 Once we are informed that a particular road, a particular route, a particular, let's say,
19:50 alley is going to be used for a particular purpose, it forms part of our pre-planning
19:55 in such a way that we're able to put our house in order and then devise alternate routes
20:01 to be able to get to incident scenes as quickly as possible.
20:05 Quite recently, let's say for the past 10 years or so, we were doing a response time
20:10 of about 12 minutes.
20:12 But quite recently, we are doing an average of about eight minutes, which is quite commendable.
20:17 We've had reports where we have done less than five minutes.
20:21 And we want to be able to reduce our response time to the barest minimum or to the international
20:26 standards of maximum five minutes.
20:29 So if our layouts are blocked, if we have issues with assessing properties which are
20:35 on fire, then it makes our work very, very difficult.
20:39 OK.
20:40 Now, with what DO3 Desmond just said, he was saying that in light of what we are saying,
20:46 that residential homes are mostly affected by fire, it breaks them up.
20:51 My simple question is this.
20:53 Why therefore don't we do periodic inspections to these properties to ascertain that they
21:01 are really in line with what your layouts are or probably the construction fire safety
21:07 measures should be?
21:08 To start with, I would say that at the assembly level, there is a committee by name, Strategic
21:15 Planning Committee.
21:17 We have a representative there.
21:20 And like you stated earlier, before you have an intention to build, you design, submit
21:26 the drawings to the fire service.
21:28 You send one copy to the assembly.
21:30 And then go on taking the drawings to a review and fire engineering drawings are done.
21:40 Then you submit, you take it back to the assembly.
21:43 A representative there would inspect and find out, go through it, recheck, and find out
21:48 that all those protocols are incorporated into the drawings.
21:55 And there is a unit within the assembly that is called the Building Inspectorate Unit.
22:01 And before you start the building, they go to the site to inspect, which we have a representative
22:07 there to ensure that the building is not put on the access route so that it does not prevent
22:14 the fire engines from accessing the route to an emergency.
22:22 And I must say that all these things work in tandem.
22:27 I always say that whatever we do as an institution, our regulators, is not mutually exclusive.
22:36 We are complementing each other to ensure that proper things are done.
22:41 Let me say that we have a proposed building and we have an existing building.
22:46 Both, before you start, there is what we call pre-inspection.
22:52 We go to the site to inspect, to find out the exposures, whether the building is okay
22:59 to go, whether there is a potential hazard, if there is, what are the recommendations.
23:05 And we do re-inspections to find out after prescriptions whether we are incorporating
23:11 our recommendations, put in the drawings, into the building.
23:15 Then when you are done, we do final inspection.
23:20 All these processes, it means that we, Ghana's National Fire Service, by our mandate, we
23:25 have given you a permit, a fire permit, which would allow you to go through this process.
23:33 And during that process, periodic inspections are conducted to make sure that you are doing
23:38 the right things.
23:39 And after you are done, we do the final inspection, then the permit is converted to certificate.
23:46 So inspections are done regularly.
23:48 Apart from that, there is a unit in our organization that is called domestic fire inspectors or
23:58 domestic fire educators who go around in the premises, domestic homes or houses, to inspect
24:06 the hazard, advise the tenants and all that.
24:10 Most of the things we find is that the landlords normally don't, after they have rented out,
24:18 don't make provision for kitchens and all that.
24:20 So you find most of the cylinders in their rooms and all that.
24:23 When we see that or we discover that, we advise them to bring the cylinders outside.
24:27 In most cases, we find out that the meters where it's been placed is so down or close
24:33 to access to the children and all that, to the reach of the children and all that, which
24:37 is quite dangerous.
24:38 So we are collaborating with the other agencies.
24:42 It's a multi-sectorial approach to ensure that all these things are done.
24:48 So we visit the homes, we visit the industries to ensure that fire protocols are adhered
24:53 to.
24:54 Now, you made mention of fire permit, fire certificate.
25:00 With my experience, I have not seen quite domestic homes having fire certificate.
25:06 I think with the offices and the warehouses, most of the times we would appreciate that.
25:10 But with the domestic homes, I have a challenge with that.
25:13 DO3.
25:14 Yes, there's a law, LI 2249.
25:18 I think it came into effect in 2016.
25:23 And we have been educating the masses to be compliant when it comes to securing home fire
25:29 certification.
25:30 The good news is that if you go to certain jurisdiction, most assemblies have embraced
25:37 the concept.
25:38 So anybody who comes to the assembly to submit his or her drawings or building plans for
25:44 a building permit, they are directed to see the representative of the chief officer in
25:50 that jurisdiction to also help them to acquire the home fire certificate.
25:55 So as I speak with you, a lot of houses in Ghana have gotten this home fire certificate,
26:02 and by which they are required to put in place adequate firefighting means.
26:08 That is the portable fire extinguishers and water view.
26:11 And then also smoke alarm systems, including smoke detectors and water view.
26:17 Because we've realized that the challenge that we have as a service is having more fires
26:24 in our domestic enclaves.
26:26 And therefore, once they go through the home fire certification processes, and their homes
26:31 are fitted with these fire protection equipment, and we know that some of these fires occur
26:39 most often than not in the midnight or at midnight, where people are asleep.
26:43 The smoke detectors would create the needed alarm system to alert them of a fire so as
26:49 to facilitate their escape.
26:50 Even now, we have partnered with certain institutions to incorporate what we call collapsible escape
26:58 in their people's homes, especially when it comes to escaping from fires.
27:04 We've realized that about two or three years coming, a lot of people have died through
27:10 fires in their homes.
27:12 Why?
27:13 Because they go in for these hardcore burglar proofing and all that.
27:17 So we have moved a step further, and we are incorporating these collapsible, easy to maneuver
27:26 escape routes, especially with respect to windows, and even exits, and even doors.
27:33 People are now using fire rated doors and fire rated paints for their buildings and
27:39 all that.
27:40 I mean, safety is very broad and it's quite expensive.
27:43 So with time, I know that a lot of people will be caught up and then would apply for
27:48 these fire certificates, home fire certificates.
27:52 Now if you're having challenges with your building, be it rising dam leakages or even
27:57 with cracks, the ultimate solution is Zypress waterproofing product.
28:02 Zypress waterproofing product is going to protect your building against the adverse
28:06 effect of water and even the possible attack of salt.
28:11 We take a break, the show returns shortly.
28:18 Thank you for staying with us.
28:19 Happiness is Audrey Dushy Café with the Interactive segment.
28:23 Thank you Manu.
28:24 So it's been a great discussion going on.
28:26 I have learned a lot.
28:27 That is why I'm asking that you are careful.
28:29 Make sure all your switches are turned off before you leave your homes.
28:33 I ask this, what do you think are some possible causes of fire in your home?
28:38 Send me your messages on WhatsApp or via SMS.
28:41 My number is 0500180697.
28:42 So our first comment for the day is coming from Asamoah from Gomwa.
28:48 Are they still building fire hydrants in new and developing communities?
28:53 The next, Michael Ofori from Ebri.
28:56 The recent charges for fire certification for story building these days are choking.
29:01 What are the standard costs for fire certification in this country?
29:05 Hello, I'm Prince George from Lashibi, MF Estate.
29:09 I live in an apartment complex with 72 rooms.
29:13 Unfortunately, I realized our apartment doesn't have any fire safety installation.
29:17 I have had calls to voice this concern during a tenant landlord meeting, but it's been three
29:23 months now.
29:24 Nothing has been done about it.
29:28 Kwame bless Kodo from Wasada, DSO.
29:31 Fire education is good.
29:33 It will help our viewers.
29:35 Please ask the officers.
29:40 We went to their office in Wasada, DSO.
29:44 They just told us their brick has pulled.
29:47 Their community used manpower to off the fire.
29:50 It took us more than two hours.
29:52 Spoiling almost five houses and their properties.
29:55 Not manpower, then the whole town transformer would have caught fire.
30:01 Good afternoon.
30:02 Please, how true is it that fire tenders arrive at fire outbreaks empty?
30:07 That's from Koku Zumanu at Olebu Ablekuma.
30:12 What role has Ghana National Fire Service has in the construction of high occupancy
30:17 buses?
30:18 Most have just one exit at its frontage, making it virtually impossible for passengers to
30:23 exit the bus in case of fire outbreaks.
30:27 The accidents that occasion at Kintampo thereabouts, where a passenger narrated how the fire in
30:32 met from the frontage, trapping all passengers therein.
30:35 About three persons perished in the said fire.
30:39 That's from Osei Kwame Esquire from Efidiasi, Asante.
30:43 Good afternoon, Esquire.
30:46 Osei Kwame Esquire from Efidiasi, Asante.
30:50 Good afternoon.
30:51 Please, what is short circuit?
30:54 How does it cause fire at home?
30:59 Coming in from SKN from Cape Coast.
31:01 Please, I would like to know how much it would cost to obtain fire permit for a four-story
31:07 building.
31:08 And then the person sends a voice note.
31:10 Good afternoon.
31:11 I'm Brema.
31:12 I'm Brema.
31:13 In fact, we are enjoying the program, but I want to know who's supposed to sign fire
31:18 permits.
31:19 Please, are authorities not set in place to check out the places where people build?
31:24 Please, may I know if there are charges involved with a series of inspection permits and the
31:30 certificates you would finally issue?
31:34 Next from John Efriye Manase from Ajumakun.
31:40 Building materials should also be conceded.
31:43 Easily combustible materials should be minimized whilst making exit points easier to use by
31:54 the occupants.
31:55 Please, this program should be on every Sunday.
31:59 Thank you.
32:00 It is always on every Sunday.
32:01 Good afternoon.
32:02 I'm SKN from Cape Coast.
32:04 Please, what is the short circuit and how does it cause fire at home?
32:10 The fire service is supposed to be a member of the Technical Subcommittee at the MMDs
32:16 where inspections and that's recommendation for the Spatial Planning Committee to give
32:20 final approval of the permits as prescribed by the Land Use and Spatial Planning.
32:27 So that's coming from Musa from Fiscal Planning Office, NEMA.
32:31 Hello, please, whenever the cooker is not in use, do we need to shut off the gas supply
32:36 at the valve or cylinder?
32:38 So that will be all for the interactive segment, but before I go, I have a question for Emmanuel.
32:43 You have a question for me, Audrey?
32:44 Yes, I do.
32:45 Okay, go on.
32:46 You don't go in your outfits, okay?
32:47 Thank you very much.
32:48 Emmanuel, with all that we've heard, with all that has been said, what is the condition
32:51 at your house?
32:52 Is it safe for some of us to visit?
32:53 You mean my house where I stay?
32:54 Yes.
32:55 I'm good.
32:56 I have all the fire safety warnings and I'm a good citizen.
33:00 What do you have?
33:01 Is your fire extinguisher expired or is good to be used?
33:04 Should there be an outbreak?
33:05 Audrey, I'm seeing this as a witch hunt.
33:06 I don't know why you're asking me these questions today, but I can tell you I have all the fire
33:11 safety equipments in the house.
33:14 And I would say thank you very much.
33:15 Thank you very much, Audrey.
33:17 So coming back to our messages, I would want us to respond to a few of the messages before
33:23 we move on with our discussion.
33:25 Yes, I will start by answering the question that has to do with the charges on the permit,
33:34 certification, inspections, and all that.
33:37 It is important to note that when drawings are submitted, review is done.
33:44 And review by review, we are looking at the protocols, the design, and the recommendations
33:50 made.
33:52 And the charges are based on the floor space.
33:59 And it is charged based on the meter square.
34:01 So the bigger the floor space, the bigger amount you pay.
34:07 But then, if a permit is requested, a permanent is supposed to invite the service for an inspection.
34:20 So an inspector is sent there.
34:23 That inspector would inspect.
34:25 And it's all incorporated, as I've stated, in the floor space or floor area of the dimensions.
34:33 OK, any other ones?
34:34 I think DO3.
34:35 Yes.
34:36 So short circuit is-- somebody asked the meaning or how does short circuiting cause
34:42 fire.
34:43 It's simply when two low resistance connections between two conductors supplying electrical
34:50 power come together.
34:52 And this generates excessive heat in the conducting medium.
34:56 And that causes the insulation to break down and lead to a fire outbreak.
35:03 So therefore, we would want to appeal to the public to ensure that they get certified electrical
35:11 contractors or engineers to do the installations for them using quality cables.
35:16 Somebody also asked that was sad that there was a brick failure on the fire appliance.
35:23 And therefore, they couldn't respond to a fire situation.
35:26 Yes.
35:28 What it means is that our fire engines are now over-- some are over 12 years.
35:34 Some are also over 15 years.
35:35 And they are susceptible to these mechanical failures.
35:39 So we would employ or implore on the various stakeholders within the district's assembly
35:47 or within the areas of operations of the fire stations to also help in whatever way to get
35:53 these faulty appliances back to-- in as much as we also try as a service to fix them.
36:02 Somebody also asked about what is the role of fire service in high occupancy buses.
36:07 Some of these buses normally have one entry and exit point.
36:13 Actually because of our intervention, these new buses, if we have been observant, of late
36:21 these buses that are being used on our roads, the new ones, they have two exits.
36:28 One at the back and one in the front because of our intervention.
36:32 And then also, those that have just a single exit, periodically we engage the driver unions
36:39 and then take them through emergency escape drills.
36:42 We have glass or breaking tools.
36:46 We have some equipment whereby in such emergencies we can easily manage some of the glass or
36:54 windows and then escape.
36:55 So we have been taking some of the people--
36:58 I think you hold on, Kosa.
37:01 I think the buses, in respect of the occupancy and the exits, about two weeks ago we had
37:06 a meeting.
37:07 The chief officer and the president of Julius Kono sent the director of safety and his delegation
37:13 to meet the chief executive of DVLA.
37:17 And we had a meeting with them in respect of that.
37:20 And it goes beyond the exit.
37:21 We are also thinking that as a requirement they might have extinguishers on the vehicle.
37:28 And the issue regarding the DVLA also selling fire extinguishers to drivers was also looked
37:35 at because it is not to just buy it and put it into it.
37:39 It must be serviced annually.
37:41 And we have sat down to come up with modalities to ensure that those extinguishers are tagged,
37:47 are certified, and with a tag by the Tanika Advisory Committee of the Ghana National Fire
37:52 Service, be regulated by the safety to ensure that extinguishers in vehicles are very active
37:58 and that there's no source to use them.
38:00 Now I would want you to tell us some basic fire equipment that we need to have in our
38:06 domestic homes, public spaces, even the offices.
38:09 Do you agree?
38:10 Yes.
38:11 It is important that for every facility we should get some fire extinguishers.
38:16 They are very important.
38:19 They would allow us within the-- at the onset of fire to be able to contain it.
38:24 And then apart from the fire extinguisher, we also have to get some alarm systems, such
38:28 as the smoke alarms in our offices and even in our rooms, living areas, so that in the
38:33 case of a fire, it will be able to alert us.
38:36 And then it will prompt us to evacuate the place.
38:40 Most often than not, because people do not get alerted by these fires, they get asphyxiated
38:45 by the smoke inhalation.
38:47 And then they collapse or they get unconscious before the fire comes to burn them.
38:52 So we should, as much as possible, get these smoke detectors.
38:55 They are not expensive.
38:56 When you get to any fire station, they would help you to also get-- and then we also get--
39:01 we should also get what we call fire alternative water storage in our various facilities, because
39:10 it's a requirement.
39:11 Once you come in for a fire certificate, it is a requirement that you should get an alternative
39:16 water.
39:17 Best of all, you are to-- if possible, you can get a fire hydrant.
39:21 Why not get it so that when we come and we get water is exhausted, we can rely on some
39:29 of these alternative water around your premises to be able to deal with a fire.
39:34 And then also, we should also incorporate, begin to incorporate fire-resistant doors,
39:40 fire-resistant paintings, fire-resistant floors, and what have you, especially during the construction
39:46 phase so that they can easily contain the fires.
39:50 Most often than not, when people are escaping fires, they forget to even close their doors.
39:54 They forget to shut down their electrical systems and all that.
39:58 So once we have the protection system in place to protect our electrical installations, it
40:04 goes a long way to help us minimize the effect of fires.
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40:59 I would want to also ask this one quickly, DO1.
41:03 Tell us some of the bad habits that we exhibit in our homes that contribute to fire outbreaks
41:09 in our domestic homes.
41:11 The habit of overloading and also the habit of not disposing combustibles.
41:19 We have kept them so much in the house that should the fire break out, it feeds the fire
41:25 and there's rapid spread.
41:26 So if there are items in the houses or in your home that are not relevant, that you
41:32 can't use them or you are not using them anymore, dispose of them.
41:35 And I also would advise that any time you go fill your gas cylinder and you are bringing
41:40 them home, please don't put them horizontal in the vehicle.
41:44 It dances.
41:45 There's something we call BLEVE, boiling liquids expansion vaporization explosion.
41:51 When the gas is in the cylinder, it's in the liquid state, but it's become gas when it's
41:57 been expelled.
41:58 Now, it has been filled 80% full and that space left, 30%, it's expected that when it
42:05 expands, it's occupied that space.
42:09 But then people go fill them to the brim and put them horizontally in the vehicles, it
42:14 dances and you provoke it.
42:16 And as you are provoking it, it's expanding.
42:18 When you take them to the house, they don't put it even there for it to settle, then they
42:23 start using them.
42:24 You know, you'd be shocked to know that most of the cylinders we are using has outlived
42:30 its age.
42:31 You know, ordinarily a cylinder must be used for one to six years and you must change it.
42:39 When it goes beyond that, then it's becoming dangerous.
42:42 And you go to the houses and you find out that most of the cylinder are corroded and
42:45 perforated.
42:47 And recently, people are going around telling the public that Pfizer has sent them to go
42:52 take their corroded cylinders, then refurbish them.
42:57 Sorry, I think I'll hold you there.
43:00 It's now time to also call into the program to be part of the discussion, the call number
43:05 on your screen.
43:06 You can also call to be part of the discussion.
43:09 Sorry for delaying the time for you to also join.
43:13 Hello.
43:14 Sorry, we lost that one there.
43:18 Please you can call back again and also be a part of the discussion.
43:22 So don't increase the fire load.
43:25 Don't overload your socket.
43:29 Don't manage your fire cylinder very well.
43:31 And have personal fire safety management in your home.
43:36 When I'm going out from my house, there's a checklist I place at the back of my door
43:42 and ensure that I tick them one after the other.
43:45 Gas cylinder off, electrical gadget off, television off, fridge off, and make sure that all those
43:52 things are-
43:53 Now that's your personal check.
43:54 That's my personal check.
43:55 But tell us, hold on, I'll come back to you on that discussion.
43:58 Hello?
43:59 Hello?
44:00 Hello sir, please your name and where you calling from?
44:01 I'm from Asun South District.
44:04 Okay, Hanson, go on.
44:08 I want to ask the fire officer that the drivers on our roads, it's police people who are checking
44:16 the drivers' fire extinguisher.
44:19 And sometimes the police people do place the fire extinguisher to go with.
44:28 So what are they doing to stop those things which is going on?
44:33 And two, nowadays if somebody wants to burn a house, they just go in for roadside maintenance.
44:38 Whereby they don't know how to check fire doors and what have you.
44:46 So we'll ask them to talk to the government to come up with some measures that will prevent
44:53 those who have not been to school but they want to take in a big, big contract.
45:00 Okay, thank you very much, Hanson.
45:03 So please respond quickly to what I said.
45:05 In respect of police checking, that is not their mandate.
45:09 Never allow police officers to check your extinguishers.
45:12 We have told you that the Director of Safety in the presence of DCFO Mao Zingtu, Sapong,
45:19 Daniela, had a meeting with the DVLA and there is a program coming where fire service would
45:26 collaborate with the police and the MTTV to start checking the extinguishers.
45:30 And before we even issue the extinguishers out through the DVLA, we make sure that the
45:36 extinguishers are certified.
45:39 So going forward, you won't see the police checking.
45:42 Now you are on the checklist that you have to, before you leave your house, the safety
45:47 checklist.
45:48 So I take them and ensure that those things are off before I leave my house.
45:56 So that when I'm gone, I'm sure that...
45:59 You want to mention a few of the checklists?
46:02 That is the electrical gadgets, whether my socket is off, whether my television is off,
46:07 whether my air conditioning is on, my fan is off.
46:11 All these things are listed, tall lists.
46:13 Whatever you have in the house that is hazardous, fire hazards, that poses a risk, fire risk
46:19 to you.
46:20 Make sure you put them off before you step out.
46:23 Whether my gas cylinder is off, I make sure I put the regulator off and turn the valve
46:28 off before I leave my house.
46:31 Hello Appiah, Appiah from Accra.
46:33 Hello.
46:34 Hello.
46:35 Go on with your submission Appiah.
46:36 Yeah, I want to contribute.
46:37 Please go on.
46:38 Yes.
46:39 There's a common practice among Ghanians.
46:40 When we enter the kitchen, we want to use our gas.
46:41 Many people try to first switch on the regulator, and then they put the gas on.
46:42 And then they put the gas on.
46:43 And then they put the gas on.
46:44 And then they put the gas on.
46:45 And then they put the gas on.
46:46 And then they put the gas on.
46:47 And then they put the gas on.
46:48 And then they put the gas on.
46:49 And then they put the gas on.
46:50 And then they put the gas on.
46:51 And then they put the gas on.
46:52 And then they put the gas on.
46:53 And then they put the gas on.
46:54 And then they put the gas on.
46:55 And then they put the gas on.
46:56 And then they put the gas on.
46:57 And then they put the gas on.
46:58 And then they put the gas on.
46:59 And then they put the gas on.
47:00 And then they put the gas on.
47:01 And then they put the gas on.
47:02 And then they put the gas on.
47:03 And then they put the gas on.
47:04 And then they put the gas on.
47:05 And then they put the gas on.
47:06 And then they put the gas on.
47:07 And then they put the gas on.
47:08 And then they put the gas on.
47:09 And then they put the gas on.
47:10 And then they put the gas on.
47:11 And then they put the gas on.
47:12 And then they put the gas on.
47:13 And then they put the gas on.
47:14 And then they put the gas on.
47:16 If you don't like horizontal, you should rather stand or something like that.
47:19 If you don't like horizontal, you should rather stand or something like that.
47:20 If you don't like horizontal, you should rather stand or something like that.
47:21 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:22 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:23 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:24 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:25 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:26 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:27 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:28 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:29 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:30 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:31 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:32 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:33 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:34 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:35 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:36 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:37 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:38 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:39 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:40 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:41 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:42 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:43 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:44 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:45 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:46 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:47 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:48 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:49 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:50 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:51 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
47:52 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:17 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:18 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:19 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:20 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:21 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:22 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:23 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:24 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:25 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:26 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:27 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:28 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:29 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:30 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:31 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:32 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:33 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:34 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:35 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
48:57 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
49:06 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
49:16 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
49:26 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
49:36 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
49:46 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
49:56 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
50:06 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
50:16 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
50:26 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
50:36 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
50:46 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
50:56 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
51:06 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
51:16 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
51:26 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
51:36 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
51:46 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
51:56 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
52:06 Okay, thank you very much, Appiah.
