I Used to Go Here Bande-annonce (EN)

  • l’année dernière
00:00 - Hey, Michael.
00:01 I just wanted to give you a call
00:02 because it looks like you're still getting
00:04 some pretty important mail.
00:07 Kate, just focus on the fact that you wrote a book.
00:11 That is huge. - Look at that.
00:12 Turn it and show me your baby bump.
00:15 Smile.
00:16 [dramatic music]
00:18 - Guess where I am. - Where?
00:20 - In Carbondale.
00:22 - Welcome back, right?
00:23 - David Kirkpatrick brought me down to do a read-through.
00:26 - Oh, thank you. - Thank you.
00:27 - Kate was in my very first class ever as a professor.
00:31 How's your book doing?
00:32 - Not as good as I would have hoped.
00:34 - What would you think about teaching here?
00:37 - Teaching here?
00:38 - It would be nice to have you here again, Kate.
00:42 - Hey. - Oh, hi.
00:44 I used to live here.
00:46 - Seriously? - Hey.
00:48 - We're having a party. You should come.
00:50 - I used to dance in this room, like, 15 years ago.
00:53 - I was in kindergarten 15 years ago.
00:55 - ♪ Heart of my brain ♪
00:57 ♪ Heart of my heart ♪
00:59 - The whole thing is very restrained.
01:00 - I can go for a little restraint.
01:02 - ♪ Heart, heart of my brain ♪ - Oh, my God!
01:04 - ♪ They say it's hard to find you ♪
01:06 ♪ Well, it's not what you say ♪
01:08 ♪ It's what you do ♪ - [screams]
01:11 - You wanna see something?
01:14 - Yeah.
01:15 - ♪ Do it ♪
01:17 - What happened with you and your boyfriend?
01:19 - He met my fiance.
01:20 - Were you hoping you guys would get back together?
01:22 - Oh, I'm so pathetic.
01:23 - ♪ Do it ♪
01:25 - Life is not like school, all right?
01:27 It's all, like, possibility for you.
01:29 - Are you coming back?
01:31 - ♪ Baby ♪
01:35 ♪ True, blue ♪
01:38 ♪ Baby ♪
01:42 ♪ True, blue ♪
01:47 ♪ And I'm with you now ♪
01:51 (music)