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Thanks, pour ton suivi !
00:00 You've probably heard of "programmed obsolescence"
00:03 It's a big word, and you'll see, it's not that far from reality
00:07 From latin "obsoletus" which means "to get out of use"
00:11 But basically it means "out of use", "perimet", "hs"
00:16 So, programmed obsolescence is to voluntarily reduce the lifespan of a device
00:21 so that you can replace it faster
00:23 Let's give you an example
00:25 In 8 years, the lifespan of washing machines has gone from 10 to 7 years
00:30 Lifespan is decreasing, while technology is improving
00:33 Now we wonder if the iPhone 14 Pro Max at 2000€ is really worth it
