iBilib: The secret of the mystery cloud ghost ship experiment!

  • last year
Aired (July 23, 2023): Learn how to make the mysterious cloud ghost ship experiment with Sanya Lopez and the scientific explanation behind it!
00:00 [intro music]
00:04 Happy Sunday, I Believers!
00:06 Happy Sunday!
00:07 Good morning!
00:08 Atishay, who are we with today to hang out and experiment in the studio?
00:13 Oh my, we got to know her as Sangre Nanaya,
00:17 beloved as First Yaya,
00:20 and our friend as Princess Urduha!
00:24 Woo!
00:25 I love you, Babis! Welcome, Sanya Lovers!
00:30 Welcome, Sanya!
00:31 Wow! Welcome, welcome!
00:33 Thank you, thank you!
00:34 Good to have you back!
00:35 Yes! I'm so happy!
00:37 And of course, I'm excited to find out what we're going to do today.
00:41 Great! Perfect, perfect!
00:43 Our Sunday is exciting because we're going to do a mystery today.
00:48 The first thing I'm going to show you is a mysterious cloud inside a bottle.
00:53 Let's enjoy!
00:55 So we have a bottle here, right?
00:58 There's a cloud and then we have a pump.
01:01 So I need you to just help me pump this thing.
01:06 1, 2, 3, go!
01:08 Hold on.
01:10 There it is!
01:16 The clouds are gone!
01:17 We showed you the ghost ship!
01:21 Wow!
01:23 You know, I'm really curious about the secret to the mystery of the clouds.
01:30 iBelievers, we're back!
01:31 And as promised, I'll show you the secret of our mystery cloud in the ghost ship that we saw earlier.
01:37 Are you ready?
01:38 Ready!
01:39 Okay, iBelievers at home, try to do this with us.
01:43 The things we need are very simple.
01:45 Plastic bottle, and then we have an air pump,
01:48 alcohol, and we also need a pin for the pump.
01:53 The one you use for the balls, right?
01:55 Yes, that's right.
01:56 So empty the bottle and then spray it with alcohol.
02:01 Let's spray it a little so that it has a nice effect.
02:07 Yes!
02:08 That's a lot!
02:09 Get ready.
02:10 And then using the bottle cap, let's just cover it.
02:13 Okay, so the pin is inside.
02:16 And then this is the part where we'll attach the pump.
02:21 Okay, Antizania, you're up.
02:25 Now, go pinch the soda!
02:27 Antizania is pumping.
02:30 As long as the plastic bottle is firm, I can feel it.
02:34 I think it's okay.
02:35 Is it okay?
02:36 Okay, ready?
02:37 And then I'll unlock this.
02:39 I'll remove the cap.
02:40 And then?
02:44 Oh, it's strong!
02:45 Boom!
02:47 Look!
02:48 It's beautiful!
02:49 It's beautiful!
02:50 It's beautiful, right?
02:51 It's like a cloud!
02:53 Let's cover it so that the cloud stays there.
02:55 And then you'll glue it so that the cloud won't escape.
03:00 There!
03:01 Wow!
03:02 It's that simple!
03:03 So guys, do you believe?
03:05 I believe!
03:07 Evaporation is the process of turning liquid into its gas form.
03:13 In our experiment, we put alcohol inside the bottle.
03:17 And when we pump air, the pressure and temperature inside rises
03:22 and it evaporates the water molecules of alcohol
03:26 to become water vapors or the gas form of water.
03:30 But when you remove the cap of the bottle,
03:32 the pressure and temperature inside immediately went down
03:35 and there was condensation.
03:38 This is the process where the gas form of water vapor
03:42 transformed into tiny liquid water droplets
03:45 that formed in the cloud inside the bottle.
03:48 Evaporation and condensation are also the signs
03:52 of why there's a cloud in the sky and why it's raining.
03:55 I believe!
03:57 [ Silence ]
