এখনও নাড়িয়ে দেয় কার্গিলের স্মৃতি! কেমন ছিল সেই হাড়হিম করা যুদ্ধ? | Oneindia Bengali

  • last year
এখনও নাড়িয়ে দেয় কার্গিলের স্মৃতি! কেমন ছিল সেই হাড়হিম করা যুদ্ধ?
00:00 In the early 1990s, the Prime Minister of India, Atal Bihari, was raising his hand for the independence of the country.
00:10 At that time, the Indian people could not understand the situation.
00:13 Pakistan will naturally sit on the back of the Asomudra Himachal for the independence.
00:19 That's fine.
00:21 In the early 1990s, a local man, a woman, was present at the Indian border of the Satan Hajj.
00:28 She saw something in the border that was not natural.
00:34 In that statement, a group of five soldiers under the leadership of Captain Sourav Kalia,
00:40 went to investigate the situation of the Line of Control.
00:44 But what equality was waiting for them there?
00:48 They could not even imagine a dream.
00:51 The Indians did not come.
00:53 Because after almost five days, Sourav Kalia and his soldiers did not return.
00:59 But a few days later, Sourav had gone to meet him, but only to bow his head.
01:05 Captain Sourav Kalia was the first martyr of Kargil.
01:09 On 9 May 1990, heavy shell firing began in the Asomkai in the Kargil Drass sector.
01:16 And with it, the fourth war of India-Pakistan, Kargil War, began.
01:21 Peace and power are two sides of the same coin.
01:24 When peace is in danger, power is manifested.
01:28 At the time of the war declaration, just such a feeling arose in the face of the unwavering Bajpayee.
01:34 Then India is sitting with the flag of war.
01:38 But in this, Pakistan's regular armed force,
01:42 more than half of the war, is occupied by the Kukar Tham, Khalubar, Tololing and Tiger Hill, these four fortified peaks.
01:52 And for their destruction, a large number of troops are deployed in the Drass sector.
01:57 The declaration of face-to-face combat is called Operation Victory.
02:02 Lieutenant Colonel R. Vishwanathan of 18th Gen.
02:06 was killed in the half-missile attack of Tololing. But unfortunately, the martyr was not killed.
02:12 And then the war was intensified by the brave soldiers of the country.
02:18 The soldiers were crushed in the exchange of the death of their beloved Vishu Sir.
02:23 Indian Army Commander Captain Vikram Batra,
02:26 the emperor, Captain Sanjeev Jamwal, was appointed as a guru,
02:30 for the peak of .5140. After six nights of fierce battle,
02:36 on 17 June, two Mahabir armies gave the news of victory to their commanding officer,
02:41 Colonel Joshi.
02:44 The Himalayan Bukchi is praised by the court,
02:47 "Oh yeah yeah, he died for his heart."
02:50 But at the time of .4875, the country was given a major sacrifice by the Parambir Army,
02:57 Captain Vikram Batra. Even if he was killed in the celluloid attack,
03:03 he is still a superhero in real life.
03:07 To re-establish security in the country, after a while,
03:10 a martyr, Captain Manoj Pandey, Lieutenant Anuj Nair,
03:14 Captain Vijayant Thapar and almost 400 soldiers of India will go.
03:19 It will not be easy to bring back Colonel Lalit Rai's head.
03:25 And with the help of this mission,
03:27 Indian Air Force Operation White Sea under the leadership of Wing Commander K. Nochiket.
03:34 Then comes the most important part, the fierce battle of Tiger Hill, Punar.
03:40 The most difficult part of Tiger Hill is the journey of the brigadier.
03:46 The journey begins with the Grenadiers on a rough terrain.
03:50 The Mountaineers with the Brigadier start the journey.
03:55 Eight Sikh soldiers are assigned to protect the regiment.
04:00 Eighteen Grenadiers get up on the top of the hill.
04:04 And the storm of fire begins from the Pakistan side.
04:09 The Brigadier starts to walk on the path of the enemy for the first time.
04:14 Then the enemy goes and they do not move a finger on the Tiger Hill.
04:20 Indian Army slowly goes on the path of the enemy.
04:23 The Indian Army kills 44 Pak Army soldiers.
04:28 After 7 battalions point, the Pakistani Army is scared.
04:33 After artillery shell firing on Tiger Hill,
04:37 the Tiranga finally flies over the mountain.
04:40 And this incident lasted for 24 years.
04:44 In the wake of Kargil Victory Day,
04:47 we once again see the unparalleled,
04:51 unparalleled and unparalleled sacrifice of the unparalleled,
04:56 and unparalleled sacrifice of the unparalleled,
04:59 and unparalleled sacrifice of the unparalleled,
05:01 and unparalleled sacrifice of the unparalleled,
