• 2 years ago
00:00 In the deepest part of the Minecraft forest lives the magical Unicorn Kitty.
00:04 She's the rarest kitten on this server.
00:07 But when her mom goes missing, Unicorn Kitty sets out to find her.
00:10 But when she's lost and in danger, she gets adopted by Minecraft players.
00:15 And they have no idea how much trouble taking care of a Unicorn Kitty can be.
00:20 Can they tame this kitten?
00:21 Let's find out.
00:22 Oh, hi!
00:23 Help me make a rainbow by hitting that like and subscribe.
00:26 Hehe, thanks!
00:27 [sigh]
00:29 Mom?
00:30 Mom?
00:31 Mom?
00:32 Mom?
00:33 Mom? Oh no!
00:34 Oh no, where did my mom go?
00:35 Oh, this isn't good, this isn't good!
00:37 She was supposed to be here, and I woke up, and...
00:40 Huh? What's that?
00:41 Oh!
00:42 Oh! These are my mom's footprints!
00:44 She probably went out to go get some fish or something.
00:47 There they go, there they go. Alright, let's see.
00:49 Mom!
00:50 Mom, where...
00:51 Huh?
00:52 What the...
00:53 Oh no!
00:54 This is...
00:55 This is the fire my mom puts out, but...
00:57 But where did she...
00:59 Oh no!
01:00 Huh?
01:00 Huh? I don't know what happened!
01:01 Someone help!
01:03 Help?
01:04 Huh? Huh?
01:04 I... I don't know where my mom is!
01:06 I'm trying to look for my mom, I can't find her!
01:08 Huh? Huh?
01:08 Wait...
01:09 Huh?
01:09 This is the field where all the other cats play!
01:11 Huh, maybe...
01:12 Oh, there they are!
01:13 Kiss me!
01:14 Hi!
01:16 Can...
01:16 Help?
01:17 I can't find my mom, please!
01:19 Hi!
01:20 Uh, I'm trying to...
01:21 Oh, okay...
01:22 Um...
01:23 Okay!
01:23 Alright!
01:24 Bye!
01:25 [gasp]
01:25 Oh, there's someone else!
01:27 Hi!
01:27 Hi! Um...
01:28 Can... I'm looking for my mom, can you help me...
01:31 Find her?
01:31 Oh...
01:32 Okay...
01:33 Oh...
01:34 This is bad, I can't find my mom anywhere!
01:37 [gasp]
01:38 What am I gonna do?
01:39 I...
01:39 What's that?
01:40 [meow]
01:45 [meow]
01:46 [meow]
01:47 What is...
01:47 [scream]
01:48 I...
01:49 It's a stranger!
01:50 A human stranger!
01:51 Oh no!
01:52 My mom told me not to trust those!
01:53 Huh, okay...
01:54 I gotta get out of here!
01:54 I gotta get out of here!
01:55 [scream]
01:56 What the...
01:57 What is he doing?
01:57 What does he have in his hand?
01:58 I don't know what that is!
01:59 Huh...
01:59 Huh...
02:00 He smells like...
02:01 Oh no!
02:01 Did he take my mom?
02:03 That's not good!
02:04 [meow]
02:04 [meow]
02:05 What is he doing?
02:06 Is he calling something?
02:08 What's that noise?
02:09 [gasp]
02:09 Oh no!
02:11 That's the thing that eats unicorns!
02:12 [scream]
02:13 No, no, no!
02:14 I gotta get out of here!
02:15 [scream]
02:16 Oh no!
02:16 Oh no!
02:17 He...
02:17 He's still coming after me!
02:19 What do I do?
02:19 What do I do?
02:20 What do I do?
02:21 Oh no!
02:21 Huh...
02:22 Unicorn!
02:23 Oh no!
02:24 Oh, I got a little bit!
02:25 Huh...
02:26 Oh no, this isn't good!
02:27 Huh...
02:27 If I use my other attack...
02:28 [meow]
02:29 My mom never taught me how to use this right!
02:31 Use the villager run!
02:32 Huh...
02:33 Oh no!
02:34 Huh...
02:34 Oh no!
02:35 I cornered...
02:36 This is it!
02:37 [meow]
02:38 [scream]
02:38 Hey game!
02:39 Fire!
02:41 Huh?
02:41 Hey!
02:42 Gah!
02:43 [scream]
02:44 Take that you yeti!
02:45 Oh no!
02:45 The yeti's back!
02:46 Yeah!
02:47 Wait, there's a yeti!
02:48 Where's the yeti at?
02:49 Where's the yeti at?
02:49 I'm gonna get the yeti!
02:50 Yeti!
02:51 Huh!
02:51 [panting]
02:52 Get out of the way, Carl!
02:54 Huh!
02:55 Woohoo!
02:56 [cheering]
02:57 It's gone!
02:58 Nice job, Noy!
02:59 Woo!
03:00 [laughing]
03:00 Ha!
03:01 What?
03:01 Nice!
03:02 [meow]
03:02 I'm good!
03:03 [laughing]
03:04 Wait, hang on!
03:04 What?
03:05 What's that sound?
03:05 What's that noise?
03:06 [hissing]
03:07 Guys, get over here!
03:08 Oh, it's a...
03:09 [meow]
03:09 Kitty!
03:10 [meow]
03:12 What?
03:12 [meow]
03:13 Oh, this is a cute kitty!
03:15 Easy little one!
03:15 Easy!
03:16 Hey kitty!
03:17 Who's a good kitty?
03:18 Who's a good kitty?
03:19 [scream]
03:20 Ow!
03:20 Ow!
03:21 Okay!
03:21 Not, not a nice kitty!
03:22 Not nice!
03:23 She's probably just spooked from the yeti!
03:24 I can set things on fire!
03:25 Hmm...
03:26 She's also a kitten!
03:28 So...
03:29 Where's her mom?
03:30 I don't know, but her mom taught her bad manners to attack me!
03:33 Maybe she's hungry?
03:35 Hey!
03:36 Little one!
03:37 Oh, maybe...
03:37 Hold on, hold on!
03:38 Don't, don't worry!
03:39 Not by a deer!
03:40 [meow]
03:41 Ooh!
03:42 You're all rainbow-y, so maybe like a rainbow-
03:43 Guys, what if we adopt her?
03:45 Well, she's hungry, but that much, right?
03:46 My mom!
03:47 Yeah, what if we adopt her?
03:49 Her mom's obviously not around!
03:51 Aww...
03:52 Yeah, but...
03:52 Aww...
03:53 I don't, I don't know!
03:55 She scratched me with her-
03:56 Do you want us to be her mommy and daddy and daddy too?
03:58 Hang on, why does she have a horn in the first place?
04:00 I don't know!
04:01 Huh, what?
04:02 Ian, you can't call out her horn just 'cause she's different!
04:04 She's a pretty little kitty!
04:05 [meow]
04:06 [meow]
04:06 [laughs]
04:07 No, no, no, no!
04:08 Kitty, kitty, no!
04:09 No, kitty, no!
04:10 Yeah, Gacy, let's take care of her!
04:12 She's such a cute little kitty!
04:13 [meow]
04:14 My fireworks!
04:15 Okay, we'll work on those manners!
04:18 She's a spicy little kitty!
04:19 [laughs]
04:20 [meow]
04:21 Come on!
04:21 [meow]
04:22 I still don't think it's a good idea!
04:25 Chasing a cat!
04:25 We can take care of a unicorn cat!
04:27 I'm great at taking care of animals!
04:29 [meow]
04:29 Come on, come on!
04:30 [meow]
04:31 [meow]
04:31 [ding]
04:32 [meow]
04:32 [meow]
04:33 Hey, wait a minute!
04:34 [meow]
04:34 What's that on your head?
04:35 [meow]
04:36 [meow]
04:36 It's a horn!
04:37 It's Oaky!
04:38 [meow]
04:39 Next to the horn!
04:40 [meow]
04:41 [smack]
04:41 [meow]
04:42 [meow]
04:42 Ooh!
04:43 Ooh, careful!
04:44 [meow]
04:44 [meow]
04:45 Yeah, it looks like a boo-boo!
04:47 [meow]
04:47 Aww...
04:48 We can bandage it up!
04:50 Let's see...
04:51 [ding]
04:51 Don't be scared, don't be scared!
04:52 [meow]
04:52 [meow]
04:53 [meow]
04:53 [meow]
04:54 Come on!
04:54 What is it?
04:55 What is it?
04:55 Come on!
04:56 [ding]
04:56 I don't see this going well...
04:57 Ehh...
04:58 [smack]
04:58 There you go!
04:59 [meow]
04:59 [meow]
05:00 Oh!
05:00 Oh, no!
05:01 You have to light a bandage!
05:02 [meow]
05:03 [meow]
05:03 Whoa!
05:04 What was that?
05:04 Darkus!
05:05 Bye, Darkus!
05:05 Bye!
05:06 Alright, yeah, I definitely don't think she liked that!
05:09 Don't worry, it's okay!
05:10 Just...
05:10 I told you it was a bad idea!
05:13 Come on!
05:13 She's hurt!
05:14 We gotta take care of her!
05:15 [meow]
05:15 [meow]
05:16 [meow]
05:16 [meow]
05:17 [meow]
05:17 What?
05:18 [meow]
05:18 What is that?
05:19 [meow]
05:19 What?
05:20 [meow]
05:20 [meow]
05:21 [meow]
05:21 Uh...
05:22 She's turning the ground into...
05:23 Black!
05:24 Rainbow jelly!
05:25 [meow]
05:25 But also...
05:26 [meow]
05:27 [meow]
05:27 Wait, wait, what?
05:28 What?
05:28 What?
05:29 That!
05:29 That!
05:30 What?
05:30 Huh?
05:31 Huh?
05:31 [meow]
05:32 Uh, K-Kasey, you're...
05:33 You're trying something!
05:34 [ding]
05:34 [meow]
05:35 [meow]
05:35 What happened to me?
05:36 [meow]
05:37 You're all bright and colorful!
05:40 I don't wanna be bright and colorful!
05:42 [meow]
05:42 Oh, and she's doing it to the sheep, too.
05:44 Uh-oh.
05:45 Guys, I don't wanna be a rainbow person!
05:48 [meow]
05:48 I'm eating these rainbows now.
05:49 Oh no!
05:50 Calm down, little one, calm down!
05:52 Uh, Kasey?
05:53 And there we go!
05:55 Oh!
05:56 Phew!
05:57 Oh boy, that was kinda hard.
05:59 All right, see?
06:01 Not too bad.
06:03 Change me back.
06:04 [meow]
06:04 [meow]
06:05 [smack]
06:05 [meow]
06:06 [meow]
06:06 [meow]
06:07 [meow]
06:07 [meow]
06:08 [meow]
06:08 Let's see if this washes off.
06:10 Come on, Ian. Don't you like looking like Unicorn Vomit?
06:12 No!
06:13 [beep]
06:13 All right, then.
06:14 Oh, we should probably make a place for her to stay if she's gonna stay with us.
06:18 Ooh, that's--
06:18 Would you like a little cat pen, little one?
06:20 Oh, we're gonna have to find the perfect wood for the cat pen!
06:24 Yeah, should we go with oak or oak?
06:28 Ooh, good find!
06:30 That looks really good!
06:32 Ha ha, nice.
06:33 Listen, you all can gather wood for the kitty.
06:36 I'm just gathering wood because I need it.
06:38 Um...
06:39 What happened? Everything good, Kacy?
06:41 My axe broke!
06:42 [gasp]
06:43 Oh no!
06:44 Oh, it's okay, I'll take some.
06:46 And...
06:48 Ah!
06:49 Oh, my axe also broke.
06:50 Hey, yours broke too!
06:52 Weird, I thought it was in good condition.
06:55 Mine too!
06:57 Hey, you guys have bad axes!
07:00 I'm gonna help them with my powers! Here we go!
07:02 [meow]
07:03 What's that sound?
07:05 What's up, little unicorn kitty?
07:07 [meow]
07:08 [meow]
07:09 [meow]
07:10 Did you just see that?
07:12 Cool, also terrifying?
07:14 Alright, well, the unicorn kitty didn't die!
07:16 Be careful with the axe!
07:18 About to launch a tree into orbit, I think!
07:20 [meow]
07:21 What? What?
07:22 [meow]
07:23 I'm going to set my tree on fire!
07:25 [meow]
07:26 Stop! Stop it! Stop it!
07:28 Alright, I'm picking a new tree!
07:29 [meow]
07:30 Thanks for the help, little one!
07:31 Maybe you can take a break from helping us!
07:33 [meow]
07:34 [meow]
07:35 [meow]
07:36 [meow]
07:37 Uh, maybe more cutting the wood, less fire to the wood.
07:40 [meow]
07:41 [meow]
07:42 [meow]
07:43 She's having fun!
07:44 She's really happy, though!
07:45 [meow]
07:46 [meow]
07:47 [meow]
07:48 [meow]
07:49 What is going on? What is going on?
07:50 Ow! Ow! Ow!
07:51 [meow]
07:53 She's filling your hub with the power of light, Ian!
07:56 Uh-oh!
07:57 Ed also died today.
07:58 [meow]
07:59 Look at that! All that wood, though!
08:01 Woo-hoo! This'll be plenty!
08:02 [meow]
08:03 Yeah!
08:04 That's my wood! I chopped it!
08:05 [meow]
08:06 Don't you take my wood!
08:08 That was an adventure.
08:09 Yeah, it was!
08:10 You guys took all the wood that I chopped down,
08:12 and this little unicorn kitty, it's a menace!
08:15 I'm telling you, Noy, it's a menace to the hub,
08:18 and can't stay here any longer!
08:19 [sneezes]
08:20 Ian!
08:21 There's nothing good about this kitty!
08:23 She needs to go, and she--
08:24 [sneezes]
08:25 What?
08:26 So cute!
08:27 Did she just sneeze?
08:28 [sneezes]
08:29 She's sneezing!
08:30 [sneezes]
08:31 [sneezes]
08:32 Oh, that's a nasty sneeze.
08:34 [sneezes]
08:35 Okay, uh, can we see--
08:36 [sneezes]
08:37 Why don't we find something to help her with that?
08:39 I don't think a bandage is gonna fix this.
08:41 Guys! Guys!
08:42 Maybe there's some ingredients for a potion.
08:44 [laughs]
08:45 She can't be congested with such useless things.
08:47 Oh, well.
08:48 Guys, it's not useless.
08:50 And, uh, I think she needs to stay.
08:53 I think she's great.
08:54 Who's a good little golden treasure kitty?
08:57 [laughs]
08:58 Anyway, guys, so, um,
09:01 since you guys are gonna work on potions,
09:03 why don't I look after her and take care of her, eh?
09:07 Eh?
09:08 Uh...
09:09 Uh...
09:10 I guess that's a good idea.
09:12 [sneezes]
09:13 Yeah, just get rid of trouble.
09:15 She's still trying to get a handle on her powers.
09:17 [sneezes]
09:18 Oh, it's fine.
09:20 Everything's gonna be fine.
09:22 [laughs]
09:23 Yeah, it's-- everything's gonna be fine.
09:25 At least the gold is keeping busy.
09:27 [sneezes]
09:28 Okay, come on, Noi.
09:29 Welcome to your new home.
09:33 Or should I say, factory.
09:36 [laughs]
09:37 Anyway, uh, hey, um,
09:39 you feel like sneezing some more?
09:42 [sneezes]
09:43 Wait, what?
09:44 That doesn't sound like a sneeze.
09:45 That sounds like a--
09:46 [sneezes]
09:47 Oh, uh, uh, uh, wait, uh, oh.
09:51 Hey, you know what?
09:52 [sneezes]
09:53 Eh, it's not so bad.
09:54 Hang on, let me just get some of that.
09:56 [sneezes]
09:58 No, it doesn't smell the best,
10:00 but you know what?
10:01 It's still gold.
10:02 Okay, you know what?
10:03 You need to-- ooh, you need to stop doing that.
10:05 Hey, why don't you sneeze some more?
10:07 That smelled better.
10:08 Um, speaking of smell, hang on.
10:11 Uh, uh, perfect.
10:12 I got some pepper.
10:14 Hey, hey, kitty.
10:15 I got some pepper.
10:16 You want to sneeze?
10:17 Sneeze with the pepper.
10:19 Sneeze.
10:20 Sneeze with the pepper.
10:21 Oh, oh.
10:22 [sneezes]
10:23 Hey, good, more sneezy gold.
10:25 More sneezy gold.
10:26 Okay.
10:27 [sneezes]
10:28 Get some of that.
10:29 More sneezy gold.
10:30 And maybe we can find some--
10:31 [sneezes]
10:32 Some giant gold.
10:34 [sneezes]
10:35 Wait, wait, huh?
10:36 What, what?
10:37 Where'd he go?
10:38 Where'd he go?
10:39 What's happening?
10:40 Wait, let me mine you.
10:41 Let me mine you.
10:42 Hey, hi.
10:43 I don't feel so good.
10:45 I wish my mom was here.
10:46 She knows what to do.
10:48 All right, little unicorn kid.
10:50 Let's hear your--
10:51 Oh, whoa, what's going on in--
10:54 Whoa.
10:55 You know what?
10:56 Let's not look in there.
10:57 Don't look in there.
10:58 [sneezes]
11:00 Oh, no.
11:01 No, no, no, no, no.
11:03 [meows]
11:04 Oh, guys, I don't think she's doing so well.
11:07 She's looking kind of sad.
11:10 I need my mom.
11:11 No, it's-- it's-- whatever.
11:13 She's probably missing her family or something.
11:17 You know, something lame like that.
11:19 [meows]
11:20 Aw, do you miss your mom?
11:22 [meows]
11:23 It's OK.
11:24 Noi and I were talking.
11:25 We have a plan.
11:26 And by we, I mean me.
11:28 Noi, get down here.
11:31 Do I have to?
11:33 Yes, it's part of the plan.
11:35 It's humiliating.
11:37 All right.
11:38 Hey, see?
11:39 Mom!
11:40 I'm your mom.
11:41 Boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie.
11:43 This is humiliating.
11:44 I can't believe I agreed to this.
11:45 You were the only one who fit in the suit.
11:47 Oh.
11:48 Aw, she looks happy.
11:52 Aw, she's fine.
11:53 Can we go to bed now?
11:55 Yes, yes, you can go to bed.
11:57 I'll just-- I'll take care of her.
11:59 OK.
12:00 My mom looks--
12:01 Oh, little one, always I want to be with you.
12:03 Oh.
12:04 Come on, little one.
12:05 Let's go sleep and get some rest and have happy dreams.
12:09 I love my mom.
12:10 Of unicorns and sparkles and rainbows and--
12:14 Ah.
12:15 What do you dream of?
12:17 I like to dream of--
12:19 Meow, meow, meow, meow.
12:21 Get out.
12:22 Oh, what?
12:23 What do to?
12:24 Come on, time to rest, little one.
12:25 It's time to go to bed.
12:26 Come on.
12:27 Sweet, happy dreams.
12:28 Let's play.
12:29 Let's play.
12:30 You got to teach me unicorn fire?
12:31 You got to teach me all this stuff?
12:32 No, come on, sleep time now.
12:34 Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.
12:36 You got to let your mom rest, little one.
12:38 Meow, meow, meow, meow.
12:39 How about I tell you a bedtime story?
12:41 Come on.
12:42 Come on.
12:43 I'll tell you a bedtime story.
12:44 Come on, Mom, let's go play.
12:45 Look, I learned a new trick.
12:46 My new foot up is--
12:47 No, no, no, no, no.
12:48 Don't step out of the house in the middle of the night.
12:50 Come on.
12:51 What?
12:52 Ah.
12:53 OK, that's it.
12:54 We're going to bed.
12:55 Come on.
12:56 Come on.
12:57 We're going to bed.
12:58 Ow.
12:59 Come on, little one.
13:00 Why do you scratch your mom like that?
13:01 That's not my mom.
13:02 That's an imposter.
13:05 What is all the racket?
13:07 Why is all that noise?
13:09 It's late.
13:11 Oh, guys, we got a problem.
13:14 Why are we out of here again?
13:16 We're trying to find our mom.
13:18 Yeah, the whole plan of me being her mom
13:20 didn't work out so well, so--
13:22 [HONKING]
13:23 Oh, fine.
13:24 Unicorn kitty, mom thingy, where are you?
13:28 This isn't my mom.
13:30 This isn't my mom.
13:31 You're not my mom.
13:32 Why does everybody keep trying to pretend to be my mom?
13:35 [MUMBLING]
13:37 Wait, huh?
13:38 Where-- where are the smelly humans going?
13:40 Oh, no.
13:41 I lost my friends, too.
13:43 Oh, no, where did they go?
13:44 Oh, no.
13:45 Huh?
13:46 [LAUGHTER]
13:49 At long last, I have you all in one place.
13:53 Finally.
13:54 What do you mean, at long last?
13:55 And what I mean is that it has took a while,
13:57 and I wasn't expecting to have this done after lunch.
14:00 I was hoping to have it done sooner.
14:02 But why us?
14:03 Because you've been working with the cat.
14:05 I can smell it on you.
14:07 Oh, yeah, she made a mess in my house.
14:09 Yeah.
14:10 I need that cat.
14:11 Where is it?
14:12 Uh, we don't want to tell you.
14:13 Being creepy about it.
14:14 But I-- I need it.
14:15 I-- I really need that cat.
14:16 There's-- there are plans in place
14:18 that need to be accomplished, and only
14:20 I can do so with that cat.
14:22 I gotta save them.
14:23 But why?
14:24 You-- you're-- you're feel-- seeming really needy about it.
14:27 [MEOWING]
14:28 Well, maybe you're the needy one about it.
14:30 [MEOWING]
14:31 Oh, hello there.
14:33 Oh, hi, unicorn cat.
14:34 [MEOWING]
14:35 I decided to just take your friends for a bit
14:37 so that maybe I could take a little bit of your power
14:40 for myself.
14:42 Oh, no, run!
14:43 [MEOWING]
14:44 But later, Godbird.
14:45 [MEOWING]
14:46 I think she's running.
14:47 [MEOWING]
14:48 I'll take your friends with me until you find them.
14:52 And once you do--
14:53 Hey, did you hear that?
14:54 I think she's coming back.
14:55 --then I'll be ready for you.
14:56 [LAUGHTER]
14:57 Come with me.
14:58 [MEOWING]
14:59 Oh, no, watch out!
15:00 [MEOWING]
15:02 [GASPS]
15:03 No!
15:04 No!
15:05 Oh, no, I lost my mom, and now I lost my human friends, too.
15:08 Oh, this isn't good.
15:09 I gotta find them.
15:10 I-- I smell his smelly magic.
15:13 I will go find him.
15:14 Where'd he go?
15:15 That way.
15:16 OK, OK, if my unicorn senses are working like my mom taught me,
15:20 I should be able to find the source of the magic.
15:23 And I know it's coming from this way.
15:24 [GASPS]
15:25 Yes!
15:26 Oh, there's a smelly magic.
15:27 [THUD]
15:28 Lead me to where that guy took my human friends,
15:30 because I can't lose them, too.
15:32 What the-- [GASPS]
15:33 [GASPS]
15:34 He must be over there.
15:35 OK, I just gotta make it through these trials.
15:37 And oh, this is a magic barrier.
15:39 That's not good.
15:40 I can't use my flying power either.
15:42 I got this.
15:43 I got this.
15:44 [GRUNTS]
15:45 And, uh, see?
15:47 [GRUNTS]
15:48 Go over here, and--
15:51 Where is your cat friend coming?
15:53 I've been waiting forever.
15:55 I don't know, and she's not my friend.
15:57 Honestly, I would be fine with you taking her,
15:59 because she makes a mess, let me tell you.
16:02 OK, well, thank you, then, to let me know where-- oh.
16:05 Don't be so mean.
16:06 She's a little kitten who's trying
16:08 to learn how to use her powers.
16:09 [LAUGHS]
16:10 We're trying to take care of her so she can find her mom.
16:12 What?
16:13 What?
16:14 I can't see.
16:15 Oh, hey, little kitten.
16:16 Hold on.
16:17 Yeah, she does that.
16:18 Good luck with that.
16:19 Hold on.
16:20 OK.
16:21 [COUGHS]
16:22 Wait, hot?
16:23 Wait a minute.
16:24 I know that voice.
16:25 Why did you do that?
16:26 That wasn't very nice of you.
16:28 Here's--
16:29 Oh, hey.
16:30 --this great guy.
16:31 --not very nice.
16:32 --you all along?
16:33 Yeah, of course it was me.
16:34 Could you tell it was the blue and all that?
16:36 And, you know, it was you, so duh.
16:38 That's not blue.
16:40 That's--
16:41 Oh, why?
16:42 That's not blue.
16:43 Doesn't matter if you know who I am or not.
16:45 All that matters is that I finally have this cat,
16:48 which means I get to use all of its power
16:50 to finish my potions.
16:51 [LAUGHS]
16:53 [MEOWS]
16:54 What do you need potions for?
16:56 Yeah, what for?
16:57 Well, obviously, I need to make the potions
17:00 in order to make friends, because I'm kind of lonely
17:03 right now.
17:04 I'm not going to lie.
17:05 I've just kind of--
17:06 Hey, once I get the unicorn magic,
17:07 then I can make all the friendship potions,
17:09 then I'll be all set to go.
17:10 And I won't have to worry about not having friends again.
17:12 Dears, you don't need potions to make friendship.
17:15 Friendship is about communication.
17:16 What?
17:17 [MEOWS]
17:18 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
17:19 A very wise friend once told me that friendship
17:21 is magic and potions are magic.
17:23 Therefore, you have potions and magic and friends
17:26 and potions.
17:27 So potion friend.
17:28 OK, uh, P.R.S., you're being weird again.
17:31 Too bad.
17:32 Anyway--
17:33 [MEOWS]
17:34 Oh, ow.
17:35 Hey, stop.
17:36 Stop.
17:37 Fine.
17:38 Fine, you're not going to listen?
17:39 You're not going to let me use your powers?
17:40 Fine, I'll just call my extra special friend, all right?
17:43 [MEOWS]
17:44 I thought you didn't have any friends.
17:45 All right.
17:46 Yeah, which one is it?
17:47 [HOWLS]
17:48 [MEOWS]
17:49 Wait, what?
17:50 Come on in.
17:51 Is it his mom?
17:52 No.
17:53 Friend.
17:54 All right, Clarice, go get him.
17:55 Whoa.
17:56 I've grown up?
17:57 Oh my gosh.
17:58 Yeah, I think the cat's more powerful now, guys.
18:01 All right, I got this.
18:02 Don't worry.
18:03 I'll be all--
18:04 Unicorn Kitty, save us.
18:05 We can do this.
18:06 We can do this together.
18:07 Maybe I can't do this.
18:08 It's all up to you.
18:09 I trust you.
18:10 I'm going to go now.
18:11 [SOBS]
18:12 Unicorn Kitty, if you save us, you can poop gold on my carpet
18:16 all you want.
18:17 Yeah, get him.
18:18 [HOWLS]
18:19 Oh, you did it.
18:20 Best friend.
18:21 Oh.
18:22 Oh.
18:23 Oh.
18:24 What a good kitty.
18:25 Best friend.
18:26 Oh, thank you.
18:27 Yeah, slow us out.
18:28 I'll give you the rainbow cookie when you get back to the lab.
18:30 Oh, fine.
18:31 Go on.
18:32 Get out of here.
18:33 Wait, no.
18:34 Pearce, Pearce, get back here.
18:36 Pearce.
18:37 Why?
18:38 What do you need from me?
18:39 Why?
18:40 I have some words for you and--
18:41 Why?
18:42 Wait.
18:43 [MEOWS]
18:44 What?
18:45 What do you need?
18:46 What's going on?
18:47 You said you were going to use words on me.
18:49 What?
18:50 What are you doing?
18:51 [MEOWS]
18:52 What the hell?
18:53 [MEOWS]
18:54 Oh, yeah, her mom's up here.
18:55 Yeah, that's two.
18:56 Yeah, I forgot about that.
18:57 You had her mom.
18:58 Wait, you had her all along?
19:00 Yeah, of course I had her mom.
19:02 Everybody knows they need to have two unicorn kitties in order
19:05 to get all the unicorn magic.
19:06 That's how this works.
19:07 Read a book, Ian.
19:09 Do you have any idea how much trouble
19:11 she caused in our server because she didn't have her mom?
19:14 No, actually.
19:15 Why?
19:16 [MEOWS]
19:17 [SCREAMS]
19:18 I'll show you.
19:20 [LAUGHS]
19:23 Aw, what a nice ending.
19:26 A happy ending for everyone.
19:29 Aw, now she can go with her mom, leave us alone,
19:34 and we can just have a nice day, huh?
19:36 [MEOWS]
19:37 Come back any time you want a cookie, little one.
19:39 You going to give me a hug?
19:41 Wait.
19:42 Oh, oh, no.
19:43 Oh, no.
19:44 Oh, no.
19:45 Oh, even better.
19:46 She left you a present.
19:47 A very stinky present.
19:49 You know what?
19:50 For old time's sake, let's-- let's stay here.
19:52 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:53 Bye.
19:54 You're going to wash your heads after that, right?