• il y a 2 ans
C'est quelque chose qu'on entend beaucoup en ce moment, faisons le vrai du faux ensemble !


00:00 Macron wants to remove some of the summer holidays?
00:02 This is a lot of information that is circulating right now and I was even asked by message.
00:06 In this video, I explain everything.
00:07 Tuesday, June 27, Macron indeed said that the holidays were too long and that they should be shortened.
00:11 He said that we had to rethink this time in the year and that it was one of the great French hypocrisies.
00:17 It brings up a debate that has existed for a long time because yes, France has a lot of holidays,
00:21 but it catches up with the 8 hours, 18 hours that we do every day.
00:24 And then even imagine going to class when it's 35 or 40 degrees, it's unbearable.
00:29 However, no worries, this measure will not be implemented right away.
00:33 In fact, when Macron said that, he was in Marseille in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods.
00:37 And this for the Marseille en Grand project.
00:39 And when he was talking about shortening the summer holidays, he was talking about the establishments of these neighborhoods first.
00:44 He also said that when you have three-month holidays, inequality returns.
00:47 If the holidays are shortened, schools will be a bit like a nursery where young people will do more activities than math, etc.
00:53 And that's to prevent children from doing nothing, or on the contrary, from going to do activities that are not too legal.
00:58 And you, what do you think? Should we shorten the summer holidays?
01:02 Tell me in the comments!