30 Moments Crazy Buffalo Faces Lions And Leopards To Protect His Kind Animal Fight

  • last year
00:00 Hunting large prey is also the best way to get enough food for hungry lions and leopards.
00:11 However, they also have to bear high risks of life.
00:17 Let's watch the episode of The Wind with me today to see how the lion traps the buffalo.
00:22 After discovering the wild buffalo walking alone, the lions worked together to trap their prey.
00:37 The buffalo groaned in pain as the lions jumped on top of it all at once.
00:49 Despite being rescued by their fellows, the buffalo still fell into the trap of the lions
01:09 for the second time.
01:21 Although the prey struggled to escape the predator, the lioness also promptly grabbed
01:34 the African buffalo's neck and was determined to hold on until the prey was exhausted and
01:40 gave up.
01:52 Lions have noticed the herd of wild buffalo.
01:58 It lurks waiting for an opportunity.
02:10 Very quickly, the lion defeated a wild buffalo.
02:20 All that remains is to enjoy this sumptuous feast.
02:39 The lion rushed straight at the mother and daughter of the wild buffalo.
02:49 With absolute strength, the lion easily overpowered the buffalo.
03:01 It bit into the neck and killed the buffalo in an instant.
03:12 Lions worked together to defeat the wild buffalo.
03:23 The weak have given up, leaving only the lioness with the buffalo.
03:35 It was determined not to lose this precious prey.
03:46 Thanks to the powerful horns, the buffalo both avoided the bites aimed at the throat
03:52 of the male lion and made the king of the jungle fall into a weak position.
04:02 It was exhausted and lay flat on the ground as it dying.
04:20 The great banquet of the lions is going on.
04:29 The hungry lion cubs were overjoyed.
04:37 After so much effort, they are all well rewarded.
04:53 Realizing that the calf was alone, the male lion immediately approached and attacked it.
05:07 Due to its small size, it has no ability to resist nor run away.
05:17 It was easily ended by the enemy here.
05:29 A herd of wild buffaloes are looking for food.
05:34 Leopards decide to ambush.
05:38 However, it was discovered by an adult buffalo and counterattacked.
05:47 The leopards had to run away and hastily hung up the tree.
05:59 Leopards rushed out to pounce on young buffaloes as fast as lightning, but then had to release
06:05 their prey because they were prevented by adult buffaloes.
06:20 After that, it was so scared that it had to climb a tree to hide.
06:36 The large leopard was aiming for the young buffalo.
06:47 It quickly dragged its prey towards the bushes.
07:00 The leopard tried to drag its victim into the bushes to make it difficult for the mother
07:04 buffalo, but it failed.
07:08 Leopards quickly run away.
07:15 The bull was being chased by a fierce tiger.
07:19 After running away for a while, the bull took the initiative to turn back, then rushes straight
07:25 to the opponent's chest.
07:29 The tiger immediately stood up straight, grabbed the opponent's head with his front paws, and
07:34 bit his neck.
07:36 Minutes later, it was able to knock the cow to the ground.
07:49 Mature dairy cows are being threatened with life by a Siberian tiger.
07:57 The dairy cows fought back fiercely.
08:06 The tiger was able to jump onto the back of the prey.
08:11 It used all its strength to pin the bull to the ground and finished off the opponent.
08:20 Today, the male lion personally charged into the battle.
08:32 It noticed a large herd of wildebeest moving across a river.
08:43 Very quickly, the lion defeated one of the herd.
08:54 The horns are a rare weapon that the wildebeest is bestowed by Mother Nature.
09:02 The lion still holds the prey's neck tightly, not daring to move for fear that the enemy's
09:08 horns will butt us.
09:18 The calf waits for its prey to be exhausted, and then finishes.
09:33 Tireless efforts and extraordinary will help wildebeest turn the tide against the most
09:38 dangerous predator in the steppe.
09:46 With a strong will, wildebeest shows that they are not easy to eat prey when they try
09:53 to fight fiercely.
10:04 A zebra has fallen.
10:13 The lions were extremely happy and prepared to eat a full meal before going
10:40 to sleep.
