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04:54 - Luke chapter seven, Luke chapter seven,
05:01 look at your neighbor, ask their name,
05:03 'cause tell them I'm gonna need your help today.
05:05 Luke chapter seven, Luke chapter seven, amen.
05:08 Luke chapter seven, verse number 36.
05:10 Luke chapter seven, read in particularly at verse number 36.
05:15 And when you found it, holler back at me, word.
05:19 Luke chapter seven, verse number 36.
05:22 When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus
05:24 to have dinner with him,
05:26 he went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table.
05:29 A woman, let the church say woman,
05:32 a woman in that town who lived sinful life
05:35 learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house.
05:38 So she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume.
05:42 As she stood behind him at his feet weeping,
05:44 she began to wet his feet with her tears.
05:47 Then she wiped them with her hair,
05:49 kissed them and poured perfume on them.
05:52 When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this,
05:55 he said to himself, oh my goodness,
05:57 if this man were a prophet,
05:59 he would have known who is touching him
06:02 and what kind of woman she is, that she is a sinner.
06:06 Jesus answered him, Simon, I have something to tell you.
06:10 Tell me, teacher, he said.
06:13 Two people owed money to a certain money lender.
06:15 Anybody got some creditors?
06:17 Wave at me.
06:18 All right, Bank of America student loans, wave at me.
06:21 Hello, somebody.
06:23 Hello, two people owed money to a certain money lender.
06:27 One owed 500 dinero and the other 50.
06:30 Neither of them had the money to pay him back.
06:33 So he forgave the debt of both.
06:36 Is there anybody believe in God
06:38 that student loan is gonna be forgiven?
06:40 Oh, come on now.
06:43 This shout is for those of you who got some debts.
06:46 Hello, somebody.
06:47 All right, now I promise you, take your hands off.
06:50 Come on, come on.
06:51 I'm gonna come over here and slap you now.
06:53 Now, which of them, which of them will love him more?
06:56 Simon replied, I suppose the one
06:59 who had the bigger debt forgiven.
07:01 You have judged correctly, Jesus said.
07:04 Then he turned to what the woman said to Simon.
07:07 Do you see this woman?
07:08 I came into your house.
07:10 You did not give me water for my feet,
07:12 but she wet my feet with her tears
07:14 and wiped them with her hair.
07:15 You did not give me kiss, but this woman,
07:18 from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet.
07:21 You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume.
07:26 Chanel number five, she has poured perfume on my feet.
07:30 Therefore, I tell you how many sins have been forgiven
07:35 as her great love has shown.
07:37 But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.
07:41 Then Jesus said to her, your sins are forgiven.
07:44 The other guests began to say among themselves,
07:46 who is this who even forgives sin?
07:49 Jesus said to the woman, your faith has saved you.
07:54 Go in peace.
07:56 Now, if I was talking to an older crowd,
07:59 I would attack this sermon from the late Tina Turner,
08:02 what's love got to do with it?
08:03 Hello, somebody.
08:05 But I know I got the young people up in here,
08:07 so I wanna talk about extravagant love or crazy love.
08:11 Look at you and say, I want some of that,
08:13 I want some of that.
08:14 Extravagant love or crazy love.
08:17 We know that when we read the Bible
08:19 that the greatest command from Jesus is simply in two form.
08:23 The greatest command that Jesus gives us
08:25 is that you and I ought to love the Lord your God
08:28 with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul,
08:32 and you ought to love your neighbor as yourself.
08:35 The way I know you love God is how you love me.
08:38 The way I know how you value God is how you treat me.
08:42 And the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians chapter 13
08:46 that though I sing like a bird and though I speak in tongues
08:49 and though I prophesy and I preach and I have not love,
08:53 I am a sounding brass, I am a tinkling cymbal.
08:57 In other words, I'm not concerned about your gifts
09:00 as much as I'm concerned about your fruits.
09:03 Hello, somebody.
09:04 You see, I know you got the gift of singing
09:07 and the gift of preaching and the gift of teaching
09:09 and the gift of tongues and interpretation of tongues
09:12 and prophecy, but your gifts is no good without your fruit.
09:17 The world will know you and I are believers
09:20 not because of how gifted we are or how fruitful we are.
09:24 Hello, somebody.
09:25 And Galatians chapter five talks about
09:27 the fruit of the Spirit.
09:29 The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, gentleness,
09:32 goodness, meekness, temperance, and self-control.
09:36 Against such, there is no law.
09:39 And God doesn't just want you and I to use our gifts,
09:43 but he wants us to manifest our fruit.
09:45 Look at your neighbor, say, I'm a fruit inspector.
09:48 Come on, say, I came to inspect your fruit.
09:51 I'm not inspecting your shoes or your clothes
09:55 or what kind of car you drive or the house you live in.
09:58 I'm inspecting your, come on, I'm inspecting your fruit.
10:02 I wanna know how you love the people on the parking lot
10:04 when you were trying to find a parking spot.
10:07 Hello, somebody.
10:08 I wanna know how much you love
10:10 when you're outside of this building.
10:12 And I believe that the world is gonna be saved
10:15 and the world is gonna be redeemed,
10:17 not because we've got gifted people,
10:19 but we got fruitful people that we demonstrate
10:23 the love of God wherever we go.
10:26 And one of the challenges that God is calling you and I
10:29 to do is not just to love God, but to love people.
10:33 Oh my God, how many of you love God in this place?
10:36 My God, you love God.
10:38 Your problem is not loving God,
10:40 it's loving the people of God.
10:42 Hello, somebody, because some people make it difficult
10:46 for you to love them.
10:48 Am I talking to anybody?
10:50 I'm talking to your family, I'm talking to your relatives.
10:53 It's easy to love God.
10:55 We just sang about that song.
10:57 Who wouldn't love a God like this?
10:59 A God that woke you up this morning,
11:01 a God that started you on your way,
11:03 a God that put clothes on your back,
11:05 shoes on your feet, a roof over your head.
11:08 Who wouldn't serve a God like this?
11:10 Who wouldn't love a God like this?
11:12 The issue is not that I love God.
11:15 The issue sometimes is I don't, number one, love myself,
11:19 or I don't love other people.
11:21 And it's hard for you to love people
11:23 when you don't love yourself.
11:25 And that's why every now and then you ought to take a selfie
11:28 of your own self and remind yourself
11:31 of the goodness of God.
11:33 Look at your neighbor and say,
11:34 if nobody holler for me, I'll holler for myself.
11:37 If nobody scream for me, I'll scream for myself.
11:40 If nobody shout for me, I'll shout by myself.
11:44 Because when I think of the goodness of Jesus
11:47 and all that he's done for me, my soul cries out.
11:50 Come on, nod your neighbor.
11:52 Say, neighbor, I'm not even gonna wait for you
11:54 to tell me to praise him.
11:56 When I look back over my life
11:59 and I think things over twice,
12:01 shut up, come on, take your hands off of that.
12:03 I promise you, I'll come get you.
12:06 Look at your neighbor and say, hey, hey, hey,
12:10 if nobody else celebrates you,
12:12 you ought to step out of yourself, look at yourself,
12:15 and say, you a survivor.
12:17 Shoulda been.
12:18 All right, look at your neighbor, look at your neighbor,
12:22 say, help the organist, help the organist.
12:24 Amen, amen.
12:25 That's like a lover without self-control.
12:28 Hello, somebody.
12:29 I promise I'll come get you.
12:31 Take your time, brother, I gotta give it there.
12:33 This my first time, is that all right?
12:35 Y'all give it up for the organist.
12:37 Amen, amen.
12:39 (audience applauding)
12:41 So we ought to love people and we ought to love God.
12:44 And one of the ways that God loves us
12:46 is God loves us extravagantly.
12:49 Oh my goodness.
12:50 He adores us, he continues to open doors for us.
12:54 He continue to make ways for us.
12:56 But we all know that love can be messy.
12:59 Am I talking to anybody?
13:01 I said love can be messy.
13:03 Anybody can love you after you got it going on.
13:07 But can they love you in your mess?
13:10 Romans 5, eight says,
13:11 but God commanded his love towards us
13:14 that while we were still in the club, preach pastor jazz,
13:18 while we were still smoking reefer, preach pastor jazz,
13:21 while we were backing it up and dropping it like it's hot.
13:25 Come on, I wonder if I got anybody.
13:27 But God commanded his love towards us.
13:30 In other words, God did not wait for you to get it together
13:34 for him to love you.
13:35 He loved you when you were a mess.
13:38 Now this shout is not for the car, it's not for the clothes,
13:42 it's not for the crib, it's not for the cash.
13:45 It's that God loved you in spite of you.
13:49 I need somebody to slap vibe at somebody
13:52 and say excuse me, but this shout is the man factor
13:57 that he choose to love me in spite of my crazy self.
14:05 But God commanded his love towards us in that while
14:10 we were yet sinners, Christ came and died for us.
14:14 And just the same way that God loves us extravagantly,
14:19 just the way he loves us, that kind of crazy kind of love,
14:25 then he wants you and I to turn that
14:27 and I love other people the same way.
14:30 That's really why I love this biblical text.
14:33 I love this text because it introduces us to a woman
14:37 who understand the power of extravagant love.
14:42 It introduces us to a woman who's crazy
14:46 about loving Jesus.
14:49 It introduces us about a woman
14:51 who knows how to crash a party.
14:54 I think there's a thousand women in here who said
14:57 I'm about to tear this place up.
15:00 I'm about to crash a party.
15:03 I don't know how y'all do it
15:04 because this is my first time here,
15:06 but go ahead and look down your row
15:09 and say neighbor, if I say hallelujah
15:11 and you say hallelujah, I'm in a good seat.
15:15 But if I say hallelujah and you don't say hallelujah,
15:19 I say, oh sure, I need another seat.
15:21 Because when I think of the goodness of Jesus
15:24 and all that he's done for me, my soul cries.
15:32 My soul cries out hallelujah.
15:35 I thank God for saving me.
15:40 Let's unpack the biblical text.
15:42 You see, at this particular dinner party,
15:46 there is a prominent Pharisee whose name is Simon.
15:50 Simon decided that he's gonna house party number one
15:54 and house party number two.
15:56 There were other guests at the party,
15:59 including Lazarus, Martha, and even Mary.
16:03 At the mealtime, the text said a certain woman
16:07 who lived in that town learned that Jesus
16:11 was eating at the Pharisee's house
16:13 and she came there with a alabaster box of perfume.
16:17 Now it amazes me, change, that Luke or none of the gospel
16:22 ever tells us the sister name,
16:25 but it tells us what she did.
16:28 They say she's a sinner.
16:30 They don't even mention what her name is.
16:33 They don't mention her genealogy.
16:35 They say she's a sinner.
16:37 And isn't it amazing that people will judge you
16:41 based on what you do and not because of who you are.
16:46 But the reason why the devil reminds you of your past
16:50 is 'cause he doesn't know your future.
16:52 Because if the devil knew your future,
16:55 he will leave your past alone.
16:57 Oh, you gotta be careful of the people
17:01 who knows what you do but don't even know your name.
17:05 And so here it is at this dinner party,
17:08 Jesus is reclining at Simon the Pharisee's house.
17:12 And the Bible said that while he's there eating dinner,
17:16 this woman who was a sinner shows up.
17:19 Now if you do a background check on the woman,
17:22 if you Google the woman,
17:24 you'll find that she's not just a sinner,
17:27 she's a public sinner.
17:29 She's a prostitute.
17:31 She's little Kim on a pole, preach master jazz.
17:34 All I'm trying to tell you is that everybody knows her stuff.
17:39 It's one thing to be a private sinner,
17:42 but it's another thing when everybody knows your stuff.
17:46 But I've come to prophesy to a thousand of y'all,
17:49 the reason why God had to let it go public
17:53 is 'cause he's about to bless you public.
17:56 He's about to prepare a table for you
17:59 in the presence of your enemy.
18:01 He's about to anoint your head with oil
18:04 and your cup is about to run over,
18:07 not in private but in public.
18:11 Here it is, here it is.
18:14 The woman shows up and y'all know,
18:17 I know y'all know Bishop T.D. Jakes,
18:18 he's got the book "Disruptive Thinking."
18:21 The woman shows up and this is disruptive.
18:24 She disrupts the party.
18:26 She crashes the party.
18:28 Roll up in the party.
18:31 Take her extensions down.
18:33 Take her bobby pin out.
18:35 Get down on the floor.
18:37 Oh, I need some women in here
18:39 who said I'm about to get down and dirty with my praise.
18:43 I didn't come to church to be cute this morning.
18:46 I didn't come to church not to sweat this morning.
18:50 I came to church to tell God,
18:52 you've been so good to me.
18:54 If I got to crawl on the floor,
18:56 if I got to holler all by myself,
18:59 if I got to scream all by myself,
19:01 look at your neighbor and say,
19:03 you can be a cute worshiper if you want to.
19:06 But I came to give God a radical shout.
19:10 I came to give God a crazy.
19:13 Where the crazy women at?
19:18 The Bible said, in fact, your praise is no good
19:23 unless you break a sweat.
19:25 Now, who been to the club?
19:29 You know you don't be on the dance floor just looking cute.
19:34 Then when you come to church,
19:36 you ought to give God twice as much.
19:38 Look at your neighbor and say,
19:39 I came to crash the party.
19:42 I came to get down and dirty.
19:44 I came to give God a radical praise
19:48 for all that he's done.
19:50 She crashes.
19:54 She crashes Simon's house.
19:57 She lets her hair down
19:59 and oh, she begins to love up on Jesus.
20:04 She stood behind him at his feet weeping.
20:07 She began to wet his feet with her tears.
20:10 Then she wiped them with her hair.
20:12 She kissed them and poured perfume on them.
20:15 Now this bring me to point number one.
20:18 And point number one in regards to extravagant love
20:22 is listen, extravagant love is costly.
20:25 What did I say?
20:27 It's what?
20:30 It's costly.
20:31 That's some of y'all,
20:32 you settling for cheap kind of love, hello somebody.
20:35 But extravagant love is, it is costly.
20:40 While Jesus was eating,
20:43 she poured the jar of perfume
20:45 mixed with her tears over the feet of Jesus.
20:49 And the gospel of John says that my goodness,
20:52 because of what she did,
20:54 the entire house was filled with the odor.
20:58 Now if you understand what this woman had in her possession,
21:02 this is not any cheap perfume.
21:05 This is not Chanel number five.
21:07 This is not something you can buy at Nostril.
21:10 What she poured on Jesus was an entire year salary,
21:15 according to theologian.
21:18 It took a year for her to gain what she got.
21:23 Maybe she was saving it up to buy a new car.
21:26 Maybe she was saving it up to buy
21:28 or put a down payment on a house.
21:30 Maybe she was saving it up to take her child to college.
21:34 Maybe she was saving it up so she can go to Punta Canta,
21:37 Hawaii and Jamaica.
21:40 Maybe she was saving up so she can refurnish her house.
21:43 She was saving this thing.
21:45 It'd been worth an entire year.
21:47 But for some reason, when she got in the presence of Jesus
21:51 and she saw Jesus and she realized
21:55 that Jesus has been that good to her,
21:58 she said, "I gotta give him something he can see."
22:01 Oh, I got to do something.
22:04 She said, "Because he loved me extravagantly,
22:07 I've gotta in return give him something extravagant.
22:11 I declare and declare that your cheap love is over."
22:15 Can I talk up in here?
22:16 I declare and declare.
22:18 Can I prophesy to somebody?
22:20 Watered down love is over.
22:23 I'm tired of you just calling me on Friday,
22:26 but never call me for the rest of the week.
22:29 Oh, can I prophesy to somebody in here?
22:32 Look at your neighbor and say, "No more cheap love.
22:35 We want extravagant love."
22:38 And when I say extravagant love,
22:40 it does not mean you gotta buy me the Mercedes.
22:44 It does not mean you gotta buy me the Bentley.
22:47 Oh, I don't mind if you do.
22:48 Now listen, I ain't no gold digger,
22:52 but I don't want no broke brother.
22:53 Hello, sir.
22:54 (congregation cheering)
22:57 I wish I had some.
22:58 We're the single women in here.
23:00 All the single women holler at me.
23:03 No, no, no, no, no, no.
23:06 All I'm trying to say,
23:07 all I'm trying to say,
23:08 the revelation is extravagant love costs me something.
23:13 And sometimes, are y'all still out there?
23:16 Sometimes it costs you time.
23:17 Let the church say time.
23:19 Sometimes it costs you T-I-M-E.
23:22 Oh my goodness, extravagant love
23:25 is taking the time to pay attention to me.
23:28 Oh, the woman give Jesus her undivided attention.
23:33 She not only give them attention,
23:35 but she give them some affection.
23:38 Ooh, Jesus, after paying $150 getting your hair done,
23:43 she got in the presence of Jesus.
23:46 She didn't mind if she sweat her hair out.
23:49 She didn't mind if the bobby pin dropped on the floor.
23:52 She didn't mind, she put that hair
23:55 between the toes of Jesus.
23:57 Now y'all gotta understand, I know it's Jesus,
24:01 but Jesus didn't wear Nike sneakers.
24:03 You gotta understand, this is Jesus.
24:06 He wore sandals.
24:08 So on his way to the Pharisee's house,
24:11 he could have stepped in some doo-doo,
24:13 and Simon did not wash his feet.
24:16 But the woman didn't care if his feet was dirty,
24:19 because she know he made her clean.
24:22 I came to prophesy to somebody,
24:25 when you love him, it doesn't matter.
24:28 (audience cheering)
24:31 She washes, she washes,
24:40 she takes her hair,
24:41 wrapped it between his big toe and the little toe,
24:44 and begin to give him, listen, affection and attention.
24:53 And the Bible said, don't miss the revelation,
24:58 that Simon said within himself,
25:01 if Jesus was a prophet, he would have known who and what.
25:06 Okay, okay, okay, I'm gonna have to pick it up
25:11 at the second service.
25:12 Okay, Simon says within himself,
25:16 sidebar, the greatest lie you tell is to yourself.
25:20 God help me.
25:21 Simon says within himself,
25:26 if he was a, if Jesus was a prophet,
25:30 he would have known who, who that.
25:34 He would have known who and what it is that touched him.
25:40 Oh my goodness, this bring me to point number two.
25:43 Extravagant love is sometimes gonna bring criticism.
25:48 Your love choice might make you a target,
25:53 preach pastor, Jazz.
25:55 I said, your love choice, can I talk to somebody,
25:59 might get you banned from social media.
26:02 Hello, somebody.
26:03 Your love choice, people may unfollow you.
26:07 Simon said within himself, if Jesus was a prophet,
26:12 he would have known who and what.
26:15 Can we unpack this?
26:16 Somebody say, unpack it, Dr. Jazz.
26:19 Okay, let's unpack it.
26:20 Number one, we know that Jesus is a prophet, right?
26:22 We all agree with that.
26:24 Okay, number one, we know Jesus is a prophet.
26:26 Perhaps number two, we know that Simon is not.
26:29 God, you'll miss the cue right there.
26:33 I said, number one, we know that Jesus is a prophet.
26:37 We all agree.
26:38 Number two, we know Simon is not.
26:40 So lean forward, let me ask you a question.
26:43 If Simon is not a prophet, how does he know what she is?
26:48 Oh God.
26:50 Okay, you'll miss your cue.
26:52 Okay, okay, we are in summer school, so rewind.
26:56 We know that Jesus is a prophet, right?
27:00 We know that Simon is not a prophet.
27:03 Well, how does, in fact, let me ask you a question.
27:06 How she know where Simon live?
27:08 God help me.
27:09 Oh, come on, come on, come on.
27:12 Come on, come on, come on.
27:14 How she know where Simon live,
27:18 unless she been there before?
27:22 Oh Jesus, have mercy.
27:27 (congregation cheering)
27:30 Because, come on, sit down.
27:37 She's not on the guest list.
27:40 She's not invited, but she Uber to Simon's house.
27:46 That's 'cause she's got the address in her phone
27:51 because she's been in the house before.
27:54 She's been on the pole before.
27:56 Preach back.
27:57 God, I wish I had somebody.
27:59 I wish I had somebody.
28:01 I wish I had somebody.
28:03 I wish I had somebody.
28:05 You see, listen, can I argue?
28:07 Somebody say, "Argue, Dr. Jess."
28:10 You see, Simon didn't recognize her
28:14 because her hair was up,
28:16 but the moment she start taking it down,
28:19 he said, "Wait a minute.
28:21 "That's my woman loving upon Jesus.
28:24 "I wish I had somebody in here."
28:26 Okay, lean forward.
28:32 Let me tell you the principle.
28:35 The people who tell you about your business
28:39 is because that's their business.
28:41 Whatever they judging you about is what they,
28:45 oh my God, whatever they are guilty in,
28:48 that's the very thing.
28:50 How you know I'm that unless you are that?
28:53 Because whatever I am is what you are.
28:56 Whatever you call me is what you are.
28:59 We in summer school.
29:07 How, how, how, how does Simon know who she is?
29:17 How you know my stuff?
29:19 Unless you in the same stuff I'm in, preach pastor, Jay.
29:25 Oh, I'm trying to help y'all today.
29:28 How you know, how you know?
29:30 How does Simon know who she is and what she does?
29:35 And how does she know where Simon live?
29:40 Simon said within himself,
29:43 if Jesus was a prophet,
29:48 he would have known who and what.
29:51 And listen, extravagant love is gonna bring criticism.
29:56 Oh, extravagant love.
29:58 You ain't really love until somebody
30:02 is bothered by your love.
30:04 In fact, in fact, can I tell you something?
30:06 Then we gotta get out of here.
30:08 You ain't really praise God
30:10 until your praise bothers somebody.
30:14 So look down your road, say neighbor,
30:16 for the last 20 minutes I was trying to be cute,
30:19 but this next shout is gonna give you a migraine.
30:23 God help me.
30:24 I said, this next shout is gonna mess you up.
30:27 Come on, this next shout is gonna.
30:31 Come on, look at your neighbor and say neighbor,
30:37 is my praise bothering you?
30:40 Is my shout bothering you?
30:42 Is my scream bothering you?
30:44 Is my holler bothering you?
30:47 Well, if it's bothering you,
30:49 there's a seat for you in the parking lot.
30:52 But when I think of the goodness of Jesus
30:55 and all that he's done for me,
30:57 my soul cries out.
30:59 Hallelujah.
31:02 Hallelujah.
31:09 Come on.
31:09 Your praise oughta bother somebody.
31:17 Your shout oughta bother somebody.
31:20 Your dance oughta bother somebody.
31:23 Extravagant love.
31:37 Crazy kind of love.
31:39 It's costly.
31:40 Extravagant love is gonna bring forth criticism.
31:47 Somebody in your section is looking at you right now
31:52 and saying it don't take all that.
31:54 But would you look back at them and say,
31:57 it take all that and some more.
32:00 It take all that and some more.
32:02 Come on, open your mouth,
32:04 turn your head back and give God a radical shout.
32:09 Let every devil hear you.
32:20 Let every demon hear you.
32:22 Let every witch hear you.
32:24 Open your mouth and shout.
32:26 (dramatic music)
32:28 Look at your neighbor and say, don't push me
32:48 'cause I'm close to the edge.
32:50 But when I think of the goodness of Jesus
32:53 and all that he's done for me, master.
32:57 Come on, check your pew, check your pew.
33:14 Check around your section.
33:16 Look at your neighbor and say, neighbor,
33:18 you can sit there and look cute if you want to.
33:21 But he woke me up this morning, started me on my way.
33:25 Put clapping in my hand.
33:27 Open your mouth, turn your head back
33:32 and somebody scream, somebody shout.
33:49 I was, I was, uh, uh, uh.
33:51 My praise, my praise is bothering you.
34:01 My problem didn't bother you
34:04 and God picked me up and delivered me
34:07 and you think I'm gonna come up in here and look cute?
34:10 The devil is a liar.
34:12 I've been through too much to not to praise him.
34:16 I've been through too much to not to praise him.
34:20 I've been through.
34:22 Look at your neighbor and say, we don't need no music.
34:34 The roof is on fire.
34:36 We can shout.
34:37 (screams)
34:39 I'm gonna need you.
34:50 Come around, yeah, I'm gonna need you.
34:53 And yeah, you were helping me yesterday.
34:55 I'm gonna need you, come on.
34:56 Is that all right?
34:57 Oh my God, what's the time right here?
34:58 Okay, oh my, come on, come on, come on.
35:01 Come on, just stand in this block right here.
35:06 Come on, sister, go, take your time, no worry.
35:08 All right, take your time.
35:10 Right in this block right here.
35:12 All right, all right, face each other.
35:14 Oh God, y'all got insurance for the building?
35:16 Okay, y'all got insurance?
35:19 Because the Bible says that Simon said within himself,
35:22 this is Simon, if Jesus knew what kind of woman
35:26 that she was and what she did,
35:29 oh, he wouldn't let her do what she does.
35:32 And Jesus read Simon.
35:36 Oh God, God's about to read your enemies.
35:40 Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost in here.
35:42 I say God is about to expose the people
35:45 who've been smiling in your face
35:47 but dogging you in your back.
35:49 I say God is about to expose your enemy.
35:53 He's about to let them pay your bills.
35:56 He's about to let them, I feel the Holy Ghost in here.
36:00 And the Bible says, oh, that Jesus,
36:03 oh, y'all gotta read the scripture.
36:05 The Bible says that he turned from Simon Matrix.
36:10 (audience cheering)
36:13 Okay, y'all missed it.
36:16 He turned from Simon and he faces the woman.
36:21 This is just for 500 of y'all.
36:23 God just told me to tell you, he's turning towards you.
36:27 I feel the Holy Ghost in here.
36:30 He said, I'm leaning in your direction.
36:33 I need you to lean on your neighbor
36:35 and say, God just turning my direction.
36:38 He's leaning in my direction.
36:40 He's looking in my direction.
36:43 He's feeling my direction.
36:45 I need somebody to open your mouth
36:48 and throw your head back.
36:50 He's leaning.
36:51 He turned towards the woman,
37:00 but listen, he's talking to Simon.
37:04 Simon, you see her?
37:08 Simon, you see her.
37:15 Ever since I've been in your house,
37:18 you ain't washed my feet,
37:20 but since the girlfriend did,
37:23 ever since I've been in your house,
37:25 you ain't anoint my head,
37:28 but since the girlfriend did,
37:30 ever since I've been in your house,
37:32 you ain't affirm me and you ain't even celebrate me.
37:36 All you did was tolerated me.
37:38 I come against the tolerating spirit.
37:44 God said, you coming out of relationships
37:47 that ain't even celebrating you.
37:49 They just putting up with you,
37:51 but until you know who you are,
37:54 you're going to let them treat you any kind of way,
37:57 but when you know that you're a chosen generation,
38:00 you're a royal.
38:01 He turns, he turns, he turns towards the woman
38:09 and he stops talking to Simon
38:13 and he speaks a word to the woman.
38:20 That brings me to number three.
38:22 As I bid you farewell,
38:22 number one, extravagant love is costly.
38:26 Extravagant love brings about criticism,
38:29 but I sometimes know something about extravagant love
38:33 and extravagant love will cure you.
38:36 Ooh, I feel like preaching.
38:38 I said, extravagant love will love the mess out of you.
38:43 You see, you saw the woman as a sinner
38:48 because you've been seeing her through your eyes,
38:51 your trifling eyes.
38:53 You see the woman through your eyes
38:56 and all you see is a piece of meat.
38:58 Can I preach up in here?
39:00 You see her through your eyes
39:02 and all you see is a trifling mother, a trifling woman,
39:07 but Simon, I'm about to let you see her through my eyes
39:11 and when you see her through my eyes,
39:13 you'll see she a chosen generation.
39:16 She a royal priesthood.
39:18 She's the head and not the tail.
39:20 Look at your neighbor.
39:21 Say, neighbor, God's trying to give you some new eyes.
39:25 He's about to give you some new contacts.
39:28 When you leave here, you're going to see people
39:33 the way God sees them.
39:35 You're gonna see them through the eyes of Jesus.
39:38 Pull your neighbor by the hand
39:40 and say, we gotta get out of here,
39:42 but Lord, let me see them through the eyes of the Father.
39:47 Slap fight with your neighbor and say,
39:49 I just saw you in your future.
39:53 I just saw you in your destiny.
39:56 I just saw you in your elevation.
40:00 You are the shelter because of how God sees.
40:05 (dramatic music)
40:09 (upbeat music)
40:18 (upbeat music)
40:21 (upbeat music)
40:23 (upbeat music)
40:26 (upbeat music)
40:29 (upbeat music)
40:31 (upbeat music)
40:34 (upbeat music)
40:36 (upbeat music)
40:39 (upbeat music)
40:42 (upbeat music)
40:44 [MUSIC]