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00:00:00 (upbeat music)
00:00:02 - My text is Matthew 4, verse 1 through 11.
00:00:15 I am in the New King James Version.
00:00:20 Jesus has emerged after 18 years of us
00:00:27 not knowing exactly what he was doing or where he was.
00:00:32 He has been baptized by John in chapter three.
00:00:37 The heavens have been opened to him
00:00:39 and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove.
00:00:43 Instead of going right into preaching
00:00:46 and right into ministering and healing,
00:00:50 in chapter four it tells us that he was led up by the spirit
00:00:55 into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
00:00:59 He had to go through a process before he could be released.
00:01:04 My subject for today is push through.
00:01:08 It tells me that when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights,
00:01:16 afterward he was hungry.
00:01:22 Now when the tempter came to him he said,
00:01:25 "If you are the son of God,
00:01:27 "command that these stones become bread."
00:01:32 In verse four continues it says that
00:01:37 he answered and said, "It is written,
00:01:42 "men shall not live by bread alone,
00:01:44 "but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
00:01:48 "Then the devil, to come up into the holy city,
00:01:51 "set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him,
00:01:55 "If you are the son of God, throw yourself down,
00:01:59 "for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you
00:02:03 "and in their hands they shall bear you up
00:02:05 "lest you dash your foot against a stone."
00:02:09 Serpent using the Satan, using scripture against the word.
00:02:14 And Jesus said to him, "It is written again,
00:02:18 "you shall not tempt the Lord your God again.
00:02:21 "The devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain
00:02:24 "and showed him all the kingdoms of the world
00:02:27 "and their glory and he said to him,
00:02:31 "All these things I will give you
00:02:32 "if you will fall down and worship me."
00:02:35 Then Jesus said to him, "Away with you Satan,
00:02:40 "for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God
00:02:44 "and him only you shall serve."
00:02:47 Then the devil left him and behold,
00:02:49 angels came and ministered to him.
00:02:52 Spirit of the living God, I need you, we need you.
00:02:58 God, without you this life is hard, difficult,
00:03:06 and we often feel oppressed but God with you.
00:03:11 When your spirit abides in us, when your spirit leads us,
00:03:16 the impossible becomes possible.
00:03:19 Nerves don't matter, anxiety don't matter,
00:03:21 generational curses don't matter.
00:03:23 All that matters is that you are with us,
00:03:26 leading us and guiding us.
00:03:27 And so God, I am praying that this will be a moment
00:03:31 where your presence is visible,
00:03:34 where your presence is tangible,
00:03:38 where it is undeniable that you have heard their prayers,
00:03:43 that you have looked past their excuses
00:03:46 and that you wanna walk with them anyway.
00:03:50 God, rest in this place as only you can do,
00:03:53 make it intimate, make it personal, make it life-changing.
00:03:58 Feed me in the process.
00:04:01 Fill me as you fill them,
00:04:05 that I may not pour out and leave empty,
00:04:08 but that I too would leave more full than I came.
00:04:12 Have your way, great God, that you are.
00:04:14 In Jesus' name, amen.
00:04:18 Amen.
00:04:19 I have been looking at different,
00:04:26 there are memes, I was gonna say I was studying,
00:04:30 but I'm gonna just be honest.
00:04:31 I saw a meme on Instagram, which in a way is studying.
00:04:35 I saw this graphic on Instagram and in it,
00:04:39 it was asking you about different attachment styles.
00:04:43 I don't know if anyone has heard of these attachment styles
00:04:47 or if they've seen some of the same graphics that I've seen,
00:04:50 but I went from Instagram into Google to further my research
00:04:55 and in the process of researching,
00:04:57 I learned that the theory of attachment styles
00:05:00 started in the '50s.
00:05:02 And these theories of attachment style
00:05:05 basically studied groups of children.
00:05:08 They took a group of children and their parents,
00:05:12 put them in an environment
00:05:14 and then had the parents leave the children.
00:05:17 And what they wanted to study
00:05:19 is how the children responded to separation.
00:05:23 They wanted to understand not only
00:05:26 how they responded to separation,
00:05:27 but also how they responded
00:05:30 when they were reunited with their parents.
00:05:33 As a result of that,
00:05:34 three different attachment styles became evident.
00:05:38 The first one was secure attachment.
00:05:41 Children who were securely attached to their parents
00:05:45 experienced discomfort when separated,
00:05:48 but when their parents came back into the room,
00:05:50 they were easily comforted
00:05:52 and were able to assume some sense of normalcy
00:05:56 pretty quickly.
00:05:57 Then there was another group
00:05:59 and this group was anxiously attached.
00:06:02 The anxiously attached child,
00:06:04 when reunited with their parent,
00:06:06 they did receive comfort from their parent,
00:06:08 but they also punished them a bit for being gone.
00:06:12 It was almost as if they weren't well adjusted enough
00:06:15 to understand that though I left you,
00:06:17 I'll be right back
00:06:18 and you don't have to be afraid that I'll leave again.
00:06:20 And so instead of engaging with health,
00:06:23 they also engaged with this sense of punishment
00:06:25 because how could you leave me?
00:06:27 Then there was another form of attachment.
00:06:31 This was avoided attachment.
00:06:35 When their parents left the room,
00:06:37 they seemed to not care,
00:06:39 didn't seem to affect them.
00:06:41 The same thing also happened
00:06:42 when their parents came back into the room.
00:06:45 They made no effort to be comforted by them.
00:06:47 They made it seem like they were okay.
00:06:49 As a matter of fact,
00:06:50 these children went out of their way
00:06:52 to continue playing with toys
00:06:54 as if to let the parent know,
00:06:56 I'm going to avoid you
00:06:57 so that I don't have to experience whatever it is
00:07:00 I'm not able to communicate or verbalize in this moment.
00:07:05 It has been said that these attachment styles
00:07:09 that were developed when we are children
00:07:12 also show up in our relationships.
00:07:15 That means that when someone doesn't pick up the phone
00:07:20 when you call them,
00:07:21 they can't just be busy.
00:07:23 They gotta be playing you.
00:07:24 Who you think I am?
00:07:26 What you think this is?
00:07:27 What, you was at work,
00:07:29 you had a meeting,
00:07:30 you didn't see me calling you,
00:07:31 you giving me anxious attachment right now.
00:07:34 I know some of you all don't do that
00:07:38 'cause you're so saving the field with the Holy Ghost.
00:07:40 What you do instead is ignore them.
00:07:42 I'll never talk to you again.
00:07:44 One missed call, that's it, boom.
00:07:46 Lose my number.
00:07:48 Don't play with my phone.
00:07:49 I got minutes and you trying to waste them.
00:07:51 Now I got to take my minutes back from you.
00:07:54 Avoid you all together.
00:07:56 You done blocked them on Instagram.
00:07:59 She can't come over with your friends no more.
00:08:01 I don't know if it's true or not
00:08:05 that these attachments style show up
00:08:07 in our adult relationships.
00:08:08 I haven't done this science and I am not a doctor.
00:08:11 But one thing I do know is that I have seen
00:08:14 these attachment styles at minimum show up in scripture.
00:08:17 Not necessarily in a parental dynamic,
00:08:23 but in our relationship with God.
00:08:28 Uh-oh.
00:08:29 The beauty of scripture is that it allows us
00:08:34 the opportunity to watch how God engages with other people.
00:08:39 It gives us an indication of his character.
00:08:42 The way that one person acts in one relationship,
00:08:46 though the nuances of the relationship may be different,
00:08:49 ultimately how they act in one relationship,
00:08:52 you can expect them to act similarly in other relationships
00:08:56 because their response in relationship
00:08:59 is indicative of their character.
00:09:01 So when I'm studying scripture,
00:09:06 I'm seeing how God engages with others
00:09:08 so I can understand how God engages with me.
00:09:11 When I look at this attachment theory
00:09:14 with scripture in mind, I see that in the garden
00:09:17 when Adam and Eve first began their relationship with God,
00:09:22 there was a sense of secure attachment.
00:09:25 See, it's difficult to really understand
00:09:27 what it was like to be Adam and Eve
00:09:28 because even when Moses saw the face of God,
00:09:31 his face shone so brightly that he had to cover it.
00:09:34 But for Adam and Eve, all they knew was this visible,
00:09:38 tangible presence of God.
00:09:41 There was no barrier.
00:09:43 There was no need for Jesus.
00:09:45 There was no church.
00:09:47 God created him.
00:09:48 God pulled Eve out of his rib.
00:09:50 There was connection there.
00:09:52 It was nothing for God to be walking through the garden
00:09:55 and talking to them.
00:09:56 And there was an element of secure attachment.
00:09:59 You see, now we have all of these different issues
00:10:02 and blockages in our relationship with God.
00:10:04 So we need to be reminded
00:10:06 that he'll never leave us nor forsake us.
00:10:08 We need to be reminded that even though we don't see him,
00:10:11 he's working.
00:10:12 This is our issue.
00:10:13 This is not the issue that Adam and Eve had
00:10:15 because they were securely attached.
00:10:18 So securely attached are they
00:10:21 is that even though God was visible and then invisible,
00:10:26 they still knew that he was present
00:10:28 even though they couldn't see him.
00:10:30 What happened in the garden though,
00:10:33 when they experienced this separation,
00:10:35 this shift in their secure separation,
00:10:38 happens when God is in one of those invisible moments.
00:10:43 In this invisible moment,
00:10:46 though we know he is all present,
00:10:49 it's not always that we understand or see his presence
00:10:52 even though it's there.
00:10:54 And Adam and Eve, well, Eve, bless her heart,
00:11:00 got in trouble because of what happened in those moments
00:11:07 where it looks like God is invisible.
00:11:11 In this moment where it looked like God was invisible,
00:11:15 the serpent exploited an opening.
00:11:20 When you're in this room,
00:11:24 the devil can't really get too busy.
00:11:27 There's too much power in this room,
00:11:31 too much anointing in this room.
00:11:33 That's why you can come into this room depressed
00:11:36 and all of a sudden your body is not even hurting
00:11:38 the way that it was hurting before you came into this room
00:11:41 because when you come into a room like this,
00:11:44 there is so much anointing,
00:11:45 there is so much obvious presence of God
00:11:48 that whatever war the enemy is waging on you
00:11:51 doesn't even matter in this room
00:11:53 because your plane has been elevated.
00:11:55 What we have to worry about is what happens
00:11:58 when we get out of this room.
00:12:00 When we get out of this room and out of this atmosphere
00:12:02 and out of this presence, there are openings.
00:12:06 If you look back at your life,
00:12:12 at the moments where maybe you made a mistake
00:12:14 or you were victimized or you were hurt
00:12:16 or you found yourself caught up in sinning,
00:12:19 it wasn't that you were doing it
00:12:20 because you were high in the presence of God.
00:12:23 It wasn't that it happened
00:12:24 because you were full of the word
00:12:25 and you were full of the spirit.
00:12:27 It happened because there was an opening.
00:12:29 That's why you gotta be careful
00:12:31 when there's an opening in your life.
00:12:33 You can't just be disappointed.
00:12:35 You gotta know I'm disappointed
00:12:36 and because I'm disappointed,
00:12:37 I'm probably a little bit more open than I should be.
00:12:40 I'm not just going through a heartbreak.
00:12:43 My heartbreak is open
00:12:44 and the enemy is looking to exploit where you are open
00:12:48 because if I can find an opening,
00:12:50 I can create a separation
00:12:52 and if I can create a separation,
00:12:54 I can change the way you see God
00:12:57 and I can change the way you see you.
00:12:59 The enemy is looking for an opening.
00:13:01 He told God in Job that he was searching the earth
00:13:04 to and fro.
00:13:04 I'm looking for an opening.
00:13:06 I'm looking for somebody who would just,
00:13:07 that's why you gotta be careful who's in your life
00:13:10 'cause I gotta make sure you're not an opening.
00:13:11 Who left the gate open?
00:13:13 I feel like I'm in war.
00:13:14 I gotta make sure when I start going through warfare
00:13:17 that I'm checking what's happening in my circle.
00:13:19 Who's standing guard
00:13:21 because I can't let you be an opening
00:13:23 because I understand the assignment on my life
00:13:26 is so powerful that the enemy will stop
00:13:29 at nothing to thwart it
00:13:30 and if you are an opening,
00:13:32 I gotta move out of the way
00:13:34 because I know I'm a target.
00:13:36 I know this is not everyone's message
00:13:38 but there are some people in this room
00:13:40 who knows that they are a target
00:13:43 because you cannot break a generational curse
00:13:46 unless you are a target.
00:13:47 You cannot set out to change an industry
00:13:50 and not become a target.
00:13:52 You wanna change the world
00:13:54 but you don't wanna be a target
00:13:55 and I'm just telling you it is impossible
00:13:58 to change anything and not be a target
00:14:01 and when you are a target,
00:14:02 you gotta check all the doors.
00:14:04 When you are a target,
00:14:05 you gotta check all of the openings.
00:14:07 Some of us praise God for the doors that he opened.
00:14:10 I praise God for the doors that he closed
00:14:13 because some of these doors were openings.
00:14:15 Some of these friendships were openings.
00:14:17 Some of these heartbreaks were openings.
00:14:19 Some of those friends that you love
00:14:21 that walked away were actually an opening.
00:14:24 I thank God that it didn't work out
00:14:26 because I called it love.
00:14:27 You called it an opening.
00:14:29 I called it an opportunity.
00:14:30 You called it an opening.
00:14:32 I called it a breakthrough.
00:14:33 You called it an opening
00:14:35 and I'm gonna cry my tears
00:14:36 but I'm gonna trust my God
00:14:38 because if he didn't give it to me,
00:14:40 it must be that if he'd have gave it to me,
00:14:42 it would have crushed me.
00:14:43 So I thank you God
00:14:45 that you didn't give me everything I was hoping for
00:14:48 'cause if you'd have gave me everything I was hoping for,
00:14:50 then I wouldn't even be here right now.
00:14:53 I wish I had about 10 people in this room
00:14:55 who didn't get everything they were hoping for.
00:14:58 I was hoping to settle.
00:15:00 I was hoping for breakthrough.
00:15:02 I was hoping I was so open
00:15:04 that I found myself strung out.
00:15:06 I was so open that I should have been in jail.
00:15:09 I was so open that I ended up in jail.
00:15:12 I was so open but my God, my God, my God,
00:15:16 my God closed the opening.
00:15:18 My God.
00:15:19 Thank you God that you're closing doors.
00:15:28 Thank you God that you're still closing doors.
00:15:32 I know everybody wants you to open up
00:15:34 but God, I thank you.
00:15:35 I might be lonely but the door is closed.
00:15:37 I may not know what's next but I know the door is closed.
00:15:40 I may not know what's coming up behind me
00:15:42 but I know it ain't nothing
00:15:43 that's gonna chase me out of my position
00:15:46 'cause you closed the door.
00:15:47 There's something powerful
00:15:49 about knowing that the red seat closed.
00:15:51 The moment that they walked on through
00:15:53 because God says I know how to shut it down.
00:16:02 God told me right now in this moment
00:16:06 that the thing you're crying about wasn't opening.
00:16:09 God told me right now in this moment
00:16:11 the thing that you're grieving wasn't opening.
00:16:14 God says that when you get finished crying over it
00:16:17 and I get finished showing you why it couldn't work out,
00:16:21 you'll see that if I'd have blessed you with that,
00:16:23 you'll see that if I would have gave you that thing
00:16:26 that you could never become this thing.
00:16:28 So you need to praise God
00:16:30 even in the midst of you trying to figure out
00:16:32 what's happening
00:16:33 'cause God says I wouldn't just hurt you to hurt you.
00:16:36 We have to hear that though
00:16:47 because if we're honest,
00:16:51 we don't always feel securely attached anymore.
00:16:54 In those moments where there's a separation
00:16:59 from my plan and his plan and my will and his will,
00:17:02 I don't feel attached anymore.
00:17:04 I feel a little anxiously attached like God,
00:17:07 I wanna punish you by not worshiping all the way.
00:17:09 I wanna punish you by not serving all the way.
00:17:12 I wanna punish you a little bit
00:17:13 'cause I don't trust that you're gonna stay.
00:17:15 I wanna be comforted, but I also wanna punish you.
00:17:18 I wanna avoid you altogether.
00:17:20 And so we need to be reminded
00:17:25 that we can be attached securely to his plan
00:17:29 because if we are not attached securely,
00:17:35 we are open and the enemy exploits openings.
00:17:41 Sit down, we're just talking.
00:17:51 Sin was not the opening.
00:17:56 The sin was not that they were open.
00:18:02 The sin was what they did when they were open.
00:18:06 That's why when David says search my heart,
00:18:11 I don't really know who I am when I'm open.
00:18:14 Maybe I'm bitter.
00:18:20 Maybe I am hard to be connected with.
00:18:22 I don't really know who I am when I'm open.
00:18:24 And the thing is about being open
00:18:27 is that sometimes that stress breaks us open.
00:18:30 Sometimes disappointment breaks us open.
00:18:32 We gotta understand those areas in our lives
00:18:35 where we experience those separations
00:18:38 because when the enemy exploits it,
00:18:40 we think often that the problem with what happened
00:18:43 with Eve in the garden is when she ate from the fruit.
00:18:47 And that is not what the problem is.
00:18:50 The problem started and she told us
00:18:52 out of her own mouth in Genesis three,
00:18:54 she says the serpent deceived me and then I ate.
00:18:58 The serpent found an opening
00:19:05 and he did not give her a command, he gave her a thought.
00:19:09 I don't have to tell you to sin.
00:19:16 I don't have to tell you to betray yourself.
00:19:19 I don't have to tell you to give up on your destiny.
00:19:21 The serpent doesn't even have to tell you to kill yourself.
00:19:24 He just has to give you a thought
00:19:25 that this world would be better without you in it.
00:19:28 I just have to give you a thought.
00:19:29 Your thought life is more powerful sometimes
00:19:32 than even your prayer life because your thought life,
00:19:35 if you don't get a hold of it real good,
00:19:37 then you'll end up in a situation
00:19:39 where the thoughts of the enemy have taken root
00:19:41 and produced fruit in your life.
00:19:43 And then when you recognize
00:19:44 that your thought life is under attack,
00:19:46 you go into your prayer closet
00:19:48 with a different strategy.
00:19:49 God, I don't need you to change.
00:19:51 I need you to help me get my head together, God.
00:19:55 I'm about to walk away from the very thing
00:19:57 that you called me to 'cause something got in my head.
00:20:00 I gotta be careful in certain seasons
00:20:02 because you in my head.
00:20:06 Oh God, the one place you cannot be is in my head
00:20:11 because I'm trying to be transformed in my mind.
00:20:14 If I let you in my head, my mind is so malleable
00:20:18 that it could turn in the direction of destiny
00:20:21 or it could turn in the direction of destruction.
00:20:24 And all of a sudden, I'll go from thinking
00:20:26 I'm called and anointed to thinking
00:20:28 that there is no use for my voice in the world.
00:20:30 All of a sudden, I'll think that I can do this,
00:20:33 but because you got in my head.
00:20:34 Get out of their head.
00:20:40 Get out of their minds.
00:20:43 God, we claim it back.
00:20:45 We lay it at the altar.
00:20:47 Sometimes I gotta lay my spirit out.
00:20:49 Sometimes I gotta lay my mind out.
00:20:51 My mind is telling me that I'm not fearfully
00:20:54 and wonderfully made.
00:20:55 My mind is telling me that the weapons has prospered.
00:20:57 My mind is trying to tell me that there is no use for me,
00:21:00 but Satan, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
00:21:03 Satan, I serve you in a fiction notice.
00:21:06 We don't have to wait 'til the end of a sermon
00:21:08 to get to an altar call.
00:21:10 I hear God saying, I'll call out your mind right now.
00:21:13 I wanna talk to somebody
00:21:15 whose mind has been playing tricks on you.
00:21:17 I wanna talk to somebody whose mind has been making you think
00:21:21 that you are not called and anointed for your destiny.
00:21:24 Your mind is making you believe
00:21:26 that the gift doesn't matter.
00:21:28 Your mind is making you believe
00:21:30 that you cannot break the generational curse,
00:21:32 but I came here to tell you,
00:21:34 let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.
00:21:42 I feel like going to war in this place.
00:21:44 I got on this dress and I'm trying to be pretty,
00:21:46 but I feel like going to war with the mind of,
00:21:49 so oh God, baby.
00:21:51 Scripture says that the weapons of our warfare
00:22:02 are not carnal, but they are mighty through God
00:22:06 for the pulling down of strongholds.
00:22:10 That word stronghold actually means a fortified argument.
00:22:15 That means that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
00:22:19 but they are mighty through God
00:22:21 for the pulling down of fortified arguments.
00:22:25 Ever since you was little, they've been in your head.
00:22:28 That argument is so fortified,
00:22:31 but I came here to tell you,
00:22:32 I got a weapon stronger than the argument.
00:22:36 I got a weapon stronger than what they say.
00:22:39 (upbeat music)
00:22:41 I got a weapon for that.
00:22:45 I got a prayer for that.
00:22:47 I got a worship for that.
00:22:49 I got a Jesus for that.
00:22:51 I know what you said about me,
00:22:53 but do you know what Jesus did for me?
00:22:56 Jesus did something that a thought can't undo.
00:22:59 Jesus did something.
00:23:01 See.
00:23:07 (upbeat music)
00:23:09 Warfare.
00:23:27 Warfare.
00:23:30 Jesus.
00:23:36 Jesus.
00:23:37 Okay.
00:23:40 Oh God.
00:23:42 That's why the serpent has to get in your head.
00:23:48 'Cause if he gets in your head, he can separate you.
00:23:52 And if he can separate you from God,
00:23:53 he can separate you from you.
00:23:55 You don't even know who you are.
00:23:58 That's why I had to attack your mind when you were young.
00:24:02 'Cause if I started when you're young,
00:24:04 you may not ever find out who you really are.
00:24:06 But I thank God that he still closes doors.
00:24:11 Because even though you got me,
00:24:13 when I was young, God says, I'm gonna close the door.
00:24:18 But then I'm gonna open the door.
00:24:20 So I can show him anyway.
00:24:22 I'm gonna show him with an open door who they are.
00:24:26 I'm gonna show you with an open door what I think about you.
00:24:30 Your thoughts are not my thoughts.
00:24:32 And I thank God for that.
00:24:34 Your ways are not my ways.
00:24:36 (audience cheering)
00:24:39 All right.
00:25:01 This is what happens, right?
00:25:03 The serpent separated them.
00:25:12 The enemy separated you.
00:25:16 With one thought.
00:25:19 Two thoughts.
00:25:22 Echoed by people who had their own thoughts.
00:25:28 (audience cheering)
00:25:31 I still got a long way to go, so I don't...
00:25:37 Adam and Eve are in the garden
00:25:42 and they've been separated.
00:25:46 And what they do with this separation
00:25:50 is what so many of us do.
00:25:55 They move into an avoidant attachment.
00:25:58 They say to themselves,
00:26:03 I'm gonna just keep pushing through.
00:26:06 I'm gonna avoid who I should have been.
00:26:11 I'm gonna avoid what I should have done.
00:26:14 And I'm gonna just push through.
00:26:18 What they call pushing through
00:26:23 is actually pushing away.
00:26:27 They got their fig leaves.
00:26:34 But when God is walking through the cool of the garden
00:26:39 and he asks, where are you?
00:26:41 It lets us know that they were avoiding
00:26:45 having to be in relationship with God.
00:26:48 But they were not avoiding being in the place
00:26:51 that God had put them.
00:26:52 I wish I could say that.
00:26:53 You see, some of you are patting yourself on the back
00:27:02 'cause you're still in the vicinity
00:27:04 even though you aren't in position.
00:27:06 I'm attached, but I'm not connected the way I once was.
00:27:21 I'm in the marriage, but I'm not connected the way.
00:27:25 I'm just pushing through.
00:27:26 In the business, but I'm not connected.
00:27:32 I'm just pushing through.
00:27:33 But you're not pushing through,
00:27:34 you're actually pushing away.
00:27:36 Because pushing through requires
00:27:40 an element of confrontation.
00:27:42 And if you think pushing through is how can I avoid it
00:27:50 or how can I punish it,
00:27:51 then you never are offered the opportunity
00:27:55 to be secure again
00:27:56 because you're pushing away and not through.
00:28:01 And God gave me this message
00:28:06 because he told me that we are coming
00:28:11 into a point in the earth
00:28:14 where we need people who understand the difference
00:28:19 between pushing through and pushing away.
00:28:22 God help me.
00:28:24 He showed me that until we're willing
00:28:30 to have a confrontation with what happened to us
00:28:35 when we were separated,
00:28:37 that we cannot become secure enough to be in position.
00:28:45 Man, everyone talks about how Martha was so busy
00:28:49 that she couldn't serve Jesus.
00:28:51 Well, Martha was so busy
00:28:52 that she couldn't receive from Jesus.
00:28:55 So busy serving that she couldn't receive.
00:28:58 They don't give her enough credit, however,
00:29:02 for when her brother was dead
00:29:03 and she was the first one to come up to Jesus.
00:29:08 And she said to him, had you been here,
00:29:11 my brother would not have died.
00:29:13 She got confrontational with Jesus
00:29:16 because it is better to be confrontational
00:29:18 than to avoid him altogether.
00:29:21 You see, some of us are in here,
00:29:22 not because everything is going the way we want it to.
00:29:25 We're in here because I need to have a confrontation
00:29:28 because I trusted you.
00:29:30 And I wanna understand,
00:29:31 can you bring this thing back to life?
00:29:33 I wanna understand what your next plan is for me.
00:29:36 Some of us came in here to celebrate.
00:29:38 Others of us came in here to have a confrontation
00:29:41 because Martha says I gotta push through
00:29:44 what I'm feeling right now
00:29:45 so that I can have a confrontation
00:29:48 with Jesus.
00:29:52 She's confronting him
00:29:56 because connection is more important than separation.
00:30:01 And God cannot comfort what you will not confront.
00:30:08 (audience cheering)
00:30:11 Can't fix it in the marriage.
00:30:17 I can't fix it in your mindset.
00:30:21 I can't fix it in the kids.
00:30:23 If you don't confront it, I can't comfort it.
00:30:26 I know you're insecure
00:30:28 and I know you want everyone to think
00:30:29 that you have it all together,
00:30:31 but I'm telling you, I cannot comfort it
00:30:33 if you are not willing to confront it
00:30:35 because that same Jesus told Martha
00:30:38 that your brother is going to live.
00:30:39 And she says, no, he's not alive,
00:30:41 but he could have been alive.
00:30:43 I know that you're still able.
00:30:44 And he says, listen, you dropped the gun.
00:30:46 If you just stay in this tension with me,
00:30:48 you'll see that I have a plan outside of this.
00:30:52 This element of confrontation
00:31:00 requires that we push through instead of pushing away.
00:31:07 No one got anything done in the Bible
00:31:11 without pushing through.
00:31:13 Not avoiding it, going right up the gut of it.
00:31:19 That's so country.
00:31:20 You got to go right up the gut of this thing.
00:31:25 You got to face it head on.
00:31:28 You say greater is he that is in you
00:31:30 than he that is in the world.
00:31:32 But if you don't put that greatness
00:31:33 in a position to be great,
00:31:35 then how can you ever understand
00:31:37 that greatness is working on your behalf?
00:31:40 You got to push through.
00:31:41 The woman with the issue of blood had to push through.
00:31:46 Blind Bartimaeus had to push through.
00:31:48 There are people in this room
00:31:49 who've had to push through and push through.
00:31:51 It wasn't that it was easy, but I pushed my way through.
00:31:55 I had to lose a few friends.
00:31:56 I had to have some hard conversations,
00:31:58 but I pushed through because I believe
00:32:00 that on the other side of my push was a miracle.
00:32:03 I believe that on the other side of my push
00:32:05 was God's presence.
00:32:06 I believe that on the other side of that push
00:32:08 was a new revelation of my identity and who I am in God.
00:32:11 I didn't just get up here, I pushed my way through.
00:32:14 Somebody else may have strode, but God, I'm pushing my way.
00:32:18 I'm pressing my way towards the mark.
00:32:20 It's not easy for me to do it, but I'm pushing.
00:32:23 Not just for what I want,
00:32:32 but what I'm pushing for is connected to God's presence.
00:32:35 When we find Jesus in the text,
00:32:46 he is pushed through, Jesus.
00:32:52 He was 12 years old in the temple,
00:32:58 but Luke tells us that when Mary had Jesus,
00:33:03 that he grew in wisdom and stature and favor
00:33:06 with God and men.
00:33:07 You don't get wisdom and stature and favor with God and men
00:33:11 unless you push through some things.
00:33:14 I have to tell you, I find this fascinating
00:33:20 because I think we have done such a good job
00:33:23 at exalting the divinity of Jesus.
00:33:28 That we miss out on what makes him our kinsman redeemer.
00:33:31 That he, like you, had to grow with wisdom and stature
00:33:39 and favor with God and men.
00:33:43 He had to push through some immaturity.
00:33:49 Mary had to go back and get him.
00:33:50 He had to push through understanding who he was
00:33:54 in the context of the world.
00:33:56 He had to push through 18 years of something
00:33:59 before he could even be used.
00:34:01 He had to push through some things.
00:34:03 And yet when we find him in the text,
00:34:08 this push is different.
00:34:10 This push is a defining push.
00:34:16 I believe God gave me this message
00:34:18 because there is someone, and maybe it's just me,
00:34:25 standing at one of the most pivotal pushes
00:34:29 in their life.
00:34:33 They're having to push through in a way
00:34:37 that they've never had to push through before.
00:34:39 This push is different because if Jesus pushes
00:34:43 through this moment, it's gonna break open a dam.
00:34:47 If Jesus pushes through this moment,
00:34:49 it's gonna establish his ministry.
00:34:52 This is not the same push of a 12-year-old boy.
00:34:55 This is a push of a 30-year-old man.
00:34:57 This is a push that will determine
00:34:59 whether or not he can be the Savior.
00:35:01 This is the push that will determine
00:35:03 whether or not he's qualified for the call.
00:35:06 This is the push that will determine
00:35:08 if the devil that got Adam and Eve
00:35:10 will be the devil that got him.
00:35:12 This is the push that will break the generational curse.
00:35:15 This is the push, I don't know who you are,
00:35:17 but I wanted to let you know that this is the push
00:35:20 that's gonna define your family.
00:35:22 This is the push that is gonna define
00:35:24 how you connect and how you engage this push.
00:35:29 Oh God, Adam and Eve are in the garden
00:35:36 with the serpent in Genesis.
00:35:40 Jesus is in the wilderness with Satan and Matthew.
00:35:45 From the outside looking in,
00:35:48 the scene probably looks the same.
00:35:50 But before Jesus could step into his call,
00:35:54 he had to fight a devil that wasn't even his own.
00:35:57 'Cause he had to let the devil know
00:36:01 that you cannot use the same trick on me
00:36:04 that you used on them.
00:36:06 I'm not gonna let you in my head.
00:36:08 Some of you are not even fighting your own devil.
00:36:11 Some of you are fighting the devil
00:36:13 of those who came before you.
00:36:15 But I hear God saying, "You had to fight 'em now
00:36:17 "so that when I released you,
00:36:19 "that devil would know as you took your first step
00:36:22 "that this is not the same kind of woman.
00:36:25 "This is not the same kind of man.
00:36:27 "I gotta use something different
00:36:29 "'cause I'm not gonna let the same thing
00:36:31 "that took them out."
00:36:33 It's not the same.
00:36:36 You can't step into destiny
00:36:41 until you pass the test
00:36:44 of defeating a devil that don't even belong to you.
00:36:48 You cannot step into destiny
00:36:50 until you pass the test of recognizing what this is.
00:36:55 This is not about you.
00:36:57 This is about devils that were here before you.
00:36:59 But baby, when they ran into you,
00:37:02 they ran into a prop.
00:37:04 (audience cheering)
00:37:07 Yeah.
00:37:08 When Satan,
00:37:11 when Satan ran up on Jesus,
00:37:14 Jesus was armed
00:37:18 'cause he already knew the devil's tricks.
00:37:20 He already knew he wanted in his hand.
00:37:23 He already knew he wanted him to stumble.
00:37:25 You better study that generational curse you wanna break.
00:37:29 If you don't study it,
00:37:30 you don't know where the openings are.
00:37:32 (audience cheering)
00:37:35 You know,
00:37:38 Jesus,
00:37:42 the good Jewish boy that he was,
00:37:47 understood what happened in the garden.
00:37:50 So before he could launch his ministry,
00:37:54 he had to defeat
00:37:58 the devil that was there
00:38:01 before he said yes.
00:38:04 Oh, God.
00:38:05 You right.
00:38:10 There have been devils waiting
00:38:13 for you to get in position.
00:38:16 You are right.
00:38:17 All hell is breaking loose.
00:38:19 I've been waiting for you to get here, said the devil.
00:38:23 But the devil didn't know I was waiting to get here too.
00:38:25 (audience cheering)
00:38:28 I was,
00:38:31 I was waiting to get here too.
00:38:35 I've been in my word.
00:38:37 I've been in my prayer.
00:38:39 I was,
00:38:44 I've been waiting for this.
00:38:46 'Cause the weapons of my warfare are not carnal,
00:38:50 but they are mighty.
00:38:51 I was waiting.
00:38:55 I fasted for this.
00:38:59 I prayed for this.
00:39:01 I was waiting on you.
00:39:03 I got a word before I got here,
00:39:06 that you were on the way.
00:39:07 (audience cheering)
00:39:10 (upbeat music)
00:39:13 I was,
00:39:29 I was waiting.
00:39:32 We almost done.
00:39:34 We gotta go.
00:39:40 Jesus was waiting on me.
00:39:41 I fasted for this.
00:39:44 I prayed for this.
00:39:46 I already know what you do,
00:39:49 but I already know who I am.
00:39:52 He didn't just run up on the devil.
00:39:56 He had the Holy Ghost.
00:39:57 How could the son of God
00:39:59 need the Holy Spirit to fall on him?
00:40:02 'Cause even the son of God
00:40:04 needed the spirit of God to fall on him.
00:40:07 Because the devil he had to fight
00:40:09 was gonna require everything he had
00:40:12 and things he didn't even know he had.
00:40:14 (audience cheering)
00:40:17 (upbeat music)
00:40:20 (audience cheering)
00:40:24 (audience cheering)
00:40:27 (upbeat music)
00:40:44 (audience cheering)
00:40:47 Okay.
00:40:59 So what we see
00:41:06 in this text
00:41:10 is the serpent
00:41:14 and the devil
00:41:15 and the devil
00:41:16 and Jesus
00:41:17 and Jesus
00:41:18 and Jesus
00:41:19 and Jesus
00:41:19 having an exchange of words.
00:41:21 having an exchange of words.
00:41:22 having an exchange of words.
00:41:23 having an exchange of words.
00:41:24 Unlike the woman
00:41:25 Unlike the woman
00:41:26 Unlike the woman
00:41:27 Unlike the woman
00:41:27 Unlike the woman
00:41:28 Unlike the woman
00:41:29 who tried to reason with the devil.
00:41:30 who tried to reason with the devil.
00:41:31 who tried to reason with the devil.
00:41:32 Jesus lets him talk his talk.
00:41:33 Jesus lets him talk his talk.
00:41:34 Jesus lets him talk his talk.
00:41:34 Jesus lets him talk his talk.
00:41:35 Jesus lets him talk his talk.
00:41:36 But every time he gave a word,
00:41:37 But every time he gave a word,
00:41:38 But every time he gave a word,
00:41:39 Jesus gave a better word.
00:41:39 Jesus gave a better word.
00:41:40 Jesus gave a better word.
00:41:41 Jesus gave a better word.
00:41:46 I hate to sound like a church mother
00:41:50 'cause I'm not there yet.
00:41:51 I got 20 more years 'til my church era.
00:41:54 But I'm telling you,
00:41:55 the most powerful thing about this book
00:41:58 is when you run out of words,
00:42:00 this book has a better word.
00:42:02 When you don't know what to say back to those thoughts,
00:42:05 this book has a better word.
00:42:08 It's one thing to hear a scripture,
00:42:10 it's another thing to proclaim a scripture
00:42:14 over your life.
00:42:15 It is the same power that raised Jesus from the grave
00:42:20 in between these pages.
00:42:22 So when I can't say nothing at all,
00:42:25 I get me a word.
00:42:27 I'm fearfully and wonderfully made.
00:42:34 No weapon formed against me will prosper.
00:42:38 I've never seen the righteous forsaken,
00:42:41 nor their seed begging for bread.
00:42:44 Though he slay me, yet shall I trust in him.
00:42:48 Who is the King of glory?
00:42:51 The Lord God strong and mighty.
00:42:54 (upbeat music)
00:42:57 (crowd cheering)
00:42:59 Okay, we about to take the roof off this place.
00:43:16 We about to take the roof off this place.
00:43:18 Somebody about to get in.
00:43:20 Jesus, okay.
00:43:23 Tell you this.
00:43:26 (crowd cheering)
00:43:28 The devil,
00:43:35 the devil tries three things.
00:43:42 I'm about to close, we going home.
00:43:43 He tries three things.
00:43:44 When trying to tempt Jesus,
00:43:49 he tries to exploit the area where he's hungry.
00:43:55 (crowd cheering)
00:43:57 He said, if you are the son of God,
00:44:01 turn this stone into bread.
00:44:04 You gotta know where you're hungry.
00:44:10 Your hunger is an opening.
00:44:17 Hungry for attention, that's an opening.
00:44:24 Hungry for affirmation, that's an opening.
00:44:28 The sin isn't being open.
00:44:31 The sin is not knowing where you are open
00:44:33 because if you don't know where you are open,
00:44:35 you may act from that openness.
00:44:37 Jesus doesn't say I'm not hungry.
00:44:41 He doesn't act like it's not there.
00:44:44 No, I am hungry, I am lonely.
00:44:45 I did think I'd have someone by now.
00:44:48 I did think that the business would have worked out.
00:44:50 I did think that I'd be in a better position.
00:44:52 I'm not gonna act like I'm not hungry.
00:44:54 But men shall not live by bread alone,
00:44:56 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
00:45:02 I don't have to pretend that I am not
00:45:04 in order to still be who I am.
00:45:06 I wish I could.
00:45:06 Next thing he does is he tries to tempt him
00:45:18 through his curiosity.
00:45:23 He says, throw yourself from this building
00:45:25 so that we can see whether or not the word is true
00:45:29 that his angels will uphold you.
00:45:31 Jesus says, it is written that I shall not tempt
00:45:39 the Lord thy God.
00:45:40 Your curiosity is not the place
00:45:47 for the random expenditure of your power.
00:45:50 (congregation cheering)
00:45:54 Oh God.
00:45:55 Jesus recognized that his power
00:46:01 was not to be used frivolously.
00:46:03 It was not for me to just throw out and throw around.
00:46:07 That's the problem with so many of us.
00:46:09 Our power has become so common
00:46:12 that it has no power at all now.
00:46:15 But when you recognize that your power has an assignment,
00:46:18 I can't just use these words to tear someone down
00:46:21 and build them up because I understand the power
00:46:24 of life and death is in my tongue.
00:46:26 I don't just use my power frivolously.
00:46:28 Can you make room for my anointing in this friendship?
00:46:32 Can you make room for who I'm called to be in God?
00:46:34 'Cause I can't have the random expenditure of my power.
00:46:44 Last thing that he tempts Jesus with is acceleration.
00:46:49 He says, if you bow down and worship me,
00:46:56 I'll give you all the kingdoms of the world.
00:47:00 He's gonna be the King of Kings.
00:47:04 So he's not really tempting him with something
00:47:07 that he won't already have access to.
00:47:12 What he is tempting him with is to accelerate the process
00:47:17 by skipping the pain.
00:47:21 What if I told you there is not an easier way out?
00:47:41 (congregation shouting)
00:47:44 It costs what it costs.
00:47:47 And if he has your name on it,
00:47:53 even if you are in pain,
00:47:57 it doesn't strip your name off of it.
00:47:59 Oh, I wish I could say that better.
00:48:02 Don't let acceleration tempt you into abusing your worship.
00:48:09 You see, he was engaging with Satan
00:48:13 and speaking a better word
00:48:15 until Satan tried to get him to abuse his worship.
00:48:19 It's one thing for me to abuse my power.
00:48:21 It is another thing for me to abuse my worship.
00:48:24 Where I start worshiping where I'm gonna be
00:48:27 instead of the God who's gonna be with me
00:48:29 every step of the way.
00:48:31 You can have a lot of things.
00:48:32 The enemy has stolen my time.
00:48:35 The enemy has stolen my thoughts.
00:48:37 The enemy has stolen my confidence.
00:48:39 The enemy has stolen my esteem.
00:48:41 But the one thing the enemy cannot have is my worship.
00:48:46 I used to worship my pain.
00:48:48 I used to worship my shame,
00:48:50 but everything changed in my life.
00:48:52 Where I said, I shall not worship anyone,
00:48:55 but the Lord, my God.
00:48:57 And he didn't just change his worship.
00:48:59 He used his power to rebuke the enemy.
00:49:02 It would be powerful if I rebuked him on your behalf,
00:49:06 but there is something more powerful
00:49:08 about you getting in control of your own life
00:49:11 and saying, get away from me, Satan.
00:49:14 I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
00:49:16 You cannot have my worship.
00:49:19 You cannot have my praise.
00:49:21 You cannot have my mind.
00:49:23 You cannot have my heart.
00:49:24 He had to push through.
00:49:35 He had to push through there.
00:49:37 To get it done, he had to push through
00:49:39 to make the difference.
00:49:40 But once he pushed through,
00:49:42 when he finally got down to the end,
00:49:44 the final push is the push that made all of the difference.
00:49:48 And Jesus said to him, away with you, Satan.
00:49:52 For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God
00:49:54 and him only you shall serve.
00:49:56 When he said, away with you, Satan,
00:49:58 my Bible tells me that the devil left him immediately.
00:50:03 You see, you've been talking to the devil for too long.
00:50:06 We already get what he's trying to do.
00:50:08 Yes, we get it.
00:50:09 Yes, you all big and bad.
00:50:11 Yes, we know you came to kill, steal and destroy.
00:50:14 Yes, I'm sitting at a funeral
00:50:16 for the life I thought I would have,
00:50:18 but I'm not gonna keep company with the devil.
00:50:20 Sleeping with the enemy was a movie, baby.
00:50:23 Sleeping with the enemy was a movie, baby.
00:50:25 (audience cheering)
00:50:28 The most, okay, we really gotta go.
00:50:42 The most powerful thing.
00:50:43 To me, the most powerful thing about this message
00:50:52 was that Jesus demonstrated for us
00:50:54 what it requires to push through.
00:50:58 That which stands in the way of us,
00:51:04 not just, I don't wanna say experiencing breakthrough,
00:51:07 but the pushes that will allow
00:51:13 for everything connected to us
00:51:18 that we see and cannot see.
00:51:22 God, help me to say this properly.
00:51:24 On the other side of this push, there were 12 disciples.
00:51:31 On the other side of this push,
00:51:35 there were 5,000 hungry people.
00:51:37 On the other side of this push,
00:51:39 I'm sorry, this is my word
00:51:41 'cause I'm one of those crazy people who believe
00:51:44 that on the other side of my push,
00:51:47 that there's a space that God has called me to occupy
00:51:50 that only I can occupy.
00:51:52 (audience cheering)
00:51:55 And we see Jesus pushing again similarly
00:51:59 at the Garden of Gethsemane because at that push,
00:52:02 he's headed towards the cross.
00:52:03 This is another pivotal push
00:52:05 because in this push, once he's on the cross
00:52:09 and he's resurrected, then the Holy Spirit comes.
00:52:13 And that Holy Spirit is now available to us.
00:52:19 I don't know who you are,
00:52:20 but I want you to understand that maybe, just maybe,
00:52:27 what you have been experiencing as resistance,
00:52:32 maybe that thing that you're trying to push away from
00:52:37 is actually the thing you need to confront.
00:52:40 And in pushing through this thing,
00:52:45 perhaps what you need to understand
00:52:48 is that it's not about you feeling strong when you push.
00:52:51 It's not about you feeling capable or able.
00:52:55 It's about you understanding
00:52:58 that when you open yourself up for the Spirit of God
00:53:02 to fall on you and in you,
00:53:06 that that resistance has an expiration date.
00:53:10 (audience cheering)
00:53:16 And it is important that you push through it
00:53:19 because once you recognize that you can push through hell
00:53:25 and come out on the other side,
00:53:27 hell cannot taunt you any longer.
00:53:30 I don't know what pushing looks like for you.
00:53:35 Maybe it is going to therapy.
00:53:39 Maybe it is taking care of your health.
00:53:41 I don't know what pushing is for you.
00:53:43 Maybe it is finally assessing that business
00:53:45 and determining what strategy needs to be in place.
00:53:48 I don't know what you need to push through,
00:53:51 but what I do know is this,
00:53:53 is that you cannot push without the wind of the Holy Ghost.
00:53:58 (audience cheering)
00:54:01 And as I prepare to send you out,
00:54:10 to push you out,
00:54:14 I want to give you 30 seconds
00:54:17 of reclaiming your worship.
00:54:23 30 seconds
00:54:26 of not allowing your trouble to be what you worship.
00:54:33 And I know you don't think you worship your trouble.
00:54:34 It's not like you're like, "Oh God, you know my,
00:54:37 "oh Lord, I thank you so much for my trouble,"
00:54:39 or trouble, trouble.
00:54:40 It's not that.
00:54:41 It's when you put your trouble,
00:54:44 your concern, your worry above what God can do.
00:54:48 Abusing your worship is when you spend more time
00:54:52 focusing on what's going wrong
00:54:55 than you do on who can make all things new.
00:54:57 You'll know it's,
00:54:58 you'll know you're abusing your worship
00:55:01 when your focus is shifted more towards
00:55:03 what's happening on this level
00:55:05 than trusting that God is working it out on this level.
00:55:12 I don't know who you are in this room,
00:55:14 but if you have been restricted by fear,
00:55:18 you have been traumatized by your past.
00:55:23 You cannot see beyond
00:55:27 the generational devils in your family.
00:55:31 Maybe you're spending too much time focusing on it,
00:55:38 so much so that it has created a throne in your life.
00:55:42 And when fear says you can't, you don't.
00:55:46 And when shame says you won't, you don't.
00:55:51 The thoughts that keep you from creating,
00:55:57 the thoughts that keep you from innovating,
00:55:59 the thoughts that are keeping you from healing,
00:56:01 thinking that it's too late,
00:56:04 thinking that it doesn't matter,
00:56:08 if you are obedient to those things,
00:56:11 you cannot be obedient to God too.
00:56:13 And we don't know what the outcome will be,
00:56:18 but we can know who our God is.
00:56:20 And I just wanna offer somebody
00:56:22 who's been in this whirlwind of
00:56:24 worshiping negative thoughts,
00:56:28 worshiping thoughts that the enemy has planted,
00:56:32 worshiping shame and regret,
00:56:34 worshiping inadequacy, worshiping doubt,
00:56:37 so much so that you are paralyzed and cannot move.
00:56:40 I just want you to begin
00:56:44 lifting your heart towards the Lord.
00:56:46 Some of you
00:56:51 may not even know what that looks like,
00:56:56 but it can be as simple as,
00:57:00 God, I need you.
00:57:03 God is so good
00:57:07 that you can say stuff like,
00:57:09 God, if,
00:57:10 you don't even have to be sure.
00:57:13 You don't even have to be sure.
00:57:15 God, if,
00:57:17 if you see me, if you hear me,
00:57:20 God says, I'll meet you right where you are.
00:57:23 Seek and you will find.
00:57:26 Knock and I'll answer.
00:57:29 You can knock and not be sure that he's even in the room,
00:57:32 but because you finally came to a place
00:57:35 where you're seeking, God says,
00:57:36 I'll show you where I am in the midst of it all.
00:57:39 God, I need you.
00:57:40 God, I worship you.
00:57:41 God, God, I do believe you are the creator of all things.
00:57:45 I just don't know what you're creating out of this.
00:57:47 God, I do believe that you are able to do
00:57:49 exceedingly and abundantly.
00:57:51 God, I believe, I believe that you are a miracle worker.
00:57:54 God, I believe that you are a way maker.
00:57:56 God, I believe that you are the great I am.
00:57:58 God, I'm sorry that I've been putting other gods before you.
00:58:01 God, I'm sorry that I've been worshiping this circumstance.
00:58:04 God, it hurt me.
00:58:06 I ain't gonna lie.
00:58:07 God, I don't feel attached to you the way that I once did.
00:58:09 I'm afraid that you'll hurt me
00:58:11 by not giving me the thing that I need.
00:58:13 God, I'm afraid that if I actually come into alignment,
00:58:16 that you'll ask me for something
00:58:18 that I don't feel qualified to give,
00:58:20 but I wanna be securely attached again.
00:58:23 I wanna trust you in every season.
00:58:25 I wanna trust you when you say yes.
00:58:27 I wanna trust you when you say no.
00:58:29 I wanna trust you when the door is open.
00:58:31 I wanna trust you when the door is closed.
00:58:33 I wanna trust that my days ahead
00:58:36 are greater than the days that are behind.
00:58:38 God, I wanna trust that if they walked away,
00:58:40 I didn't need 'em.
00:58:41 God, I wanna trust that you can do something
00:58:43 with these broken pieces.
00:58:44 God, I wanna trust that whether in marriage works
00:58:47 or doesn't work,
00:58:48 that you're never gonna leave me and not forsake me.
00:58:50 God, I'm gonna trust that you'll be with me in the fire.
00:58:53 God, I'm gonna trust that cancer is not the end.
00:58:55 God, I'm gonna trust that you'll use me
00:58:58 anywhere you place me.
00:58:59 I've gotta trust that if I make a difference at this job,
00:59:02 that it'll make a difference
00:59:03 for someone else coming up behind me.
00:59:05 God, I trust that you're gonna give strength to my body.
00:59:08 I trust that this thing is not gonna take me out.
00:59:11 I trust that cancer's gonna have to flee.
00:59:14 I trust that generational curses are gonna break.
00:59:17 I trust that the weight of glory that's on my shoulder
00:59:20 is not gonna dry up here.
00:59:22 I don't know who you are,
00:59:24 but I hear God saying,
00:59:25 you're not gonna dry up here.
00:59:27 You've been through too much.
00:59:29 If you were gonna dry up, I would've took you up.
00:59:32 But if you are still here,
00:59:34 I still got wind to blow in your lungs.
00:59:37 I still got wind.
00:59:41 Still got wind to blow in your lungs.
00:59:46 So Holy Spirit,
00:59:51 we welcome you
00:59:55 into this place, God.
00:59:59 Healer is only you can tell.
01:00:02 You know every broken area.
01:00:04 You know where the pain is.
01:00:05 I wanna hear the sound of worship in this place.
01:00:09 We getting ready to go.
01:00:10 (congregation chattering)
01:00:13 (upbeat music)
01:00:16 (congregation chattering)
01:00:19 (singing in foreign language)
01:00:44 (singing in foreign language)
01:00:48 (singing in foreign language)
01:00:52 (singing in foreign language)
01:00:56 (singing in foreign language)
01:01:00 (singing in foreign language)
01:01:08 (singing in foreign language)
01:01:16 (singing in foreign language)
01:01:25 (singing in foreign language)
01:01:29 (singing in foreign language)
01:01:35 (singing in foreign language)
01:01:42 (singing in foreign language)
01:01:51 (singing in foreign language)
01:01:55 (singing in foreign language)
01:02:01 (singing in foreign language)
01:02:08 (singing in foreign language)
01:02:17 (singing in foreign language)
01:02:21 - This may be the hardest push you've ever had.
01:02:39 To push through what stopped,
01:02:45 the generations before you.
01:02:47 It's not gonna be easy.
01:02:51 But like Jesus,
01:02:54 fasted and prayed,
01:02:56 and had a better word,
01:03:00 you got that access too.
01:03:03 That's the whole reason he did it.
01:03:06 So that a door could be opened
01:03:07 that could never be closed again.
01:03:10 He is as close
01:03:14 as the very mention of his name.
01:03:17 So we call you Jesus.
01:03:20 We call you savior.
01:03:24 We call you redeemer.
01:03:28 Holy spirit, seal this word as only you can do.
01:03:33 Help us to
01:03:36 attach to you again
01:03:41 in a way that gives us power for the push,
01:03:45 hope for the journey,
01:03:47 and peace for this season.
01:03:50 God, I pray that your spirit would follow them
01:03:55 out of this place,
01:03:56 that they would feel different from the inside out,
01:04:02 and that they would not be surprised
01:04:05 when the enemy comes to uproot this word,
01:04:09 but instead their worship would be a seal
01:04:12 that pushes him away.
01:04:15 The last part of this text
01:04:19 tells me in the last verse, I think it's 11,
01:04:25 that after Satan departed,
01:04:27 that angels came and ministered to Jesus.
01:04:32 We make it seem like Jesus did it with ease,
01:04:38 but even when he got finished pushing,
01:04:41 angels had to come and serve him
01:04:45 because it did take something from him.
01:04:48 I wanna speak to someone
01:04:51 who's at the end of their push.
01:04:56 Pushing is not the end.
01:04:58 God will restore
01:05:00 the energy you expended in pushing.
01:05:07 I hear God saying
01:05:09 that I got angels on the other side of this thing
01:05:13 waiting to restore everything that it took out of you
01:05:17 to stand up to that devil in front of you.
01:05:19 I got angels on standby.
01:05:21 I got angels flapping their wings.
01:05:23 If you push through this,
01:05:25 I couldn't send them while you was pushing
01:05:27 'cause the push was about you,
01:05:29 but when you get finished pushing,
01:05:31 I got angels on standby.
01:05:33 Heaven dispatch your angels.
01:05:35 I feel like somebody just got their final push.
01:05:38 Heaven dispatch your angels.
01:05:40 I feel like someone just pushed for the last time.
01:05:43 Heaven dispatch your angels.
01:05:45 Somebody's walking out of this place.
01:05:47 You've been in a wilderness season,
01:05:49 but I hear God saying
01:05:51 that when you survive the wilderness,
01:05:53 that I got angels ready to follow you.
01:05:56 I got disciples ready to support you,
01:05:59 and I got a people who understand who you are.
01:06:03 (upbeat music)
01:06:06 (upbeat music)
01:06:08 (upbeat music)
01:06:11 (upbeat music)
01:06:13 (upbeat music)
01:06:16 [BLANK_AUDIO]
