الحوسبة السحابية تضغط على أسهم Microsoft.. ولكن تدعم إيرادات Alphabet!

  • last year


00:00 Despite the rise in Microsoft's revenue, what has put pressure on the share price performance after the results were released?
00:07 And what about the results of Alphabet for the second quarter of 2023?
00:13 Let's start with Microsoft.
00:16 We see that its revenues rose 8% annually to $56.19 billion.
00:24 And if we look at the profit of the share, we see that it exceeded expectations at $2.69 billion.
00:33 As for the cloud platform of Microsoft, Azure,
00:38 we see that its revenues rose 26% annually and exceeded expectations at about 25%.
00:49 But we note that these revenues were reduced by a quarter to 1%.
00:56 This put pressure on Microsoft's share price performance.
00:59 After the results were released, we notice that the share price decreased by about 4%.
01:04 But after the closure, it usually rose above 1%.
01:08 Moving on to Alphabet's share price and Alphabet's company's results.
01:12 After the results were released, we notice that Alphabet's share price rose 7%.
01:19 And the main support for Alphabet's positive financial results was specifically Google Cloud services.
01:29 If we look at the revenues, we notice that in the second quarter of the year,
01:34 it rose 7% to $74.6 billion annually.
01:40 Google Cloud services made a profit of $395 million.
01:48 This positively affected Alphabet's financial results and its performance after the results were released.
01:56 The question remains, how will the financial results of the largest technology companies be in the coming period?
