Imran Khan or Bushra Bibi ki darkhuwastayn mustarid!

  • last year
Imran Khan or Bushra Bibi ki darkhuwastayn mustarid!
00:00 And here you have the important news, nine incidents against Chairman PTI,
00:03 conspiracy and other cases.
00:05 Six cases of Chairman PTI,
00:07 requests of the second court to be transferred have been denied.
00:10 Hussain Ahmed Chaudhry, our representative will inform us about this.
00:13 Tell us Hussain.
00:14 The Chief Justice of the Samband High Court has issued a general decision.
00:19 Six cases of 9 May incidents and conspiracy have been dismissed.
00:23 And the requests to transfer the cases of Chairman PTI and Bushra Bibi
00:26 which have been generally presented have been denied.
00:29 In the case of security threats,
00:31 the Chief Commissioner of Chairman PTI has been instructed to withdraw.
00:35 And in the additional session,
00:36 the cases of Judge Tahir Abbas Zibra,
00:38 the second court has been requested to be transferred.
00:41 The court has written that every case has its own merits,
00:44 and the decision is based on them.
00:46 And the cases on the basis of the reasons mentioned,
00:48 the second court has not denied the transfer.
00:50 The Samband High Court has said that
00:52 the Chief Commissioner can be requested to change the court.
00:55 The Chief Justice of the Samband High Court, Amir Farooq,
00:58 has issued a general decision on the requests of Chairman PTI and Bushra Bibi.
01:03 Thank you.
