Netflix Offers $900K AI Manager Position Amid Hollywood Strike

  • last year
As Hollywood actors and writers’ unions continue their strike, job postings at companies like Disney and Netflix reveal a significant embrace of the technology.

In a recent job posting, Netflix offered about $900,000 for a single AI product manager job role, reported The Intercept.

AI Investments and Strikes: Actor Rob Delaney criticized the industry’s spending on AI while neglecting actor wages. “So $900k/yr per soldier in their godless AI army when that amount of earnings could qualify thirty-five actors and their families for SAG-AFTRA health insurance is just ghoulish,” he said.

“Having been poor and rich in this business, I can assure you there's enough money to go around; it's just about priorities,” he added.

Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, the chief negotiator for the actors' union, SAG-AFTRA, echoed these sentiments, expressing concern over the manipulation of actors’ scanned likenesses by A.I. without adequate compensation.
