Biden Announces Plan To Provide Relief From Extreme Heat

  • last year
With heat waves spreading across the United States, President Joe Biden unveiled new steps Thursday to protect workers, improve weather forecasts and make drinking water more accessible.
00:00 Today, I'm announcing additional steps
00:02 to help states and cities deal
00:03 with the consequences of extreme heat.
00:05 First, I've asked Acting Labor Secretary Julie Suh
00:09 to issue a heat hazard alert.
00:10 It clarifies that workers have a federal heat-related --
00:15 have federal heat-related protections.
00:16 We should be protecting workers from hazardous conditions,
00:20 and we will.
00:21 And those states where they do not,
00:23 I'm going to be calling them out,
00:24 where they refuse to protect these workers.
00:28 But our MAGIE extremists, Congress,
00:30 are trying to undo all this progress.
00:32 Not a single one of them -- not a single Republican voted --
00:36 voted for the Inflation Reduction Act,
00:39 which had all this money for climate,
00:41 which provides funding to combat climate change.
00:44 And now many of them are trying to repeal those provisions.
00:48 We're not going to let that happen.
00:50 Part of the reason we're here today is to get word out
00:53 so state and local governments know these resources
00:56 are available and uses them. We want the American people
00:59 to know help is here,
01:01 and we're going to make it available to anyone who needs it.
