How Cassadee Pope's Boyfriend of 5 Years Sam Palladio Inspired Her New Song: "I Wanted It to Be a Little Naughty"

  • last year
Cassadee Pope’s latest single ‘Almost There’ is out now


00:00 I'm so excited today to be joined by Cassidy Pope,
00:02 whose new single "Almost There" is out now.
00:05 ♪ All my hair is show you care ♪
00:10 ♪ I'm almost there ♪
00:13 I'm gonna ask you five questions.
00:14 For question number one, you'll give me one answer.
00:16 Question number two, you'll give me two answers,
00:17 and so on and so forth.
00:19 Let's do this.
00:20 I've been jamming out to your new song "Almost There."
00:23 Give me one of many things that inspired it.
00:25 - "Almost There" was written because I am in
00:28 a very loving, very respectful relationship.
00:32 We've been together for about five and a half years,
00:34 and I wanted to write a love song,
00:36 but I also wanted it to be a little naughty
00:39 and a little edgy.
00:41 So I came up with this idea to kind of
00:44 give a love song a dark edge,
00:45 and I'm really proud of being able to strike that balance.
00:48 - Who were you the most nervous to play for?
00:51 - Probably my mom.
00:52 It's a little bit risque,
00:54 so I was very, very excited that my mom was like,
00:57 "Okay, yeah, that's a lot."
00:59 But I love the song,
01:00 and I think people are gonna love it too.
01:02 - Now fans know that you have a pop punk princess side,
01:05 and then you also have a country girly side.
01:07 So I'd love to know,
01:08 what are two contrasting qualities or interests
01:10 that you have in your life?
01:12 - I've grown up going to a rural town in Pennsylvania
01:16 called Vandergrift.
01:17 So I grew up with that sense of Southern living
01:21 with like someone making moonshine down the road
01:23 and going down to the creek, as they call it,
01:26 not creek, dirt track races every weekend.
01:29 And then I have the kind of city life,
01:31 which I feel like can be a bit more
01:33 on the pop punk side of things.
01:35 Going to pop punk shows in West Palm Beach, Florida,
01:38 growing up, experiencing that environment
01:41 made me who I am today.
01:43 - Now, back in May,
01:44 you joined other alums of "The Voice"
01:46 to surprise Blake Shelton for his final episode.
01:48 You were of course on Team Blake
01:50 when you won your season in 2012.
01:52 How did it feel to be back on stage?
01:54 - It was surreal.
01:55 I just was completely transported back
01:58 to when I was on the show.
01:59 It was so cool to be back with a new perspective.
02:03 I was equally as nervous for, I don't know why,
02:06 'cause I wasn't competing,
02:08 but I also was just excited to see Blake
02:11 and to just give him a great send off
02:13 and hope that he appreciated us, you know,
02:15 being there to pay homage to everything he's done
02:17 for everyone that's ever been on the show.
02:19 - Other than Blake, what are two artists
02:22 that you think have had an impact on you
02:23 as a person and as a musician?
02:25 - Well, I'm actually wearing their T-shirt,
02:27 but Blink-182 is a massive influence on me.
02:31 And I was definitely influenced by Avril Lavigne growing up.
02:35 She went against the grain
02:36 and was the skater girl that I always admired.
02:39 And she is still at it.
02:41 She's still killing it.
02:42 So continues to be an inspiration for me.
02:45 - Your career kicked off 15 years ago.
02:47 What are three ways you've seen the music industry change?
02:50 - Obviously now we have TikTok,
02:52 which I have come to really see as a tool.
02:56 Before, it was mostly just getting on tour,
02:58 riding it out on the road.
02:59 But since then, maybe you get your start on social media
03:03 and then you go on tour.
03:04 I also feel like there's a lot more ways
03:06 to connect with your fans.
03:08 Social media and just technology in general
03:10 has made the music industry a bit easier to navigate,
03:14 but at the same time, there's a lot more to keep track of.
03:18 - Looking back, what are four pieces of life advice
03:20 that you'd give your younger self?
03:22 - Go with your gut.
03:23 I think there have been a lot of times in my career
03:25 where I've felt like I'm too young
03:27 to know what I'm talking about.
03:28 This person's been in it longer.
03:30 They must know that I should do X, Y, and Z.
03:32 When it kind of went against everything my body was telling
03:34 me that I should do, go to therapy sooner.
03:38 Especially for artists and creatives,
03:40 we have so much that we deal with on a daily basis,
03:43 but I think everybody on the planet would benefit
03:46 from therapy, especially if you're a musician.
03:49 Be easy on yourself.
03:51 I think being perfectionist can really take its toll on me
03:54 and soak it all up.
03:56 I was 18 when I got my first major record deal
04:00 and I went on tour with Fall Out Boy
04:01 and went all over the world on tour
04:03 with my old band, Hey Monday,
04:04 and I might've just been focusing on the wrong things.
04:07 Do I look okay?
04:08 Am I saying the right things instead of just having fun
04:11 and just enjoying it?
04:13 - And finally, can you give us five words
04:15 to describe Cassidy Pope in this particular chapter?
04:18 - Driven, fearless, honest, authentic, and excited.
04:23 (bell dings)
04:24 ♪ Who says love was meant to be so innocent ♪
04:29 - Cassidy, thank you so much for joining me today.
04:34 Everyone, be sure to stream "Almost There"
04:36 anywhere you get music.
