Breaking News_ Michael Is Behind Carson’s Disappearance But It Backfires Young a

  • last year
Breaking News_ Michael Is Behind Carson’s Disappearance But It Backfires Young a
00:00 In The Young and the Restless, Michael finds himself entangled in a web of legal drama
00:04 involving his friend, Phyllis.
00:06 The reformed ex-con with a few skeletons in his closet has paid his dues and vowed to
00:12 walk the straight and narrow.
00:14 Nonetheless, when Phyllis needed help with her case, Michael couldn't resist coming
00:18 to her aid.
00:20 After all, friendship runs deep, and he genuinely wanted to lend a helping hand.
00:25 But Michael isn't about to risk his hard-earned redemption for anyone, not even for Phyllis,
00:31 whom he cares deeply for.
00:33 He's not blind to her cunning ways, and he knows she's spinning a tale that could lead
00:37 both of them straight into legal trouble.
00:41 Prejury is a dangerous game, my friends, and neither Michael nor Phyllis wants a date with
00:46 the law.
00:47 So, what's a clever lawyer to do?
00:50 Michael devised a plan that threads the line between honesty and strategy.
00:55 Step 1.
00:56 Drop Phyllis as a client.
00:58 Ouch, I know.
01:00 He simply couldn't support her web of lies, so he passed her case over to Heather, who
01:05 seems to have a knack for believing everything Phyllis says.
01:09 Good luck, Heather, you'll need it.
01:11 Step 2.
01:12 Make Carson, the criminal willing to lie about Phyllis' alleged conspiracy and murder, vanish
01:17 into thin air.
01:18 Poof, he's gone.
01:20 Now, you might wonder why Michael would do such a thing.
01:23 Well, it's all about the art of courtroom drama.
01:27 Having Carson testify would only make Phyllis' case worse.
01:32 If he's proven to be a liar, Phyllis will look even guiltier by association.
01:37 It will only drag everyone down who is involved with the case.
01:42 With Carson out of the picture, Heather will have to defend Phyllis based on actual, real,
01:47 honest facts, like all lawyers and defense lawyers do.
01:51 At least there's some truth to cling in the courtroom, and if Phyllis does win in some
01:55 way, she won't have to worry about having to keep another secret again.
02:00 She will have a fresh start for her to screw all over again.
02:04 Michael may believe that if he doesn't let Phyllis get crafty and Heather find ways to
02:08 legally save Phyllis, the redhead will not learn anything, and there will only be a 50/50
02:13 chance.
02:14 Which, if it goes awry, will be the end for both attorney and the criminal.
02:20 So, could Michael really be playing underhanded tactics to help Phyllis while also maintaining
02:24 distance to keep his hands clean?
02:27 Let us know what you think in the comments and make sure to hit the subscribe button
02:31 for further updates.
02:32 (air whooshing)
