Full CBS New B&B Thursday, 7_27_2023 The Bold and The Beautiful Episode (July 27

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Full CBS New B&B Thursday, 7_27_2023 The Bold and The Beautiful Episode (July 27
00:00 CBS, The Bold and the Beautiful revealed that Steffi's nanny is leaving her job, so she
00:12 will need a new nanny.
00:13 Finn and Steffi's work is quite busy, so they need a nanny to take care of their two children.
00:17 Finn would probably contact the agency to find a nanny that would be a good fit for
00:20 her family, but Finn offers to invite Sheila to be his nanny.
00:24 Anyway, Sheila's just got out of prison and doesn't have a job yet, so Finn wants to help
00:27 Sheila.
00:28 But, Steffi went crazy with this suggestion.
00:30 She didn't understand what was on Finn's mind and wanted to bring Sheila back to live in
00:33 his house.
00:34 Did Finn forget that Sheila was a murderer?
00:36 She caused countless misfortunes to their small family.
00:39 Steffi wants to avoid Sheila all the time, and Finn wants to bring Sheila home.
00:43 Steffi thought Finn was mentally ill to make such a ridiculous suggestion.
00:47 Steffi of course would never agree.
00:48 Finn argues that Sheila would never harm Hayes.
00:50 Finn has his own mind.
00:52 Sheila loves Hayes very much, so she will definitely protect him well.
00:55 Also, if they kept Sheila around, wouldn't it be easier to observe her?
00:58 Finn thinks that's the best way to keep Hayes safe and also control Sheila more carefully.
01:02 But as for Steffi, she doesn't want to have anything to do with Sheila.
01:05 Sheila's too dangerous and unpredictable, so it's best to stay away from her.
01:08 Sheila also never allowed Sheila to see Hayes again, even warning Finn not to have anything
01:12 to do with Sheila again or she would not forgive him.
01:14 Steffi and Finn argued vehemently.
01:15 I don't know how many times they've argued over Sheila again.
01:18 Finn finally gave in to Steffi.
01:20 He can understand Steffi's worries, so he won't argue with her anymore.
01:24 Elsewhere, Carter decided to buy a new apartment.
01:26 He already has more important things on his side, so he wants to cherish that.
01:30 Carter wants to take Katie and Will back to live together.
01:32 Carter and Katie have identified a romantic relationship, and Carter is completely serious
01:36 about this relationship.
01:38 He hoped Katie and Will could move in with him so he could take care of them.
01:41 Carter's old house was quite small, so he was afraid that mother and daughter would
01:45 not be comfortable.
01:46 Carter's willingness to prepare a larger space for Katie and Will proves how much he loves
01:50 the two of them.
01:51 This made Bill feel anxious.
01:52 He didn't expect Carter to love Katie, but also to think about Will.
01:55 He even held out hope of reconnecting with Katie.
01:57 But if Carter had done all this, I'm afraid Bill wouldn't stand a chance.
02:01 Bill's afraid he will lose Katie and Will forever.
02:03 What will Bill do to change the situation right now?
02:06 [MUSIC]
