MAGICAL Stingray Makes Spectacular Leap!

  • last year
What an amazing sight!

SWNS / Collab
00:00 Oh my god!
00:02 That's so cool!
00:04 A stingray!
00:08 Oh my god!
00:10 Oh my god! That is so cool!
00:12 Wow!
00:16 You see it, mom?
00:20 Where is it? Oh my god!
00:24 That's so cool!
00:26 He's waving!
00:28 Oh my god!
00:30 Ready, go!
00:34 Wow!
00:36 That is so neat!
00:38 Oh my god!
00:42 He's huge!
00:44 Oh my god!
00:46 Oh my god!
00:50 That's so cool!
00:52 Oh my god!
00:56 That's so fun!
00:58 Oh my god!
01:00 I got all that on video too!
01:02 I got it on video!
01:04 That is so cool!
01:08 Fighting?
01:12 Maybe that's like a territorial thing.
01:14 Hold on, Sally!
01:18 Oh my gosh!
01:24 That's so cool!
01:26 [Music]
01:28 [Music]
01:30 [Music]
01:32 (upbeat music)
01:34 (music fades)
